Copyright 2000 Tadpole Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
Tadpole-RDI Part # 431107302, Revision A
Printed in the United States of America
UltraBookIIi is a trademark of Tadpole Technology, Inc.
Sun, Sun Microsystems, NFS, the Sun Logo, DeskSet, Solaris, SunOS,
SunView, OpenWindows, Sun-4, and Sun-5, are trademarks or
registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. SPARC trademarks,
including the SCD Compliant Logo, are trademarks or registered
trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. UltraSPARC-IIi is licensed
exclusively to Sun Microsystems, Inc. TurboSPARC is licensed
exclusively to Fujitsu, Microelectronics Inc. Products bearing SPARC
trademarks are based upon the architecture developed by Sun
Microsystems, Inc. UNIX and OpenLook are registered trademarks of
Unix System Laboratories.
Ethernet is a trademark of Xerox Corporation. Apple and PowerBook
is a registered trademark of Apple Corporation. All other product
names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of
their respective owners.
UltraBookIIiUser Guideii
Conventions in this User Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
Tadpole-RDI makes no representations or warranties with respect to this manual, and shall not
be liable for technical or editorial o missions made herein; n or incidental or conse quential damages
resulting from the furnishing, performance, or use of this manual. Further, Tadpole-RDI reserves
the right to make changes in the specifications of the product described within this manual at any
time without notice and without obligation of Tadpole-RDI to notify any person of such revision
or changes.
Copyright Notice
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise, without the prior written permission of Tadpole-RDI. No patent liability is assumed
with respect to the use of the information contained herein. While every precaution has been
taken in the preparation of this publication, Tadpole-RDI assumes no responsibility for errors or
omissions. Nor is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information
contained herein. Further, this publication and features described herein are subject to change
without notice.
UltraBookIIi User Guidevii
FCC Compliance Statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class B digital device,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This
equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used
in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio and television
reception. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
viiiUltraBookIIi User Guide
If this equipment does cause interference to radio and television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
•Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the
equipment and receiver.
•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which
the receiver is connected.
•Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Shielded Cables
Connections between the UltraBookIIi workstation and peripherals must be made using shielded
cables in order to maintain compliance with FCC radio frequency emission limits.
The connection of nonshielded equipment interface cable to this equipment will invalidate the
FCC Certification of this device and may cause interference levels that exceed the limits
established by the FCC for this equipment. It is the responsibility of the user to obtain and use a
shielded equ ipment interface cable w ith this device. If this equ ipment has more than one interface
connector, do not leave cables connected to unused interfaces.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user's
authority to operate the equipment.
Modifications to this device not approved by Tadpole-RDI may void the authority granted to the
user by the FCC to operate this equipment.
DOC Class B Notice
This digital apparatus does not exceed Class B limits for radio noise emission for a digital
apparatus as set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of
Le present appareil num6rique ne met pas de bruits radioe'lectnques depassant les limites
applicables aux appareils num6riques de la classe B prescrites dans le Reglement sur le brouillage
radio6lectrique edicte' par le ministere des Communications du Canada.
Safety Precautions
WARNING: Hazardous voltages are present inside the
UltraBookIIi workstation. To reduce the risk of electrical shock
and/or personal injury, follow the operating and installation
instructions carefully.
WARNING: Do not attempt to recharge alkaline or other
non-rechargeable batteries with the UltraBookIIi workstation's
AC adapter/charger. Alkaline batteries cannot be recharged.
Attempting to recharge alkaline batteries may cause personal
injury and/or damage to the UltraBookIIi workstation.
WARNING: To prevent fire, shock hazard, or damage to the
equipment, do not expose the UltraBookIIi workstation to rain or
moisture. Do not immerse the UltraBookIIi workstation in water.
If water has entered the UltraBookIIi workstation cabinet, do not
use the workstation until it has been inspected by Tadpole-RDI.
WARNING: Do not dispose of UltraBookIIi batteries in fire.
Disposal of UltraBookIIi batteries in fire may cause personal
UltraBookIIi User Guideix
WARNING: All service and upgrades to the UltraBookIIi
workstation must be performed by a trained technician only.
Otherwise, you may encounter personal injury and/or damage
your workstation.
