Conventional Initiating Devices
Wireless Compatible
Smoke Alarms and
FireworX wireless compatible photoelectric detection family comes
in a variety of models for different OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) applications. The 560/570 Series is specifically designed
and listed for use with OEM’s proprietary or open protocol transmitters and systems. Additional submittals of the final combined
model to a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) is
required to complete the Listing process.
All FireworX wireless compatible photoelectric smoke alarms and
detectors continually monitor operational status and provide a
visual trouble condition if they drift out of the specified sensitivity
range or fail internal diagnostics. The OEM series meets NFPA 72
field sensitivity testing requirements without the need for external
meters. The alarm sensitivity level can be determined at the unit
by applying a magnet near the detector’s integral reed switch. This
initiates a self-diag nostic routine and provides visual indication of
sensitivity level, or if service is required.
Another feature is built-in drift compensation that allows the alarm
to adjust sensitivity automatically as it becomes dirty over time.
The drift compensation feature dramatically increases the time
between cleanings, as well as reducing the chance of a nuisance
alarm. If the 560/570 ever does need servicing, it is literally a snap
using the world’s only replaceable optical chamber, which brings it
back the factory sensitivity range.
The 560/570 Series is powered by long life 3V Lithium batteries
that can provide power to both the smoke alarm and OEM transmitter. Battery life averages five years depending on the transmitter
current draw.
Standard Features
• Long-life 3V lithium battery operated
• Field-replaceable optical chamber
• Integral 85dBA sounder
• Automatic drift compensation
• Optional integral heat detector
• Smoke alarm test/hush feature (560 Series only)
• Low-profile design that blends into ceiling
• Base tamper provides trouble condition if smoke alarm is
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North America
T 885-286-8889
T 852-2907-8108
F 852-2142-5063
T 61-3-9239-1200
F 61-3-9239-1299
T 32-2-725-11-20
F 32-2-721-40-47
Latin America
T 561-998-6100
F 561-994-6572
Specifications subject to change without notice.
© 2012 Interlogix.
All rights reserved.
Engineering Specification
The FireworX 560N/570N Series wireless compatible smoke alarms and detectors monitor
their own sensitivity and operational status by
continuously verifying the integrity of the sensing
chamber and internal electronics. The alarm
meets the NFPA 72 field sensitivity requirements without the need for external meters. The
560N/570N series alarms and detectors’ drift
compensation feature automatically adjusts their
sensitivity up to a maximum of 1.0%/ft., significantly reducing the chance of a nuisance alarm.
Each of the UL 217 smoke alarm models in the
FireworX 560N Series ship with a built-in 85dBa
sounder that will sound the ANSI temporal 3
pattern until the smoke has cleared or the unit
has been silenced by the hush button.
Note: The wireless compatible 560N/570N
Series includes CleanMe®. When a CleanMe
condition occurs, the alarm transmits a trouble
signal to the control, which in turn reports to the
central station indicating the unit needs service.
Ordering Information
560NS Wireless compatible, Photoelectric
562NS Wireless compatible, Photoelectric
562NST Wireless compatible, Photoelectric
572NS Wireless compatible, Photoelectric
SM-EXT1 Smoke! in a Can extension tube
smoke alarm, Sounder, 3V, no batteries,
UL 217
Wireless compatible, photoelectric
Smoke alarm, sounder, heat, 3V,
no Batteries, plastic housing not
assembled, Package of 20 units, UL 217
smoke alarm, Sounder, 2- 3V lithium
batteries included, UL 217
smoke alarm, Sounder, heat, 2- 3V
lithium batteries included, UL 217
smoke detector, Sounder, 3V, 2 – 3V
lithium batteries, UL 268 recognized
Wireless compatible, Photoelectric
smoke detector, Sounder, 3V, 2 – 3V
lithium batteries, plastic housing not
assembled, Package of 20 Units, UL
268 recognized
Smoke! in a Can® (aerosol spray) for
functional testing of smoke detectors,
pack of 12
Replacement optical chambers, pack
of 10
Technical Specifications
Voltage 3VDC
Typical average
standby current
Typical test current 2mA
Typical alarm current 70mA
Battery type
Low battery threshold 2.7V causes low battery
Low battery beep
Signal Types
Outputs Alarm, restore, tamper, low
Sensitivity 2.3% ± 0.890%
Operating humidity 0-95% non-condensing
RF Immunity 20V/m min; 1-1000MHz
Color White
Alarm dimensions 5.6 x 2.4” (142 x 61mm)
Base dimensions 5.4 x 0.46” (137 x 11.7mm)
Drift compensation
Heat alarm
Approvals 560N UL 217 recognized;
Note 1:
These batteries are the ONLY brands that have been
tested and approved for use with the 560/570 series.
Note 2: Some 570 models do not include integral sounder.
* Specifications only for 560N smoke alarm when listed with a
transmitter and a 570N when listed with a UL 864 Commercial
Fire Alarm System. Please call OEM sales at 855-286-8889
for more information regarding the process for fully listing the
560N/570N wireless compatible smoke alarm and detectors
with an OEM transmitter.
Model Guide: 562NSTR/572NSTR
5 = 500 Series
6 = UL 217 recognized
7 = UL 268 recognized
0 = No batteries included
2 = 2 - 3V Lithium batteries included
S = Integral Sounder
T = Dual fixed/ROR heat
R = Plastic housing not assembled
20PKG = Bulk pack of 20 units
3V Lithium, Duracell® 123,
Sanyo® and Panasonic®
85dBa at 10’, temporal
1 every 45 ± 2 sec
battery, trouble/CleanMe,
1 hour supervisory
40 °F to 100 °F (4.4 °C to
38 °C)
1.0%/ft. maximum
Rate-of-rise: 15°F/min
>105°F (8.3°C/min >
Fixed: 135°F ± 5°F (57.2°C
± 2.8°C)
570N UL 268 recognized.*
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