FireworX Fire & Life Safety
NFPA 72, Table 7.2.2, states that “detectors shall be tested in place
to ensure smoke entry into the sensing chamber and an alarm
response.” Smoke! in a Can® lets you meet this requirement without
contaminating the detector, without affecting its sensitivity, and
without increasing the risk of false alarms.
Patented formula evaporates completely
Smoke! in a Can is UL listed for all brands and models of photoelectric or ionization type smoke detectors.
Its safe, non toxic formula contains no CFCs. After verifying smoke
entry into the detector, you can walk away assured that Smoke! in a
Can will evaporate completely.
Standard Features
Meets NFPA functional test requirements
Does not contaminate detector
Evaporates completely
Non-toxic formula with no CFCs
Only functional test system backed up by GE
Smoke in a Can®
Aerosol Spray For Functional Testing
Not to be used for installation purposes. Page 1 of 2
Data Sheet FX85001-0602 Issue 1

F 503-691-7566
T 519 376 2430
F 519 376 7258
T 852 2907 8108
F 852 2142 5063
Latin America
T 305 593 4301
F 305 593 4300
© 2009 General Electric Company
All Rights Reserved
Warnings & Cautions
Extremely Flammable. Contents under pressure.
Potential health effects:
Inhalation: High vapor concentration may cause drowsiness and irritation.
Eyes & Skin: Irritation. Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause drying, cracking or
Handling & Storage
Store in a cool, dry area. Aerosol cans must be maintained below 120°F to prevent cans
from exploding.
Physical State Liquid
Specific Gravity .81
Freezing Point ND
Evaporation Point NA
Apperance & Odor Colorless liquid alcohol odor
Boiling Point 172°F (initial)
Vapor Pressure ND
Vapor Density (air=1) 1.6 (est.)
Solubility Appreciable in H20
Ordering Information
Model Number Description
SM200 -12PKG Smoke! in a Can aerosol spray for functional testing of smoke detectors,
case of 12 cans
imagination at work
Not to be used for installation purposes. Page 2 of 2
Data Sheet FX85001-0602 Issue 1