Intel SC5300BRP, SC5300BD2 - Server Platform - 0 MB RAM, SC5300 Technical Product Specification

Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 5U Kit
Technical Product Specification
Revision 1.31
January, 2006
Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 5U Kit TPS Introduction
Revision History
Date Revision Number Modifications
June 18, 2004 1.0 Initial Release June 25, 2004 1.1 Format Updates July 20 , 2004 1.1.1 Format updates Jan 5, 2005 1.2 SATA and SCSI backplane updates Incorporated T.H.
Comments. Added BRP Added Errata/Inte
Jan 16, 2006 1.3 SATA backplane updates – added SAS compatibility Jan 16, 2006 1.31 Modified Sections 1.3 and 1.4
ration Appendix
Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel® products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Intel's Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, and Intel disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of Intel products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright or other intellectual property right. Intel products are not intended for use in medical, life saving, or life sustaining applications. Intel may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice.
Designers must not rely on the absence or characteristics of any features or instructions marked "reserved" or "undefined." Intel reserves these for future definition and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts or incompatibilities arising from future changes to them.
The Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request.
Intel Corporation server baseboards contain a number of high-density VLSI and power delivery components that need adequate airflow to cool. Intel’s own chassis are designed and tested to meet the intended thermal requirements of these components when the fully integrated system is used together. It is the responsibility of the system integrator that chooses not to use Intel developed server building blocks to consult vendor datasheets and operating parameters to determine the amount of air flow required for their specific application and environmental conditions. Intel Corporation can not be held responsible if components fail or the server board does not operate correctly when used outside any of their published operating or non-operating limits.
Intel, Pentium, Itanium, and Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. *Other brands and names may be claimed as the property of others.
Copyright © Intel Corporation 2004-2005.
Revision 1.31
Introduction Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 5U Kit TPS
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ...........................................................................................................12
1.1 Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 Design Features........................................12
1.2 Intel® Server Chassis SC5300BASE Summary ......................................... 14
1.3 Intel® Server Chassis SC5300BRP Summary............................................ 15
1.4 Intel® Server Chassis SC5300LX Summary...............................................15
2. Chassis Features...................................................................................................17
2.1 Chassis Dimensions and Weight ...............................................................17
2.2 System Colors............................................................................................ 17
2.2.1 Pedestal and Rack Mount Features...........................................................17
2.3 Security......................................................................................................18
2.4 I/O Panel....................................................................................................18
2.5 Standard and Optional Hot Swap Drive Bays ............................................ 19
2.6 5.25-inch Half-height Peripheral Bays........................................................ 19
2.7 Chassis Views............................................................................................ 20
3. Chassis Power Subsystem...................................................................................22
3.1 600-W Power Supply.................................................................................22
3.1.1 Mechanical Outline .................................................................................... 22
3.1.2 Output Wire Harness ................................................................................. 23
3.1.3 600-W Power Supply Airflow and Temperature Rise................................ 28
3.1.4 AC Specifications.......................................................................................28
3.1.5 600-W DC Output Specifications .............................................................. 30
3.1.6 600-W Protection Circuits ......................................................................... 31
3.1.7 600-W Power Supply Control and Indicator Functions...............................32
2 Revision 1.31
Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 5U Kit TPS Introduction
3.1.8 Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) ....................................................... 32
3.2 730-W Power Supply.................................................................................32
3.2.1 730W Power Supply Mechanical Outline................................................... 33
3.2.2 Output Wire Harness ................................................................................ 34
3.2.3 Airflow Requirements and Temperature Rise ............................................ 34
3.2.4 AC Specifications.......................................................................................34
3.2.5 730-W DC Specifications..........................................................................35
3.2.6 730-W Protection Circuits .......................................................................... 37
3.2.7 730-W Power Supply Control and Indicator Functions...............................38
3.2.8 730-W Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF).............................................. 38
3.2.9 Redundant (1+1) Hot Swap Mode.............................................................. 38
3.3 730-W Power Distribution Board................................................................38
3.3.1 Power Distribution Mechanical Overview...................................................39
3.3.2 Temperature Operational Limits................................................................ 41
3.3.3 Electrical Specification...............................................................................41
3.3.4 Protection Circuits...................................................................................... 46
3.3.5 Control and Indicator Functions ................................................................. 46
3.4 SMBus Monitoring Interface....................................................................... 47
3.4.1 Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) ....................................................... 48
4. System Cooling.....................................................................................................49
4.1 Fan Configuration ......................................................................................49
4.1.1 Processor Passive Heat Sink Cooling Solution.......................................... 49
4.1.2 Base Cooling Solution................................................................................ 50
4.1.2 Redundant Cooling Solution ...................................................................... 50
4.2 Fan Control................................................................................................ 52
Revision 1.31
Introduction Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 5U Kit TPS
4.3 FAN Header Connector Descriptions......................................................... 52
5. Hard Disk Drive Bays............................................................................................ 53
5.1 Server Chassis SC5300 4HDD and 6HDD SCSI HSBP Overview ............ 53
5.1.1 SCSI Enclosure Management Controller ...................................................53
5.1.2 SCSI Interface............................................................................................ 54
5.1.3 External Memory Device............................................................................54
5.1.4 Hot Swap Power Controller........................................................................ 54
5.1.5 SCSI Drive Connectors..............................................................................54
5.1.6 Power Connectors ..................................................................................... 55
