A reference document for server OEMs providing an overview of product features,
integration requirements, and validation guidelines.
Rev 1.3
November 2017
Intel® Server Products and Solutions
<Blank page>
July 2017
Initial release.
October 2017
Edited for clarity. Removed sections on validation and operating systems.
November 2017
Updated supported memory to include non-ECC memory.
November 2017
Added section and appendix on validation.
Intel® VCA 2 Product Specification and Hardware Guide
Document Revision History
Intel® VCA 2 Product Specification and Hardware Guide
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2.1 Order Information ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
2.2 Feature Set ........................................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Host System Required BIOS Features ...................................................................................................................... 9
2.4 Host System Minimum Memory Requirements .................................................................................................... 9
3.3 Thermal and Airflow Specification .......................................................................................................................... 13
3.4 Power Specification ....................................................................................................................................................... 14
3.4.1 12 V AUX Power Connector Specification and Pinout ................................................................................... 14
4. Host Server Validation Guidelines ....................................................................................................................... 16
4.1 Quick Validation Guide for OEMs ............................................................................................................................ 16
4.1.1 PCIe* Device Discovery and Enumeration ........................................................................................................... 16
4.1.3 Ethernet Over PCIe* Network Performance ........................................................................................................ 19
4.1.4 Transcoding Benchmark for Simultaneous AVC-AVC Transcodes ........................................................... 20
4.1.5 Temperature Profile ...................................................................................................................................................... 20
4.3 Host Server BIOS Guidelines ..................................................................................................................................... 21
4.4 Host Server PCIe* Reset Guidelines ....................................................................................................................... 21
5. Memory Support ....................................................................................................................................................... 22
5.1 Memory Population Rules .......................................................................................................................................... 22
5.3 Memory Compatibility List ......................................................................................................................................... 23
6. Operating System Support ..................................................................................................................................... 24
6.2 Guest Operating System ............................................................................................................................................. 24
Appendix A. Full PCIe* Dump ................................................................................................................................... 25
Appendix B. Glossary ................................................................................................................................................. 45
Appendix C. Additional Collateral ........................................................................................................................... 46
Intel® VCA 2 Product Specification and Hardware Guide
Figure 6. Intel® VCA 2 card power connectors .............................................................................................................................. 14
Figure 7. 2x3 pin 12 V AUX power connector pin diagram ..................................................................................................... 14
Figure 8. 2x4 pin 12 V AUX power connector pin diagram ..................................................................................................... 15
Figure 10. Node PCIe* link health....................................................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 11. PLX PCIe* link health ......................................................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 12. CPU status after host reset .............................................................................................................................................. 18
Figure 13. CPU status after booting operating system ............................................................................................................. 19
Figure 14. Temperature profile while transcoding ..................................................................................................................... 20
Table 1. Order information ...................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Table 2. Board feature set ........................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Table 3. Processor feature set ................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Table 4. Requirements for standard airflow pattern .................................................................................................................. 13
Table 5. Requirements for non-standard airflow pattern ........................................................................................................ 13
Table 6. 2x3 pin 12 V AUX power connector pinout .................................................................................................................. 14
Table 7. 2x4 pin 12 V AUX power connector pinout .................................................................................................................. 15
Table 11. ECC memory compatibility list ........................................................................................................................................ 23
Table 12. Non-ECC memory compatibility list ............................................................................................................................. 23
Intel® VCA 2 Product Specification and Hardware Guide
1. Introduction
This document provides a high-level overview of the product features, functions, and support requirements
of the Intel® Visual Compute Accelerator 2 (Intel® VCA 2) (VCA1585LMV).
1.1 Document Outline
This document is divided into the following chapters:
Chapter 1 – Introduction
Chapter 2 – Product Overview
Chapter 3 – Board Specifications and Support Requirements
Chapter 4 – Host Server Validation Guidelines
Chapter 5 – Memory Support
Chapter 6 – Operating System Support
Intel® VCA 2 Product Specification and Hardware Guide
DDR4 ECC SODIMMs, 2 channels per CPU, up to 64 GB per CPU, up to 192 GB per card
PCIe* configuration
Gen3, x16, 8 lanes per CPU
(1) 16 MB SPI flash per CPU
Operating system support
CentOS* 7.2 , Windows Server* 2016, Windows* 10, Xen or KVM support if using hypervisor
Processor Type
Intel® Xeon® processor E3-1585L v5
8 MB
Instruction set
Instruction set extensions
SSE4.1/4.2 AVX 2.0
# of cores
# of threads
Processor base frequency
3.0 GHz
2. Product Overview
The Intel® Visual Compute Accelerator 2 (Intel® VCA 2) equips Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor and Intel®
Xeon® processor E5-based platforms with Iris® Pro Graphics and Intel® Quick Sync Video media transcode
capabilities. Comprised of three Intel Xeon processors E3 1585L v5, this PCIe* add-in card delivers
outstanding total cost of ownership and is supported by a rich ecosystem of server OEMs, ISVs, and
solutions. Applications include:
Broadcast – Ultra-high channel density with high visual quality.
Remotely rendered graphics – High video quality, low latency graphics for enterprise productivity and
anytime anywhere gaming.
