Intel SE7221BA1, SE7221BA1-E Technical Manual

Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E
Technical Product Specification
Revision 1.5
Apr 10, 2005
Enterprise Platforms and Services Division
Revision History Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E TPS
ii Revision 1.5
Revision History
Date Revision
September 30, 2004
0.8 Initial Draft
Oct 20, 2004 0.9 Second Draft Nov 11, 2004 0.99 Final Draft Dec 31, 2004 1.00 Release
Jan 4, 2004 1.1 Web links updated Jan 25, 2005 1.2 Updated
Sep 16, 2005 1.3 Updated with supported video resolutions Oct 5, 2005 1.4 Update the memory information Apr 10, 2006 1.5 Updated release
Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E TPS Disclaimers
Revision 1.5 iii
Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel® products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Intel's Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, and Intel disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of Intel products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright or other intellectual property right. Intel products are not intended for use in medical, life saving, or life sustaining applications. Intel may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice.
Designers must not rely on the absence or characteristics of any features or instructions marked "reserved" or "undefined." Intel reserves these for future definition and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts or incompatibilities arising from future changes to them.
This document contains information on products in the design phase of development. Do not finalize a design with this information. Revised information will be published when the product is available. Verify with your local sales office that you have the latest datasheet before finalizing a design.
Intel Corporation server baseboards contain a number of high-density VLSI and power delivery components which need adequate airflow to cool. Intel’s own chassis are designed and tested to meet the intended thermal requirements of these components when the fully integrated system is used together. It is the responsibility of the system integrator that chooses not to use Intel developed server building blocks to consult vendor datasheets and operating parameters to determine the amount of airflow required for their specific application and environmental conditions. Intel Corporation cannot be held responsible if components fail or the server board does not operate correct ly when used ou tside any of its published operating or non-operating limits.
The Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E
may contain design defects or errors known as errata
which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request.
This document and the software described in it is furnished under license and may only be used or copied in accordance with the terms of the license. The information in this manual is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by Intel Corporation. Intel Corporation assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this document or any software that may be provided in association with this document.
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Intel, Pentium, Itanium, and Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. *Other brands and names may be claimed as the property of others. Copyright © Intel Corporation 2004-2005
Table of Contents Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E TPS
iv Revision 1.5
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ..........................................................................................................................1
2. Server Board Overview........................................................................................................3
2.1 Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E SKU Availability.....................................3
2.2 Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E Feature Set............................................3
2.3 Block Diagram .........................................................................................................4
2.4 Board Layout ....................................................................... ....................................5
3. Functional Architecture.......................................................................................................6
3.1 Processor Subsystem....................................................................... .......................6
3.1.1 Processor VRD................................................. .......................................................6
3.1.2 Reset Configuration Logic....................................................................................... 6
3.1.3 Processor Module Presence Detection ........................... ....................................... .6
3.1.4 Processor Support...................................................................................................6
3.1.5 Interrupts and APIC.................................................................................................7
3.2 Memory Subsystem.................................................................................................7
3.2.1 DIMM Socket Features:...........................................................................................7
3.2.2 Supported DIMM Configurations .............................................................................8
3.2.3 Memory Configurations............................................................................................8
3.3 Intel 7221 Chipset..................................................................................................12
3.3.1 USB Interface........................................................................................................12
3.3.2 IDE Support...........................................................................................................12
3.3.3 Real-Time Clock, CMOS SRAM, and Battery........................................................13
3.4 I/O Controller ..................................... ..................................... ...............................14
3.4.1 Serial Port..............................................................................................................14
3.4.2 Parallel Port......................................................................... ..................................14
3.4.3 Diskette Drive Controller........................................................................................ 14
3.4.4 Keyboard and Mouse Interface..............................................................................14
3.5 Hardware Management Subsystem......................... ........................................ ......14
3.5.1 Hardware Monitoring and Fan Control ASIC................................................... ......14
3.5.2 Thermal Monitoring.......................................................................................... ......15
3.5.3 Fan Monitoring......................................................................................... ..............16
3.5.4 Chassis Intrusion and Detection.................................................. ..........................16
3.6 Power Management...............................................................................................16
Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E TPS Table of Contents
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3.6.1 Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) ...........................................16
3.6.2 System States and Power States........................................ ..................................17
3.6.3 Hardware Support..................................................................................................18
4. Maps and Interrupts........................................................................................................... 21
4.1 Memory Resources................................................................................................21
4.1.1 Memory Map..........................................................................................................21
4.1.2 Addressable Memory.............................................................................................21
4.2 Fixed I/O Map........................................................................................................23
