624H WH 644H WH

The trash deflector helps
protect the rear axles from
the impact shock caused by
backing into a solid object.
It also provides access to
the engine compartment.
When you’re talking trash,
When you’re talking trash,
When you’re talking trash,
we’re listening.
we’re listening.
we’re listening.
You know waste. We know loaders. Combine that
knowledge and you get the remarkably durable 600
H-Series Waste Handlers from John Deere. These
machines weren’t only built with you in mind, they
were designed with your input. The final product
delivers all of the outstanding performance charac-
teristics of our standard loader, as well as plenty of
special integrated features to maximize productivity
in the harshest waste environments. Everything
from the high-lift option for that extra lift to reach up
and over high-sided trucks to the component pro-
tection guards to keep debris out of areas where
you don’t want it, these machines are ready to han-
dle even the harshest waste environments. You’ve
never seen waste loaders perform like this. And
that’s not just talkin’ trash.

The optional roof-mounted
624H WH 644H WH
air-conditioning condenser
has no stacked cores and
provides easy daily cleanout.
Our performance edge starts
at the engine with power
bulge – the availability of
Deere PowerTech™diesels to
generate extra horsepower
when the going gets tough.
That means you can power
through challenging situations
without downshifting.
Articulation guards, driveshaft guard, and transmission
side guards provide extra
protection on the work site.
The rear of the loader frame
is guarded to protect it from
destructive waste.
Both the articulation joint and
drive shaft are protected from
corrosion and trash by guards.