WARNUNG: Beim Betrieb der UltraBookIIi Workstation treten
hohe Spannungen innerhalb des Gehäuses auf. Bitte befolgen Sie
auf jeden Fall die Bed ienungs- und Installationsanweisungen um
jegliches Risiko einer Verletzung oder eines Personenschadens zu
WARNUNG: Versuchen Sie auf keinen Fall, Ihre UltraBookIIi
Workstation mit Trockenbatterien (Primärzellen) zu betreiben
oder solche mit dem Netz/Ladegerät zu laden. Versuche dieser Art
können Personen-oder Sachschaden zur Folge haben.
WARNUNG: Betreiben Sie Ihre UltraBookIIi Workstation nicht
bei feuchten oder nassen Umgebungsbedingungen. Falls Wasser
oder Feuchtigkeit in das Gehäuse eingedrungen ist, sollten Sie Ihr
Gerät vor Wiederinbetriebnahme von einem qualifizierten
Servicetechniker überprüfen lassen.
Important Safety Instructions
The following instructions pertain to the risk of fire, electric shock or bodily injury. Please read
all of these instructions carefully.
1. Save these instructions for later use.
2. Follow all of the instructions and warnings marked on this workstation or included in this manual.
3. Do not use this workstation in unstable or unsupported conditions.
4. The workstation may fall, causing serious damage to the workstation and others
5. Slots and openings in the cabinet are for ventilation. To ensure reliable operation
of the workstation, and to protect it from overheating, these openings must not
be blocked or covered. Don't use this workstation on a bed, sofa, rug or other similar surface. This workstation should never be placed near an oven, a radiator, or
heat register. This workstation should not be placed in a built-in installation unless proper ventilation is provided.
6. Never push objects of any kind into the workstation cabinet openings as they
may touch dangerous voltage points or short out parts that could result in a fire
or electrical shock. Keep liquids of any kind away from the workstation.
7. This workstation should only be connected to the AC power source indicated on
your workstation system's information label. If you are not sure of the type of AC
power available, consult your dealer or local power company. Only connect this
workstation to a power outlet matching the power requirements of this workstation.
8. Do not allow anything to rest on the power cord. Do not locate this workstation
where people will walk on the cord.
9. If you have to use an extension cord with this workstation, make sure that the
total amperage rating of all equipment plugged into it does not exceed the amperage rating of the extension cord. Also, make sure that the total of all workstations plugged into the main AC power outlet does not exceed 15 amps.
xUltraBookIIi User Guide
10. Unplug your workstation from the main electrical power outlet before cleaning.
Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth for cleaning.
11. Do not use this workstation near water.
12. This product is equipped with a 2-wire non-grounded type plug.
Battery Warning Instruction
WARNING: Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced.
Replace only with the same or equipment type recommended by the
manufacturer. Dispose of used batteries according to the
manufacturer’s instructions.
ATTENTION: Il y a danger d’explosion s’il y a remplacement
incorrect de la batterie. Remplacer uniquement avec une batterie
de meme type ou d’un type recommande par le c onstructeur. Mettre
au rebutles batteries usagees conformement aux instructions du
VORSICHT: Explosionsgefahr bei unsachgemässem Austausch
der Batterie. Ersatz nur durch denselben oder einen vom
Hersteller empfohlenen ähnlichen Typ. Entsorgung gebrauchter
Batterien nach Angaben des Herstellers.
Earthed Socket Instruction
Caution: Only connect this equipment to an earthed socket outlet.
Apparatet ma kun tilkobles jordet stikkontakt. Apparaten skall
anslutas till jordat nätuttag. Laite on liitettävä
ATTENTION: Debrancher avant d’ouvrir.
ATENCION: Desconecte fuerza electrica antes del servicio.
Die nachfolgenden Anweisungen betreffen die Gefahr von Verletzungen durch elektrische
Spannung, Feuer und mechanische Einwirkung. Bitte lesen sie diese Anweisungen sorgfältig.
1. Beachten Sie alle Hinweise, die am Gerät selbst angebracht oder in den zugehörigen Handbüchern vermerkt sind.
2. Stellen Sie das Gerät an einem sicheren, stabilen Arbeitsplatz auf.
3. Am Gerät angebrachte Öffnungen (Schlitze und sonstige Öffnungen) dienen der
Belüftung des Gerätes. Um ein zuverlässiges Arbeiten des Gerätes zu gewährleisten und um Überhitzung zu vermeiden, müssen diese Öffnungen unbedingt
freigehalten werden. Betreiben Sie das Gerät nie auf Betten, Sofas oder anderen,
weichen Unterlagen.