4.3 DMA Channels.......................................................................................................23
4.4 PCI Configuration Space Map....................................................... ........................24
4.5 Interrupts................................................................................................................24
4.6 PCI Conventional Interrupt Routing Map...............................................................25
5. Input Output Subsystem....................................................................................................27
5.1 PCI Subsystem......................................................................................................27
5.1.1 PCI Express* Connectors......................................................................................27
5.1.2 PCI 32....................................................................................................................27
5.2 LAN Subsystem.....................................................................................................27
5.2.1 Marvell Yukon* 88E8050 Gigabit Ethernet Controller............................................27
5.2.2 Intel® 82551QM Integrated 10/100 LAN controller................................................28
5.2.3 RJ-45 LAN Connector with Integrated LEDs .........................................................28
5.2.4 Alert Standard Format (ASF) Support ...................................................................29
5.3 Hardware Management Subsystem......................... ........................................ ......30
5.3.1 Hardware Management.........................................................................................30
5.3.2 Hardware Monitoring and Fan Control ASIC................................................... ......30
6. Connections and Jumper Blocks .....................................................................................31
6.1 Connectors ............................................................................................................31
6.1.1 Back Panel Connectors.........................................................................................31
6.1.2 Component-side Connectors.................................................................................32
6.1.3 Front Panel USB Connectors ................................................................................35
6.1.4 Power Supply Connectors.....................................................................................36
6.1.5 Add-in Card Connectors........................................................................................37
6.2 Jumper Blocks.................................................... ..................................... ..............37
7. System BIOS.......................................................................................................................39
7.1 BIOS Identification String.......................................................................................39
7.2 Introduction............................................................................................................39
Table of Contents Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E TPS
vi Revision 1.5
7.3 BIOS Flash Memory Organization.........................................................................40
7.4 Resource Configuration................................................................. ........................40
7.4.1 PCI Autoconfiguration............................................................................................40
7.4.2 PCI IDE Support....................................................................................................40
7.5 System Management BIOS (SMBIOS).................................................. ................41
7.6 Legacy USB Support. ............................................................................................41
7.7 BIOS Updates ........................................................................................................42
7.7.1 Language Support.................................................................................................42
7.7.2 Custom Splash Screen..........................................................................................42
7.8 Boot Options..........................................................................................................42
7.8.1 CD-ROM Boot........................................................................................................42
7.8.2 Network Boot.........................................................................................................42
7.8.3 Booting Without Attached Devices ........................................................................42
7.9 BIOS Security Features.........................................................................................43
7.10 Error Messages and Beep Codes..........................................................................44
7.10.1 BIOS Error Messages............................................................................................44
7.10.2 Port 80h POST Codes...........................................................................................45
7.11 Bus Initialization Checkpoints................................................................................49
7.12 Speaker .................................................................................................................50
7.13 BIOS Beep Codes .................................................................................................50
8. General Specification.........................................................................................................51
8.1 Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E Power Budget......................................51
8.1.1 DC Loading............................................................................................................51
9. Platform Management........................................................................................................53
9.1 Platform Management Overview............................ ................................................53
10. Error Reporting...................................................................................................................53
10.1 Fault Resilient Booting...........................................................................................53
11. Design and Environmental Specifications.......................................................................53
11.1 Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E Design Specification............................53
12. Regulatory Compliance ...................................... ..................................... ..........................55
12.1 Safety Regulations.................................................................................................55
12.2 EMC Regulations...................................................................................................55
12.2.1 FCC Compliance Statement (USA).......................................................................56
12.2.2 Canadian Compliance Statement..........................................................................56
12.3 European Union Declaration of Conformity Statement..........................................56
Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E TPS Table of Contents
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12.4 Product Ecology Statements .................................................................................57
12.4.1 Disposal Considerations........................................................................................57
12.4.2 Recycling Considerations......................................................................................57
12.5 Product Certification Markings (Board Level) ........................................................58
13. Miscellaneous Board Information.....................................................................................59
13.1 ATX Baseboard Mechanical Specifications...........................................................59
13.2 I/O Shield Mechanical Specification ......................................................................59
13.3 Thermal Considerations................................................ .........................................60
13.4 Calculated Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF).................................................. .63
