Kenmore 36315479000, 36315472000, 36315171000 Owner’s Manual

Automatic Dishwasher
Use & Care Guide
Lavadora de Platos Autom&tica
Gui"a para el Uso y Cuidado
Models, Modelos 15472, 15479
(SR5575) 060 JR
Printed in U.S.A.
Sears, Roebuck and Co.,
Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A.
Safety Instructions
Important Safety Instructions ...... 3
Grounding instructions .......... 3
Care and Maintenance
What Your Dishwasher Needs ..... 5
Special Tips on Dishwasher Use ...6
User Maintenance Instructions ...!3
Parts of Your Dishwasher ........ 4
Operating Instructions ......... 7-9
Detergent Dispenser ........... 10
Rinse Agent Dispenser ......... 10
Proper Loading .............. 11, 12
Problems and Solutions ...... 15-18
Customer Service
Model/Serial Number Location ..... 2
Color Panels .................. 14
Warranty .................... 20
For your convenience and future
reference, please write down your
model and serial numbers in the space
provided. The model number of your
automatic dishwasher is found on the
serial plate fastened to the tub wall just
inside the dishwasher door.
© Sears Roebuck and Co.
Read all instructions before using your
= Only use detergents and rinse agents
recommended for use in a dishwasher.
° Store detergents and rinse agents in a
cool dry place out of children's reach.
o Do not tamper with controls°
o Do not operate dishwasher unless all
enclosure panels are properly in place.
° Always disconnect electrical power to
dishwasher before attempting to service
it. We recommend having a qualified
technician service your appliance.
° Remember, use dishwasher for its
intended purpose only.
Do not wash plastic items unless marked
"Dishwasher Safe" or equivalent. If
unmarked, check manufacturer's
This dishwasher must be properly
installed in accordance with the
Installation Instructions before it is
Grounding instructions
o Connect to a properly rated, protected
and sized power-supply circuit to avoid
electrical overload.
° This appliance must be connected to
a grounded metal, permanent wiring
system; or an equipment-grounding
conductor must be run with the circuit
conductors and connected to the
equipment-grounding terminal or lead
of the appliance.
The improper connection of the
equipment-grounding conductor can
result in a risk of electric shock. Check
with a qualified electrician or service
representative if you are in doubt whether
the appliance is properly grounded°
° To avoid risk of electrical shock,
the dishwasher must be electrically
grounded before it is operated.
o If you did not receive Installation
Instructions with your dishwasher, you
can get a copy by contacting your Sears
Service Center.
= Do not touch heating element during
or immediately after use. Allow time to
° Load sharp or pointed tableware with
handles up (points down) to avoid injury
when reaching into dishwasher.
° Load sharp items and knives so they
aren't likely to damage door seal.
° Do not sit or stand on or abuse
dishwasher door or dishracks.
° Do not allow children to play in or on
° When discarding old dishwasher,
be sure to remove door to prevent
accidental entrapment.
° Do not install the dishwasher on
carpeted floor.
Under certain conditions, hydrogen gas
may build up in a hot water system that
has not been used for two weeks or
To prevent injury or damage, before using
dishwasher, turn on all hot water faucets
and allow water to run for several
minutes. This wilt allow gases to escape.
As the gas is flammable, do not smoke
or use an open flame or appliance near
faucets while they are open.
NOTE: Do not store or use combustible
materials, gasoline or other flammable
vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this
or any other appliance_
NOTE: Appearance will vary according to the model number.
Upper rack
Lower spray arm
Heating unit
spray arm
-- Wash tower
Lower rack
Right Side View
Door batch
Control panel ------
Door panel -,
Bottom panel
_M_t_ _
Inner Door
Rinse agent Detergent
dispenser dispensers
Front View
Hot Water
To get dishes clean and dry you need
hot water. To help you get water of the
proper temperature, your dishwasher
automatically heats the water in the wash
cycle, Higher water temperature is
needed to dissolve grease and activate
powder detergents. For good washing
and drying, the entering water must be at
least t20°F. To prevent dish damage, inlet
water should not exceed 150°F.
Check your water temperature with a
candy or meat thermometer°
Turn on the hot water faucet nearest the
dishwasher° Put the thermometer in a
glass and let the water run continuously
into the glass until the temperature
stops rising.
Do not operate the dishwasher during or
right after other heavy use of hot water,
such as for laundry or bathing.
Water Pressure
Water supply pressure must be between
15 and 120 pounds per square inch. To
determine if you have enough pressure,
put a 1 quart container under a fully
opened hot water faucet nearest the
dishwasher. If the container fills in less
than 9 seconds, water pressure is within
an acceptable range. Be sure all other
faucets are turned off during this test.
