Interlogix NX-8V2 Installation Manual

NX-8V2 Control Panel Installation Manual
Trademarks and patents
Intended use
Contact information
Customer support
Important information ii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Product overview 2 Board installation 3 Wiring 3 Module list 6
Chapter 2 Programming 9
LED keypad programming 11 Control panel programming 14 Programming locations 19
Chapter 3 Troubleshooting 53
General diagnosis 54 Trouble conditions 54 Voltage tables 56 Specification 57
Appendix A Reporting codes 59
Reporting fixed codes in Contact ID and SIA 60 Reporting zone codes in Contact ID and SIA 62 Reporting Ademco Contact ID transmissions 63 Device numbers for reporting expander troubles 64 Zone ID or user ID hex digit for 4+2 formats 65
Appendix B Programming worksheet 67
Programming worksheet 68
Glossary 87
NX-8V2 Control Panel Installation Manual i
Important information
This is the NX-8V2 Control Panel Installation Manual. This document includes an overview of the product and detailed instructions explaining how to install the NX­8V2 board inside the enclosure and how to program the control panel.
To use this document effectively, you should have the following minimum qualifications:
A basic knowledge of electrical wiring and low-voltage electrical connections
A basic knowledge of control panels.
ii NX-8V2 Control Panel Installation Manual
Chapter 1
This chapter provides an overview of your NX-8V2 Control Panel, including basic installation and terminal connections.
Product overview 2
Product contents 2 Board installation 3 Wiring 3
Terminal descriptions 5 Module list 6
NX-8V2 Control Panel Installation Manual 1
Chapter 1: Reporting codes
2 3 4
11 12
131415 16 17
Unit enclosure
LED keypad
Product overview
The NX-8V2 Control Panel is a residential security and alarm system and provides the following features:
Sophisticated software allowing up to 99 users to interface with up to 48 zones and eight partitions.
Integrated fire and input/output modules.
Fast SIA and Contact ID formats.
System expansion with up to 32 modules. Keypads can include NX-148E-RF
keypads that have built-in wireless receivers.
Figure 1: NX-8V2 Control Panel
Product contents
The NX-8V2 Control Panel generally comes with:
One metal enclosure
One LED keypad
For additional hardware, refer to the Table 3 on page 6.
2 NX-8V2 Control Panel Installation Manual
Chapter 1: Reporting codes
Length in feet
Wire gauge for NX-8V2
Wire gauge for NX-320 E
Board installation
Inside the metal enclosure, there are slots for board insertions. These allow the PC board to be positioned vertically (Figure 2 below). When you slide the board between the grooves of the slots, make sure the terminal strip is toward the front opening (toward you) to allow for the wire connections.
Figure 2: Board installation
Table 1 below lists wire lengths for one keypad at the end of the wire. When connecting more than one keypad to the end of the wire, a higher gauge wire is required.
Table 1: Maximum keypad wire run
Figure 3 on page 4 shows the wiring diagram for the NX-8V2.
NX-8V2 Control Panel Installation Manual 3
Chapter 1: Reporting codes
Figure 3: NX-8V2 wiring diagram
4 NX-8V2 Control Panel Installation Manual
Chapter 1: Reporting codes
Not used
Telephone ring (red wire on the standard RJ-31X cord)
Telephone tip (green wire on the standard RJ-31X cord)
Not used
Earth ground. Connect to a cold water pipe or a 6 to 10 ft. driven rod.
AC input. Connect to a 16.5 V 40 or 50 VA Class II UL approved transformer.
If used as a siren output (default), the speaker rating is 15 watt at 8 or 16 ohms, or 30/40 watt at 4, 8, or 16 ohms. If voltage output is selected in Location 37, this output becomes voltage output, 12 VDC, 1 A maximum load. A 3.3 kohm resistor is required across the bell terminals when a 12 VDC siren is used. If no resistor is used, you may experience voltage leakage into the siren, which causes these devices to output a small signal.
Connect to the data terminal on the keypads and the expanders. Maximum number of devices (keypads plus expanders) is 32.
Connect to the common terminal on the keypads and the expanders.