13.5 Environmental........................................................................................................63
13.6 Clearing CMOS......................................................................................................63
13.7 Supported video resolution....................................................................................64
Reference Documents................................................................ ..................................... ..........III
List of Figures Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E TPS
viii Revision 1.5
List of Figures
Figure 1. Block Diagram ...................................................................... ........................................4
Figure 2. Intel ® Server Board SE7221BA1-E Components........................................................5
Figure 3. Dual Channel (Interleaved) Mode Configurations.........................................................9
Figure 4. Dual Channel (Interleaved) Mode Configuration with Two DIMMs...............................9
Figure 5. Dual Channel (Interleaved) Mode Configuration with Three DIMMs..........................10
Figure 6. Dual Channel (Interleaved) Mode Configuration with Four DIMMs............................10
Figure 7. Single Channel (Asymmetric) Mode Configuration with One DIMM...........................11
Figure 8. Single Channel (Asymmetric) Mode Configuration with Three DIMMs.......................11
Figure 9. Thermal Monitoring................................... ..................................... .............................15
Figure 10. Detailed System Memory Address Map....................................................................22
Figure 11. LAN Connector LED Locations.................................................................................28
Figure 12. Back Panel Connectors............................................................................................31
Figure 13. Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E Component-side Connectors..................32
Figure 14. SSI Connector ..........................................................................................................35
Figure 15. Connection Diagram for Front Panel USB Connectors ............................................36
Figure 16. Location of the Jumper Block ...................................................................................38
Figure 17. Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E Dimensions.............................................59
Figure 18. I/O Shield..................................................................................................................60
Figure 19. Processor Heatsink for Omni-directional Airflow ......................................................61
Figure 20. Localized High Temperature Zones..........................................................................62
Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E TPS List of Tables
Revision 1.5 ix
List of Tables
Table 1. Supported Memory Configurations................................................................................8
Table 2. Power Switch Options..................................................................................................17
Table 3. Power States and Targeted System Power.................................................................17
Table 4. Wake-up Devices and Events.......................................................................................19
Table 5. System Memory Map...................................................................................................21
Table 6. I/O Map........................................................................................................................23
Table 7. DMA Channels.............................................................................................................23
Table 8. PCI Configuration Space Map .....................................................................................24
Table 9. Interrupts......................................................................................................................25
Table 10. PCI Interrupt Routing Map.........................................................................................26
Table 11. LAN Connector LED States.......................................................................................29
Table 12. Back Panel Connectors .............................................................................................32
Table 13. Front Chassis Fan and Rear Chassis Fan Connectors ............................................33
Table 14. Processor Fan Connector and Auxiliary Rear Fan Connector..................................33
Table 15. Chassis Intrusion Connector......................................................................................33
Table 16. SCSI Hard Drive Activity LED Connector (Optional)..................................................33
Table 17. Serial ATA Connectors ..............................................................................................33
Table 18. Auxiliary Power Output Connector.............................................................................34
Table 19. Front Panel SSI Connector........................................................................................34
Table 20. Main Power Connector ..............................................................................................36
Table 21. ATX12V Power Connector.........................................................................................37
Table 22. BIOS Setup Configuration Jumper Settings...............................................................38
Table 23. CMOS Clear Jumper Configuration...........................................................................38
Table 24. BIOS Setup Program Menu Bar.................................................................................39
Table 25. BIOS Setup Program Function Keys .........................................................................40
Table 26. Supervisor and User Password Functions.................................................................43
Table 27. BIOS Error Messages................................................................................................44
Table 28. Uncompressed INIT Code Checkpoints.....................................................................45
Table 29. Boot Block Recovery Code Checkpoints...................................................................45
Table 30. Runtime Code Uncompressed in F000 Shadow RAM...............................................46
Table 31. Bus Initialization Checkpoints....................................................................................49
Table 32. Upper Nibble High Byte Functions.............................................................................49
List of Tables Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E TPS
x Revision 1.5
Table 33. Lower Nibble High Byte Functions.............................................................................49
Table 34. Beep Codes...............................................................................................................50
Table 35. DC Power Budget......................................................................................................51
Table 36. Safety Regulations.....................................................................................................55
Table 37. EMC Regulations.......................................................................................................55
Table 38. Product Certification Markings..................................................................... ..............58
Table 39. Thermal Considerations for Components ..................................................................62
Table 40. Calculated Mean Time Between Failure....... .............................................................63
Table 41. Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E Environmental Specifications...................63
Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E TPS Introduction
Revision 1.5 1
1. Introduction
This Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E Technical Product Specification (TPS) provides a high-level technical description for the Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E. It details the architecture and feature set for all functional sub-systems that make up the server board.
