Intel® Server Board SE7501HG2
Troubleshooting Guide
A Guide for Technically Qualified Assemblers
of Intel® Identified Subassemblies/Products
Intel order number C40869-001
Revision 1.0
April 14, 2003

Revision History Intel® Server Board SE7501HG2 Troubleshooting Guide
Revision History
Date Revision
4/14/2003 1.0 Initial release.
Revision 1.0

Intel® Server Board SE7501HG2 Troubleshooting Guide Disclaimers
Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. No license, express
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Designers must not rely on the absence or characteristics of any features or instructions marked
“reserved” or “undefined”. Intel reserves these for future definition and shall have no
responsibility whatsoever for conflicts or incompatibilities arising from future changes to them.
The Intel SE7501HG2 server board may contain design defects or errors known as errata
which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized
errata are available on request.
Contact your local Intel sales office or your distributor to obtain the latest specifications before
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Copyright 2003, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Revision 1.0

Table of Contents Intel® Server Board SE7501HG2 Troubleshooting Guide
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ..........................................................................................................................5
2. Server Board Tools and References .................................................................................. 5
3. Questions and Answers ......................................................................................................8
Intel® Server Issue Report Form .............................................................................................. 12
Revision 1.0

Intel® Server Board SE7501HG2
1. Introduction
This guide is provided to help the user of the Intel® Server Board SE7501HG2 troubleshoot and
identify possible problem areas encountered in configuring or maintaining their server system.
This guide is to be used in conjunction with other information that is available on public Intel
2. Server Board Tools and References
As part of Intel’s commitment to provide outstanding technical support several documents,
drivers, and diagnostic tools are included with your purchase of the server board SE7501HG2.
These references and tools, along with information updates published to Intel’s public support
site, help to minimize downtime if an issue occurs. Below is a summary of references and tools
provided and where they are located.
Tested Hardware and OS List
The Tested Hardware and OS list is located on the web at:
contains a comprehensive list of operating systems and hardware components tested by Intel
with the Intel Server Board SE7501HG2. This list does not contain information about memory,
processors, or non-Intel chassis. It does contain the following:
. This list
• PCI cards (Example: RAID controllers, Network Interface Cards, SCSI controllers)
• USB devices
• CD, DVD, floppy drives
• Removable devices
• Hard drives
• Keyboard / video / mouse switch boxes
This list is updated periodically.
Supported Processors
Intel tests and publishes all processors that can be installed on the server board SE7501HG2.
This list is located on the web at:
updated when processor speeds are increased, a new generation of processors becomes
available, or the stepping of the processor changes. If a processor is not on this list, it is not
supported on the server board SE7501HG2.
. This list is