Connect to the POS terminal on the keypads and the expanders. Individually, this terminal is limited to 1 amp. Combined, this terminal and AUX PWR+ are limited to 2 amps total current.
Smoke detector power 12 VDC, 1.5 amps maximum (for those jurisdictions that allow the priority zone to be used with smoke detectors.)
Connect negative wire of powered devices such as motion detectors and smoke detectors.
Connect positive wire of all powered devices except smoke detectors and keypads. Individually, this terminal is limited to 1 amp. Combined, this terminal and KP POS are limited to 2 amps total current.
Connect to one side of the zone 8 loop. Connect the other side to the COM terminal. Open or short causes an alarm. Zone 8 may be used for a two-wire smoke detector using a 680 W EOL resistor.
Common (-) terminal for zones 7 and 8.
Connect to one side of zone 7 loop. Connect the other side to the COM terminal. Open or short causes an alarm.
ZONES 6 to 1
Connect as describes for zones 7 and 8. (Only zone 8 can be a two-wire zone).
AUX 4 to 1
Connect negative lead of low current device (relays or LEDs, etc.). Install 1 kohm resistor in series if connected to an LED. Connect positive lead of device to AUX+. Current is limited to 50 mA.
Terminal descriptions
Table 2 below describes the terminals shown in the wiring diagram.
Table 2: NX-8V2 terminals
NX-8V2 Control Panel Installation Manual 5
Chapter 1: Reporting codes
Part number
NX-8V2 control only.
NX-8V2 control, NX-108E LED keypad, 16.5 V 40 VA transformer.
NX-8V2 control, NX-148 LED keypad, 16.5 V 40 VA transformer.
8-zone LED keypad.
16-zone LED keypad.
24-zone LED keypad.
Alphanumeric 48-zone LCD keypad.
Alphanumeric 48-zone LCD keypad with built-in 48-zone wireless receiver.
Zone doubling kit (includes one hundred 3.74k and one hundred 6.98k resistors).
Smart power supply and bus extender.
8-zone wireless expansion module.
16-zone wireless expansion module.
48-zone wireless expansion module.
7-relay output module.
8-output module.
Two-way listen-in module.
16-zone expander module.
Operator telephone interface module.
48-zone wireless receiver.
Cell interface.
192-zone LCD keypad.
8-zone LED keypad.
48-zone LCD keypad.
8-zone LED door design keypad.
16-zone LED door design keypad.
Module list
Table 3 below shows some of the modules that are compatible with the NX-8V2 system. Additional information is available from customer support.
Table 3: Module list
6 NX-8V2 Control Panel Installation Manual
Chapter 1: Reporting codes
Part number
NX -1324E
24-zone LED door design keypad.
NX -1448E
48-zone fixed language icon keypad.
Note: The maximum number of zones available is 48 regardless of the devices added.
Information regarding zone doubling is located in the Glossary.
NX-8V2 Control Panel Installation Manual 7
Chapter 2
This chapter provides basic programming instructions and a description of the programming locations.
LED keypad programming 11
Keypad options 11 Keypad number and partition 12 Elapsed increments 12 System date 12 System clock 13 User codes 13 User authority level 13
Control panel programming 14
Programming data types 16 Loading factory defaults 17 Enrolling modules and keypads 17
Programming locations 19
Quick start programming 19 Locations 0 to 18 - Reporting 19 Locations 19 to 22 - Downloading 27 Locations 23 and 24 - Partition features 28 Locations 25 to 36 - Zone type and partition selection 30 Location 37 - Siren and system supervision 34 Location 38 - Swinger shutdown count 35 Location 39 - Keypad sounder control 35 Location 40 - System timers 35 Location 41 - Special features 36 Locations 42 and 43 - Go to program code and authorization 36
NX-8V2 Control Panel Installation Manual 9
Chapter 2: Reporting codes
Location 44 - Duress code 37 Locations 45 to 50 - Auxiliary outputs programming 37 Location 51 - Autotest control 40 Locations 52 to 55 - Times and days 41 Locations 56 to 83 - 4+2 format communicator codes 42 Location 84 - Daylight saving time 44 Locations 88 to 109 - Partition account codes and features. 45 Locations 110 to 169 - Zone type characteristics 49 Location 206 - Auto disarm day selection 52
10 NX-8V2 Control Panel Installation Manual
Chapter 2: Reporting codes
LED keypad programming
This section describes how to program the address of each LED keypad, as well as the options that are available. The keypad must be addressed for control panel supervision of that keypad. Programming defaults include:
Four-digit master code: 1, 2, 3, 4.
