Product Data Sheet
Network Receiver Licensed Software
Standard Features
The OH-NetRec
The Network Receiver software serves the proprietary
monitoring provider as well as the traditional or contract central
stations. The receiver will monitor all alarm activity and control
communication using UTC Fire & security IP transmitters in the
CSX75 panel range (like the CS7050 TCP/IP module), Advisor
Advanced range (ATSx000A-IP), Advisor Master panel range
( ATS2xxx, ATS3xxx, ATS4xxx with ATS1806 or ATS1809
module), NetworX panel range (like the NX-590(N)E TCP/IP
module) and TDA74xx devices.
Alarm transmission
The communication between OH NetRec receiver and alarm
transmitters is secured using 3DES encryption. The connection
between transmitters and the receivers is continuously
monitored using a polling mechanism (heartbeat). Depending
on the interface to the automation software (IP versus RS232)
and the polling interval the max number of supported accounts
is 1,000.
For EN50131 grade 3 environments the reeciver also supports
enhanced substitution detection.
OH-NetRec capabilities
EJava based, supported on Windows 7, WIndows 8,
Windows Server 2008
EConnects over networks using Ethernet with 10- BaseT/100-
EHeartbeats used to provide supervision of availability as well
as substitution detection
EMonitors and supports 1,000 control panels
ERS232 serial port or IP connection to automation computer
ESupports SIA and Contact ID formats (all transmitters)
ESupport X-SIA (ATS1806/1809 or Advisor Advanced-IP and
through TDA74xx module)
ESupports both OH2000E protocol & Sur-Gard protocol on
the RS232 output
ESupports the OH2000E protocol to MAS Automation over
ERequired hardware depends on number of supported
The Network receiver software can effectively monitor up to
1,000 controls with very little bandwidth required.
Multiple receivers may be used to support the dual, split, or
backup TCP/IP reporting of the different TCP/IP Reporting
Whether a university, large retailer, or traditional central station,
the OH Network Receiver is a powerful receiver handling the
finest and most versatile controls in the world.
Either Contact ID, SIA format or X-SIA reporting (ATS only) is
supported and all of the major automation providers support the
OH protocol and the Sur-Gard protocol (selectable) to send
alarm information to automation. Additional signals are
generated for Line Faults (alarm transmitter not responding)
and substitution detected.The receiver offers a complete and
secure solution for network and Internet monitoring.
Additional features
The receiver supports callback for up/download purposes when
combined with the Multi-User Downloader (ATS8550). In
environments where the IP address of the alarm transmitter
changes regularly, Up/Download can only be achieved when
the IP address is known. As the alarm transmitter is
continuously connected to the receiver for supervision purposes
the receiver is able to instruct the transmitter to start an up/
download session.

Network Receiver Licensed Software
Automation protocolIP OH2000E
RS232 Sur-gard MLR, OH2000
Substitution detection Yes
Up/Download callbackUsing
PC hardware (recommended
Memory 2GB
Operating system Windows 7
Supported devicesAdvisor
Advisor Advanced ATS1000A-IP
CSX75 CS7050(N)
NetworX NX590(N)E
Ordering Information
Dual core, 2.4GHz
Windows Server 2008
32 and 64 bit
Part No. Description
Network Receiver Licensed Software - 100 accounts
Network Receiver Licensed Software - 1000 accounts
As a company of innovation, UTC Fire & Security reserves the right to change product
specifications without notice. For the latest product specifications, visit UTC Fire & Security
online or contact your sales representative.
OH-NETREC-SOFTWARE-2015-06-3 07:00:34 Released :04-MAR-14