Intel SE7505VB2 Specification

Intel® Server Board SE7505VB2
Technical Product Specification
Intel part number C32194-002
Enterprise Platforms and Services Marketing
Revision 1.2
April 2004
Revision History Intel® Server Board SE7505VB2
Revision History
Date Revision Number Modifications
January 2003 1.0 Initial Release
Added memory cooling duct information, added section on BIOS event
March 2003 1.1
April 2004 1.2 New graphics for Mechanical Changes.
log, incorporated Technology Leadership terminology, and corrected miscellaneous minor technical details.
Revision 1.2
Intel part number C32194-002
Intel® Server Board SE7505VB2 Disclaimers
Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel® products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Intel's Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, and Intel disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of Intel products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright or other intellectual property right. Intel products are not intended for use in medical, life saving, or life sustaining applications. Intel may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice.
Designers must not rely on the absence or characteristics of any features or instructions marked "reserved" or "undefined." Intel reserves these for future definition and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts or incompatibilities arising from future changes to them.
The SE7505VB2 server system may contain design defects or errors known as errata that may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request.
Intel and Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation.
*Other brands and names may be claimed as the property of others.
Copyright © Intel Corporation 2003.
Revision 1.2 Intel part number C32194-002
Table of Contents Intel® Server Board SE7505VB2
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................13
2. SE7505VB2 Server Board Overview ................................................................................. 14
2.1 Intel® Server Board SE7505VB2 Feature Set................................................................ 14
3. Functional Architecture ..................................................................................................... 16
3.1 Processor and Memory Subsystem............................................................................... 16
3.1.1 Processor Support ...................................................................................................16
3.1.2 Memory Subsystem .................................................................................................17
3.2 The Intel® E7505 Chipset............................................................................................... 21
3.2.1 MCH Memory Architecture Overview....................................................................... 22
3.2.2 Memory Controller Hub (MCH) ................................................................................ 23
3.2.3 P64H2 ...................................................................................................................... 24
3.2.4 ICH4 ......................................................................................................................... 24
3.3 Super I/O .......................................................................................................................28
3.3.1 GPIOs ......................................................................................................................29
3.3.2 Serial Ports............................................................................................................... 29
3.3.3 BIOS Flash............................................................................................................... 30
4. Clock Generation and Distribution ................................................................................... 31
5. PCI I/O Subsystem .............................................................................................................33
5.1 PCI Subsystem ..............................................................................................................33
5.1.1 P32-A: 32-bit/33-MHz PCI Subsystem..................................................................... 33
5.1.2 P64-B and P64-C: 64-bit/100- or 66-MHz PCI Subsystem ...................................... 34
5.2 Serial ATA Controller .....................................................................................................35
5.3 Video Controller ............................................................................................................. 36
5.3.1 Video Modes ............................................................................................................ 37
5.3.2 Video Memory Interface ........................................................................................... 37
5.3.3 Host Bus Interface.................................................................................................... 38
5.4 Network Interface Controller (NIC) ................................................................................ 39
5.4.1 NIC Connector and Status LEDs .............................................................................39
5.5 Interrupt Routing ............................................................................................................ 40
5.5.1 Legacy Interrupt Routing.......................................................................................... 40
5.5.2 APIC Interrupt Routing ............................................................................................. 40
5.5.3 Serialized IRQ Support ............................................................................................41
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Intel® Server Board SE7505VB2 Table of Contents
5.5.4 IRQ Scan for PCIIRQ ...............................................................................................41
5.6 PCI Error Handling......................................................................................................... 41
6. Hardware Monitoring ......................................................................................................... 45
6.1 Monitored Components .................................................................................................45
6.2 Fan Speed Control......................................................................................................... 46
6.3 Chassis Intrusion ........................................................................................................... 46
7. SE7505VB2 ACPI Implementation .................................................................................... 48
7.1 ACPI ..............................................................................................................................48
7.1.1 Front Panel Switches ............................................................................................... 48
7.1.2 Wake up Sources (ACPI and Legacy) .....................................................................49
8. SE7505VB2 Connectors..................................................................................................... 50
8.1 Main Power Connector .................................................................................................. 50
8.2 Memory Module Connector ........................................................................................... 51
8.3 Processor Socket........................................................................................................... 52
8.4 I2C Header ..................................................................................................................... 55
8.5 PCI Slot Connector ........................................................................................................55
8.6 AGP 3.0 Pro50 Connector .............................................................................................58
8.7 Front Panel Connector................................................................................................... 59
8.8 VGA Connector.............................................................................................................. 59
8.9 NIC Connector ...............................................................................................................60
8.10 IDE Connector ............................................................................................................ 60
8.11 SATA Connector......................................................................................................... 61
8.12 USB Connector........................................................................................................... 62
8.13 Floppy Connector ....................................................................................................... 63
8.14 Serial Port Connector ................................................................................................. 63
8.15 Keyboard and Mouse Connector................................................................................ 64
8.16 Miscellaneous Headers .............................................................................................. 64
8.16.1 Fan Header ............................................................................................................64
8.16.2 Intrusion Cable Connector...................................................................................... 65
9. Configuration Jumpers...................................................................................................... 66
9.1 System Recovery and Update Jumpers ........................................................................66
10. BIOS..................................................................................................................................... 67
