Intergraph SOFTIMAGE 3D User Manual

SOFTIMAGE 3D and mental ray
Network Setup Notes
January 1999 DSA083220


1999 Intergraph Computer Systems. All rights reserved. This document contains information protected by copyright, trade secret, and trademark law. This document may not, in whole or in part, be reproduced in any form or by any means, or be used to make any derivative work, without written consent from Intergraph Computer Systems.
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Information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be considered a commitment by Intergraph Computer Systems. Intergraph Computer Systems shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors in, or omissions from, this document. Intergraph Computer Systems shall not be liable for incidental or consequential damages resulting from the furnishing or use of this document.
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Intergraph Computer Systems and the Intergraph Computer Systems logo are registered trademarks of Intergraph Computer Systems.
SOFTIMAGE and SOFTIMAGE 3D are registered trademarks of Avid Technologies, Inc., its subsidiaries or divisions. Microsoft and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft
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All other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.


About This Document............................................................................v
1 Before You Begin ..............................................................................1
Hardware Lock.......................................................................................1
License Key............................................................................................1
User Directory........................................................................................2
2 Installing the Software......................................................................3
Installing Version 3.7SP1 Software .......................................................3
Installing Version 3.8 Software..............................................................3
Locating and Placing the License Key...................................................5
Editing the License Key.........................................................................5
Starting the License Server ....................................................................6
Reinstalling SOFTIMAGE.....................................................................7
Creating a New User Account................................................................7
3 Setting Up mental ray on a Network ...............................................9
Using Ethernet........................................................................................9
Using ATM..........................................................................................10
Configuring a mental ray Network.......................................................11
Defining the LM_LICENSE_FILE Variable.........................11
Defining the SI_LOCATION.................................................12
Designating a Render Manager..............................................12
4 Submitting mental ray Jobs ...........................................................13
Submit Interactively in SOFTIMAGE 3D............................................13
Submit Using the
Submit Using the soft -R Command.....................................................14
Processing Multiple Scenes..................................................................15
RAY.EXE Command..................................................13


SOFTIMAGE 3D and mental ray Network Setup Notes describe how to install SOFTIMAGE® 3D on a network to create a multi-system render farm. The information in this document is an overview of the steps
needed to install SOFTIMAGE 3D, and is not meant to cover every possible installation or setup scenario.
SOFTIMAGE 3D is shipped with mental ray, a rendering tool. mental ray provides the highest level of rendering available today. In addition, mental ray is a threaded application that can take advantage of multiple processors and distribute renderings on a network of machines.

About This Document

This document is organized as follows:
Chapter 1, “Before You Begin,” describes what your system needs before you can install SOFTIMAGE 3D and mental ray software.
Chapter 2, “Installing the Software” describes how to install SOFTIMAGE 3D and mental ray software on your system.
Chapter 3, “Setting Up mental ray on a Network,” describes the use of mental ray on Ethernet and ATM networks, and outlines the steps required to configure mental ray for network use.
Chapter 4, “Submitting mental ray Jobs,” discusses using mental ray to perform your rendering tasks, including processing multiple scenes.

1 Before You Begin

Review the following sections to ensure you are ready to install and run SOFTIMAGE 3D and mental ray software on your system.

Hardware Lock

To run SOFTIMAGE, your system must have an installed hardware lock (or dongle), or authorization from a system with an installed
hardware lock.
The hardware lock is connected to your system’s parallel (printer) port. See the documentation delivered with your system for information on installing the hardware lock.
If your system will get authorization from another system to run the software, it may not have an installed hardware lock. See Chapter 3, “Setting Up mental ray on a Network,” for more information.
If your system needs a hardware lock, contact Softimage.

License Key

To run SOFTIMAGE, your system must have a License Key that corresponds to the serial number on the installed hardware lock, or authorization from a system with a License Key.
The License Key contains encryption that allows you to run the software associated with a specific hardware lock. You receive the License Key via email from Softimage. You must copy the License Key into a text file on your system. Name the file are installing Version 3.7SP1 software) or installing Version 3.8 software).
NOTE Put the License Key file in a location on your system where you
can easily find it when installing the software.
If your system will get authorization from another system to run the software, your system should have a License Key file associated with the hardware lock on the other system. See Chapter 3, “Setting Up mental ray on a Network,” for more information.
If your system needs a License Key, contact Softimage.
SOFTIMAGE.LIC (if you are
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