Six-digit master code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Four-digit go to program code: 9, 7, 1, 3.
Six-digit go to program code: 9, 7, 1, 3, 0, 0.
To assign the keypad’s LEDs to start at a zone other than one:
1. Enter *, 9, 2, program code.
2. Enter the starting zone number (1 to 16).
3. Press * to save and exit.
Keypad options
To program the keypad options:
1. Enter *, 9, 3, program code.
2. The Service LED begins flashing. You can now toggle LEDs 1 to 8 on/off to enable/disable the functions shown in Table 4 below.
3. Press * after enabling/disabling the desired functions.
Table 4: LED 1 to 8 functions
NX-8V2 Control Panel Installation Manual 11
Chapter 2: Reporting codes
Keypad feature enabled
Enable multiple partition viewing. Enable temporary viewing of all partitions by pressing *, 1, partition number.
Keypad number and partition
To set the keypad number and partition:
1. Enter *, 9, 4, program code. The Service LED and the Instant LED will flash.
2. Enter the keypad number (1 to 8).
3. Press *. The Instant LED will illuminate steady and the Service LED will remain flashing.
4. Enter the partition number (1 to 8) for the keypad. The keypad will automatically exit this mode at this time.
Elapsed increments
To set the elapsed increments since the last autotest:
1. Enter *, 9, 5, program code. The Service LED begins flashing.
2. Enter the three-digit increment number. [100;s digit] - [10’s digit] - [1’s digit] - #
System date
To set the system date:
1. Enter *, 9, 6, master code. The Service LED begins flashing.
2. Enter the day for the week, the month, the day of the month, and the year. Day of the week (one digit) 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday etc.
Month (two digits) 01 = January, 02 = February, etc. Day of the month (two digits), 01 to 31. Year (last two digits of the year).
For example, Sunday, May 7, 2010 = 1, 0, 5, 0, 7, 1, 0.
12 NX-8V2 Control Panel Installation Manual
Chapter 2: Reporting codes
System clock
To set the system clock:
1. Enter *, 9, 7, master code. The Service LED begins flashing.
2. Enter the clock time (military time). Hour: 00 through 23, where 00 is midnight, 01 is 1:00 a.m., 23 is 11:00 p.m. Minutes: 00 to 59. For example,
3.25 a.m. = 0, 3, 2, 5; and 5:00 p.m. = 1, 7, 0, 0.
User codes
To change the user codes:
1. Enter *, 5, master code. The Ready LED begins flashing.
2. Enter the two-digit user number (for example, 03 for user 3). The maximum number of users is 99.
3. Enter the new user code designated for that individual. The Ready LED begins flashing, indicating the code was accepted. If the code was rejected, a beep sounds three times.
If another user code needs to be programmed, repeat the process.
4. Press # while the Ready LED is flashing to exit the user code programming mode.
User authority level
To assign user authority levels:
1. Enter *, 6, master code. The Ready LED begins flashing.
2. Enter the two-digit user number. The Ready LED illuminates and the Instant LED begins flashing.
3. Turn on the LED for the features you want. See Table 5 on page 14 for a description of each LED.
4. Enter *. The Instant LED will illuminate steady.
5. Now you are in partition enable mode. This tells the system what partition this user can arm/disarm. LEDs 1 through 8 illuminate for each partition that the user has authorization for. To change any of these numbers, press 1 through 8 to toggle the corresponding LED off/on, indicating the user is assigned or not assigned access to that partition.
6. Enter *. This returns you to step 2, where you can enter another user number to assign attributes for. You may continue this procedure until you have
NX-8V2 Control Panel Installation Manual 13
Chapter 2: Reporting codes
Attributes if LED 8 is off
Attributes if LED 8 is on
Activate output 1
Armed only
Activate output 2
Arm only after close window
Activate output 3
Master arm/disarm (can program other codes)
Activate output 4
Arm/disarm code
Allowed to bypass zones
Bypass zones
Code sends open/close reports
Open/close reporting
If this LED is on, LEDs 1 to 7 use the column to the right.
