Intergraph TD-260 User Manual

TD-260, InterServe 75
Late-Breaking News
November 1998 DHA030660


1998 Intergraph Computer Systems. All rights reserved. This document contains information protected by copyright, trade secret, and trademark law. This document may not, in whole or in part, be reproduced in any form or by any means, or be used to make any derivative work, without written consent from Intergraph Computer Systems.
Intergraph Computer Systems, Huntsville AL 35894-0001


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System Lock-up During Boot (TD-260)

A TD-260 with Matrox G100 graphics and Windows 95 may lock up during boot or during installation of Windows 95. If this happens, restart the system, run BIOS Setup, and disable the QuickBoot option on the Boot menu. See the System Guide for detailed information on using BIOS Setup. If appropriate, an updated BIOS will be posted to the Support pages on the World Wide Web ( and to the Intergraph Bulletin Board Service (1-256-730-8786).

Using Version Manager with the Intergraph System CD (TD-260)

When you run Version Manager with the Intergraph System CD delivered with your system, TD-260 may not display as a system type. If it does not, you can select TD-250 as the system type. System software for the TD-250 can be used with the TD-260.

Matrox Millennium G200 AGP Graphics (TD-260)

If your system shipped with an installed Matrox Millennium G200 AGP video display adapter, you can combine G200 with Matrox Millennium II PCI video adapters for multi-screen configurations. For more information, see the Matrox document delivered with the system.

Three-Button Primax Mouse

If your system was delivered with a three-button Primax mouse, you may see a message that
says “MouseWare has detected a new Wheel Mouse....” and asks if you want to configure the
new device. If this happens, select No. If you experience any other anomalies while using the Primax mouse, do the following:
If the system is running Windows NT 4.0, reinstall the mouse driver found on the Windows NT software CD-ROM.
If the system is running Windows 95 or Windows 98, install the PMOUSE driver software from the Intergraph System CD using InterSite Version Manager.
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