5.1.7 SCA2 SCSI Connector...............................................................................55
5.1.8 68-Pin SCSI Connector..............................................................................56
5.1.9 IPMB (I2C) Header .................................................................................... 58
5.1.10 Power Budget ............................................................................................ 58
5.1.11 Hard Drive Activity and Fault LED.............................................................. 58
5.1.12 SCSI Backplane Status LEDs....................................................................59
5.1.13 SCSI Hot Swap Drive Bay Upgrade Kits.................................................... 61
5.2 SATA/SAS Hot Swap Backplane...............................................................61
5.2.1 Enclosure Management Controller.............................................................63
5.2.2 SATA/SAS Interface .................................................................................. 63
5.2.3 I2C Serial Bus Interface..............................................................................63
5.2.4 General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO)....................................................... 65
5.2.5 External Memory Device............................................................................67
5.2.6 LEDs.......................................................................................................... 67
5.2.7 SATA/SAS Drive Connectors..................................................................... 67
5.2.8 Power Connectors ..................................................................................... 68
4 Revision 1.31
Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 5U Kit TPS Introduction
5.2.9 Clock Generation and Distribution ............................................................. 68
5.2.10 7-Pin SATA/SAS Connector – Drive0-Drive5............................................. 69
5.2.11 IPMB Header - IPMB .................................................................................69
5.2.12 SATA/SAS Host I2C Header - I2C_1.......................................................... 70
5.2.13 Power Budget ............................................................................................ 70
5.2.14 Board Layout.............................................................................................. 70
5.2.15 Connector Specifications ........................................................................... 71
5.2.16 SATA/SAS Hot Swap Drive Cage Upgrade Kit..........................................72
6. Front Panel ............................................................................................................73
6.1 Front Panel Board Layout.......................................................................... 73
6.1.1 Front Panel Connectors............................................................................. 73
6.1.2 Front panel JP2 Header (17x2) Pin-out. .................................................... 74
6.1.3 I2C Connectors at J1 and J2 (Not Installed) Pin-out................................... 75
6.1.4 Front Panel Controls and Indicators ........................................................... 75
6.2 Chassis Interconnect .................................................................................78
6.3 Chassis Internal Cables............................................................................. 79
6.3.1 Front Panel Cable...................................................................................... 79
6.3.2 USB Cable and Connectors.......................................................................80
6.3.3 Hot Swap Fan Cables and Connectors......................................................80
6.3.4 SCSI Cable ................................................................................................82
6.3.5 Serial Cable ............................................................................................... 83
6.3.6 SATA Cable ...............................................................................................83
6.3.7 IPMB cable for 6-Drive Bays (4-pin)...........................................................84
6.3.8 I2C Cable for 6-Drive Bays (3-pin).............................................................. 84
7. System-Compatible Server Boards .....................................................................85
Revision 1.31
Introduction Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 5U Kit TPS
8. Upgrade Accessories............................................................................................86
8.1 AXX6SCSIDB and AXX4SCSIDB Hot Swap SCSI Drive Bays..................86
8.2 SATA/SAS Hot Swap Drive Bay Upgrade Accessory AXX6SASDB.......... 86
8.3 External SCSI Adapter Cable AXXEXTSCSICBL...................................... 86
8.4 Rack Conversion Kit ARIGRACK...............................................................86
9. Reliability, Serviceability, and Availability.......................................................... 87
9.1 MTBF.........................................................................................................87
9.2 Serviceability..............................................................................................87
10. Environmental Limits............................................................................................89
10.1 System Office Environment........................................................................89
10.2 System Environmental Testing .................................................................. 89
11. Product Regulatory Compliance..........................................................................90
11.1 Product Safety Compliance........................................................................90
11.2 Product EMC Compliance..........................................................................90
11.3 Product Regulatory Compliance Markings................................................. 90
11.4 Electromagnetic Compatibility Notices....................................................... 91
11.4.1 USA ...........................................................................................................91
11.4.2 FCC Verification Statement........................................................................92
11.4.3 ICES-003 (Canada) ...................................................................................92
11.4.4 Europe (CE Declaration of Conformity)...................................................... 92
11.4.5 Japan EMC Compatibility...........................................................................92
11.4.6 BSMI (Taiwan)........................................................................................... 93
Appendix A: Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 Spares and Accessories.................. 94
Appendix B: Intel® Server Chassis SC5200, SC5250-E, SC5275-E and SC5300
Common Spares & Accessories Components .........................................................98
6 Revision 1.31
Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 5U Kit TPS Introduction
Appendix C: Errata and Integration Notes...............................................................99
Reference Documents .............................................................................................. 100
Revision 1.31
Introduction Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 5U Kit TPS
List of Figures
Figure 1. ATX* 2.03 I/O Aperture................................................................................. 18
Figure 2. Tool-less Rails Mounting 5.25-inch CDROM Drive ........................................19
Figure 3. Intel® Server Chassis SC5300BASE Components....................................... 20
Figure 4. Intel® Server Chassis SC5300LX Components............................................ 20
Figure 5. Rack Configuration with Sub-bezel and Right Side Panel Removed ............ 21
Figure 6. Output Cable Harness for 600-W and 700-W Power Supplies...................... 25
Figure 7. 730-W Power Supply Mechanical Drawings................................................. 33
Figure 8. Enclosure Mechanical Dimensions ............................................................... 39
Figure 9. Mechanical Dimensions Power Distribution Board........................................ 40
Figure 10. CPU and PCI Air Ducts...............................................................................49
Figure 11. Fixed Fan Mounting ....................................................................................50
Figure 12. Hot Swap Fans and Connectors ................................................................. 51
Figure 13. Redundant Chassis Airflow Characteristics................................................. 51