Water Conditions
In areas where water is very hard
(t2 grains or more), it may be necessary
to install a water softener to assure
proper performance from your dishwasher°
If you do not know the hardness of your
water supply, contact your local water
department or bring a sample into your
Sears store for testing.
Only use detergents labeled for use in
automatic dishwashers. NEVER use
laundry detergents, liquid soaps or other
household cleaners in your dishwasher.
Some detergents will be more effective
with your water conditions than others.
Store detergent in a cool, dry place.
Rinse Agents
Rinse agents make water flow off dishes
quicker than usual. This lessens water
spotting and makes drying faster, too.
Rinse agents come in either liquid or solid
form. Your dishwasher's dispenser uses
the liquid form.
D i
Most utensils and dishware can be safely
washed in your dishwasher. However,
some materials may require special
Aluminum: Some darkening may take
place. Colored aluminum may fade, Do
not place aluminum items directly in front
of detergent dispensers where contact
with undissolved detergent could cause
pitting, spotting or discoloration,
Cast Iron: Cast iron utensils should be
China: Antique, hand-painted china and
those with gold or platinum rings should
be handwashed_
Crystal: Load carefully in upper rack
only. To prevent chipping, items should
not touch. Handwash delicate items_
Select NO HEAT DRY option to air-dry
crystal items.
Flatware: Sterling, silverplate and
stainless steel are normally dishwasher
safe. Flatware with dark decorative
shading and/or non-metallic handles
should be handwashed.
Pewter: Pewter or pewter-like materials
should be handwashed.
Plastic: Plastic items should be placed in
upper rack only. Wash only those items
marked "Dishwasher Safe."
Wood: Wood items should be
Glass: Milk glass should be handwashedo
Non-Stick Coatings: After washing, wipe
the non-stick coating area with vegetable
oil to keep it from losing its non-stick
Non-Dishware Items: DO NOT wash
items such as electronic air cleaner filters,
furnace filters and paint brushes in your
dishwasher. Damage to dishwasher and
discoloration or staining of dishwasher
may result.
Starting your Dishwasher
Load the dishwasher (see pages 11 o
and 12).
Add detergent (see page t0).
Close the door but do not latch it.
° If dishwasher drains into a food waste o
disposer, operate disposer until it is
° Turn on hot water faucet nearest
dishwasher and let it run until the
water is hot.
o Push selector buttons for desired cycles
and options.
For all cycles but LIGHT WASH,
HOLD, slowly turn the Dial to START.
Then latch the door to start the
If you plan to use the LIGHT WASH
or RINSE & HOLD cycle, push the
NORMAL WASH button and turn the
Dial to the desired cycle. Then latch
the door to start the dishwasher°
If you plan to use HEATED PRESOAK,
slowly turn the Dial to HEATED
PRESOAK. Then latch the door to start
the dishwasher.
Slowly turn the Dial to START for the
NORMAL WASH cycle. Then latch the
door to start the dishwasher.
Select the Cycle
For heavily soiled dishes and pots and pans,
Cycle Time: Approx. 95 minutes
Water Usage: Approxo 9_5 gallons
R_$E & I_DU3
For normally soiled dishes.
Cycle Time: Approx. 95 minutes
Water Usage: Approx. 8,,0 gatlons
tlftJ_E& _QkO
For prerinsed or lightly soiled dishes and
dishes that have been stored.
Cycle Time: Approx., 83 minutes
Water Usage: Approxo 66 gallons
For tableware that is lightly soiled with fresh
soils and is prerinsed,
Cycle Time: Approx. 95 minutes
Water Usage: Approx. 5.4 gallons
For rinsing dishes that will be washed later. DO NOT
use detergent. Select NO HEAT DRY option.
Cycle Time: Approx_ 12 minutes
Water Usage: Approx. 3.9 gallons
For low inlet water temperature. This cycle adds heated
rinsing time prior to the chosen cycle. It can be used with
Cycle Time: adds approx. 30 minutes to chosen cycle
Water Usage: adds approx, t,5 gallons to chosen cycle
_ Begin Selected Cycle
Select Options
Turns heater off for entire drying period.
To shorten drying time, open dishwasher
door slightly.
Provides extra heat for best performance,
It is used best with heavily-soiled dishes.
Cancels selected WATER HEAT and
NO HEAT DRY options° Main wash time
will not be extended, and dishes will dry
in heated air.
How to Add a Dish During
a Cycle
oAdd dishes any time during RINSE
& HOLD cycle.
=With other wash cycles, you can
add dishes at any time BEFORE
the detergent cup has opened.
Here's how to add a forgotten dish:
1. Push door latch to the left. Washing
will stop.
2. Wait a few seconds until the water
calms° Then open the door.
3. Add dishes you've forgotten.
Normal Sights and Sounds
You'll see water vapor coming through
the vents by the door latch during drying
and when water is being pumped out.