If this LED is off, LEDs 1 to 7 use the column to the left.
assigned authority levels to all user numbers, or you can press # to exit assigning authority level programming.
Table 5: LED features
Note: Any master arm/disarm code can add or change a user code if the master
code has access to the same partitions as the code being added/changed. Consequently, when programming the user codes for a partitioned system, leave at least one code (can be go to program code if enabled in Location 43) access to all partitions or you will not be able to add new users. If you want the end user to be able to add new codes, you must remove the partition authority from all blank codes.
Entering *, 9, 8 while the system is disarmed, causes the control panel to do a callback for a download. A valid user code is required after pressing *, 9, 8 if it is enabled in Location 41.
Entering *, 9, 9 while the system is disarmed causes the control panel to seize the phone line for a download. A valid user code is required after pressing *, 9, 9 if it is enabled in Location 41.
Control panel programming
Programming the control panel requires you to enter program mode, select the module to program, program a location, and then exit the location and program mode.
14 NX-8V2 Control Panel Installation Manual
Chapter 2: Reporting codes
To enter program mode:
1. Press *, 8. The five function LEDs (Stay, Chime, Exit, Bypass, and Cancel) begin flashing.
2. Enter the go to program code (default 9, 7, 1, 3). If the go to program code entry is valid, the Service LED flashes, and the five function LEDs illuminate.
You are now in program mode and can select the module to program.
Select the module to program
Since all modules connected to the NX-8V2 are programmed through the keypad, the module you are programming should be the first entry. To select the module to program, enter 0, #. The 0 is the module number of the control, and # is the entry key. You can find other module entry numbers in the module documentation and in Table 15 on page 64.
Once you enter the module number, the Armed LED illuminates, indicating it is waiting for you to enter a programming location.
To program a location:
1. To access any location, enter the desired programming location, followed by #. If the location is a valid location, the Armed LED extinguishes, the Ready LED illuminates, and the binary data for the first segment of the location is shown by the Zone LEDs.
While entering new data, the Ready LED begins flashing to indicate a data change in process.
2. Press * to store the newly entered data. The keypad advances to the next segment and displays its data. Repeat this procedure until the last segment is reached.
3. To move to another location after exiting a location (Armed LED illuminated): Press the Police (badge) key for the next sequential location.
Press the Fire (flame) key for the previous location. Press the Emergency (cross) key for the same location.
4. To review the data in a specific location, repeat the procedure, pressing * but with no numeric data entry. Each time you press *, the programming data of the next segment displays.
To exit the current programming location:
1. Press *. The Ready LED goes off and the Armed LED goes on. You must press * to save the data.
2. To exit before the last segment, press #. The Armed LED illuminates.
NX-8V2 Control Panel Installation Manual 15
Chapter 2: Reporting codes
Zone 1 LED = 1
Zone 2 LED = 2
Zone 3 LED = 4
Zone 4 LED = 8
Zone 5 LED = 16
Zone 6 LED = 32
Zone 7 LED = 64
Zone 8 LED = 128
You are now ready to enter another programming location. If you attempt to program and invalid entry for a particular segment, the keypad beeps three times indicating an error and remains in that segment awaiting a valid entry.
To exit program mode:
1. When you have completed all programming, press Exit to leave the selected module.
2. If there is another module to be programmed, select it by entering its address, followed by #. The procedure for programming devices is the same as for the control panel, except the locations are for the module selected.
3. If no additional modules are to be programmed, press Exit again to leave program mode.
Programming data types
There are two types of programming data (only one is used for any segment):
Numerical. Used to enter values from 0 to 15 or 0 to 255, depending on the location’s segment.
Feature selection. Used to turn features on or off.
Numerical data
Program numerical data by entering a number from 0 to 255 on the numeric keys of the system keypad. To view the data in a location, a binary process is used. The binary process uses the LEDs for zones 1 to 8. To determine the data in a programming location, the binary process adds the lighted LEDs numeric equivalents together. The LEDs numeric equivalents are:
For example, if 33 is programmed in a location, the LEDs for zone 1 and zone 6 illuminate, indicating 33 is in that location (1 + 32 = 33).