Figure 14. 4-HDD Hot Swap Drive Bay, Front/Rear Isometric View............................. 60
Figure 15. 6-HDD Hot Swap Drive Bay, Front/Rear Isometric View.............................. 60
Figure 16. Drive Carrier with Air Baffle Installed........................................................... 61
Figure 17. Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 6-HDD SATA/SAS Hot Swap Backplane
Block Diagram......................................................................................................... 62
Figure 18. Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 6-HDD SATA/SAS Hot Swap Backplane I2C
Bus Connection Diagram ........................................................................................
Figure 19. Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 6-HDD SATA/SAS Hot Swap Backplane
Board Layout...........................................................................................................
Figure 20. Front Panel Primary Side............................................................................ 73
Figure 21. Front Panel Secondary Side ....................................................................... 73
Figure 22. Front Panel Controls and Indicators............................................................ 76
Figure 23. Chassis Interconnect SCSI Diagram........................................................... 78
Figure 24. Chassis Panel Cable................................................................................... 79
Figure 25. USB Cable Drawing .................................................................................... 80
Figure 26. USB Connector........................................................................................... 80
Figure 27. 120-mm Hot Swap Fan Cable......................................................................81
Figure 28. Hot Swap Fan 6-pin Cable Connector......................................................... 81
8 Revision 1.31
Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 5U Kit TPS Introduction
Figure 29. 90-mm Hot Swap 5-pin Cable Connector.................................................... 81
Figure 30. Hot Swap 8-pin (8 CM) Fan Cable Connectors........................................... 81
Figure 31. 8-pin (12 CM) Fan Connector......................................................................82
Figure 32. SCSI Cable 4-Drive Bay..............................................................................82
Figure 33. SCSI Cable 6-Drive Bay..............................................................................83
Figure 34. Serial Cable.................................................................................................83
Figure 35. SATA Cable ................................................................................................ 83
Figure 36. SATA Cable Connector............................................................................... 83
Figure 37. I2C 4-pin Cable............................................................................................ 84
Figure 38. I2C 6-Pin Cable ........................................................................................... 84
Figure 39. External SCSI Adapter Cable Detail............................................................ 86
Revision 1.31
Introduction Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 5U Kit TPS
List of Tables
Table 1. Intel® Server Chassis SC5300BASE, SC5300BRP, and SC5300LX Features12
Table 2. Product Matrix................................................................................................ 15
Table 3. Chassis Dimensions and Weights..................................................................17
Table 4. System Color Code........................................................................................ 17
Table 5. 600-W and 730-W Power Supply Cable Lengths.......................................... 24
Table 6. Baseboard Power Connector P1 Pin-out........................................................ 26
Table 7. Processor Power Connector P2..................................................................... 26
Table 8. Power Signal Connector P13 ........................................................................ 27
Table 9. Peripheral Power Connectors.........................................................................27
Table 10. Floppy Power Connector P6......................................................................... 28
Table 11. PCI Express Connector................................................................................ 28
Table 12. AC Input Ratings.......................................................................................... 29
Table 13. Maximum System Load Ratings...................................................................30
Table 14. Light System Load Ratings...........................................................................30
Table 15. AC Input Rating............................................................................................34
Table 16. Edge Finger Pin-out .....................................................................................35
Table 17. 730-W Load Ratings..................................................................................... 36
Table 18. Voltage Regulation Limits.............................................................................37
Table 19. Thermal Requirements................................................................................. 41
Table 20. Cable Lengths.............................................................................................. 41
Table 21. P1 Baseboard Power Connector..................................................................42
Table 22. P2 Processor Power Connector................................................................... 43
Table 23. P3-P5, P7-P12 Peripheral Power Connectors..............................................43
Table 24. P6 Floppy Power Connector.........................................................................43
Table 25. Power Signal Connector ............................................................................... 44
Table 26. +12V Outputs Load Ratings......................................................................... 44
Table 27. DC/DC Converters Load Ratings ................................................................. 45
Table 28. Voltage Regulation Limits.............................................................................45
Table 29. Power Connector Pin-out ............................................................................. 55
Table 30. SCA2 SCSI Connector Pin-out.....................................................................55
10 Revision 1.31
Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 5U Kit TPS Introduction
Table 31. 68-pin SCSI Connector Pin-out.................................................................... 57
Table 32. IPMB Header Pin-out ...................................................................................58
Table 33. Hot Swap Backplane Worst-case Power Budget.......................................... 58
Table 34. Hard Drive Activity LED................................................................................ 59
Table 35. SCSI Backplane LED ...................................................................................59
Table 36. I2C Bus Addressing ...................................................................................... 64
Table 37. I2C Bus Loading ...........................................................................................64
Table 38. GEM424* Controller GPIO Assignment........................................................ 65
Table 39. LED Function................................................................................................ 67
Table 40. SATA Host I2C Header Pin-out..................................................................... 70
Table 41. Front Panel Connector Designations............................................................ 74
Table 42. Front Panel JP2 Pin-out Descriptions........................................................... 74
Table 43. Front Panel J1 and J2 I2C Pin-out................................................................ 75
Table 44. Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 System Cables............................................79
Table 45. USB Connector Pin-out................................................................................ 80
Table 46. MTBF Calculations.......................................................................................87
Table 47. Maximum Maintenance Procedure Times.................................................... 87
Table 48. System Office Environment Summary.......................................................... 89
Revision 1.31