This document is divided into the following main categories: Chapter 2: Server Board Overview Chapter 3: Functional Architecture Chapter 4: Technical Reference Chapter 5: Connectors and Jumper Blocks Chapter 6: Overview of BIOS Features Chapter 7: BIOS Setup Program Chapter 8: Error Reporting and Handling Chapter 9: General Specifications
Introduction Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E TPS
2 Revision 1.5
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Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E TPS Server Board Overview
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2. Server Board Overview
2.1 Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E SKU Availability
2.2 Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E Feature Set
The Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E provides the following feature set:
Support for an Intel® Pentium® 4 processor in an LGA775 socket
Intel® Pentium® 4 Processors Extreme Edition
Intel® Pentium® 4 Processors
Intel® Celeron® D Processors
800 and 533 MHz system bus
7221 Chipset
Intel® E7221MC Memory Controller Hub (GMCH)
82801FR I/O Controller Hub (ICH6-R)
8 Mbit Firmware Hub (FWH)
Support for 4 GB of Un-buffered ECC memory
Four 240-pin DDR2 SDRAM Dual Inline Memory Module (DIMM) sockets
Support for DDR2 400 MHz and DDR2 533 MHz DIMMs
Intel® E7221MC GMCH integrated PCI Express* x8 Graphics Controller
Marvell Yukon* 88E8050 PCI Express* Gigabit Ethernet Controller
Intel® 82551QM Integrated 10/100 LAN Controller
Expansion Capabilities
Three PCI Conventional bus add-in card connectors (SMBus routed to PCI Conventional
bus connector 2)
Two PCI Express* x4 bus add-in card connectors with x1 throughput.
One PCI Express* x8 bus add-in card connector with x8 throughput
Four external USB 2.0 ports on the back panel and two 2x5 USB connectors on the
mother board. Each connector supports two additional USB ports for a total of eight USB
2.0 ports on the platform.
One external Serial Port
One external Parallel Port
Four Serial ATA interfaces
One Parallel ATA IDE interface with UDMA 33, ATA-66/100 support
One diskette drive interface
Hardware Monitor Subsystem
Hardware monitoring and fan control ASIC
Voltage sense to detect out of range power supply voltages
Thermal sense to detect out of range thermal values
Server Board Overview Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E TPS
4 Revision 1.5
Four fan connectors
Four fan sense inputs used to monitor fan activity
2.3 Block Diagram
The figure below shows a block diagram of the Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E.
Figure 1. Block Diagram
Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E TPS Server Board Overview
Revision 1.5 5
2.4 Board Layout
The figure below shows the location of the major components on the Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E.