If you attempt to program a number too large for a particular segment, the keypad beeps three times, indicating an error and remains in that segment awaiting a valid entry. On the LCD keypad, the number in the location displays. For locations with a maximum of 15, the hexadecimal equivalent displays in parenthesis (F).
16 NX-8V2 Control Panel Installation Manual
Chapter 2: Reporting codes
Feature selection data
Feature selection data displays the current condition (on or off) for eight features associated with the programming location and segment selected. Pressing a button on the touchpad (1 to 8) that corresponds to the feature number within a segment toggles (on/off) that feature. You can select numerous features within one segment.
To enter feature selection data:
1. Press a numeric key from 1 to 8 to select the feature. The corresponding LED illuminates (feature is on).
2. Press the number again, and the LED extinguishes (feature is off).
3. If you want to select all eight features of a segment, press 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. LEDs 1 to 8 illuminate as you press the keys indicating that those features are enabled. The features not enabled display a hyphen (-) on an LCD touchpad.
4. After selecting the desired settings for features in the segment, press * to enter the data and advance to the next segment of the location.
Note: When you are in the last segment of a location and press * to enter the
data, you exit that location. This turns the Ready LED off and the Armed LED on. You are now ready to enter another programming location.
Loading factory defaults
To load factory defaults, enter program mode, enter the device address and number, and then enter 9, 1, 0, #. The keypad beeps three times indicating that loading is in progress. The process takes about 6 seconds. You cannot exit the location until loading is completed.
Enrolling modules and keypads
The NX-8V2 automatically finds and stores all keypads, zone expanders, wireless receivers, and other modules connected to the data terminal into the NX-8V2 memory. This allows these modules to be supervised by the control panel.
To enroll the modules:
1. Enter program mode and program the desired settings for each module.
2. When you exit program mode, the NX-8V2 automatically enrolls the devices. The enrolling process takes about 12 seconds, during which time the Service LED illuminates. If a speaker is attached to the NX-8V2, it clicks at this time. If
NX-8V2 Control Panel Installation Manual 17
Chapter 2: Reporting codes
a siren or bell is attached to the NX-8V2, it sound for about 1 second. If the module is not detected, the Service LED illuminates.
Note: User codes are not accepted during the enrolling process.
18 NX-8V2 Control Panel Installation Manual
Chapter 2: Reporting codes
Programming locations
This section describes all the programming options for the control panel.
Quick start programming
For most routine installations, the quick start locations allow you to enable a majority of the options available with the NX-8V2 (when communicating in Contact ID or SIA formats). The quick start locations include:
Location 0 - Phone 1
Location 1 - Phone 1 account code
Location 2 - Phone 1 communicator format
Location 3 - Phone 1 dial attempts/backup control
Location 6 - Phone 2
Location 7 - Phone 2 account code
Location 8 - Phone 2 communicator format
Location 19 - Download access code
Location 20 - Number of rings to answer
Location 21 - Download control
Location 22 - Download call back number
Location 23 - Feature report selection/partition feature selection
Location 24 - Entry/exit times
Location 25 - Zone type selection for zones 1 to 8
Location 37 - System reporting, operation and siren options
Location 38 - Swinger shutdown count
Location 39 - Keypad sounder control
Location 40 - System timers
Location 42 - Go to program code
Location 44 - Duress code
Location 51 - Autotest control
Locations 0 to 18 - Reporting
Location 0 - Phone 1
Location 0 has 20 segments of numerical data. Use this location to program phone 1. The default for each segment is 14.
To program a delay of 4 seconds, enter 13 in the appropriate segment.
To program tone dialing, enter 15 in the segment where tone dialing begins.
If the entire number is tone dialing, enter 15 in the first segment.
Enter 11 for a *, and 12 for a #.
NX-8V2 Control Panel Installation Manual 19
Chapter 2: Reporting codes
Communicator is disabled.
Universal 4+2
Two-digit event code 1800 Hz transmit 2300 Hz handshake double round parity 40 pulses per second (pps)
3+1 fast (or 4+1)
One-digit event code 1900 Hz transmit 1400 Hz handshake double round parity 20 pps.