Multi-party communication – Video-enabled B2B, B2C, and C2C communication with massive scaling
2.1 Order Information
Table 1. Order information
2.2 Feature Set
Table 2. Board feature set
Table 3. Processor feature set
Intel® VCA 2 Product Specification and Hardware Guide
Max turbo frequency
3.7 GHz
45 W
Max memory size (dependent on memory type)
64 GB
Max # of memory channels
ECC memory supported
Processor graphics
Iris® Pro graphics P580
Graphics base frequency
350 MHz
Graphics max dynamic frequency
1.0 GHz (capped in BIOS)
Graphics video max memory
32 GB
Execution units
Intel® Quick Sync Video
2.3 Host System Required BIOS Features
The host system BIOS must be configured to enable large memory-mapped input/output (MMIO), and allow
for large per-device base address register (BAR) allocations. BAR must have 64-bit address enabled.
The minimum requirements for BAR and MMIO are:
MMIO mapping above 4 GB is enabled
Minimum MMIO size is 4 GB/CPU (node)
For example, on Intel® Server Board S2600WT based systems, this can be enabled in BIOS setup by
configuring the following two options on the PCI Configuration screen.
Set Memory Mapped Above 4 GB to Enabled
Set Memory Mapped IO size to 256 GB
2.4 Host System Minimum Memory Requirements
The host system must have sufficient free RAM (after accounting for operating system, running services, and
applications) to load the bootable image for each node to be simultaneously booted. (For example, if a 2 GB
bootable image would be booted simultaneously on four cards (12 nodes), there must be at least 24 GB (2
GB x 12 nodes) of free RAM when the boot command is issued.)
Intel® VCA 2 Product Specification and Hardware Guide
2.5 Architecture Block Diagram
Figure 1. Product architectural block diagram
Intel® VCA 2 Product Specification and Hardware Guide
3. Board Specifications and Support Requirements
3.1 Mechanical Specification
Intel® VCA 2 is a “near” full-length, full-height, double-width PCIe* 3.0 x16 add-in card. It includes a bracket
that extends the card to full length for systems that fully support the PCIe specification.
Figure 2. Intel® VCA 2 dimensions
Intel® VCA 2 Product Specification and Hardware Guide
Backplate and insulator
PCIe* extender
3.2 Card Assembly
The Intel VCA 2 assembly consists of several detachable components to allow for card configuration and
serviceability. Figure 3 displays the full card assembly.
Figure 3. Intel® VCA 2 detachable components
Advisory Note: Intel VCA 2 must have the provided mechanical support bracket (or other custom support
bracket) mounted to the card to ensure proper support when installed in the system. Failure to properly
support the installed card may cause serious damage should the system be exposed to any level of shock or
vibration or is transported to the end user location.
When in operation, the card temperature will rise. The cosmetic cover, thermal module, and duct must be in
place to allow for proper airflow over and through the card assembly. Failure to have the card covers
installed results in overheating which may impact performance or proper operation of the card.
Intel® VCA 2 Product Specification and Hardware Guide
Card Inlet Temperature
Flow Rate
(Cubic Feet per Minute (CFM))
Pressure Drop
(Inches of Water (“H2O))
45° C
25.5 CFM
0.476 “H2O
35° C
18.0 CFM
0.246 “H2O
Card Inlet Temperature
Flow Rate
(Cubic Feet per Minute (CFM))
Pressure Drop
(Inches of Water (“H2O))
35 °C
24.1 CFM
0.208 “H2O
25 °C
19.0 CFM
0.196 “H2O
Airflow in
Airflow out
Airflow out
Airflow in
3.3 Thermal and Airflow Specification
Figure 4 and Table 4 identify the thermal, airflow, and air pressure requirements that must be met by a
chassis following the front-to-back air flow pattern of a common system.
Figure 4. Standard airflow pattern
Table 4. Requirements for standard airflow pattern
Some custom chassis configurations may orient the card such that the airflow is reversed from the standard
airflow pattern shown above. In these non-standard system configurations, the thermal, airflow, and air
pressure boundary conditions must meet the following requirements.
Figure 5. Non-standard airflow pattern
Table 5. Requirements for non-standard airflow pattern
Note: Intel VCA 2 CPU core temperatures must remain at or below 96 °C (204.8 °F). CPUs begin to throttle
once they reach 100 °C (216 °F), impacting card performance. Should CPU temperatures continue to rise, the
card may shut down due to a CPU Thermal Trip event. Should such events occur, adjustments must be made
to the system fan speed controls to ensure increased airflow to the card. The vcactl temp command of the
vcactl utility may be used to monitor card CPU core temperatures.
Intel® VCA 2 Product Specification and Hardware Guide
Pin #
12 V
12 V
12 V
(2 x 3) Pin 12V AUX
up to 75W
(2 x 4) Pin 12V AUX
up to 150W
PCIe* Edge
up to 75W
3.4 Power Specification
Intel VCA 2 has a maximum TDP of 235 W. Per the PCIe specification, the PCIe x16 connector can support up
to 75 W. The remaining power to the card must be supplied via the 2x3 (75 W) and 2x4 (150 W) 12 V AUX
power connectors on the card as shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6. Intel® VCA 2 card power connectors
Note: Intel VCA 2 does not ship with cables. Contact the system supplier for 12 V AUX power cables
appropriate for the system to which the card is being installed. See 6 for Intel® Server System support.
3.4.1 12 V AUX Power Connector Specification and Pinout 2x3 Pin 12 V AUX Power Connector
Vendor – Lotes*
Vendor Part # - APOW0001-P001C01
Figure 7. 2x3 pin 12 V AUX power connector pin diagram
Table 6. 2x3 pin 12 V AUX power connector pinout
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