10.1 Using the BIOS Setup Utility....................................................................................... 67
10.1.1 If You Cannot Access Setup ..................................................................................67
10.1.2 Starting Setup......................................................................................................... 67
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Table of Contents Intel® Server Board SE7505VB2
10.1.3 Setup Menus .......................................................................................................... 67
10.1.4 Menu Selection Bar ................................................................................................69
10.1.5 Main Menu.............................................................................................................. 70
10.1.6 Advanced Menu ..................................................................................................... 72
10.1.7 Security Menu ........................................................................................................ 83
10.1.8 Power Menu ........................................................................................................... 84
10.1.9 Boot Menu ..............................................................................................................85
10.1.10 System Menu......................................................................................................... 86
10.1.11 Exit Menu............................................................................................................... 87
10.2 Upgrading the BIOS ...................................................................................................88
10.2.1 Preparing for the Upgrade...................................................................................... 88
10.2.2 Upgrading the BIOS ............................................................................................... 89
10.2.3 Crisis Recovery Diskette ........................................................................................ 90
10.3 Error Handling and Reporting.....................................................................................93
10.3.1 POST Error Beep Codes........................................................................................ 93
10.3.2 BIOS Event Log...................................................................................................... 93
11. Absolute Maximum Ratings .............................................................................................. 94
12. Power Information.............................................................................................................. 95
12.1 SE7505VB2 Server Board Power Budget .................................................................. 95
12.2 Power Supply Specifications ...................................................................................... 96
12.2.1 Power Timing ......................................................................................................... 96
12.2.2 Voltage Recovery Timing Specifications ................................................................ 99
13. Product Regulatory Compliance..................................................................................... 100
13.1.1 Product Safety Compliance.................................................................................. 100
13.1.2 Product EMC Compliance .................................................................................... 100
13.1.3 Mandatory / Standard: Certifications; Registration; Declarations......................... 100
13.1.4 Other Product Mandatory Regulations to Consider due to new Emerging
International Requirements ................................................................................................ 101
13.1.5 Important Product Regulation Requirements .......................................................101
13.1.6 Product Regulatory Compliance Markings ........................................................... 101
13.2 Electromagnetic Compatibility Notices ..................................................................... 102
13.2.1 Europe (CE Declaration of Conformity)................................................................ 102
13.2.2 Australian Communications Authority (ACA) (C-Tick Declaration of Conformity)102
13.2.3 Ministry of Economic Development (New Zealand) Declaration of Conformity .... 102
13.2.4 BSMI (Taiwan)...................................................................................................... 102
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Intel® Server Board SE7505VB2 Table of Contents
13.3 Replacing the Back up Battery ................................................................................. 102
14. Mechanical Specifications............................................................................................... 104
Glossary................................................................................................................................... 106
Reference Documents ............................................................................................................108
Index................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
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List of Figures Intel® Server Board SE7505VB2
List of Figures
Figure 1. The Board Block Diagram............................................................................................ 15
Figure 2. Memory Sub-system Block Diagram............................................................................ 18
Figure 3. Memory Bank Label Definition..................................................................................... 20
Figure 4. SE7505VB2 Clock Distribution Diagram...................................................................... 32
Figure 5. Video Controller PCI Bus Interface.............................................................................. 38
Figure 6. Interrupt Routing Diagram (ICH4 Internal)................................................................... 42
Figure 7. Interrupt Routing Diagram ...........................................................................................43
Figure 8. The Board PCI Interrupt Mapping Diagram ................................................................. 44
Figure 9. Hardware Monitoring ...................................................................................................47
Figure 10. System Recovery and Update Jumpers (J4J1) ......................................................... 66
Figure 11. BIOS Recovery Jumper ............................................................................................. 92
Figure 12. Output Voltage Timing ............................................................................................... 97
Figure 13. Turn on / off Timing.................................................................................................... 98
Figure 14. Intel Server Board SE7505VB2 Mechanical Drawing.............................................. 104
Figure 15. Board Photograph (Reference Only) ....................................................................... 105
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Intel® Server Board SE7505VB2 List of Tables
List of Tables
Table 1. Processor Support Matrix .............................................................................................16
Table 2. Memory Bank Labels .................................................................................................... 20
Table 3. I2C Addresses for Memory Module SMB ......................................................................21
Table 4. Supported DDRs...........................................................................................................23
Table 5. ICH4 GPIO Usage Table ..............................................................................................26
Table 6. Super I/O GPIO Usage Table ....................................................................................... 29
Table 7. PCI Bus Segment Characteristics................................................................................. 33
Table 8. P32-A Configuration IDs ............................................................................................... 33
Table 9. P32-A Arbitration Connections...................................................................................... 34
Table 10. P64-B Configuration IDs ............................................................................................. 34
Table 11. P64-C Configuration IDs .............................................................................................34
Table 12. P64-B Arbitration Connections.................................................................................... 35
Table 13. P64-C Arbitration Connections ...................................................................................35
Table 14. sATA RAID Level ........................................................................................................36
Table 15. Video Modes ............................................................................................................... 37
Table 16. PCI Interrupt Routing/Sharing..................................................................................... 40
Table 17. Interrupt Definitions.....................................................................................................41
Table 18. Monitored Components............................................................................................... 45
Table 19. Supported Wake Events ............................................................................................. 49
Table 20. Power Connector Pin-out (J9B1) ................................................................................ 50