Introduction Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 5U Kit TPS

1. Introduction
This specification details the feature set of the Intel® Server Chassis SC5300, an entry-level server chassis designed for Intel
server board products. The Server Chassis SC5300 series of products are low cost, quick to integrate, and allow utilization of multiple platforms and configurations. The Server Chassis SC5300 series comes in three configurations: 600-W SC53000BASE, 730-W SC5300BRP, and 730-W SC5300LX. The configurations are distinguishable from one another based primarily on power supply and cooling features.

1.1 Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 Design Features

The Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 series makes extensive use of tool-less hardware features and, dependent upon configuration and upgrade features, provides redundant cooling and redundant power supply capability. The following table lists the features for the SC5300BASE, SC5300BRP, and SC5300LX configurations.
Table 1. Intel® Server Chassis SC5300BASE, SC5300BRP, and SC5300LX Features
Intel® Server Chassis
Includes one (1) fixed 600-W power factor corrected (PFC) Intel validated power supply unit (PSU) with an integrated cooling fan, upgradeable to a redundant (1+1) 730-W PFC PSU
Intel® Server Chassis
Includes (1 of 2) redundant 730-W PFC module Intel validated PSU. Each power module includes an integrated cooling fan. Each redundant power module includes one (1) AC line input.
Intel® Server Chassis
Includes (1 of 2) redundant 730-W PFC module Intel validated PSU. Each power module includes an integrated cooling fan. Each redundant power module includes one (1) AC line input.
12 Revision 1.31
Two fixed, non-redundant chassis fans: one (1) 120­mm and one (1) 92-mm.
Upgradeable to redundant cooling with optional accessory kit. Both fans are tool-less.
Three (3) tool-less, multi­mount 5.25-inch peripheral bays
Two fixed, non-redundant chassis fans: one (1) 120­mm and one (1) 9-mm.
Upgradeable to redundant cooling with optional accessory kit. Both fans are tool-less
Three (3) tool-less, multi­mount 5.25-inch peripheral bays
Four tool-less, hot swappable and redundant chassis fans with handle­mounted diagnostic failure LEDs: two (2) 120-mm and two (2) 92-mm.
Three (3) tool-less, multi­mount 5.25-inch peripheral bays
Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 5U Kit TPS Introduction
Intel® Server Chassis
Drive Bays
(6+4) Bay
PCI Slots
Form Factor
Includes one (1) tool-less fixed drive bay for up to six (6) fixed IDE or SCSI drives.
Optional hot-swap / tool­less drive bays available: six-drive SCSI, six-drive SATA/SAS, 4-drive SCSI.
A four-drive tool-less fixed drive bay is also available as an accessory
The SC5300BASE configuration supports up to six drives.
Seven full-length PCI slots Seven full-length PCI slots Seven full-length PCI slots.
5U Tower, convertible to rack mount
Intel® Server Chassis
Includes one (1) tool-less fixed drive bay for up to six (6) fixed IDE or SCSI drives.
Optional hot-swap / tool­less drive bays available: six-drive SCSI, six-drive SATA/SAS, four-drive SCSI.
A (4) drive tool-less fixed drive bay is also available as an accessory
The SC5300BRP configuration supports up to 10 drives
5U Tower, convertible to rack mount
Intel® Server Chassis
Includes one (1) tool-less fixed drive bay for up to six (6) fixed IDE or SCSI drives.
Optional hot-swap / tool­less drive bays available: six-drive SCSI, six-drive SATA/SAS, four-drive SCSI.
A (4) drive tool-less fixed drive bay is also available
The SC5300LX configuration supports up to 10 drives
Optional hot plug PCI kit is available for the Intel® Server Board SE7520AF2.
5U Tower, convertible to rack mount
Front Panel
Chassis ABS
LEDs for NIC1, NIC2, System ID, HDD activity / failure and system status.
Power Switch - ID switch, Reset, Power, Sleep, NMI
Optical side cover intrusion switch and connection for bezel intrusion switch
Integrated temperature sensor for fan speed management
Two (2) front USB and one (1) optional front or rear mounted serial port
Black Black Black
1.0 mm, zinc plated sheet metal, meets Intel Cosmetic Spec # C25432
Fire retardant, non­brominated
LEDs for NIC1, NIC2, System ID, HDD activity / failure and system status.
Power Switch - ID switch, Reset, Power, Sleep, NMI
Optical side cover intrusion switch and connection for bezel intrusion switch
Integrated temperature sensor for fan speed management
Two (2) front USB and one (1) optional front or rear mounted serial port
1.0 mm, zinc plated sheet metal, meets Intel Cosmetic Spec # C25432
Fire retardant, non­brominated
LEDs for NIC1, NIC2, System ID, HDD activity / failure and system status.
Power Switch - ID switch, Reset, Power, Sleep, NMI
Optical side cover intrusion switch and connection for bezel intrusion switch
Integrated temperature sensor for fan speed management
Two (2) front USB and one (1) optional front or rear mounted serial port
1.0 mm, zinc plated sheet metal, meets Intel Cosmetic Spec # C25432
Fire retardant, non­brominated
Revision 1.31
Introduction Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 5U Kit TPS
Intel® Server Chassis
17.5-inch x 8.6-inch x
17.5-inch x 8.6-inch x
34.6 kg 36.2 kg 36.2 kg Rack Conversion Kit
Rack Cable Management Arm
Intel® Management Module
Slim-line CD and Floppy Carrier
Redundant Power Supply Kit
Six (6) Drive Hot-swap SCSI Backplane
Six (6) Drive Hot-swap SATA.SAS backplane
Intel® Server Chassis
17.5-inch x 8.6-inch x
17.5-inch x 8.6-inch x
Rack Conversion Kit Rack Cable Management
Arm Intel® Management
Module Slim-line CD and Floppy
Carrier Redundant Power Supply
Kit Six (6) Drive Hot-swap
SCSI Backplane Six (6) Drive Hot-swap
SATA/SAS Backplane
Intel® Server Chassis
17.5-inch x 8.6-inch x
17.5-inch x 8.6-inch x
Rack Conversion Kit Rack Cable Management
Arm Intel® Management
Module Slim-line CD and Floppy
Carrier Redundant Power Supply
Kit Six (6) Drive Hot-swap
SCSI Backplane Six (6) Drive Hot-swap
SATA/SAS Backplane
Four (4) Drive Hot-swap SCSI Backplane
Redundant Cooling Upgrade Kit
10-pack Branding / Customization Panels
Four (4) Drive Fixed Drive Bay
Unpainted Rack Top Cover
Four (4) Drive Hot-swap SCSI Backplane
Redundant Cooling Upgrade Kit
10-pack Branding / Customization Panels
Four (4) Drive Fixed Drive Bay
Unpainted Rack Top Cover
Four (4) Drive Hot-swap SCSI Backplane
Redundant Cooling Upgrade Kit
10-pack Branding / Customization Panels
Four (4) Drive Fixed Drive Bay
Unpainted Rack Top Cover Hot-plug PCI Kit

