Intergraph TD-200 Targa 2000 Configuration Guide

TD-200 Targa 2000
Configuration Guide for Value-Added Resellers
March 1997 DSA082900
1997 Intergraph Corporation. All rights reserved. This document may only be used pursuant to the applicable software license agreement. This document contains information protected by copyright, trade secret, and trademark law. This document may not, in whole or in part, be reproduced in any form or by any means, or be used to make any derivative work, without written consent from Intergraph Corporation.
Intergraph Corporation, Huntsville, AL 35894-0001 205-730-2000
Restricted Rights Legend
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the United States Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the rights in technical data and computer software clause at DFARS 252.227-
7013. Unpublished rights are reserved under the copyright laws of the United States.
Information discussed in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be considered a commitment by Intergraph Corporation. Integraph Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors in this document.
Intergraph and the Intergraph logo are registered trademarks of Intergraph Corporation. TD is a trademark of Intergraph Corporation. Other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.


Preface .........................................................................................................................v
About This Document....................................................................................................v
Document Conventions..................................................................................................v
Finding Additional Information .....................................................................................v
Getting Documentation and Training
Getting Telephone Support..........................................................................................vii
Using the Intergraph Bulletin Board Service................................................................vii
Using the Intergraph FAXLink...................................................................................viii
Finding Intergraph on the Internet ..............................................................................viii
1 Getting Started .........................................................................................................1
Setting Up System Hardware and Software....................................................................1
Using the ISA Configuration Utility ..............................................................................1
Taking Antistatic Precautions ........................................................................................2
Getting More Information..............................................................................................2
2 Configuring the System............................................................................................3
Verify the Current IRQ Settings ....................................................................................4
Remove or Move the PCI Expansion Boards..................................................................4
Configure the ISA Expansion Boards ............................................................................4
Disable On-board Audio and Free IRQ Settings.............................................................5
Remove Drivers and Services for Networking and Audio...............................................5
Free Audio IRQ Settings................................................................................................6
Re-install the PCI SCSI Adapter....................................................................................6
Install the Targa 2000 Board .........................................................................................7
Add Networking............................................................................................................8
Create a Disk Drive Stripe Set .......................................................................................9
Configure to Use PC Card Devices................................................................................9


The TD-200 Targa 2000 Configuration Guide for Value-Added Resellers provides help for value-added resellers who want to configure an Intergraph TD-200 system to use
Truevision’s Targa 2000 DTX or Targa 2000 RTX expansion board.
CAUTION This document is intended only for value-added resellers. Do not distribute this document to

About This Document

The TD-200 Targa 2000 Configuration Guide for Value-Added Resellers is organized as follows:
Chapter 1, “Getting Started,” describes how to get ready to configure the system to use a Targa 2000 board.
Chapter 2, “Configuring the System,” describes how to configure the system to use a Targa 2000 board.

Document Conventions

Italic Variable values that you supply, or cross-references.
SMALL CAPS Key names on the keyboard, such as D, ALT or F3; names of files and
CTRL+D Press a key while simultaneously pressing another key; for example, press
Commands, words, or characters that you key in literally.
Output displayed on the screen.
directories. You can type filenames and directory names in the dialog boxes or the command line in lowercase unless directed otherwise.
CTRL and D simultaneously.

Finding Additional Information

For information on setting up, configuring, and using the Intergraph TD-200 system, refer to the printed and online documentation delivered with the system.
For information on the Windows NT Workstation 4.0 operating system, refer to the printed and online Microsoft documentation delivered with the system:
For basic information on installing and using Windows NT, refer to Start Here.
For detailed information on using Windows NT, refer to Windows NT Help.
For information on installing and using Truevision’s Targa 2000 DTX or Targa 2000 RTX expansion board, refer to the documentation delivered with the product.

Getting Documentation and Training

You can purchase additional product documentation from Intergraph.
In the United States, contact your sales account representative, call the Intergraph Order Desk at 1-800-543-1054, or send a fax to 1-800-548-3318 to place an order. If you call or fax the Order Desk, have the document numbers ready for the items you wish to purchase.
Outside the United States, contact the Intergraph subsidiary or distributor from which you purchased your Intergraph product to place an order.
To find information on training for Intergraph products, or to enroll for an available class, contact Intergraph Training Solutions at 1-800-240-3000.
To find information on documentation and training for Truevision products, contact Truevision.
NOTE End-users who want information on training or documentation for Intergraph or Truevision
products should contact their value-added reseller.
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