Table 21. Auxiliary Signal Connector (J7K1) .............................................................................. 50
Table 22. Auxiliary CPU Power Connector Pin-out (J9K1) ......................................................... 50
Table 23. DIMM Connectors (J9H1, J9J1, J9H2, J9J2).............................................................. 51
Table 24. Socket 604 Processor Socket Pin-out (U8C1, U5C1)................................................. 52
Table 25. SCSI HDD Header Pin-out (J3K2, J4K1).................................................................... 55
Table 26. P32-A 5V 32-bit/33-MHz PCI Slot Pin-out (J4B1, J3B1)............................................. 55
Table 27. P64-B 3.3V 64-bit/100-MHz PCI-X Slot Pin-out (J2B1, J2B2) .................................... 56
Table 28. P64-C 3.3V 64-bit/66-MHz PCI Slot Pin-out (J1B1).................................................... 57
Table 29. AGP 3.0 Pro Connector Pin-out (J4C1) ......................................................................58
Table 30. Front Panel 34-Pin Header Pin-out (J1J1).................................................................. 59
Table 31. VGA Connector Pin-out (J7A1)................................................................................... 59
Table 32. NIC1 (10/100) Connector Pin-out (J5A1).................................................................... 60
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List of Tables Intel® Server Board SE7505VB2
Table 33. NIC2 (Gbit 10/100/1000) Connector Pin-out (J6A1) ................................................... 60
Table 34. ATA 40-pin Connector Pin-out (J3K2, J4K1) .............................................................. 60
Table 35. SATA Connector Pin-out (J1H1)................................................................................. 61
Table 36. SATA Connector Pin-out (J1H2)................................................................................. 61
Table 37. USB Connectors Pin-out (J9A2) ................................................................................. 62
Table 38. Optional USB Connection Header Pin-out (J5K1) ...................................................... 62
Table 39. Legacy 34-pin Floppy Connector Pin-out (J3K1) ........................................................63
Table 40. External DB9 Serial A Port Pin-out (J8A1).................................................................. 63
Table 41. 9-pin Header Serial B Port Pin-out (J1J2)................................................................... 64
Table 42. Keyboard and Mouse PS/2 Connectors Pin-out (J9A1).............................................. 64
Table 43. Three-pin Fan Headers Pin-out (J8A3, J7B1, J5K2, J5K3, J8A2, J5A2).................... 64
Table 44. Intrusion Cable Connector Pin-Out ............................................................................. 65
Table 45. System Recovery and Update Jumper Options.......................................................... 66
Table 46. Keyboard Commands ................................................................................................. 68
Table 47. On-Screen Options .....................................................................................................69
Table 48. Menu Selection Bar..................................................................................................... 69
Table 49. Main Menu .................................................................................................................. 70
Table 50. Primary/Secondary, Master/Slave Submenu .............................................................. 71
Table 51. Advanced Menu .......................................................................................................... 72
Table 52. I/O Device Configuration Submenu ............................................................................74
Table 53. On Board Device Submenu ........................................................................................ 76
Table 54. PCI Configuration Submenu ....................................................................................... 77
Table 55. Onboard Serial ATA Submenu ...................................................................................78
Table 56. Onboard NICs Submenu............................................................................................. 78
Table 57. Option ROM Scan Submenu ...................................................................................... 78
Table 58. Server Menu Submenu ...............................................................................................79
Table 59. Console Redirection Submenu ................................................................................... 80
Table 60. Event Logging Submenu............................................................................................. 81
Table 61. Hardware Monitor Submenu .......................................................................................82
Table 62. Security Menu ............................................................................................................. 83
Table 63. Power Menu................................................................................................................84
Table 64. Boot Menu................................................................................................................... 85
Table 65. System Menu ..............................................................................................................86
Table 66. Exit Menu .................................................................................................................... 87
Table 67. POST Error Beep Codes ............................................................................................93
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Intel® Server Board SE7505VB2 List of Tables
Table 68. BIOS Event Log Error Messages................................................................................ 93
Table 69. Absolute Maximum Ratings ........................................................................................ 94
Table 70. The Board Power Budget............................................................................................ 95
Table 71. The Board Power Supply Voltage Specification .........................................................96
Table 72. Voltage Timing Parameters ........................................................................................97
Table 73. Turn On / Off Timing ................................................................................................... 98
Table 74. Transient Load Requirements..................................................................................... 99
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List of Tables Intel® Server Board SE7505VB2
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Intel® Server Board SE7505VB2 Introduction
1. Introduction
The Intel® Server Board SE7505VB2 Technical Product Specification (TPS) provides technical details for the server board’s functional architecture and feature set. It also provides a high-level detail of some of the board’s functional sub-systems.
This document is intended to be the technical reference for this board. Updates to this document will be made via the Specification Update published monthly from the date of product launch. Please refer to the Intel Server Board SE7505VB2 support website for any updates to this document:
Revision 1.2 Intel part number C32194-002
SE7505VB2 Server Board Overview Intel® Server Board SE7505VB2
2. SE7505VB2 Server Board Overview
The Intel® Server Board SE7505VB2 is a monolithic printed circuit board with features that were designed to support the general purpose, pedestal server market and meet the needs of a high end workstation system as well. The architecture is based around the Intel is capable of supporting one or two Intel
Xeon™ processors with 512KB L2 cache and up to
8GB of memory.
2.1 Intel® Server Board SE7505VB2 Feature Set
The Intel Server Board SE7505VB2 supports the following feature set:
Processor/FSB support
- Dual Intel Xeon processors with 512KB L2 cache using the 604-pin FCPGA processor package
- 533 MHz FSB or 400 MHz FSB support
- 4.2 GB/sec Bus Bandwidth
- One version 9.1 compliant VRD to supply CPU core voltage
Intel E7505 chipset components
- MCH memory controller
- P64H2 64-bit I/O Hub
- ICH4 I/O controller
- FWH Firmware Hub
Glue4-PAL Support for up to four DDR266 compliant ECC DDR DIMMs providing up to 8 GB of
Three separate and independent PCI buses:
- Segment A: Two PCI 32-bit/33-MHz, 5 V connectors supporting full length PCI add-in cards and three embedded devices:
2D/3D graphics controller: ATI Rage XL video controller with 8 MB of SDRAM
One Intel 10/100 82550PM Fast Ethernet Controller
Dual port Serial ATA controller: Silicon Image 3112A
- Segment B: Two PCI-X 64-bit/100-MHz, 3.3 V slots supporting full length PCI / PCI-X add-in cards
- Segment C: One PCI 64-bit/66-MHz, 3.3 V slot supporting full length PCI add-in cards and one embedded component:
Intel 82540EM 10/100/1000 gigabit Ethernet controller
LPC (Low Pin Count) bus segment with two embedded devices:
- Super I/O (sIO) controller chip, Winbond* 83627HF, providing all PC-compatible I/O (floppy, serial, keyboard, mouse, parallel) and integrated hardware monitoring
- Flash ROM device for system BIOS: Intel 8 megabit N82802AC Flash ROM
E7505 chipset and
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Intel® Server Board SE7505VB2 SE7505VB2 Server Board Overview
Graphic AGP 3.0 Pro50 watt support
- Support 2X, 4X and 8X AGP protocol
- AGP Pro50 supported by additional power pins in 4X and 8X mode
- Support 1.5V signal levels only
- Maximum of 2.03 GB/sec Bus Bandwidth
Three external Universal Serial Bus (USB) ports with an additional internal header
providing one optional USB ports for front panel support.