Two-digit event code DTMF transmission.
3/1 or 4/1 slow
1800 Hz transmit 2300 Hz handshake double round parity 20 pps hex capability.
3/1 or 4/1 slow
1800 Hz transmit 1400 Hz handshake double round parity 20 pps hex capability.
3/1 or 4/1 fast
1800 Hz transmit 2300 Hz handshake double round parity 40 pps hex capability.
3/1 or 4/1 fast
1800 Hz transmit 1400 Hz handshake double round parity 40 pps hex capability.
3/1 or 4/1 fast with parity
1800 Hz transmit 2300 Hz handshake single round parity 40 pps hex capability.
3/1 or 4/1 fast with parity
1800 Hz transmit 1400 Hz handshake single round parity 40 pps hex capability.
Caution: A call-waiting cancel on a non call-waiting line prevents successful
connection to the central station.
Location 1 Phone 1 account code
Location 1 has six segments of numerical data. Use this location to program the account code sent when phone 1 is dialed. The default for each segment is 10. Program a 10 in the segment immediately after the last digit of the account code. If the account code is six digits long, program all six segments.
Location 2 - Phone 1 communicator format
Location 2 has one segment of numerical data. Use this location to program the communicator format used to transmit to the receiver connected to phone 1. Refer to your central station receiver documentation to determine which format is compatible. Table 6 below describes the formats for this location. If you need a format other than those listed, review the override options described in Location
18. Program a 15 to create a special format (in addition to the entries in Location
18). The default is 0. If this location contains a 0, the built-in communicator is disabled and the NX-8V2 functions as a local-only control.
Table 6: Communicator formats
20 NX-8V2 Control Panel Installation Manual
Chapter 2: Reporting codes
4+2 express
Two-digit event code DTMF transmission.
4+2 fast
Two-digit event code 1900 Hz transmit 1400 Hz handshake double round parity 20 pps.
Ademco contact ID
DTMF (see Reporting Ademco Contact ID transmissionson page
Frequency shift keys (see Reporting fixed codes in Contact ID and SIAon page 60).
Custom format
See Location 18 - Custom communicator formaton page 26.
3/1 or 4/1 slow
Same as 5, but sends the alarm event code rather than the zone number.
3/1 or 4/1 slow
Same as 6, but sends the alarm event code rather than the zone number.
3/1 or 4/1 fast
Same as 7, but sends the alarm event code rather than the zone number.
3/1 or 4/1 fast
Same as 8, but send the alarm event code rather than the zone number.
3/1 or 4/1 fast with parity
Same as 9, but sends the alarm event code rather than the zone number.
3/1 or 4/1 fast with parity
Same as 10, but sends the alarm event code rather than the zone number.
SIA with area modifiers.
Segment 1 - Phone 1 dial attempts. Program the number of dial attempts (1 to 15) the communicator makes to phone 1 before ending the notification process. The default is 8, which means that the communicator makes eight attempts to the first number.
Segment 2 - Phone 1 backup control. Program the backup control for phone 1. The default is 0.
0 = The NX-8V2 will make the designated number of attempts to phone 1 before setting the fail to communicate condition to stop reporting.
1 = The NX-8V2 will stop trying to communicate after the designated number of attempts have been made to phone 1.
2 = The NX-8V2 will make the dial attempts in increments of two. The first two attempts are made to phone 1, the next two attempts to phone 2. This repeats until the total number of attempts designated in segment 1 is completed.
Location 3 - Phone 1 dial attempts/backup control
Location 3 has two segments of numerical data.
NX-8V2 Control Panel Installation Manual 21
Chapter 2: Reporting codes
Segment 1
1. Alarms and alarm restores.
2. Opening and closings.
3. Zone bypass and bypass restore.
4. Zone trouble and trouble restores.
5. Power fail, low battery, power restore, and low battery restore.
6. Bell cut, telephone line cut, bell cut restore, telephone line restore.
7. Test reports.
8. Start and end programming, download complete.
Segment 2
1. Zone and box tamper and tamper restore.
2. Auxiliary power overcurrent, ground fault, and restore both.
3. Sensor missing and restore.
4. Sensor low battery and restore.
5. Expander trouble and restore.
6. Fail to communicate.
7. Zone activity monitor.
8. Reserved.
Location 4 - Phone 1 events reported
Location 4 has two segments of feature selection data. Use this location to select those events reported to phone 1.