A Conventional PCI slot 3 M LGA775 processor socket Y Battery B Rear fan connector
N CPU fan connector Z Intruder connector
C PCIE slot 2 (x4 Connector) O Hardware Management controller AA BIOS configuration jumper D PCIE slot 1 (x4 Connector)
P Intel
BB Clear CMOS jumper
E Intel® 82551QM LAN controller
Q Channel A DIMM 0 (Blue) Socket CC Front fan connector
F Conventional PCI slot 2
R Channel A DIMM 1 (Black) Socket DD Serial ATA connectors
G Conventional PCI slot 1
S Channel B DIMM 0 (Blue) Socket
EE Front panel USB connectors
H Marvell Yukon* 88E8050 PCI Express* Gigabit Ethernet Controller
T Channel B DIMM 1 (Black) Socket FF Serial B connector
I PCI Express* 1 x8 slot U I/O controller
GG SCSI LED connector
J Back Panel I/O V Diskette drive connector
HH Front panel connector
K 2 x4 power connector W 2x12 Power connector
II Intel
82801FR ICH6R I/O
Controller Hub
L Vreg fan connector X Parallel ATA IDE connector
Figure 2. Intel ® Server Board SE7221BA1-E Components
Functional Architecture Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E TPS
6 Revision 1.5
3. Functional Architecture
3.1 Processor Subsystem
The Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E supports Intel® Pentium® 4 and Celeron® D processors in the 775-land package, with enhancements to the Intel
NetBurst® micro-
architecture. The Intel
Pentium® 4 and Celeron® processors built on 90 nm process in the 775-land package utilize Flip-Chip Land Grid Array (FC-LGA4) package technology, and plug into a 775-land LGA socket, referred to as the LGA775 socket. Pentium® 4 and Celeron
D processors in the 775-land package are based on the same Intel® 32-bit micro-architecture and maintain the tradition of compatibility with IA-32 software. This generation of the Pentium
Processor also supports Intel
EM64T (Extended Memory 64 Technology) for 64bit native mode
operation with 64bit operating systems. The Intel
Celeron® D Processor does not support
3.1.1 Processor VRD
The Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E has a VRD (Voltage Regulator Down) to support one processor. The VRD is compliant with the VRM 10.1 specification and provides a maximum of 120A, which is capable of supporting the requirements for Intel
Pentium® 4 and Intel®
D processors.
The board hardware monitors the processor VTTEN (Output enable for VTT) pin before turning on the VRD. If the VTTEN pin of the processors is not identical, then the Power ON Logic will not turn on the VRD.
3.1.2 Reset Configuration Logic
The BIOS determines the processor stepping, cache size, etc through the CPUID instruction. The requirements are as follows:
The Processor will run at a fixed speed, but can be programmed by BIOS to operate at a lower or higher speed.
The processor information is read at every system power-on.
No manual processor speed setting options exist either in the form of a BIOS setup
option or jumpers.
3.1.3 Processor Module Presence Detection
Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E does not support this function.
3.1.4 Processor Support
The Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E supports one Intel® Pentium® 4 or Celeron® D processor in an LGA775 processor socket with an 800 or 533 MHz system bus.
Check the Intel® web site for the most up-to-date list of supported processors.
Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E TPS Functional Architecture
Revision 1.5 7
1. Use only the processors listed on web site above. Use of unsupported processors can damage the board, the processor, and the power supply.
2. Use only ATX12V or EPS 12V-compliant power supplies.
3.1.5 Interrupts and APIC
Interrupt generation and notification to the processor is accomplished by the APICs in the ICH6R using messages on the front side bus.
3.2 Memory Subsystem
The baseboard supports up to four DIMM slots for a maximum memory capacity of 4 GB. The DIMM organization is x72, which includes eight ECC che ck bits. The memory interface runs at 400/533MT/s. The memory controller supports memory scrubbing, single-bit error correction and multiple-bit error detection. Memory can be implemented with either single sided (one row) or double-sided (two row) DIMMs.
3.2.1 DIMM Socket Features:
The Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E has four DIMM sockets and supports the following memory features:
1.8 V (only) DDR2 SDRAM DIMMs
Un-buffered, single-sided or double-sided DIMMs with the following restriction:
Double-sided DIMMS with x16 organization are not supported.