4. Stecken Sie keine Gegegenstände (Schraubenzieher, Büroklammern, etc.) in die
Öffnungen. Sie würden damit Kurzschlüsse herbeiführen, die zur Zerstörung
des Gerätes führen, sich der Gefahr eines Stromschlages aussetzen oder das
Gerät in Brand setzen.
UltraBookIIi User Guidexi
5. Das Gerät darf nur an vorschriftsmässige Steckdosen mit der auf dem Gerät angegebenen Netzspannung angeschlossen werden. Wenn Sie nicht sicher sind,
welche Netzspannung richtig ist, wenden Sie sich an den Lieferanten des
Gerätes oder an das zuständige Elektrizitätswerk.. Bitte nur an genügend stark
abgesicherte Steckdosen anschliessen, die der Leistungsaufnahme des Gerätes
6. Auf das Netzanschlusskabel dürfen keine Gegenstände gestellt werden.
7. Legen Sie das Netzkabel so, dass niemand darauftreten oder darüber stolpern
8. Wenn Sie Verlängerungskabel benützen, müssen Sie sicher sein, dass die gesamte Leistungsaufnahme nicht grösser ist, als das Verlängerungskabel zulässt.
Der gesamte Stromverbrauch aller angeschlossenen Geräte darf nicht mehr als
15A betragen.
9. Wenn Sie das Gerät reinigen, muss das Netzkabel aus der Steckdose gezogen
10. Das Gerät dürfen Sie nicht in der Nähe von Wasserleitungen benutzen.
Wartung der Workstation
Wenn Ihre Workstation nicht ordnungsgemäss arbeitet, dürfen Sie nur die Einstellungen
vornehmen, die im Handbuch genannt werden. Andere Einstellungen oder Veränderungen
können den Rechner beschädigen oder zerstören. Umfangreiche und kostspielige Reparaturen
würden notwendig werden, um das Gerät wieder betriebsfähig zu machen.
Ziehen Sie den Netzstecker aus der Steckdose und verständigen Sie den zuständigen
Kundendienst bei folgenden Störungen:
1. Netzkabel ist defekt oder stark abgenutzt.
2. Flüssigkeit ist in das Gerät gelangt.
3. Das Gerät war Regen oder Leitungswasser ausgesetzt.
4. Das Gerät ist heruntergefallen oder das Gerhäuse ist beschädigt.
5. Das Gerät arbeitet nicht mehr richtig.
Wenn Sie das Gerät öffnen müssen (Abnahme der verschraubten Haube), ist unbedingt folgendes
zu beachten:
1. Das Netzkabel muss aus der Steckdose gezogen werden und zwar bevor Sie das Gerät
2. Die Haube muss wieder montiert und verschraubt werden. Erst dann darf das
Netzkabel wieder eingesteckt werden.
xiiUltraBookIIi User Guide
Welcome to the UltraBookIIi User Guide. This manual contains
valuable information about using your new UltraBookIIi.
Conventions in this User Guide
The following conventions are used in this Guide:
Procedures are numbered.
1. Turn on your workstation.
Notes precede information that requires special
For your convenience, you can use your
UltraBookIIi’s on-board LCD or attach an
external monitor.
Warnings and Cautions
Information of a hazardous nature is shown as indented
and preceded by warning/caution icon.
Warning: Disconnect all AC power and
remove the battery prior to performing any
cleaning and maintenance. Personal injury
and equipment damage could result if a power
source is connected to the UltraBookIIi during
cleaning or maintenance.
UltraBookIIi User Guidexiii
Warnings are in italics to highlight conditions of
potential personal injury. Cautions point out possible
equipment damage.
Keyboard Conventions
Keyboard keys are shown in inital upper-case type.
1. Type Search and press the Enter key to have the system search for bootable devices.
Screen Messages
Screen messages appear in type within a
After the UltraBookIIi passes its self-test, the following
initial message appears:
ROM Rev. x.xx, xx, Serial #xxxxxxx
xxMB memory installed, Keyboard Present
Ethernet address x:x:xx:x:x:xx, Host ID: xxxxxxxx
Variables appear as an italicized x. For example, the x’s
in the screen on the previous page are variables because
the values shown for ROM Rev., serial number.
