Mitsubishi Motors Corporation enhances team communication
and collaboration across cities in Japan with Jabra Speak 710
nhancing communication and
Mitsubishi Motors Corporation is one of Japan’s world-class
automobile manufacturers. In 2019, the company transformed
its workplace at their new premises in Tamachi Station Tower,
with an objective to improve employee productivity and
performance. Already using the Jabra Speak 410, the
introduction of Jabra Speak 710 into their conference rooms
enhanced their teams’ communication and collaboration across
Solving the issue of limited conference
Mitsubishi Motors Corporation first started using the portable
speakerphone Jabra Speak 410 three years ago. Mr Akira
Okajima, Manager of Systems Infrastructure Division, Global IT
Headquarters, explains: We have four major operation bases in
Okazaki City (Aichi Prefecture), Kyoto City (Kyoto Prefecture),
and Kurashiki City (Okayama Prefecture), as well as many other
bases of activity in addition to the one in Shibaura, Tokyo.
We were having difficulty communicating between offices in
different cities. We had a small number of video-conferencing
rooms, but they were always fully booked, and we had to
determine the conference schedule based on the availability of
these rooms. To solve this issue, we introduced Microsoft Skype
for Business globally three years ago, which allowed us to hold
simple video conferences anywhere, and that was how we
introduced the Jabra Speak 410.”
Customer: Mitsubishi Motors Corporation
Website: https://www.mitsubishi-motors.co.jp
Country: Japan
Mitsubishi Motors Corporation has a great track record, including
successful development of the world’s first mass-produced
electric vehicle and world-level competition in the motorsports
business. The company aims to further refine the technologies
they have cultivated towards the arrival of a new era of safer,
more secure and convenient car societies.
Solution: Jabra Speak 710
• Recommended for up to 6 person conference meeting
• Connect with USB cable, USB dongle or Bluetooth
Solution benefits
• Better inter-office communications
• Faster decision making
• Easier to deploy and use
Superb sound quality
Mitsubishi Motors Corporation tested various brands of
speakerphone products before introducing the Jabra Speak 410.
Compared to the others, the Jabra speakerphone provided good
voice quality, adequate for a five to six-person conference
meeting. “The voice can be heard very clearly, it has a superb
sound quality” explained Mr Yoichi Hiroguchi, who was involved
in the roll-out.

The superb sound quality and
portable design make the Speak
710 an essential device in
today’s working environment"
Mr Akira Okajima, Manager of Systems
Infrastructure Division
Introducing Jabra Sp
eak 710 throughout
“In offices with factories, we had used the non-Bluetooth
enabled Jabra Speak 410 to prevent radio wave interference.
However, because there is no such restriction at headquarters,
we decided to use the more convenient Bluetooth-equipped
Jabra Speak 710 in conference rooms. The headquarters office
has about 80 conference rooms available, fitting five to six
people each, so the Jabra Speak 710 was placed in all rooms.
Now, we have about 500 Jabra Speak series devices in use
across all our offices.” said Mr Hiroguchi.
Compact performance enables faster
The Speak series is extremely compact and portable.
A computer and a Jabra Speak device can facilitate instant
meetings in an open meeting area, as well as small and
medium-sized conference rooms. As a result, the Jabra
Speak series has helped increase decision-making speed
and significantly contributed to the company’s conference
Mr Hiroguchi continues, “This series is also attractive because
anyone can easily and intuitively use it instantly, as it is plugand-play. When introducing new equipment, we often spend a
lot of time preparing an operation manual and making
explanations and answering questions on how to use it.
However, there are almost no such inquiries or complaints with
the Jabra products. They are helping us a lot.”
“The Jabra speakerphone is different from others. You will notice
this when you first open the case; it’s cool. It’s smart and
sophisticated in everything, even down to the design of the
touch-face icon on the speaker.” said Mr Hiroguchi.
Crystal clear communications
“This product overcomes problems with call quality in small
conferences and meetings. Repeating questions due to difficulty
hearing results in lost time, and poor communication affects the
content of meetings. In this sense, the Jabra Speak 710 is very
reliable, enabling clear and smooth communication in meetings.”
said Mr Hiroguchi
Flexible wireless connectivity
“You can also connect two Jabra Speak speakerphones
wirelessly without connecting them to a PC, enhancing
the performance when there are many participants in the
conference room. The Jabra Speak series, with its excellent
sound quality, portability, and design quality, at our bases
nationwide. They are now essential items for our business
communications.” said Mr Okajima.
Supporting new ways of working
New flexible working styles are becoming increasingly popular.
The Jabra Speak 710, which enables businesses to hold meetings
anywhere, is an essential device for today’s working environments.
Extremely high design quality
Mr Okajima also praised the high design quality, something
which is often expected from a Danish brand. “Because we are
also an automobile manufacturer, we are just as concerned
about design as we are about functions. We have a unique view,
not only in terms of office space but also in terms of equipment,
and therefore we cannot be careless. We sometimes receive
advice from our automobile design division that seeing the
excellent design increases work motivation and is the most
important point when choosing products.” said Mr Okajima.
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Jabra Sp eak 710 case study, 030120
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