J.P. Instruments EDM 760 Installation Manual

J.P.Instruments Fuel Flow Installation Manual Report # 760
for EDM-760 temperature indicating system with Fuel Flow Option Appendix - A
Page Page 1 of 14 Rev NC : Date 07/20/99
Appendix – A –
Fuel Flow Transducer Installation
Table of Contents
10. Drawing 700921 10
11. Drawing 760124 11
12. Drawing 760744 12
13. Drawing 700920 Installing the Fuel Flow Differential Module 13,14
Last printed 06/12/03 3:25 PM
J.P.Instruments Fuel Flow Installation Manual Report # 760
for EDM-760 temperature indicating system with Fuel Flow Option Appendix - A
Page Page 2 of 14 Rev NC : Date 07/20/99
EDM-760 with Fuel Flow Option
Installation Instructions
A complete thorough familiarization and understanding of the system and this manual is necessary before commencing the installation. All work must conform with A.C. 43.13.1A ch. 11 sec. 2, 3, 7. The accuracy of this instrument depends entirely upon the accuracy of the data entered. A periodical checking of the actual fuel onboard will eliminate the accumulation of errors due to evaporation leaks, etc.
Do not use the FXT-201 Flow Transducer on aircraft with a gravity feed system. The standard
Fuel Transducer (FXT-201) shipped with the EDM-760(),with Fuel Flow option Fuel Flow instrument is intended to be used on aircraft equipped with fuel pumps.
Transducer Identification Markings
FXT-201 - Marked "20 l " on the top of the unit.
Installation of the EDM- 760(), with Fuel Flow option on an aircraft with a fuel return line from the Carburetor requires a FFDM-1 Differential Module .
The placard "Do Not Rely on Fuel Flow Instrument to Determine Fuel Levels in Tanks" must be
mounted on the aircraft instrument panel near the EDM-760, ( ) with fuel flow option.
If the aircraft is equipped with a primary fuel flow, the following placard must be mounted on the aircraft instrument panel near the EDM- 760(),WITH FUEL FLOW OPTION( ): "Refer to Original Fuel Flow
Instrumentation for Primary Information".
J.P.Instruments Fuel Flow Installation Manual Report # 760
for EDM-760 temperature indicating system with Fuel Flow Option Appendix - A
Page Page 3 of 14 Rev NC : Date 07/20/99
2…. Initial Check Out
1. The aircraft owner must read the Warranty before starting the installation. There is information in the Warranty that may alter your decision to install this instrument. If you do not accept the terms of the
Warranty, JPI offers a 30 day money back guarantee.
2. If you are not an FAA Certified Aircraft Mechanic familiar with the issues of installing aircraft fuel flow, Do Not attempt to install this instrument. The installer should use current aircraft standards
and practices to install this instrument (refer to AC 43.13).
3. Check that any necessary FAA Approvals (STC's, etc.) are available for your aircraft before starting the installation. The FAA Approved Model List (AML) is located at the back of this manual.
4. Read the entire Installation Instructions and resolve any issues you may have before starting the installation.
5. THIS INSTALLATION WILL REQUIRE SOME PARTS UNIQUE TO YOUR AIRCRAFT THAT ARE NOT SUPPLIED IN THE KIT (including, but not limited to hoses and fittings). Acquire all the parts necessary to install this instrument before starting the installation. Do not use aluminum fittings with the FXT-201.
6. Check that the instrument make and model are correct before starting the installation (check the markings on the side of the instrument. A carbureted engine with a fuel return line requires an FFDM-I , which can be purchased from Electronics International, 12620 S.W. 231 PL, Hillsboro OR (503) 628-
7. Before starting the installation make sure the unit will fit in the location you intend using.
8. If this instrument is to replace an existing unit in the aircraft, it is the installer's responsibility to move or replace any existing instruments or components in accordance with FAA approved methods and proce­dures. The following Installation Instructions do not cover moving or the removal of any existing instruments or components.
9. Before connecting any hoses to the transducer, thoroughly clean them and insure they are free of any loose material. Never pass high pressure air through or blow through the transducer, damage
will occur.
10. Remove the transducer cap plugs when ready to install hoses. Do not use aluminum fittings with the fuel flow transducer or Gauling may occur.
