Vulcan 900
Classic & Classic
The rumbl e of a well- tuned V-Twin i s the soul and
insp irati on of cruis ing. A nd th e Vul can
has it—9 03cc of SO HC liq uid-c ooled char isma
deli verin g big low-en d tor que an d dec isive midra nge
to t he pa vement thro ugh a fat 18 0mm r ear ti re. W ith
cla ssic c ruise r line s, leg endar y Kaw asaki quali ty,
acr es of luxur ious c hrome and g leamin g pain t, it ’s
har d to b elieve the V ulcan 900 Class ic is actua lly
an a ffor dable middl eweigh t. Wi th a l ower u nspru ng
weig ht of a bel t driv e, th is Vul can ef fici ently
tra nsfer s powe r to t he re ar whe el, w hile r emaini ng
eas y to h andle, than ks to its u ltra- low 26 .8-i nch
sea t heig ht tha t fir mly pu ts bo th fe et on the g round .
We t ook t his in geniou s for mula a step further
to create the Vulcan 900 Cla ssic LT, a cru iser
des tined for t he ope n roa d with an
adju stab le win dshiel d, st udded touri ng
sea t and passe nger b ackre st.
90 0 Cla ssic
Vulcan 900
n metalliC diablo bl aCk
n Candy plasma blue
n Candy diamond Red
Vulcan 900
lassic LT
Candy diamond Red /metalliC titanium n
metalliC diablo bl aCk/Candy impeRial blue
metalliC titanium/pe aRl CRystal White
Brilliantly plated wide spoke
wheels strengthen the classic
Top-grain reinforced leather
Vulcan 900 Classic LT windshield is
constructed of optically correct acr ylic
and has been extensively tested to flow air
smoothly around the rider, maximizing both
comfort and quietness.
saddlebags are standard on the Vulcan
900 Classic LT. They feature a deep-
dye process for an extra-durable finish,
chrome-plated brass studs, and wide
dual buckles with stealth fasteners.
Bold slash-cut dual exhausts feature
rich chrome plating and styling to match
the Vulcan 900 Classic’s sweeping
lines. Built-in heat shields improve
safety while internal catalyzers help
reduce emissions.
theme, while a large-diameter
300mm front disc brake with a
powerful 2-piston caliper adds
to rider confidence and control.

Vulcan 900 Custom puts all the
information you need—right where
you need it. A digital odometer and
trip meter, and neutral, turn-signal
and high-beam indicators join
analog speedometer and fuel gauge.
Affordable, stylish, easy handling and incredibly thrifty on gas – that’s the undeniable appeal of
the Vulcan 500 LTD* and Vulcan Eliminator® 125, Kawasaki’s entry-level twin and single-cylinder
cruisers. Perfect for honing your riding skills, since they’re as smart as they are fun.
Available Color: VULCAN 500 LTD : Metallic Imperial Red |VULCAN ELIMINATOR 125 : Metallic Phantom Silver
Young and
rebellious with
an attitude to
the Vulcan
900 Custom.
It boasts the most
radical styling in the
Vulcan lineup with a
kicked-out fork and
21-inch front wheel,
dramatic custom-
look paint, bright
slash-cut mufflers,
and belt driven to
push more power
to the fat 15-inch
rear wheel. And
what power – as our
mid-size flagship
cruiser, the Vulcan
900 Custom’s 903cc
liquid-cooled SOHC
V-Twin engine is a
treasure of low-down
torque and midrange
response, with a
and rubber mounts
for smoothness.
*Not available in California.
air cleaner, exhaust system and engine
cases, with candy burnt orange valve
covers for extra emphasis. Flat-black
paint with tribal orange and white
pinstripes completes the look.
adds a blackout
VULCAN 900 CUSTOM : Special Edition Ebony / Metallic Midnight Sapphire Blue / Candy Burnt Orange