If you do not want dual or split reporting, use Location 4 to select all events to phone 1. Location 5 should be left at the factory default of 0.
If you want dual or split reporting and the split is based on the event type (alarm, open/close, etc.), use Location 4 to select only those events that are reported to phone 1.
If you don’t want events reported to phone 1, program 0 in Location 4 (disabling all options).
Location 5 - Phone 1 partitions reported
Location 5 has one segment of feature selection data. Use this location to program when events are to be reported to a phone number are based upon the partition (1 to 8) regardless of the event. Enter 1 for partition 1 through 8 for partition 8. If this location is used, Location 4 should be programmed as 0.
Location 6 - Phone 2
Location 6 has 20 segments of numerical data. Use this location to program phone 2. The default for each segment is 14.
To program a delay of 4 seconds, enter 13 in the appropriate segment.
To program tone dialing, enter 15 in the segment where tone dialing begins.
If the entire number is tone dialing, enter 15 in the first segment.
22 NX-8V2 Control Panel Installation Manual
Chapter 2: Reporting codes
Segment 1 - Phone 2 dial attempts. Program the number of dial attempts (1 to 15) the communicator makes to phone 2 before ending the notification process. The default is 8, which means that the communicator makes eight attempts to the first number.
Segment 2 - Phone 2 backup control. Program the backup control for phone 2. The default is 0.
0 = The NX-8V2 will make the designated number of attempts to phone 2 before setting the fail to communicate condition to stop reporting.
1 = The NX-8V2 will stop trying to communicate after the designated number of attempts have been made to phone 2.
2 = The NX-8V2 will make the dial attempts in increments of two. The first two attempts are made to phone 2, the next two attempts to phone 1. This repeats until the total number of attempts designated in segment 1 is completed.
Enter 11 for a *, and 12 for a #.
Enter 14 to indicate the end of the phone number.
Caution: A call-waiting cancel on a non call-waiting line prevents successful
connection to the central station.
Location 7 - Phone 2 account code
Location 7 has six segments of numerical data. Use this location to program the account code sent when phone 2 is dialed. The default for each segment is 10. Program a 10 in the segment immediately after the last digit of the account code. If the account code is six digits long, program all six segments.
Location 8 - Phone 2 communicator format
Location 8 has one segment of numerical data. Use this location to program the communicator format used to transmit to the receiver connected to phone 2. Refer to your central station receiver documentation to determine which format is compatible. Table 6 on page 20 describes the formats for this location. If you need a format other than those listed, review the override options described in Location 18. Program a 15 to create a special format (in addition to the entries in Location 18). The default is 0. If this location contains a 0, format 1 will be used when phone 2 is dialed.
Location 9 - Phone 2 dial attempts/backup control
Location 9 has two segments of numerical data.
Location 10 - Phone 2 events reported
Location 10 has two segments of feature selection data. Use this location to select those events reported to phone 2.
If you do not want dual or split reporting, use the default of 0.
NX-8V2 Control Panel Installation Manual 23
Chapter 2: Reporting codes
Segment 1
1. Alarms and alarm restores.
2. Opening and closings.
3. Zone bypass and bypass restore.
4. Zone trouble and trouble restores.
5. Power fail, low battery, power restore, and low battery restore.
6. Bell cut, telephone line cut, bell cut restore, telephone line restore.
7. Test reports.
8. Start and end programming, download complete.
Segment 2
1. Zone and box tamper and tamper restore.
2. Auxiliary power overcurrent and restore.
3. Sensor missing and restore.
4. Sensor low battery and restore.
5. Expander trouble and restore.
6. Fail to communicate.
7. Zone activity monitor.
8. Reserved.
If you want dual or split reporting and the split is based on the event type (alarm, open/close, etc.), use only those events that are reported to phone 2.
If you don’t want events reported to phone 2, program 0 in Location 10.