1.2 Intel® Server Chassis SC5300BASE Summary

The Intel® Server Chassis SC5300BASE is designed to address the entry-level market. It includes a fixed single 600-W Power Factor Correction (PFC) non-redundant power supply, which supports up to six hard drives. Two tachometer output fans are mounted in front of the server board. Optional four- and six-drive SCSI hot swap drive bay kits provide upgrades to allow support for 6 hot swap SCSI drives. An optional six-drive hot swap SATA/SAS drive bay is also available. Three 5.25-inch half-height peripheral bays are available for installation of a floppy drive, CD-ROM drive and/or other accessories. Standard chassis configuration is pedestal. A rack mount conversion kit is available.
14 Revision 1.31
Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 5U Kit TPS Introduction

1.3 Intel® Server Chassis SC5300BRP Summary

The Intel® Server Chassis SC5300BRP supports the redundant power capability of the SC5300LX configuration and the fixed fan features of the SC5300BASE configuration. The SC5300BRP configuration includes a single 730-W PFC power supply module. Two tachometer output fans are mounted in front of the server board. When populating the server chassis with a single power supply, the power supply must be populated in the first power supply bay. A second 730-W module may be added to provide redundant power supply. Optional four- and six-drive SCSI hot swap drive bay kits provide upgrades to allow support for up to 10 hot swap SCSI drives. An optional six-drive hot swap SATA/SAS drive bay is also available. Three 5.25-inch half-height peripheral bays are available for installations of a floppy drive, CD-ROM drive and/or other accessories.