Two IDE connectors, supporting up to four ATA-100 compatible devices Support for up to four system fans and two processor fans SSI-compliant connectors for SSI interface support: front panel and power connectors.
The following figure below shows the functional blocks of the server board and the plug-in modules that it supports.
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Figure 1. The Board Block Diagram
Functional Architecture Intel® Server Board SE7505VB2
3. Functional Architecture
This chapter provides a high-level description of the functionality distributed between the architectural blocks of the Intel
Server Board SE7505VB2.
3.1 Processor and Memory Subsystem
The Intel® chipset E7505 provides a 36-bit address, 64-bit data processor host bus interface, operating at 533 MHz in the AGTL+ signaling environment. The MCH component of the chipset provides an integrated memory controller, an 8-bit hub interface, and one 16-bit hub interfaces.
The hub interface provides the interface to two 64-bit/100-MHz PCI-X buses and one 64-bit/66­MHz PCI bus via the P64H2, and the interface to two 32-bit/33-MHz PCI buses via the ICH4. The board directly supports up to 8 GB of ECC memory, using four DDR266 compliant ECC DIMMs. The ECC implementation in the MCH can detect and correct single-bit errors (SBE), detect multiple-bit errors (MBE), and supports Intel SDDC) feature with x4 DIMMs.
3.1.1 Processor Support
The Intel Server Board SE7505VB2 supports one or two processors in the 604-pin FCPGA package. When two processors are installed, all processors must be of identical revision, core voltage, and bus/core speed. When only one processor is installed, it should be in the socket labeled CPU1 and the other socket must be empty. The support circuitry on the server board consists of the following:
x4 Single Data Device Correction (Intel x4
Dual 604-pin processor sockets supporting 533MHz FSB Intel Xeon processors. Processor host bus AGTL+ support circuitry.
Table 1. Processor Support Matrix
Processor Family Package Type Frequency Cache Size Front Side Bus Speed
Intel Xeon FCPGA 3.06GHz 512KB 533
Intel Xeon FCPGA 2.8 GHz 512KB 400 / 533
Intel Xeon FCPGA 2.67 GHz 512KB 400 / 533
Intel Xeon mPGA / FCPGA 2.4 GHz 512KB 400 / 533
Intel Xeon mPGA / FCPGA 2.2 GHz 512KB 400 / 533
Intel Xeon mPGA / FCPGA 2.0GHz 512KB 400 / 533
Intel Xeon mPGA / FCPGA 1.8GHz 512KB 400
Processors must be populated in sequential order. Processor socket 1 must be
populated before processor socket 2.
The board is designed to provide up to 65A of current per processor. Processors with
higher current requirements are not supported.
No terminator is required in the second processor socket when using a uni-processor
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Intel® Server Board SE7505VB2 Functional Architecture
In addition to the circuitry described above, the processor subsystem contains the following:
Reset configuration logic Processor module presence detection logic Server management registers and sensors Processor VRD
The Intel Server Board SE7505VB2 has a single VRD (Voltage Regulator Down) to support two processors. It is compliant with the VRM 9.1 specification and provides a maximum of 130 AMPs, which is capable of supporting the requirements for two Intel
Xeon™ processors.
The board hardware and PMC (Power Management Controller) must read the processor VID (voltage identification) bits for each processor before turning on the VRD. If the VIDs of the two processors are not identical, then the PMC will not turn on the VRD. Reset Configuration Logic
The BIOS determines the processor stepping, cache size, etc through the CPUID instruction. The requirements are as follows:
All processors in the system must operate at the same frequency, have the same cache
sizes, and same VID. No mixing of product families is supported.
Processors run at a fixed speed and cannot be programmed to operate at a lower or
higher speed.
The processor information is read at every system power-on.
Note: The processor speed is the processor power on reset default value. No manual processor speed setting options exist either in the form of a BIOS setup option or jumpers. Processor Module Presence Detection
Logic is provided on the baseboard to detect the presence and identity of installed processors. The PMC checks the logic and will not turn on the system DC power unless the VIDs of both the processors match in a DP configuration. Interrupts and APIC
Interrupt generation and notification to the processors is done by the APICs in the ICH4 and the P64H2 using messages on the front side bus.
3.1.2 Memory Subsystem
The baseboard supports up to four DIMM slots for a maximum memory capacity of 8 GB. The DIMM organization is x72, which includes eight ECC check bits. The memory interface runs at 266MT/s. The memory controller supports memory scrubbing, single-bit error correction and multiple-bit error detection and Intel x4 SDDC support with x4 DIMMs. Memory can be implemented with either single sided (one row) or double-sided (two row) DIMMs.
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Functional Architecture Intel® Server Board SE7505VB2
The figure below provides a block diagram of the memory sub-system implemented on the board.
Figure 2. Memory Sub-system Block Diagram Memory DIMM Support
The board supports DDR266-compliant ECC DIMMS operating at 266MT/s. Only DIMMs tested and qualified by Intel or a designated memory test vendor are supported on this board. A list of qualified DIMMs is available at Note that all DIMMs are supported by design, but only fully qualified DIMMs will be supported on the board.
The minimum supported DIMM size is 128 MB. Therefore, the minimum main memory configuration is 1 x 128 MB or 128 MB. The largest size DIMM supported is a 2 GB registered DDR266 ECC DIMM based on 512 megabit technology. Therefore the maximum main memory configuration is 4 x 2 GB or 8 GB.
