READ THIS! Important Safety Precautions!
ve_tilat[on is provided or the extreme care should be tske_ to keep [tom
_r_fact_Jror_ s [nst_u#tio_s pave been Io( _h[ng SUCh powe_ lines o_ CIrcuits as
adhered Io contact with them might be fatal
11. power _rces. lhis ploduet s{]OUld be 18. Overlesdin_. DO _ot OVerlOad waft
opelated only from the type of powel outlets extension colds, ol inlegral
CAUTION: TO prevent e_ect "_oShook,
do not remove tile grour_ing pl_
on the power cord, or use _ny p{ug
or extension cord that does not have
a grounding plug prov_ed:
M_ke celtain that the
AC outlet is plopefly grounded
Do notusean _d_pterp_u_
wlth this ploduct
_ n_ _htnin£ [_ _ith _rm_h_a_ SVr_ol
V/thi_aa equilateralt ang_ is _alen_edt¢
_ rHh_U_Ha m__m_nce of un n late_
IJke_ _o be Walke6 on or pi_d by il/_m_ b. O_jec_s h_ve _a_len onto or _iquia has
source indicated on the r[mrking label If convenience _eeep[acles as U_is can result
you are not s_re of Ihe Iype of power in a risk of fire or electric s_]o_k
supply Io yo_/ home, consull your pro_uq 19. Object and Liquid Entry. Never p_h
dealer or _oe_l powe_ company¸iFor prodU#ts o_eets of any kir,l into this #robot
intended to Operate from L_tte[y power, or L_rough openirff_s, as they may Iouch
i_s[rue_ions _ha_ eO_d _esu_t _ a I_e O_o_ect_e _LO_k
_2. _OalldintJ o_ pol_'iz_tioni Thi_ Never _i_ _iquid of a_ kind O_ the _ i_i_i_
product may be equipped wi_ _ po_alize_ _roduel
alte, lmting currentqine plug (a plug having 20. Servicing. DO DOi attemp( to selvice
one blade wider than the other) This p_ug this product you:serf as opening or
will r_t _nto the power out_et only one way _emov_r_3 covers _y expose you to
fh_s is 8 sate_y feature _f yo_ are unable darKjerous voltage or other hazards Refer
to i_sert the plug fusty into the outlet, fly all selvicin(j to qaalified service pu_sonPel
reversing the pl_j If Ue plu 9 shouk_ sti_ 21. Damage Requiring Service. Unplug
fail [o [;ti eoqtact your olectddan to this proc_ct [re_ the wa_ outlet and refer
_eplace your O#so[ete o_tle[ Do not (fefea[ se_vich_(j to q{_alified sm vice p_ sonrml
the salety purpose of Ue polarized p_g undo[ the fu_bwir_ _ondit[or6:
13. Power -C_'d protection. Power-s_pply a. The power-supply eo_d or the plug has
cords sf_ould be routed so [hat the_ are ra3t been _ged; or
P_rtNo J[_U[_ KV<.<.