1.4 Intel® Server Chassis SC5300LX Summary

The Intel® Server Chassis SC5300LX supports redundant power and includes redundant fan features. The SC5300LX configuration includes a single 730-W PFC power supply module. When populating the server chassis with a single power supply, the power supply must be populated in the first power supply bay. A second 730-W module may be added to provide redundant power supply. Four LED hot swap tachometer output fans provide redundant cooling. Optional four- and six-drive SCSI hot swap drive bay kits provide upgrades to allow support for up to 10 hot swap SCSI drives. An optional six-drive hot swap SATA/SAS drive bay is also available. Three 5.25-inch half-height peripheral bays are available for installation of a floppy drive, CD-ROM drive and/or other accessories. The standard chassis configuration is pedestal. A rack mount conversion kit is available.
Product Code Intel
SC5300BASE Fixed 600-W
SC5300BRP Hot Swap
Redundant 730-W
SC5300LX Hot Swap
SE7520AF2 SE7520BD2 SE7525SP2 SE7525GP2
SE7520AF2 SE7520BD2
SE7520AF2 SE7520BD2
Table 2. Product Matrix
Optional Hot Swap SCSI/SAT
A/SAS Drives
6-SCSI 6-
6-SCSI 6-
6-SCSI or 6-6-drive bay
Standard Fixed Hard Drive Bays
6-drive bay 4-drive bay
optional accessory is available
6-drive bay 4-drive bay
optional accessory is available
4-drive bay
Power Supply and
Required Power
Cord Configuration
Fixed 600-W PFC Requires one power
One 730-W PFC module installed.
Second power module is optional.
Requires one power cord per module.
One 730-W PFC module installed.
No Pedestal is
No Pedestal is
Yes Pedestal is
Standard. Rack Conversion Kit is an accessory.
Standard. Rack
Conversion Kit is an accessory.
Revision 1.31
Introduction Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 5U Kit TPS
Redundant 730-W
optional accessory is available
Second power module is optional.
Requires one power cord per module.
Rack Conversion Kit is an accessory.
16 Revision 1.31
Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 5U Kit TPS Chassis Features

2. Chassis Features

2.1 Chassis Dimensions and Weight

Shipping weights include packaging. Complete systems configured with server board, accessories and hard disk drivers will have
varying weights.
Table 3. Chassis Dimensions and Weights
Configuration Pedestal Rack
Height 17 inches (43.2 cm) 8.6 inches (21.8 cm) Width 8.6 inches (21.8 cm) 16.5 inches (41.9 cm) Depth 27.9 inches (70.9 cm) 27.4 inches (69.6 cm) Clearance Front 10 inches (25.4 cm) N/A Clearance Rear 5 inches (12.7 cm) N/A Clearance Side 3 inches (7.6 cm) N/A
LX 36.2 kg 36.2 kg Weight Base 34.6 kg 34.6 kg

2.2 System Colors

The Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 is offered in one color configuration, black.
Table 4. System Color Code
Manufacturer Color Code
GE Black GE701

2.2.1 Pedestal and Rack Mount Features

The standard pedestal front bezel is a molded plastic door covering all drive bays. A key lock is provided to prevent unauthorized access to the peripheral bays. A molded plastic sub-bezel is located on the face of the chassis under the front bezel. The sub-bezel houses the front panel buttons and light pipes for the front panel indicators. Each peripheral bay is covered with a removable electromagnetic interference (EMI) shield.
Opening the exterior plastic door on the pedestal chassis accesses the hot swap hard drives. An EMI shield is incorporated into the drive carrier design, eliminating the need for a separate
Revision 1.31
Chassis Features Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 5U Kit TPS
shield or door. This adds flexibility to the bezel design by making EMI performance independent of the cosmetic plastic parts.
Customized bezels for OEM customers can be designed from the standard bezel design. OEM snap-in branding panels are available.
In the rack mount configuration, the front door is removed and the sub-bezel becomes the front panel for the rack mount system. The rack mount kit includes the chassis slides, rack handles, front door hinge cover plate and intrusion switch modification hardware.

2.3 Security

A variety of chassis security options are provided at the system level:
1. A two-position key lock/switch will unlock the front bezel and side cover in the pedestal configuration only. Rack mount configuration does not have a key lock.
2. For rack mounted systems, a removable padlock loop on the rear of the system access cover can be used to prevent access to the microprocessors, memory, and add-in cards. A variety of lock sizes can be accommodated by the 0.270-inch diameter loop.
3. A Kensington* cable lock mounting hole is provided on the rear chassis I/O panel.
4. An intrusion switch for the side panel and front bezel door are standard. In the rack mount configuration, only the system cover has an active intrusion switch. Note: See the appropriate Server Board Technical Product Specification on the website for a description of BIOS and Intel security features. Intrusion switches are provided allowing server management software, such as Intel
Server Management (ISM), to detect unauthorized access to
the system cover and pedestal bezel door.
Server Management

2.4 I/O Panel

All input/output (I/O) connectors are accessible on the rear of the chassis. The SSI E-bay 3.5­compliant chassis provides an ATX* 2.03-compatible cutout for I/O shield installation. Boxed server boards provide the required I/O shield for installation in the cutout. The I/O cutout dimensions are shown in the following figure.
The rear I/O panel conforms to the Advanced Technology Extended (ATX) Specification, Revision 2.1, and supports seven full-length expansion PCI adaptor cards.
R 0.039 MAX, TYP
1.750 ± 0.0 08
I/O Aperture
Figure 1. ATX* 2.03 I/O Aperture
0.100 Min keepout around opening
5.196 ± 0.0106.250 ± 0.008
Datum 0,0
18 Revision 1.31
Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 5U Kit TPS Chassis Features

2.5 Standard and Optional Hot Swap Drive Bays

One fixed bay, supporting six cabled drives, ships with the standard chassis. An optional four­drive bay for cabled (fixed) drives is available. Optional four- and six-drive hot swap bays are also available and may be installed to replace either the six- or four-drive fixed bays. No tools are required to replace the fixed drive bays. An optional six drive hot swap SATA/SAS bay is also available. See the appendix for a full list of accessories.