4 GB maximum total system memory. Minimum total system memory: 128 MB
Un-buffered, ECC DIMMS
Serial Presence Detect
DDR2 533 MHz 128MB, 256MB, 512MB and 1GB SDRAM DIMM
DDR2 400 MHz 128MB, 256MB, 512MB and 1GB SDRAM DIMM
Check the Intel® web site for the most up-to-date list of supported memory.
Remove any card inserted into the PCI Express* x8 slot before installing or upgrading
memory to avoid interference with the memory retention mechanism.
To be fully compliant with all applicable DDR SDRAM memory specifications, the
board should be populated with DIMMs that support the Serial Presence Detect (SPD) data structure. This allows the BIOS to read the SPD data and program the chipset to accurately configure memory settings for optimum performance. If non-SPD memory is installed, the BIOS will attempt to correctly configure the memory settings, but performance and reliability may be impacted or the DIMMs may not function under the determined frequency.
Please ensure that the memory module is fully seated and both latches are secure. If
the module is not fully installed the memory may not be recognized by the BIOS.
The memory controller hub (MCH) cannot support identifying which slot the memory
error has occured. The MCH can only determine the channel for the memory error
Functional Architecture Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E TPS
8 Revision 1.5
Regardless of the physical memory installed, there will always 64KB base memory and
8MB system memory occupied by system memory allocation, the left part will be accounted as extended memory. The memory amount showed on post is extended memory.
Supported DIMM Configurations
Table 1. Supported Memory Configurations
DIMM Capacity
SDRAM Density SDRAM Organization
Number of SDRAM Devices
128 MB SS 256 MB 16 M x 16/empty 4 256 MB SS 256 MB 32 M x 8/empty 8 256 MB SS 512 MB 32 M x 16/empty 4 512 MB DS 256 MB 32 M x 8/32 M x 8 16 512 MB SS 512 MB 64 M x 8/empty 8 512 MB SS 1 GB 64 M x 16/empty 4 1024 MB DS 512 MB 64 M x 8/64 M x 8 16 1024 MB SS 1 GB 128 M x 8/empty 8 2048 MB DS 1 GB 128 M x 8/128 M x 8 16
Note: In the second column, “DS” refers to double-sided memory modules (containing two rows of SDRAM) and “SS”
refers to single-sided memory modules (containing one row of SDRAM).
3.2.2 Memory Configurations
The Intel® E7221MC GMCH supports two types of memory organization:
Dual channel (Interleaved) mode. This mode offers the highest throughput for real world applications. Dual channel mode is enabled when the installed memory capacities of both DIMM channels are equal. Technology and device width can vary from one channel to the other but the installed memory capacity for each channel must be equal. If different speed DIMMs are used between channels, the slowest memory timing will be used.
Single channel (Asymmetric) mode. This mode is equivalent to single channel bandwidth operation for real world applications. This mode is used when only a single DIMM is installed or the memory capacities are unequal. Technology and device width can vary from one channel to the other. If different speed DIMMs are used between channels, the slowest memory timing will be used.
The DIMM0 sockets of both channels are blue. The DIMM1 sockets of both channels are black.
Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E TPS Functional Architecture
Revision 1.5 9 Memory channel and DIMM configuration.
Channel A, DIMM
Channel A, DIMM 1
Channel B, DIMM
Channel B, DIMM 1
Figure 3. Dual Channel (Interleaved) Mode Configurations Dual Channel (Interleaved) Mode Configurations
The following figure shows a dual channel configuration using two DIMMs. In this example, the DIMM0 (blue) sockets of both channels are populated with identical DIMMs.
Channel A, DIMM 0 Channel A, DIMM 1
Channel B, DIMM 0 Channel B, DIMM 1
1 GB
1 GB
Figure 4. Dual Channel (Interleaved) Mode Configuration with Two DIMMs
Functional Architecture Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E TPS
10 Revision 1.5
The following figure shows a dual channel configuration using three DIMMs. In this example, the combined capacity of the two DIMMs in Channel A equal the capacity of the single DIMM in the DIMM0 (blue) socket of Channel B.