Only registered DDR266 compliant, ECC, DDR memory DIMMs will be supported ECC single-bit errors (SBE) will be corrected and multiple-bit error (MBE) will be
Intel server board also supports Intel x4 SDDC with x4 DIMMs. The maximum memory capacity is 8 GB The minimum memory capacity is 128 MB
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Intel® Server Board SE7505VB2 Functional Architecture Memory Configuration
The memory interface between the MCH and the DIMMs is 144-bits wide (72-bits for each bank).
There are two banks of DIMMs, labeled 1 and 2. Bank 1 contains DIMM socket locations 1A and 1B. Bank 2 contains 2A and 2B. The sockets associated with each bank are located next to each other and the DIMM socket identifiers are marked on the baseboard silkscreen, near the DIMM socket.
For designs that require a lower price point, a single 128 MB DIMM can be populated in the DIMM1A socket. When a single DIMM is installed, interleaving and Intel x4 SDDC are not available. Bank 2 will only operate with two DIMMs installed.
The baseboard’s signal integrity and cooling are optimized when memory banks are populated in order. Before populating either DIMM socket in bank 2, both DIMMs in bank 1 must be populated. No empty DIMM sockets are allowed between populated DIMMs.
DIMM and memory configurations must adhere to the following:
DDR266 ECC, registered, DDR DIMM modules DIMM organization: x72 ECC Pin count: 184 DIMM capacity: 128 MB, 256 MB, 512 MB, 1 GB, 2GB DIMMs Serial PD: JEDEC Rev 2.0 Voltage options: 3.3 V (VDD/VDDQ) Interface: SSTL2 Memory Cooling
The SE7505VB2 server board supports DDR memory in a variety of sizes and densities (see Table 4). Due to the specific orientation of the memory on the SE7505VB2 server board, certain memory densities and configurations are more difficult to cool in chassis that provide traditional front to back airflow such as the Intel SC5200 and SC5250-E server chassis. To ensure the memory used with this board has sufficient thermal margin to operate within specifications, Intel has designed a memory cooling duct specifically for the SE7505VB2 server board. Intel’s testing has shown only 2GB and stacked 1GB (low profile) DIMMs are thermally at risk. If your specific design uses either of these size memory parts, contact Intel Customer Support and request the SE7505VB2 server board memory cooling duct, part number C28482-
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Functional Architecture Intel® Server Board SE7505VB2
Table 2. Memory Bank Labels
Memory DIMM Bank
J9H1 (DIMM 1A), J9H2 (DIMM 1B) 1
J9J1 (DIMM 2A), J9J2 (DIMM 2B) 2
J9H1 J9H2 J9J1 J9J2
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1A 2A1B 2B
Bank 2
Figure 3. Memory Bank Label Definition
Intel part number C32194-002
Intel® Server Board SE7505VB2 Functional Architecture
2 I
The I
C bus is used by the system BIOS to retrieve DIMM information needed to program the
C Bus
MCH memory registers, which are required to boot the system.
The following table provides the I
Table 3. I2C Addresses for Memory Module SMB
C addresses for each DIMM slot.
Device Address
DIMM 1A 0xA0
DIMM 1B 0xA2
DIMM 2A 0xA4
The ECC used for DRAM provides Intel x4 SDDC technology for x4 SDRAMs. DRAMs that are x8 use the same algorithm but will not have Intel x4 SDDC technology, since at most only four bits can be corrected with this ECC.
The method provides more ECC bits so each ECC word can correct more than a single-bit failure. This is possible because different mathematical algorithms provide multiple-bit correction with the right number of data bits and ECC bits. For example, a 144-bit ECC word that consists of 128 data bits and 16 ECC bits can be used to correct up to 4 bit errors within certain bit fields of data. These four bits must be adjacent, not random. Even though the ratio of the ECC bits to data bits is the same as the previous example (16/128 vs. 8/64), the longer ECC word allows for a correction and detection algorithm that is more efficient.
3.2 The Intel® E7505 Chipset
The Intel Server Board SE7505VB2 is designed around the Intel E7505 chipset. The chipset provides an integrated I/O bridge and memory controller, and a flexible I/O subsystem core (PCI / PCI-X) . This is targeted for multiprocessor systems and standard high-volume servers. The chipset consists of three components:
MCH: Memory Control Hub. The MCH accepts access requests from the host
(processor) bus and directs those accesses to memory or to one of the PCI buses. The MCH monitors the host bus, examining addresses for each request. Accesses may be directed to a memory request queue for subsequent forwarding to the memory subsystem, or to an outbound request queue for subsequent forwarding to one of the PCI buses. The MCH also accepts inbound requests from the P64H2 and the ICH4. The MCH is responsible for generating the appropriate controls to control data transfer to and from memory.
P64H2: PCI-X 64bit Hub 2.0 I/O Bridge. The P64H2 provides the interface for two PCI-
X buses capable of 133MHz operation. The P64H2 is both master and target on both buses.
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Functional Architecture Intel® Server Board SE7505VB2
ICH4: I/O Controller Hub 4. The ICH4 controller has several components. It provides
the interface for a 32-bit/33-MHz PCI bus. The ICH4 can be both a master and a target on that PCI bus. The ICH4 also includes a USB 2.0 controller and an IDE controller. The ICH4 is also responsible for much of the power management functions, with ACPI control registers built in. The ICH4 also provides a number of GPIO pins and has the LPC bus to support low speed legacy I/O.
The MCH, P64H2, and ICH4 chips provide the pathway between processor and I/O systems. The MCH is responsible for accepting access requests from the host (processor) bus, and directing all I/O accesses to one of the PCI buses or legacy I/O locations. If the cycle is directed to one of the 64-bit PCI segments, the MCH communicates with the P64H2 through a private interface called the HI (Hub Interface). If the cycle is directed to the ICH4, the cycle is output on the MCH’s 8-bit HI 1.5 bus. The P64H2 translates the HI 2.0 bus operation to a 64-bit PCI signaling environment operating between 133 MHz and 33 MHz.
The HI 2.0 bus is 16 bits wide and operates at 66 MHz with 512MT/s, providing over 1 GB per second of bandwidth.