2.6 5.25-inch Half-height Peripheral Bays

Three 5.25-inch, half-height drive bays are available for installation of a floppy drive, CD-ROM drive or tape drive. The chassis ships with a 3.5-inch floppy or fixed drive carrier installed in the top 5.25-inch drive bay and two empty 5.25-inch drive bays. Tool-less mounting rails are included for all three drive bays and attach without screws.
Figure 2. Tool-less Rails Mounting 5.25-inch CDROM Drive
Revision 1.31
Chassis Features Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 5U Kit TPS

2.7 Chassis Views

Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 with Base Components
1. Fixed Power Supply
2. PCI Add-in Card Panel
3. Upper Air Duct
4. Lower Air Duct
5. Fixed Fans (2)
6. HDD Cage Release Mechanisms (2)
7. Front Panel Control
8. 5.25" Device Bays (3)
9. Front Panel USB/Serial B
10. Fixed Drive Cage - 4 Drive
11. Fixed Drive Cage - 6 Drive
12. Rear Serial-B Connector
Figure 3. Intel® Server Chassis SC5300BASE Components
Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 LX with Hot Swap Components
1. Hot Swap Power Supply
2. Second Hot Swap Power Supply (accessory)
3. PCI Add-in Card Panel
4. Upper Air Duct
5. Lower Air Duct
6. Hot Swap Fans - Large (2)
7. Hot Swap Fans - Small (2)
8. HDD Cage Release Mechanisms (2)
9. Front Panel Control
10. 5.25" Device Bays (3)
11. Front Panel USB/Serial B
12. Hot Swap Drive Cage - 4 Drive
13. Hot Swap Drive Cage - 6 Drive
14. Rear Serial-B Connector
Figure 4. Intel® Server Chassis SC5300LX Components
20 Revision 1.31
Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 5U Kit TPS Chassis Features
Figure 5. Rack Configuration with Sub-bezel and Right Side Panel Removed
Revision 1.31
Chassis Power Subsystem Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 5U Kit TPS

3. Chassis Power Subsystem

The Server Chassis SC5300 power supplies are Server System Infrastructure (SSI) compliant. The SSI specifications may be found at the following website: W and 730-W power supplies have identical power supply wire harness cable lengths to peripheral bays and server board.

3.1 600-W Power Supply

The 600-W power supply has eight outputs: 3.3V, 5V, 12V1, 12V2, 12V3, 12V4, -12V, and 5Vsb (standby). The 600-W power supply contains a single 80-mm fan for cooling the power supply, which also provides part of the system cooling. The 12V six-pin power connector is for the 150­W PCI-E (video) cards, which require an external 75-W power connector.

3.1.1 Mechanical Outline

The power supply size is 150mm x 180mm x 86mm and has a wire harness for the DC outputs. The AC power cord plugs directly into the external face of the power supply. Both the 600-
22 Revision 1.31
Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 5U Kit TPS Chassis Power Subsystem
Note: All dimensions are in mm.