Ethernet address, and host ID will vary from system to
xivUltraBookIIi User Guide
Supplemental Documentation
For more information about the Solaris operating
system, refer to the UltraBookIIi Software Installation
Guide on the Tadpole-RDI Web Site. For more
information on related UltraBookIIi features, refer to
the other documents also on the Tadpole-RDI Web Site
by visiting:
UltraBookIIi User Guidexv
xviUltraBookIIi User Guide
Introducing UltraBook
Before using your UltraBookIIi portable workstation, it
is important to review the following topics covered in
Chapter 1:
•Unpacking your UltraBookIIi components.
•A list of features for the UltraBookIIi.
•Customer Service and Support.
Introducing UltraBookIIi Components
As you unpack your UltraBookIIi, check the shipping
carton and the components inside it for damage. Figure
1-1 shows the items you should find in your shipping
Figure 1-1 UltraBookIIi Components
UltraBookIIi User Guide1–1
If either the shipping carton is damaged or the
UltraBookIIi components are missing or damaged,
please contact your shipper or dealer immediately.
Each carton contains:
1. UltraBookIIi portable workstation
2. AC adapter and power cord
3. Rechargeable battery pack
4. Removable hard drive
5. I/O break-out cable
6. J13W3-to-VGA adapter
7. Solaris 2.x or higher compact disc
8. Tadpole-RDI software compact disc
9. Carrying case
10. UltraBookIIi User Guide (this manual)
11. Solaris Software Installation Guide
Optional UltraBookIIi Accessories:
•Optional external floppy drive (not shown)
•Optional CD-ROM drive (not shown)
•Optional fax/modem PCMCIA card (not
1–2UltraBookIIi User Guide
Introducing UltraBookIIi Features
Your new UltraBookIIi includes the following features:
•An UltraSPARC-IIi-compatible
motherboard, running at 400 MHz with a
2 MB data and instruction cache
•256 MB of high-speed RAM, upgradeable to
1 GB
•14.1 inch display with 1024 x 768 resolution,
supporting a 256K-color palette and 64shades of gray
•A full-size 97-key SUN Type-5 compatible
keyboard with 12 function keys
•An integrated three-button trackpad
•A status LCD that displays system status
•Up to three removable hard disk drives
(HDDs) of varying capacity
Depending on your configuration, you may
have two removable HDDs and one
removable battery.
•Audio input and output jacks that support:
•Stereo headphones, for private listening
•Line Out, for connection to external
stereophonic devices
•Line In, for connection to external
stereo audio sources
•Mono/stereo microphone, for
connection to an external microphone
•Internal monophonic speaker
•2 PCMCIA Type I or Type II cards, or 1
Type III slot
UltraBookIIi User Guide1–3
•A connector for an optional low-profile
external floppy disk drive
•A 68-pin Ultra/Fast-Wide SCSI port
•Two RS-232C serial ports for connecting an
external keyboard or mouse
•A port for connecting an AC power adapter
•A J13W3 port for attaching an optional
external monitor
•A standard RJ45 port that supports both
10-Base T and 100-Base T twisted pair
Ethernet connections
•A single 50-pin port and I/O break-out cable
(supplied) that supports two serial and one
parallel cable for connecting industrystandard TIA/EIA-232-F and Centronics
For more information about the features listed here, see
Appendix A of this guide.
For tips on using the features listed here, see Chapter 3
of this guide.
1–4UltraBookIIi User Guide
Customer Service and Support
If the information presented in this guide does not meet
your needs, or you have questions, you may contact
Tadpole-RDI’s Customer Service and Support staff.
North America
7:00 AM to 6:00 PM PST
Tel: 1-800 734-7030
Fax: (760) 930-0762
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM GMT
Tel: +44 1223 428200
Fax: +44 1223 428201
Before you call, have the serial number for your
UltraBookIIi nearby. This number appears on the
bottom of the UltraBook.
If you received an error message, it will also help if you
write down the following information:
1. Serial number of your system.
2. The exact description of the problem.
3. The task you were performing when you encountered the problem.
4. The command you typed when the error occurred. You may want to check the command line to make sure you did not make a
5. The directory you were in. You can use
“pwd” to obtain this information.
6. The account you were using. You can use
“whoami” to obtain this information.
7. Version of the operating system you are using. You can use “uname -a” or “more /etc/
release” to obtain this information. Refer to
page 6-9 for details about these commands.
UltraBookIIi User Guide1–5
1–6UltraBookIIi User Guide
Quick-Start provides a brief, pictorial introduction to get you
started. The next chapter, Using UltraBookIIi, describes more
detailed information about these features. A few minutes spent on
these two chapters will ensure you get the most out of
UltraBookIIi. For more detailed hardware descriptions, see
Appendix A of this manual.
