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Isocal-6 Series
Europa-6, Venus 2140, Calisto 2250
The Isocal-6® series offers an exceptionally wide operating range in an easy to use portable package. As discussed
previously the Isocal-6 series can be used as a Dry Block, a Liquid Bath, a Blackbody Source for infrared thermometers,
a Surface Sensor Calibrator and for performance to a few mK (0.001°C) ITS-90 Fixed Points. Isocal-6 calibrators are
available in two models, BASIC and SITE. The BASIC model includes a sophisticated temperature controller with a
dual display to show the desired Set Temperature and the actual Dry Block Temperature. The SITE model additionally
includes a digital indicator to which an external temperature sensor can be connected providing an accuracy of
For Dry Block use the unit under test may be compared to the controller value, Isotech recommends the use of an
external reference probe connected to the indicator of the SITE model which compensates for the temperature gradient
and loading errors. This gives greater accuracy and traceability meeting the requirements of ISO 9000 and other quality
For the best measurement results with liquid bath, surface sensor and blackbody configurations, an external standard
probe should always be used, either with the SITE models’ indicator or a laboratory performance temperature indicator
such as one of the Isotech True Temperature Indicators (TTI).
All Isocal-6 calibrators include as standard: Cal Notepad Windows Software, Serial Computer Interface,
Ramp-to-Set-Point Feature. Increased resolution of ±0.01 available throughout the range via the PC
interface and from -19.99 to +99.99 locally on the auto-ranging front display. The controller features
multi-point block to display correction giving excellent absolute accuracy.
The SITE model indicator has a universal sensor input allowing Platinum Resistance Thermometers,
Thermocouples (Types K, N, R, S, L, B, PL2, T, J and E) along with Linear Process Inputs including
4-20mA current transmitters to be displayed. The indicator can be programmed with up to five
calibration points to provide high accuracy digital probe matching. The indicator and controller are
both addressable over the communications link.
New! The SITE model can now be used with the supplied Cal Notepad software to test thermostats.
Key Features
• Three Temperature Ranges to Choose From
Europa -45°C to 140°C*
Venus -30°C to 140°C*
Calisto +30°C to 250°C
* Based on an ambient of 20°C
• 6 Calibration Functions in One Portable Design
• Calibrate as a Dry or Liquid Bath
Thermocouples, platinum resistance thermometers,
thermistors, liquid in glass thermometers, or
• Simple to Use — Outstanding value for the money!
• SITE Model Includes Universal Input Temperature
Indicator allowing for up to five “correction” points
to be programmed
• Windows Software and PC Interface as Standard
• Free Evaluation Report
Ask for full data or visit www.isotechna.com
to 30°C
To see the ISOCAL-6 in use ask for our
27-minute video supplied on CD-Rom
industrial calibration/69
industrial calibration/71
Isocal-6, continued
Calibration and Uncertainty
A certificate, traceable to NIST, is included as standard.
The accuracy will depend very much on the mode of use
and the types of sensor to be used. Please contact Isotech
for tutorials and uncertainty calculations and comprehensive
evaluation reports. The Isocal-6 meets the Calibration Capacity
requirements of EA I0/13, “EA Guidelines on the Calibration of
Temperature Block Calibrators”.
Temperature Ranges Europa: -45°C to +140°C
In an Ambient Venus: -30°C to +140°C
of 20°C Calisto: +30°C to +250°C
Dry Block Accuracy ≤0.3°C
Throughout entire temperature range
Absolute Stability Dry Block Bath ±0.03°C
Over 30 Minutes Stirred Liquid Bath ±0.025°C
Ice/Water Bath ±0.001°C
Blackbody Source ±0.3°C
Surface Sensor Calibrator ±0.5°C
ITS-90 Fixed Point Apparatus ±0.0005°C
Computer Interface Included with Windows Software
Cooling Time Europa: 140°C to 0°C in 15 min
Venus: 140°C to 0°C in 15 min
Calisto: 250°C to Ambient in 25 min
Heating Time Europa: -30°C to 140°C in 15 min
Venus: -30°C to 140°C in 15 min
Calisto: Ambient to 250°C in 25 min
Calibration Volume 35mm diameter by 160mm deep
Standard Insert Standard Metal Insert 1/8”; 3/16”; 1/4”;
3/8”; and 1/2” diameter holes, all 6.18”
Uniformity ±0.018°C
Display Resolution 0.01 -19.99 to 99.99
0.1 -55.0 to -20.0 and 100.0 to 140.0
PC can display 0.01 across whole
range with the software included
Indicator Units °C, °F, K
Power Europa: 300 Watts
Venus: 150 Watts
Calisto: 300 Watts
Overall Dimensions 302mm x 176mm x 262mm (HxWxD)
Weight Europa: 30.9 lbs (14kg)
Venus: 22.5 lbs (10.2kg)
Calisto: 17.6 lbs (8kg)
Metal Block Insert 951-06-INA: Standard insert type B
Type B
Alternative Metal 951-02-15: 6 pockets, 9.5mm, 8.0mm,
Block Inserts 6.4mm, 6.4mm, 4.5mm,
4.5mm, all 157mm deep
951-02-15A: Blank Insert
951-06-08: Special Insert type C 8mm,
6 x 6.5mm diameter holes,
Type A
all 157 deep
Stirred Liquid Bath 951-06-01: Includes a container,
Water/Ice Bath magnetic stirrer and probe
Thermometer 951-06-03: Allows three thermometers
Support Kit to be suspended in the
bath, including liquid in
glass types
Oil 951-06-06: 0.1L (20°C to 200°C)
953-04-01: 0.1L (+150°C to +250°C)
(Calisto Only)
Blackbody Target 951-06-04: Use with Standard Probe
Surface Sensor Kit 951-06-02: Includes an Insert and an
Fixed Point Cells ITL-M-7724-M: Mercury Slim Cell
Standard Probe 935-14-82: Platinum Resistance
Carrying Case 931-22-64: Sturdy case accommodates
NIST Calibration NIST Calibration provided
free with purchase
Type C
angled PRT
D8: Water Slim Cell
ITL-M-17401-M: Gallium Slim Cell
ITL-M-17156-M: Indium Slim Cell
the unit with room for
VENUS 2140
Please specify accessories required
70/industrial calibration
70/industrial calibration