Intergraph Mylex eXtremeRAID Installation Guide

eXtremeRAID™ Quick Installation Guide
eXtremeRAID 1100 PCI to Ultra2 SCSI RAID Controller
P/N: 775031-00
eXtremeRAID 1100
PCI to Ultra2 SCSI
RAID Controller
Part Number 775031-00
© Copyright 1999 Mylex Corporation.
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Thank you for purchasing the Mylex eXtremeRAID™ 1100 controller. This manual describes the installation of the Mylex eXtremeRAID 1100 controller. Requests for technical information about this and other Mylex Corporation products should be made to your Mylex authorized reseller or Mylex sales representative.
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Regulatory Information

The eXtremeRAID™ DAC1164P complies with the following regulatory agencies:
Federal Communications Commission
The FCC information statements are in Appendix C of the eXtremeRAID Installation Guide (P/N 775013).
Community of Europe
The CE information statements are in Appendix C of the eXtremeRAID Installation Guide (P/N 775013).

Underwriters Laboratories

This controller is furnished with a nonvolatile RAM (NVRAM) chip that uses a sealed lithium battery/crystal module. Replace the module only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. Dispose of the used battery/ crystal module according to the manufacturer's instructions. Never incinerate a battery as it could explode and cause serious injury.

Table of Contents

Performing an Installation .....................................................................1
Connectors, Jumpers, and LEDs ...................................................1
RAID Configuration
Using RAID EzAssist ............................................................................5
Operating Systems and Drivers
NetWare ...............................................................................................8
Installing the Mylex Disk Array Controller as the
Primary NetWare 4.11/4.2 Controller ............................................8
Installing the Mylex Disk Array Controller into an
Existing NetWare 4.11/4.2 System ................................................9
Overview NetWare 5.0 ........................................................................11
Mylex Disk Array Controller Driver Files for NetWare .................11
Tape and CD-ROM Support ........................................................11
Mylex Disk Array Controller Driver for
NetWare 5.0 .......................................................................................12
Installing the Mylex Disk Array Controller as the
Primary NetWare 5.0 Controller ..................................................12
Installing the Mylex Disk Array Controller into an
Existing NetWare 5.0 System ......................................................15
Windows NT .......................................................................................17
Installing the Mylex Disk Array Controller as the
Primary Windows NT 4.x Controller ............................................17
Installing the Mylex Disk Array Controller into an
Existing Windows NT 4.x System ................................................19
Manual No. 775031 iv



The eXtremeRAID 1100 (DAC1164P) is a very versatile PCI to Ultra2 SCSI, LVD RAID controller. There are thousands of possible hardware configurations. The following parameters are assumed:
• A RAID 0, 1, or 5 configuration is being installed.
• The user is familiar with Windows NT
• The user is familiar with disk drive and RAID terminology.

Performing an Installation

To avoid electrical shock, do not attempt to perform this hardware installation with power on. Disconnect the system from the electrical wall outlet.

Connectors, Jumpers, and LEDs

or Novell® NetWare®.
Up to three Ultra2 SCSI channels are supported on the controller. The SCSI connector locations are shown in Figure 1.
All the jumpers should normally be set to their (default settings). See Table 1 for default jumper settings. Jumper locations are shown in Figure 1.
The controller has 15 LEDs that are active indicators while the controller is running. The LEDs indicate termination type and status, SCSI ac tivity, cache status, diagnostic status, and host activity. The LED locations and meanings are shown in Figure 1.
Manual No. 775031 1
Performing an Installation
Figure 1. eXtremeRAID with Component Locations
Table 1. Jump e r and Connector Descriptions
Jumper Description Default Setting
JP1 serial port connector
JP2 pins 1–2 for Arm Proc, pins 2–3 for I JP3 pins 1–2 normal , pins 2–3 blank ROM mode 1–2 JP5 must be installed on JP6 maintenance – do not use off JP7 ROM emulator – do not use off JP8 Mylex manufacturing diagnostics – do not use off

Installing the eXtremeRAID into the System Board

1. With the power off, plug the eXtremeRAID card into an available 32­bit or 64-bit PCI slot (refer to Figure 2).
2 eXtremeRAID DAC1164P Quick Installation Guide
System Board
Plug Controller into any Available 32-bit or 64-bit PCI Slot
Figure 2. Plugging the eXtremeRAID 1100 into a PCI Slot
2. Set the SCSI ID on each internal drive to a unique address between 0 and 15, but do not u se address 7, as it is reserved for the controller. See the documentation that comes with you r drives for instruct ions on how to do this.
If internal and external driv es are used, be sure that no drive addresses are duplicated. External SCSI cabinets usually automatically assig n drive addresses according to where in the cabinet the drives are located.
3. Be sure termination is disabled on all drives connected to the controller. See the documentation that comes with your drives for instructions on ho w to do this.
4. Be sure that termination power is enabled on all dri ves co nnected to the controller. See the documentation that comes with your drives for instructions on ho w to do this.
5. Connect a wide, high-density, 68-pin SCSI ribbon cable to the internal SCSI connectors on the eXtremeRAID controller and connect the other cable connectors to any internal SCSI drives as required. See Figure 3.
6. Connect an active terminator to the end of the SCSI ribbon cab le at the end farthest from the controller. See Figure 3.
Manual No. 775031 3
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