By the end of these eight steps, you’ll be ready to start
working with your UltraBookIIi.
Step 1: Check the ambient air temperature.
Caution: If your workstation has been
exposed to temperature extremes
(variations of more than 10 degrees of
temperature or 10 percentage points of
humidity), you will need to stabilize the
UltraBookIIi User Guide2–1
workstation’s temperature. Let your
UltraBookIIi adjust to room temperature
before proceeding. As shown in Step 1, the
operating temperature range is 4° to 40° C.
Step 2: Open the UltraBookIIi
Open the UltraBookIIi display screen by sliding the
display cover latches as shown in Step 2.
Step 3: Install the Lithium-Ion battery.
2–2UltraBookIIi User Guide
Insert the battery pack into the bay. Push in until you
hear it click into place. The battery bay is located on
the same side of the unit as the PCMCIA and parallel
and serial ports.
Warning: Never use alkaline batteries
with the UltraBookIIi. Alkaline batteries
cannot be recharged and may explode if you
try to recharge them. Only use the LithiumIon battery supplied with the system.
Warnung: Versuchen sie auf keinen Fall,
Ihre UltraBookIIi workstation mi
Trockenbatterien (Primarzellen) zu
betreiben oder solche mit dem Netz/
Ladegerat zu laden. Versuche dieser Art
konnen Personen-oder Sachsaden zur
Folge Haben.
Step 4: Plug in the AC power adapter.
This shows connecting the AC adapter for AC power
operation. The battery need not be installed for AC
operation. Your AC adapter may look slightly
different than the one pictured here. For more
detailed instructions on plugging in the AC adapter,
see page 3-3.
UltraBookIIi User Guide2–3
Step 5: Open the UltraBookIIi back and side panels.
Step 5 continued.
Step 5 shows the back panel. Although the UltraBookIIi
is completely self-contained, the back panel provides
access for connecting the workstation to a wide variety
of external devices, including Ethernet networks. Lower
the cover plate and connect the external device to the
appropriate connector. For serial or parallel
connections, use the supplied I/O break-out cable. For
Ultra/Fast-Wide SCSI connections, use the SCSI port
shown in Step 5. See Chapter 2 for more on connections.
Turn on all external devices, then turn on your
UltraBookIIi, as shown in Step 6.
2–4UltraBookIIi User Guide
Step 6: Turn the power switch on.
Step 7: View the initial system screens.
After the self-tests have been successfully completed,
an initial message appears. Then system messages
scroll as the operating system loads.
If the system is booted with the factory software load
intact, the Common Desktop Environment (CDE)
login banner appears. Log on at this time and follow
the prompts.
UltraBookIIi User Guide2–5
Step 8: Log on to the system
If the factory software load is altered, the
CDE may not appear. If this is the case, after
the last system message, the screen displays
the login prompt and you can log into the
system. At this point, you may start your
This concludes Quick-Start. The next chapter, Using
UltraBookIIi, provides more detailed information about
the Quick-Start tasks.
2–6UltraBookIIi User Guide
This chapter provides more detailed information about the QuickStart tasks described in Chapter 2. A few minutes spent here will
ensure you get the most out of UltraBookIIi.
Using UltraBookIIi
Setting Up
The UltraBookIIi is designed to provide many years of
error-free operation. The workstation will last longer
by following these guidelines:
•Position the UltraBookIIi so you can
easily access the connectors on the back
and side panels.
•The area should be free of obstructions,
allowing you to open the display screen
completely, without hindrance.
•Adequate ventilation is required for the
UltraBookIIi. Do not cover or block the
ventilation slots or fans on the case.
Never spray or directly apply strong
cleaners or solvents to the UltraBookIIi
case or LCD.
Opening the Display Cover
The display is located on the inside of the top cover.
When you are not using the UltraBookIIi, the cover
should remain closed. This protects the display
against damage.
UltraBookIIi User Guide3–1
To open the display cover:
1. Slide the two display cover latches outward
to the left and right sides of the unit (see
Figure 3-1).
2. Gently raise the cover to its full, upright position.
Figure 3-1 Raising the Display Cover
You can adjust the screen up to 27 degrees from vertical
for a better viewing angle. Use the backlight intensity
keys on the integral keyboard to adjust the brightness of
the backlight to achieve the best viewing conditions.
3–2UltraBookIIi User Guide
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