11. Note the direction of fuel flow marked on the transducer. Fuel must flow in this direction.
12. Mount the transducer with the three wires pointing up.
13. Note and record the K-factor engraved in the side of the transducer.
J.P.Instruments Fuel Flow Installation Manual Report # 760
Carburetor or Servo
for EDM-760 temperature indicating system with Fuel Flow Option Appendix - A
Page Page 4 of 14 Rev NC : Date 07/20/99
3…. Installing the Fuel Flow Transducer:
Mount the Fuel Flow Transducer using the appropriate drawing at the back of this manual.
Aircraft Configuration Drawing #
1. All Fuel injected engines with vapor return lines to fuel tank
, all Continental and certain Lycoming engines.
2. All pump fed carbureted and Fuel injected engines without
vapor return lines.
3. Pressure Carbureted engines with vapor return lines
700923 700920
The instructions listed below must be followed when installing a Fuel Flow Transducer. Note: If your engine is equipped with a fuel return line from the carburetor back to the fuel tank you will need to
install two flow transducers... one in the feed line from the fuel pump to the carburetor and one in the return line from the carburetor back to the fuel tank. Also, a Fuel Flow Differential Module (Dwg. 700920 ) will need to be installed.
The transducer output port should be mounted lower or even with the carburetor inlet port (or fuel servo on a fuel injected engine). If this is not possible, a loop should be put in the fuel line between the Fuel Flow Transducer and the carburetor or fuel servo (see diagram below).
Between throttle body and fuel flow divider.
Between engine driven pump and servo/throttle body or carburetor
One transducer in Carb inlet line and one transducer in out let line
Do not remove the caps on the flow transducer until the fuel hoses are ready to be installed. The flow of fuel through the transducer must follow the direction marked on the transducer.
Mount the transducer with the wires up.
If the transducer is higher than the carburetor or fuel servo, put a loop in the fuel line between the transducer and the carburetor or fuel servo.
The direction of the fuel flow through the transducer is marked on top
J.P.Instruments Fuel Flow Installation Manual Report # 760
for EDM-760 temperature indicating system with Fuel Flow Option Appendix - A
Page Page 5 of 14 Rev NC : Date 07/20/99
The flow transducer must be mounted so the wires exiting the transducer are pointing up. Before connecting any hoses, thoroughly clean them and insure they are free of any loose material. High
air pressure my be used, However, do not allow high air pressure to pass through the flow
4…. Route the (Optional) External Warning Control Line:
The wire from pin 15 on the J-1 (D-SUB 25) Connector can be connected to an external warning light or buzzer. This wire grounds when the display flashing a warning is on. The current in this line must be limited to 2/10 of an amp maximum. Exceeding this limit will damage the unit. If this feature is not used leave this line open. Tie wrap this wire so it does not obstruct the freedom of travel- controls.
5…. Route the Fuel Flow Transducer Wires: (The following section is an excerpt from report #103 Installation Manual, STC 2586NM)
Route the thermocouple and fuel flow wires from the probes through the firewall using fireproof rubber grommets and flame retarding silicone. Use an existing hole if possible. Following the existing wiring harness and connect to the indicator marking each lead with the cylinder number. All wires must be routed away from high temperature areas (exhaust stacks, turbochargers, etc.). Secure Probe leads to a convenient location on the engine approximately 8 to 12 inches from the probe, being sure there is sufficient slack to absorb engine torque. It is essential in routing the probe and fuel flow transducer wires not be allowed to touch metal parts of the air-frame or engine since abrasion will destroy this wire. Connect wires in accordance with dwg. 700744, page 12
6….. System Checkout : Check instrument operation as follows:
1. Turn the aircraft master switch on (engine off) and set the toggle switch to Fuel Flow . Tap the step
switch until 0 GPH is displayed. Turn the boost pump on for a few seconds. The display should indicate 3 to 8 GPH.. A problem at this step could be caused by poor connections on the red or black power and ground leads.
2. Set the instrument toggle switch to "Fuel Flow" and check for a digital fuel flow reading of "00 GPH"
indicates the fuel flow is too low to register. A reading of “ ---GPH “ dashes indicate no fuel flow transducer signals. A problem at this step could be caused by a poor connection or crossed flow transducer wires.
3. With the engine running, check the "FLOW" Display Mode to read properly. If there is a problem at this
point Refer to EDM-700 Fuel Flow Option Supplement Rev C. Section 4 for troubleshooting information.
4. After running the engine, check the fuel hoses, transducers and fittings for leaks.
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