All I/O for the board, including PCI and PC-compatible I/O, is directed through the MCH and then through either the P64H2 or the ICH4 provided PCI buses.
The ICH4 provides one 32-bit/33-MHz PCI bus hereafter called P32-A. The P64H2 provides one 64-bit/100-MHz PCI-X bus, hereafter called P64-B, and one
64bit/66MHz PCI bus, hereafter called P64-C.
This independent bus structure allows all three PCI buses to operate independently and concurrently providing additional bandwidth to the system.
3.2.1 MCH Memory Architecture Overview
The MCH supports a 144-bit wide memory sub-system that can support a maximum of 8 GB of DDR266 memory using 2 GB DIMMs. This configuration needs external registers for buffering the memory address and control signals. The four chip selects are registered inside the MCH and need no external registers for chip selects.
The memory interface runs at 266MT/s. The memory interface supports a 72-bit or 144-bit wide memory array. It uses fifteen address lines (BA [1:0] and MA [12:0]) and supports 64 Mb, 128 Mb, 256 Mb, 512 Mb DRAM densities. The DDR DIMM interface supports memory scrubbing, single-bit error correction, and multiple bit error detection and Intel x4 SDDC with x4 DIMMs.
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Intel part number C32194-002
Intel® Server Board SE7505VB2 Functional Architecture DDR Configurations
The DDR interface supports up to 8 GB of main memory and supports single- and double­density DIMMs. The DDR can be any industry-standard DDR. The following table shows the DDR DIMM technology supported.
Table 4. Supported DDRs
128MB 16M x 72 128Mbit 16M x 8 9/1/4 12/2/10
256MB 32M x 72 64Mbit 16M x 4 36/2/4 12/2/10
256MB 32M x 72 128Mbit 32M x 4 18/1/4 12/2/11
256MB 32M x 72 128Mbit 16M x 8 18/2/4 12/2/10
256MB 32M x 72 256Mbit 32M x 8 9/1/4 13/2/10
512MB 64M x 72 256Mbit 64M x 4 18/1/4 13/2/11
512MB 64M x 72 256Mbit 32M x 8 18/2/4 13/2/10
512MB 64M x 72 512Mbit 64M x 8 9/1/4 13/2/11
1GB 128M x 72 256Mbit 64M x 4 36/2/4 13/2/11
1GB 128M x 72 512Mbit 64M x 8 18/2/4 13/2/11
1GB 128M x 72 512Mbit 128M x 4 18/1/4 13/2/12
2GB 256M x 72 512Mbit 128M x 4 36/2/4 13/2/12
SDRAM Density
# SDRAM Devices /
Rows / Banks
# Address Bits Rows / Banks /
3.2.2 Memory Controller Hub (MCH)
The MCH is a 1005-ball FC-BGA device and uses the proven components of previous generations like the Intel Xeon processor bus interface unit, the hub interface unit, and the DDR memory interface unit. In addition, the MCH incorporates a hub interface (HI) . The HI interface allows the MCH to directly interface with the P64H2. The MCH also increases the main memory interface bandwidth and maximum memory configuration with a 144-bit wide memory interface.
The MCH integrates the following main functions:
An integrated high performance main memory subsystem. An HI 2.0 bus which provides an interface to the P64H2 An HI 1.5 bus which provides an interface to the ICH4 AGP pro slot: Video controller with 3D/2D graphics accelerator
Other features provided by the MCH include the following:
Full support of ECC on the processor bus Full support of Intel x4 SDDC on the memory interface with x4 DIMMs Twelve deep in-order queue, two deep defer queue Full support of registered DDR266 ECC DIMMs. Support for 2 GB DDR memory modules Memory scrubbing
Revision 1.2 Intel part number C32194-002
Functional Architecture Intel® Server Board SE7505VB2 AGP 8X Bus
The AGP 8X bus features include the following:
Single AGP device AGP interface asynchronously coupled to core AGP 3.0 specification compliant AGP 8X / 4X / 2X at 1.5V 0.8V and 1.5V AGP electrical. No 3.3V support Isochronous support for AGP 8X, non-snooped 32 deep AGP request queue 32-bit upstream address support for inbound AGP and PCI cycles 32-bit downstream address support for outbound PCI and fast write cycles
3.2.3 P64H2
The P64H2 is a 567-ball FC-BGA device that provides an integrated I/O bridge for a high­performance data flow path between the HI 2.0 bus and the 64-bit I/O subsystem. This subsystem supports peer 64-bit PCI-X segments. Because it has two PCI interfaces, the P64H2 can provide large and efficient I/O configurations. The P64H2 functions as the bridge between the HI 2.0 interface and the two 64-bit PCI-X I/O segments. The HI interface can support 1GB/s of data bandwidth. PCI Bus P64-B I/O Subsystem
P64-B supports two 184-pin, 3.3-volt keyed, 64-bit PCI expansion slot connectors running at 100MHz. Both of the slots support 184-pin, 3.3V keyed, 64-bit PCI-X expansion cards. Both slots support full-length PCI-X or PCI add-in cards.
The BIOS is responsible for setting the bus speed of P64-B. The bus speed runs at the speed of the slowest card installed. PCI Bus P64-C I/O Subsystem
P64-C supports the following embedded devices and connectors:
One 184-pin, 3.3-volt keyed, 64-bit PCI expansion slot connector running at 66MHz. This
slot is capable of supporting a full-length add-in PCI card
One integrated Intel
82540EM fast Ethernet gigabit (10/100/1000) controller
The BIOS is responsible for setting the bus speed of P64-C. The bus speed runs at the speed of the slowest card installed.
3.2.4 ICH4
The ICH4 is a multi-function device, housed in a 421-pin BGA device, providing a HI 1.5 to PCI bridge, a PCI IDE interface, a PCI USB controller, and a power management controller. Each function within the ICH4 has its own set of configuration registers. Once configured, each appears to the system as a distinct hardware controller sharing the same PCI bus interface.