Location 11 - Phone 2 partitions reported
Location 11 has one segment of feature selection data. Use this location to program when events are to be reported to a phone number are based upon the partition (1 to 8) regardless of the event. Enter 1 for partition 1 through 8 for partition 8. If this location is used, Location 10 should be programmed as 0.
Location 12 - Phone 3
Location 12 has 20 segments of numerical data. Use this location to program phone 3. The default for each segment is 14.
To program a delay of 4 seconds, enter 13 in the appropriate segment.
To program tone dialing, enter 15 in the segment where tone dialing begins.
If the entire number is tone dialing, enter 15 in the first segment.
Enter 11 for a *, and 12 for a #.
Enter 14 to indicate the end of the phone number.
Caution: A call-waiting cancel on a non call-waiting line prevents successful
connection to the central station.
24 NX-8V2 Control Panel Installation Manual
Chapter 2: Reporting codes
Segment 1 - Phone 3 dial attempts. Program the number of dial attempts (1 to 15) the communicator makes to phone 3 before ending the notification process. The default is 8, which means that the communicator makes eight attempts to the first number.
Segment 2 - Phone 3 backup control. Program the backup control for phone 3. The default is 0.
0 = The NX-8V2 will make the designated number of attempts to phone 3 before setting the fail to communicate condition to stop reporting.
1 = The NX-8V2 will stop trying to communicate after the designated number of attempts have been made to phone 3.
2 = The NX-8V2 will make the dial attempts in increments of two. The first two attempts are made to phone 3, the next two attempts to phone 2. This repeats until the total number of attempts designated in segment 1 is completed.
Location 13 - Phone 3 account code
Location 13 has six segments of numerical data. Use this location to program the account code sent when phone 3 is dialed. The default for each segment is 10. Program a 10 in the segment immediately after the last digit of the account code. If the account code is six digits long, program all six segments. If Location 6 ­Phone 2 is left unprogrammed, use account code 1 when phone 3 is dialed.
Location 14 - Phone 3 communicator format
Location 14 has one segment of numerical data. Use this location to program the communicator format used to transmit to the receiver connected to phone 3. Refer to your central station receiver documentation to determine which format is compatible. Table 6 on page 20 describes the formats for this location. If you need a format other than those listed, review the override options described in Location 18. Program a 15 to create a special format (in addition to the entries in Location 18). The default is 0. If this location contains a 0, format 1 will be used when phone 3 is dialed.
Location 15 - Phone 3 dial attempts/backup control
Location 15 has two segments of numerical data.
Location 16 - Phone 3 events reported
Location 16 has two segments of feature selection data. Use this location to select those events reported to phone 3.
If you do not want dual or split reporting, use the default of 0.
If you want dual or split reporting and the split is based on the event type
(alarm, open/close, etc.), use only those events that are reported to phone 3.
If you don’t want events reported to phone 3, program 0 in Location 16.
NX-8V2 Control Panel Installation Manual 25
Chapter 2: Reporting codes
Segment 1
1. Alarms and alarm restores.
2. Opening and closings.
3. Zone bypass and bypass restore.
4. Zone trouble and trouble restores.
5. Power fail, low battery, power restore, and low battery restore.
6. Bell cut, telephone line cut, bell cut restore, telephone line restore.
7. Test reports.
8. Start/end programming, download complete.
Segment 2
1. Zone and box tamper and tamper restore.
2. Auxiliary power overcurrent and restore.
3. Sensor missing and restore.
4. Sensor low battery and restore.
5. Expander trouble and restore.
6. Fail to communicate.
7. Zone activity monitor.
8. Reserved.
Location 17 - Phone 3 partitions reported
Location 17 has one segment of feature selection data. Use this location to program when events are to be reported to a phone number are based upon the partition (1 to 8) regardless of the event. Enter 1 for partition 1 through 8 for partition 8. If this location is used, Location 16 should be programmed as 0.
Location 18 - Custom communicator format
Location 18 has four segments of feature selection data. Use this location to program the communicator format used to transmit to the receiver connected to phone 3. Refer to your central station receiver documentation to determine which format is compatible. Select a format from Table 6 on page 20 . If you need a format other than those listed, review the override options described in this location to build the appropriate format.
26 NX-8V2 Control Panel Installation Manual
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