You'll hear occasional sounds while your
dishwasher is running:
° Hard food disposer shredding action_
= Drain valve opening to pump water out.
Timer control as cycle progresses.
o Detergent cup opening.
° Pump motor starting°
° The motor stops during drying_
Energy & Water Saving Tips
Wash full loads.
Use your dishwasher during off-peak hours.
o Use the LIGHT WASH cycle whenever
° Select NO HEAT DRY option when you
don't need dry dishes in a hurry.
Don't prerinse normally soiled dishes_
Load correctly to ensure good washing
Preparing Dishes for Washing
° Prerinsing of normal food soil is
not necessary.
= Scrape off bones, seeds, skins,
toothpicks, and other hard soils.
° Remove hard shelled vegetables,
meat trimmings, leafy vegetables, and
excessive amounts of oil or grease.
° Remove foods with high acid content--
they can discolor stainless steel
° Remove large quantities of any food.
° When using the POTS PANS cycle,
less preparation is required. This cycle
can wash heavily-soiled dishes and
remove dried-on and baked-on soils
from pots, pans, and casseroles.
However, items with burned-on soils
may not come clean.
You'll find two detergent dispensers on
the inside door of your dishwasher.
Open cup
Always close the main cup tightly° When it
is firmly latched you wilt hear a clicking
sound. It is not necessary to overtighten.
Grasp handle, rotate
and close tightly
Do not add detergent until you are ready
to start the cycle. Use fresh detergent.
The dispenser will automatically release
detergent at the correct times during the
Close the main cup.
NOTE: To open the detergent dispenser
after it has been closed, unlatch the door
and rotate the Dial a full turn to the OFF
position. When the closed cup contains
soap it is best that the door be in a partially
open position before rotating the DialoThis
will help reduce the amount of detergent
and rinse aid agent spillage into the tub°
Detergent Usage Guide (powder or liquid)
Cycles Soft Water Hard Water Hard Water Very Hard Water
(0 to 3 grains) (4 to 8 grains) (9 to 12 grains) (over 12 grains)
Light Wash Main Cup Main Cup Main Cup Water Softener
Water Miser 1 tablespoon Half Full Completely Full Recommended
Pots Pans Each Cup Each Cup Each Cup Water Softener
Normal Wash 1 tablespoon Half Full Completely Full Recommended
Rinse & Hold No Detergent No Detergent No Detergent Water Softener
To check rinse aid level
Press the clear button on the top of
dispenser cap. If no rinse aid appears, fill
as described below° Do not fill unless
To fill the dispenser
Unscrew the cap. Add no more than 4 oz
of the liquid rinse agent. Replace the cap.
The dispenser automatically releases the
rinse agent into the final rinse water,
Push clear button ---1
to check rinse
aid level
Fill as needed, but do not overfill.
Upper Rack (appearance will vary)
The upper rack is best for glasses, cups
and saucers. Cups and glasses fit best
along the sides. This is also the place
for dishwasher safe plastics° Make sure
small plastic items are lodged in tightly
so they can't fall onto the heating unit.
Arrange stemware so that it cannot move
easilyr Don't let the glasses touch each
other. Check to make sure tall items will
not block the rotation of the upper wash
The upper rack is handy for all kinds of
odd shapes. Saucepans, mixing bowls,
and other items should be placed face
down. When loading dishwasher-safe
plastics, make sure each plastic item is
secured over two fingers. This will insure
good washing results.
Lower rack (appearance will vary)
NOTE: Do not load large platters or trays
in front right corner of lower rack. They
may prevent detergent from circulating
in the wash cycle.
The lower rack is best used for plates,
saucers, and cookware. Large items such
as broiler pans and racks should go in the
lower rack along the edge. Load platters,
pots, and bowls along the sides, in
corners, or in the back. For best washing
results, all items should be positioned
with the soiled side of the dish facing the
center of the rack.
Put flatware in the removable basket with
fork and knife handles up to protect your
hands. Place spoons in the basket with
handles down. Mix knives, forks, and
spoons so they don't nest together.
Distribute evenly.
Small plastic items, such as measuring
spoons and lids from small containers,
are not recommended for automatic
dishwashing. If placed in dishwasher, they
should go in bottom of utensil basket with
silverware on top.
Utensil basket
Keep center area clear in the
lower rack.
The Wash Tower rises through the center
of the lower rack during the wash and rinse
portions of the cycle° Don't block it or load
tall things next to itoAlso, be careful not to
let a portion of an item such as a pot or
dish handle extend through the bottom
rack. This could block the wash arm and
cause poor washing results.
Wash Tower
Take out anything
that may fall or
extend through the
bottom of the utensil basket°
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