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Intel part number C32194-002
Intel® Server Board SE7505VB2 Functional Architecture
The primary role of the ICH4 is to provide the gateway to all PC-compatible I/O devices and features. The board uses the following the ICH4 features:
PCI bus interface LPC bus interface IDE interface, with Ultra DMA 100 capability Universal Serial Bus (USB) 2.0 interface PC-compatible timer/counter and DMA controllers APIC and 8259 interrupt controller Power management System RTC General purpose I/O (GPIO)
The following are the descriptions of how each supported feature is used on the board . PCI Bus P32-A I/O Subsystem
The ICH4 provides a legacy 32-bit PCI subsystem and acts as the central resource on this PCI interface. P32-A supports the following embedded devices and connectors:
An ATI Rage XL video controller with 3D/2D graphics accelerator Silicon Image 3112A dual channel SATA controller One IntelTwo expansion slots capable of supporting full length PCI add-in cards operating at 33 MHz
82550PM network controller PCI Bus Master IDE Interface
The ICH4 acts as a PCI-based Ultra DMA 100 IDE controller that supports programmed I/O transfers and bus master IDE transfers. The ICH4 supports two IDE channels, supporting two drives each (drives 0 and 1). The baseboard provides two 40-pin (2x20) IDE connectors to access the IDE functionality.
The IDE interface supports Ultra DMA 100 Synchronous DMA Mode transfers on each 40-pin connector. USB Interface
The ICH4 contains three USB 2.0 controllers and four USB hubs. The USB controller moves data between main memory and up to six USB connectors. All ports function identically and with the same bandwidth. The SE7505VB2 server board implements four ports on the board.
The baseboard provides three external USB ports on the back of the server board. The triple­stack USB connector is located within the standard ATX I/O panel area next to the keyboard and mouse housing. The USB specification defines the external connectors.
The fourth USB port is optional and can be accessed by cabling from an internal 9-pin connector located on the baseboard to an external USB port located either in front or the rear of a given chassis.
Revision 1.2 Intel part number C32194-002
Functional Architecture Intel® Server Board SE7505VB2 Compatibility Interrupt Control
The ICH4 provides the functionality of two 82C59 PIC devices for ISA-compatible interrupt handling. APIC
The ICH4 integrates an I/O APIC capability with 24 interrupts. General Purpose Input and Output Pins
The ICH4 provides a number of general purpose input and output pins. Many of these pins have alternate functions, and thus all are not available. The following table lists the GPI and GPO pins used on the board and gives a brief description of their function.
Table 5. ICH4 GPIO Usage Table
Pin Name
(Powe Well)
GPI0 / REQA# (Core)
GPI1 / REQB# (Core)
GPI2 / PIRQE# (Core)
GPI3 / PIRQF# (Core)
GPI4 / PIRQG# (Core)
GPI5 / PIRQH# (Core)
GPI6 (Core)
GPI7 (Core)
GPI8 (Resume)
GPI9 ~ GPI10 N/A
GPI11 (Resume)
Used As GPI /
PIRQ_E GPIO:R00h[2]=0 (PIRQ_E)
PIRQ_F GPIO:R00h[3]=0 (PIRQ_F)
PIRQ_G GPIO:R00h[4]=0 (PIRQ_G)
PIRQ_H GPIO:R00h[5]=0 (PIRQ_H)
IDE ATA66/100 Detect (IDES_DET)
IDE ATA66/100 Detect (IDEP_DET)
CPU_HOT# GPI (GPIO:R04h[8] always = 1)
NC GPI GPIO:R00h[11]=1 (GPIO)
GPI GPIO:R00h[0]=1 (GPIO)
GPI GPIO:R00h[1]=1 (GPIO)
GPI (GPIO:R04h[6] always = 1)
GPI (GPIO:R04h[7] always = 1)
Function Select Data. Pin Description
PM:R2Eh[0] 1: Normal
(GPIO:R04h[0] always = 1)
GPIO:R2Ch[0]=1 (Active Low)
PM:R2Eh[1] 1: Normal
(GPIO:R04h[1] always = 1)
GPIO:R2Ch[1]=1 (Active Low)
PM:R2Eh[6] 1: ATA33
GPIO:R2Ch[6]=0 (Active High)
PM:R2Eh[7] 1: ATA33
GPIO:R2Ch[7]=0 (Active High)
PM:R2Eh[8] 1: Normal
GPIO:R2Ch[8]=1 (Active Low)
(GPIO:R04h[11] always = 1)
GPIO:R2Ch[11]=0 (Active High)
0: SMI or SCI or Wakeup event
0: SMI or SCI or Wakeup Event
0: ATA66/100
0: ATA66/100
0: SMI or SCI or Wakeup Event
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Intel part number C32194-002
Intel® Server Board SE7505VB2 Functional Architecture
Pin Name
(Powe Well)
GPI12 (Resume)
GPI13 (Resume)
GPI14 ~ GPI15 N/A
GPO16 / GNTA# (Core)
GPO17 / GNTB# (Core)
GPO18:19 (Core)
GPO20:23 (Core)
GPIO25 (Resume)
GPIO27 (Resume)
GPIO28 (Resume)
GPIO29:31 N/A
GPIO32 / USBLED_A# (Core)
GPIO33 / USBLED_B# (Core)
GPIO34 / USBLED_C# (Core)
GPIO35 / USBLED_D# (Core)
Used As GPI /
Overtemperature shutdown for CPU 1 & 2
GPI (GPIO:R04h[13] always = 1)
N/C GPO GPIO:R00h[16]=1 (GPIO)
N/C GPO GPIO:R00h[17]=1 (GPIO)
N/C GPO GPIO:R18h[18:19] for
N/C GPO (GPIO:R04h[18:23] always =
N/C GPO GPIO:R04h[24] = 0 GPIO:R0Ch[24] TTL Driver Output
CPU1 SKTOCC# GPI GPIO:R04h[25] = 1
NC GPI GPIO:R04h[27] = 1
NC GPI GPIO:R04h[28] = 1
NC GPI GPIO:R30h[0]=1
