High throughput efficiency
during complete filling or emptying
of a pallet channel
Collision-free pallet storage
and retrieval
Total system flexibility due to
handling different pallet types
Optimum utilisation of building
height through low racking
compartment height
Operational with virtually any
Jungheinrich stacker
Under Pallet Carrier UPC
Compact Storage Shuttle System
The Jungheinrich Compact Storage System
with UPC (Under Pallet Carrier) – consisting
of carrier, carrier truck and channel racking – facilitates optimum utilisation of
storage space. UPC racking provides room
in height and width for several pallet channels. The low height utilisation per channel
level also allows effective use of the available storage height. Any Jungheinrich
stacker with sufficient residual capacity
can be used as carrier truck.
The UPC is particularly effective during repeated storage and retrieval in the same
pallet channel – e.g. when buffering a
large quantity of the same pallets. The
UPC is put on the forks of the carrier truck
and used in the pallet channel where it
travels independently under the stored
pallets without being connected to the
carrier truck. After putting down the first
pallet on the UPC rail in the racking channel and pressing the start button on the
operating console, the process control carries out all necessary travel and lift move-
ments independently. Sensors recognise
the position of stored pallets. Storage and
retrieval of new pallets then takes place
with no danger of collision.
Operating terminal and process control
communicate via bi-directional radio link
run on the registration-free ISM band
(433 MHz). The operator picks up another
pallet while the carrier is travelling, puts it
down at the channel start and a new work
cycle can begin. Retrieval is carried out