Channel A, DIMM 0 Channel A, DIMM 1
Channel B, DIMM 0 Channel B, DIMM 1
256 MB
512 MB
256 MB
Figure 5. Dual Channel (Interleaved) Mode Configuration with Three DIMMs
Figure 6 shows a dual channel configuration using four DIMMs. In this example, the combined capacity of the two DIMMs in Channel A equal the combined capacity of the two DIMMs in Channel B. Also, the DIMMs are matched between DIMM0 and DIMM1 of both channels.
Channel A, DIMM 0 Channel A, DIMM 1
Channel B, DIMM 0 Channel B, DIMM 1
256 MB
256 MB
512 MB
512 MB
Figure 6. Dual Channel (Interleaved) Mode Configuration with Four DIMMs
Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E TPS Functional Architecture
Revision 1.5 11 Single Channel (Asymmetric) Mode Configurations
Dual channel (Interleaved) mode configurations provide the highest memory throughput.
Figure 7 shows a single channel configuration using one DIMM. In this example, only the DIMM0 (blue) socket of Channel A is populated. Channel B is not populated.
Channel A, DIMM 0 Channel A, DIMM 1
Channel B, DIMM 0 Channel B, DIMM 1
256 MB
Figure 7. Single Channel (Asymmetric) Mode Configuration with One DIMM
Figure 8 shows a single channel configuration using three DIMMs. In this example, the combined capacity of the two DIMMs in Channel A does not equal the capacity of the single DIMM in the DIMM0 (blue) socket of Channel B.
Channel A, DIMM 0 Channel A, DIMM 1
Channel B, DIMM 0 Channel B, DIMM 1
256 MB
512 MB
512 MB
Figure 8. Single Channel (Asymmetric) Mode Configuration with Three DIMMs
Functional Architecture Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E TPS
12 Revision 1.5
3.3 Intel 7221 Chipset
The Intel® 7221 chipset consists of the following devices:
Intel® E7221MC Graphics Memory Controller Hub (GMCH) with Direct Media Interface (DMI) interconnect
Intel® 82801FR I/O Controller Hub (ICH6-R) with DMI interconnect
Firmware Hub (FWH)
The GMCH is a centralized controller for the system bus, the memory bus, the PCI Express* Graphics bus, and the DMI interconnect. The ICH6-R is a centraliz ed contro ller for the board’s I/O paths. The FWH provides the nonvolatile storage of the BIOS.
3.3.1 USB Interface
The Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E supports up to eight USB 2.0 ports, supports UHCI and EHCI, and uses UHCI- and EHCI-compatible drivers. The ICH6-R provides the USB controller for all ports. The port arrangement is as follows:
Four ports are implemented with dual stacked back panel, RJ45 combination connectors.
Four ports are routed to two separate front panel USB connectors.
3.3.2 IDE Support
The Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E provides five IDE interface connectors:
One parallel ATA IDE connector, which supports two devices.
Four serial ATA IDE connectors. Parallel ATA IDE Interface
The ICH6-R’s Parallel ATA IDE controller has one bus-mastering Parallel ATA IDE interface. The Parallel ATA IDE interface supports the following modes:
Programmed I/O (PIO): processor controls data transfer.
8237-style DMA: DMA offloads the processor, supporting transfer rates of up to 16
Ultra DMA: DMA protocol on IDE bus supporting host and target throttling and transfer rates of up to 33 MB/sec.
ATA-66: DMA protocol on IDE bus supporting host and target throttling and transfer rates of up to 66 MB/sec. ATA-66 protocol is similar to Ultra DMA and is device driver compatible.
ATA-100: DMA protocol on IDE bus allows host and target throttling. The ICH6-R’s ATA-100 logic can achieve read transfer rates up to 100 MB/sec and write transfer rates up to 88 MB/sec.
The Parallel ATA IDE interface also supports ATAPI devices (such as CD-ROM drives) and ATA devices using the transfer modes. The BIOS supports Logical Block Addressing (LBA) and Extended Cylinder Head Sector (ECHS) translation modes. The drive reports the transfer rate and translation mode to the BIOS.
Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E TPS Functional Architecture
Revision 1.5 13 Serial ATA Interfaces
The ICH6-R’s Serial ATA controller offers four independent Serial ATA ports with a theoretical maximum transfer rate of 150 MB/s per port. One device can be installed on each port for a maximum of four Serial ATA devices. A point-to-point interface is used for host to device connections, unlike Parallel ATA IDE which supports a master/slave configuration and two devices per channel.
For compatibility, the underlying Serial ATA functionality is transparent to the operating system. The Serial ATA controller can operate in both legacy and native modes. In legacy mode, standard IDE I/O and IRQ resources are assigned (IRQ 14 and 15). In Native mode, standard PCI Conventional bus resource steering is used. Native mode is the preferred mode for configurations using the Windows* XP and Windows* 2000 operating systems. Serial ATA RAID
The ICH6-R supports RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Drives) level 0 and Raid level 1 on the Serial ATA ports as follows:
RAID 0 supports data striping. Two physical drives, of identical size, can be teamed together to create one logical drive. As data is written or retrieved from the logical drive, both drives operate in parallel, thus increasing the throughput.
RAID 1 supports data mirroring. Two physical drives, of identical size, maintain duplicate sets of all data on separate disk drives. Level 1 provides the highest data reliability because two complete copies of all information are maintained.
RAID 10 combines both striping and mirroring to provide a high data transfer rates and data redundancy. Four physical drives, of identical size are required for the RAID group. RAID Boot Configuration Overview
A RAID array can be created by using the existing Serial ATA ports, correctly configuring the BIOS, and installing drivers. The following steps are required to succ essfully establish a RAID configuration.
1. Enable RAID Support in BIOS.
2. Create a RAID array.
3. Load the RAID driver while installing the Operating System.
4. Format the RAID array. SCSI Hard Drive Activity LED Connector (Optional)
The SCSI hard drive activity LED connector is a 1 x 2-pin connector that allows an add-in hard drive controller to use the same LED as the onboard IDE controller. For proper operation, this connector should be wired to the LED output of the add-in hard drive controller. The LED indicates when data is being read from, or written to, either the add-in hard drive controller or the onboard IDE controller (Parallel ATA or Serial ATA).
3.3.3 Real-Time Clock, CMOS SRAM, and Battery
A coin-cell battery (CR2032) powers the real-time clock and CMOS memory. When the computer is not plugged into a wall socket, the battery has an estimated life of three years.
Functional Architecture Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E TPS
14 Revision 1.5
When the computer is plugged in, the standby current from the power supply extends the life of the battery. The clock is accurate to ± 13 minutes/year at 25 ºC with 3.3 VSB applied.
3.4 I/O Controller
The I/O controller provides the following features:
One serial port
One parallel port with Extended Capabilities Port (ECP) and Enhanced Parallel Port
(EPP) support
Serial IRQ interface compatible with serialized IRQ support for PCI Conventional bus systems
PS/2-style mouse and keyboard interfaces
Interface for one 1.44 MB or 2.88 MB diskette drive
Intelligent power management, including a programmable wake-up event interface
PCI Conventional bus power management support
The BIOS Setup program provides configuration options for the I/O controller.
3.4.1 Serial Port
The Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E has one serial port connector located on the back panel, and a serial port B header on the board. The serial ports support data transfers at speeds up to 115.2 Kbs/sec with BIOS support.
3.4.2 Parallel Port
The 25-pin D-Sub parallel port connector is located on the back panel. Use the BIOS Setup program to set the parallel port mode.
3.4.3 Diskette Drive Controller
The I/O controller supports one diskette drive. Use the BIOS Setup program to configure the diskette drive interface.
3.4.4 Keyboard and Mouse Interface
PS/2 keyboard and mouse connectors are located on the back panel.
3.5 Hardware Management Subsystem
The hardware management features enable the Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BA1-E to be compatible with the Wired for Management Specification (WfM). The Server Board has several hardware management features, including the following:
Fan monitoring and control (through the hardware monitoring and fan control ASIC)
Thermal and voltage monitoring
Chassis intrusion detection
3.5.1 Hardware Monitoring and Fan Control ASIC
The features of the hardware monitoring and fan control ASIC include:
Internal ambient temperature sensor
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