CPU1_604# GPI GPIO:R30h[2]=1
CPU2_604# GPI GPIO:R30h[3]=1
NC GPO GPIO:R30h[4]=1
GPI (GPIO:R04h[12] always = 1)
Function Select Data. Pin Description
GPIO:R2Ch[12]=0 (Active High)
PM:R2Eh[13] NC
GPIO:R2Ch[13]=1 (Active Low)
GPIO:R0Ch[16] TTL Driver Output
(GPIO:R04h[16] always = 0)
GPIO:R0Ch[17] TTL Driver Output
(GPIO:R04h[16] always = 0)
GPIO:R0Ch[18:19] TTL Driver Output
(GPIO:R04h[18:19] always =
GPIO:R0Ch[18:23] TTL Driver Output
GPIO:R0Ch[25]=0(Active Low)
GPIO:R0Ch[27]=0 (Active Low)
GPIO:R0Ch[28]=0 (Active Low)
GPIO:R38h[0] 0: present
GPIO:R38h[1] 0: present
GPIO:R38h[2] 0: CPU1 w/604
GPIO:R38h[3] 0: CPU2 w/604
GPIO:R38h[4] 0:Disabled
1: non-present
1: non-present
1: CPU1 w/603
1: CPU2 w/603
Revision 1.2 Intel part number C32194-002
Functional Architecture Intel® Server Board SE7505VB2
Pin Name
(Powe Well)
GPIO38 / USBLED_G# (Core)
GPIO42 / USBLED_K# (Core)
GPIO43 / USBLED_L# (Core)
Used As GPI /
NC GPO GPIO:R30h[5]=1
PWR_Alert# GPI GPIO:R30h[7]=1b
AGP_PRST#2 (bit2) GPI GPIO:R30h[8]=1b
AGP_PRST#1 (bit1) GPI GPIO:R30h[9]=1b
DIS_NIC1 GPO GPIO:R30h[10]=1b
NC GPO GPIO:R30h[11]=1b
Function Select Data. Pin Description
GPIO:R38h[5] 0:Disabled
GPIO:R38h[5] 0: Disabled
GPIO:R38h[10] 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
1: Enabled Power Management
One of the embedded functions of the ICH4 is a power management controller. This is used to implement ACPI-compliant power management features. The baseboard does support sleep states S0, S1, S4, and S5.
3.3 Super I/O
The Winbond 83627HF sIO device contains all of the necessary circuitry to control two serial ports, one parallel port, floppy disk, PS/2-compatible keyboard and mouse and hardware monitor controller. The baseboard implements the following features:
GPIOs Two serial ports Floppy Keyboard and mouse Local hardware monitoring Wake up control
Revision 1.2
Intel part number C32194-002
Intel® Server Board SE7505VB2 Functional Architecture
3.3.1 GPIOs
The sIO provides a number of general-purpose input/output pins that the baseboard utilizes. The following table identifies the pin and the signal name used in the schematic:
Table 6. Super I/O GPIO Usage Table
Pin No.
(Pin 126)
(Pin 125)
(Pin 123)
(Pin 121)
(Pin 119)
(Pin 88)
(Pin 87)
(Pin 64)
Used as
FanSlct1# GPO
FanSlct2# GPO
MAG_jmpr GPI
Flash_EN# GPO
Btn_dsabl# GPO
Function Select Data Description
CR2A<7>=1 & CR2A<4>=1 & LD7 [F0h]<2>=1
CR2A<7>=1 & CR2A<3>=1 & LD7 [F0h]<3>=0
CR2A<7>=1 & LD7 [F0h]<7>=1 LD7[F1h]<7>
CR2A<0>=1 & LD8[F0h]<0>=1 LD8[F1h]<0>
CR2B<3>=1 & LD8[F0h]<5>=0 LD8[F1h]<5>
CR2B<2>=1 & LD8[F0h]<6>=0 LD8[F1h]<6>
0: Clear Password
1: Normal
0: Factory mode
1: normal
0: Recovery mode
0: Flash ROM Write En
1: normal
0: Power button Disabled
1: normal
3.3.2 Serial Ports
The board provides two serial ports, an external serial port, and an internal serial header. The following sections provide details on the use of the serial ports. Serial A
Serial A is a standard DB9 interface located at the rear I/O panel of the server board, to the left of the video connector below the parallel port connector. Serial A is designated by as “Serial A” on the silkscreen. The reference designator is J8A1. Serial B
Serial B is an optional port, accessed through a 9-pin internal header (J1J2). A standard DH-10 to DB9 cable can be used to direct serial B to an external connector on any given chassis. The serial B interface follows the standard RS232 pinout. The baseboard has a “Serial B” silkscreen label next to the connector and is located below the floppy connector.
Revision 1.2 Intel part number C32194-002
Functional Architecture Intel® Server Board SE7505VB2 Floppy Disk Controller
The floppy disk controller (FDC) in the sIO is functionally compatible with floppy disk controllers in the DP8473 and N844077. All FDC functions are integrated into the sIO including analog data separator and 16-byte FIFO. The baseboard provides a standard 34-pin interface for the floppy disk controller. Keyboard and Mouse
Two external PS/2 ports, located on the back of the baseboard, are provided to access the keyboard or mouse functions. The two ports are interchangeable and will automatically detect and configure a keyboard or mouse plugged into either port. Wake-up Control
The sIO contains functionality that allows various events to control the power-on and power-off the system.
3.3.3 BIOS Flash
The board incorporates an Intel® N82802AC (FWH8) flash memory component. The N82802AC is a high-performance 8-megabit memory component that provides 1024K x 8 of BIOS and non­volatile storage space. The flash device is connected through the LPC Bus from the ICH4 from the sIO.
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Intel part number C32194-002
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