Before you begin, you will need to have a copy of KPG-49D and programming cable
available to program the mobile radio. Also, you will need a copy of the Pyramid 2012
programming software and FY-1 programming cable to program the 2012.
** In older versions of Pyramid Communications 2016 and 2012 units, you will need to
replace the PTT transistor with a standard NPN (2N4401) transistor. Without this
modification, you will experience no transmit audio out of the Kenwood 80 Series
version-2 radios. (2012 PTT transistor Q2, 2016 PTT transistor Q3)
Programming the Pyramid 2012/Merlin
The mobile data terminal needs to be programmed to accommodate the polarities of
signal that the Kenwood mobile will provide it.
If you have not already done so, install the programming software on to your PC by
following the instructions in the 2012/Merlin service manual.
Start running the Pyramid 2012/Merlin programming software on your PC. From the
Data pull down menu, under the System Data screen, program the unit as shown the
figure below.
¦ ¦
Vehicle # and Base # will
vary with your application.
Console needs to
match programming the
2016 Console Software.
From the Data pull down menu, select your Data Format in the Format Screen. There
are three signaling format choices. Chose the format to fit your application.
More programming instructions are available in the 2012/Merlin Service Manual.
¦ Vehicle #: 100 (000-999) ¦
¦ Base #: 1 (1-4) ¦
¦ ¦
¦ PTT Delay: 0.5 S (.1-2.5) ¦
¦ Retries: 3 (0-9) ¦
¦ ¦
¦ Trunking mobile Yes ¦
¦ Sequential Status No ¦
¦ ANI on mobile PTT No ¦
¦ Enable Time Stamp No ¦
¦ ¦
¦ COR Polarity High ¦
¦ On Air Polarity High ¦
¦ I/O Pin 9 Output Ch Cng ¦
¦ Method Cont. ¦
¦ ¦
Set COR and On Air
Set I/O Pin 9 to Channel
Change, Method Continuous
Programming the Kenwood TK-x80 Series Mobile
Program Com 2 as AUX Hoot/PTT
Ext. PTT /w Mic Mute = Yes
Data TX w/ QT/DQT = Yes
ARQ Mode = Disable
To begin programming your TK-x80 series mobile for use with the Pyramid
Communications Model 2012/Merlin mobile data system, you will need to first create a
new profile using your KPG-49D programming software.
Radio Format
When programming the radio select trunking or conventional, make sure that you set the
Radio Format correctly upon creation of your new profile. See figure below.
Select Trunking
or Conventional
Programming Optional Features
From the Edit pull down menu, select Optional Features. Depending on your
application, most of the parameters in the Optional Feature menu will be left at default.
Although this may be the case, in order to enable a data terminal interface you must
program Com 2 (Internal Port) as AUX Hook/PTT. This enables the external PTT from
the data terminal. See the figure below for more information.
While in the Optional Features screen, select Extended Function. Set as follows:
¦ Optional Features ¦
¦ System Name Text Size : [Off] ¦ T.O.T(Dispatch) : [ 60]s ¦
¦ Sub LCD Display : [None ] ¦ T.O.T(TEL) : [180]s ¦
¦ Conv. Busy LED : [Off] ¦ TX Inhibit Time : [5.0]s ¦
¦ Display Character : [Group Name] ¦ Transpond Delay Time : [ 3]s ¦
¦ Off Hook Decode : [Disable] ¦ System Search : [None ] ¦
¦ Off Hook Horn Alert : [Disable] ¦ Clear to Talk : [Yes] ¦
¦ Horn Alert Time : [ 4]s ¦ Free System Ring Back : [No ] ¦
¦ Radio Password : [ ] ¦ Battery Warning : [ -------] ¦
¦ Data Password : [ ] ¦ Timed Power Off : [Off] ¦
¦ Power On Text : [ ] ¦ Tone Feat ure... ¦
¦ Signalling : [OR ] ¦ ID... ¦
¦ Sel. Call Alert LED : [Yes] ¦ PTT Release Tone... ¦
¦ Encode Data Type : [Invert] ¦ Logic Signal... ¦
¦ Com 0(Mic. Jack) : [None ] ¦ Mode... ¦
¦ Com 1(Internal Port) : [None ] ¦ Emergency... ¦
¦ Com 2(Internal Port) : [Aux Hook/PTT] ¦ Extended Function... ¦
¦ Radio Format ¦
¦ 1. Conventional ¦
¦ 2. Trunking ¦
¦ Extended Function ¦
¦ Ext. PTT w/ Mic Mute : [Yes] ¦
¦ Data TX w/ QT/DQT : [Yes] ¦
¦ ARQ Mode : [Disable] ¦
Programming the Logic Signalling
Type to Active Hi
Signal to TOR
be set to None
voice and data. Data group must be last in list.
From the Optional Features screen, use your cursor to select Logic Signalling. In order
for the radio to provide proper signaling polarities to the 2012/Merlin and 2016 data
terminal interface on the KCT-19, it is necessary to program the Logic Signalling I/O as
shown in the figure below.
+---------------------------------------- +
¦ Logic Signal ¦
Set Squelch Logic
¦---------------------------------------- ¦
¦ Squelch Logic Type : [Active Hi ] ¦
¦ Squelch Logic Signal : [TOR] ¦
Set Squelch Logic
¦ Access Logic Type : [Active Low ] ¦
¦ Access Logic Signal : [Continuous] ¦
¦ Horn Alert Logic Signal : [Continuous] ¦
+---------------------------------------- +
Programming the Talk Group information for a 2012/Merlin MDT
When using the TK-x80 series radio in mobile operation along with a Pyramid
2012/Merlin, it is desirable to use a separate talk group for data aside from voice
communication. In order to do this, it is necessary to add a talk group for data to the
system. The figure below depicts a typical talk group configuration.
+------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +
¦ System No. : 1 Trunking Mode ¦
¦------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ¦
¦ Grp Option ¦
¦ Grp EncID DecID Grp-Name Call Pwr Transpond LOut Signal TA ¦
¦ 1 150 150 Voice Chan No *** No No None No ¦
¦ 2 151 151 Data Chan No *** No No None No ¦
¦ 3 ¦
¦ 4 ¦
¦ 5 ¦
¦ 6 ¦
¦ 7 ¦
¦ 8 ¦
¦ 9 ¦
¦ 10 ¦
+--------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------+
Separate Talk Group ID codes are used for
Option Signal should
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