3.1.2 Output Wire Harness

Listed or recognized component appliance wiring material (AVLV2), CN, rated min 105°C, 300VDC shall be used for all output wiring. Cable length, connector number and description are identical for both the 600-W and 730-W power supplies.
Revision 1.31
Chassis Power Subsystem Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 5U Kit TPS
Table 5. 600-W and 730-W Power Supply Cable Lengths
Power Supply cover exit hole
Power Supply cover exit hole
Power Supply cover exit hole
Power Supply cover exit hole
Power Supply cover exit hole
Extension 100 P4 4 Peripheral Power Connector Extension from P4 100 P5 4 Floppy Power Connector Power Supply cover exit
hole Extension Power Supply cover exit
425 P1 24 Baseboard Power Connector
375 P2 8 Processor Power Connector
375 P14 5 Power Signal Connector
375 P15 6 PCI Express Connector
450 P3 4 Peripheral Power Connector
575 P6 4 Peripheral Power Connector 75 (cover
with sleeve) 740
P7 4
P8 4 Peripheral Power Connector
of pins
Right-angle Peripheral Power Connector
Extension 75 P9 4 Peripheral Power Connector Power Supply cover exit
hole Extension 75 P11 4 Peripheral Power Connector Power Supply cover exit
hole Extension 75 P13 5 SATA Power Connector
P10 4 Peripheral Power Connector
P12 5
Right-angle SATA Power Connector
The output cable harness and connectors is detailed in the following figure.
24 Revision 1.31
Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 5U Kit TPS Chassis Power Subsystem
Notes: (1) All dimensions are in mm. (2) All tolerances are +15-0mm. 3. (3) Install 1 tie wrap within 12 mm of PSU
case. (4) Mark reference designator on each connector. (5) Tie wrap each harness at approximately mid point or point shown.
Figure 6. Output Cable Harness for 600-W and 700-W Power Supplies
Revision 1.31
Chassis Power Subsystem Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 5U Kit TPS Baseboard power connector (P1)
Connector housing: 24-Pin Molex* Mini-Fit Jr. 39-01-2245 or equivalent Contact: Molex Mini-Fit, HCS, Female, Crimp 44476 or equivalent
Table 6. Baseboard Power Connector P1 Pin-out
Pin Signal 18 AWG Color Pin Signal 18 AWG Color
1* +3.3VDC Orange 13 +3.3VDC Orange
3.3V RS Orange (24AWG) 14 -12VDC Blue 2 +3.3VDC Orange 15 COM Black 3* COM Black 16 PSON# Green COM RS Black (24AWG) 17 COM Black 4* +5VDC Red 18 COM Black 5V RS Red (24AWG) 19 COM Black 5 COM Black 20 Reserved N.C. 6 +5VDC Red 21 +5VDC Red 7 COM Black 22 +5VDC Red 8 PWR OK Gray 23 +5VDC Red 9 5 VSB Purple 24 COM Black 10 +12V3 Yellow 11 +12V3 Yellow 12 +3.3VDC Orange
* Remote Sense wire double crimped. Processor Power Connector (P2)
Connector housing: 8-Pin Molex 39-01-2080 or equivalent Contact: Molex 44476-1111 or equivalent
Table 7. Processor Power Connector P2
Pin Signal 18 AWG color Pin Signal 18 AWG Color
1 COM Black 5* +12V1 White 2 COM Black 12V1 RS Yellow (24AWG) 3 COM Black 6 +12V1 White 4 COM Black 7 +12V2 Brown 8* +12V2 Brown
26 Revision 1.31
Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 5U Kit TPS Chassis Power Subsystem
Pin Signal 18 AWG color Pin Signal 18 AWG Color
12V2 RS Yellow (24AWG) Power Signal Connector (P13)
Connector housing: 5-pin Molex 50-57-9405 or equivalent Contacts: Molex 16-02-0087 or equivalent
Table 8. Power Signal Connector P13
Pin Signal 24 AWG Color
1 I2C Clock White 2 I2C Data Yellow 3 Reserved N.C. 4 COM Black 5 3.3RS Orange Peripheral Power Connectors (P3, P4, and P6, P8 – P11)
Connector housing: Amp 1-480424-0 or equivalent Contact: Amp 61314-1 contact or equivalent
Table 9. Peripheral Power Connectors
Pin Signal 18 AWG Color
1 +12V4 Green 2 COM Black 3 COM Black 4 +5 VDC Red
Revision 1.31
Chassis Power Subsystem Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 5U Kit TPS Floppy Power Connector (P6)
Connector housing: Amp 171822-4 or equivalent Contact: Amp 170204-1 contact or equivalent
Table 10. Floppy Power Connector P6
Pin Signal 22 AWG Color
1 +5VDC Red 2 COM Black 3 COM Black 4 +12V4 Green PCI Express Connector (P15)
Connector housing: 6-pin Molex 39-01-2065 or equivalent Contacts: Molex Mini-Fit, HCS, Female, Crimp 44476
Table 11. PCI Express Connector
1 +12V4 Green 4 COM Black 2 +12V4 Green 5 COM Black 3 +12V4 Green 6 COM Black

3.1.3 600-W Power Supply Airflow and Temperature Rise

The power supply incorporates one 80-mm fan for self-cooling and system cooling. The fan provides 14 CFM airflow through the power supply when installed in the system. The cooling air enters the power module from the non-AC side.
The power supply meets UL enclosure requirements for temperature rise limits. All sides of the power supply, with exception to the air exhaust side, are classified as “Handle, knobs, grips, etc., held for short periods of time only.”

3.1.4 AC Specifications

The power supply incorporates universal power input with active power factor correction, which reduces line harmonics in accordance with the EN61000-3-2 and JEIDA MITI standards.
28 Revision 1.31
Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 5U Kit TPS Chassis Power Subsystem AC Inlet Connector
The AC input connector is an IEC 320 C-14 power inlet. This inlet is rated for 10A / 250VAC. AC Input Voltage Specification
The power supply operates within all specified limits over the following input voltage range (see the following table). The power supply shall power off if the AC input is less than 75-80VAC ranges. The power supply operates properly starting at 80-85VAC input voltages.
Table 12. AC Input Ratings
Voltage (110) 90 V
Voltage (220) 180 Vrms 200-240
140 V
264 V
10 A
5 A
1, 3
2, 3
Frequency 47 Hz 50/60 63 Hz
Start up
85VAC +/­4VAC
Power Off
75VAC +/­5VAC
Notes: (1) Maximum input current at low input voltage range shall be measured at 90VAC, at max load. (2) Maximum input current at high input voltage range shall be measured at 180VAC, at max load. (3) This requirement is not to be used for determining agency input current markings. Efficiency
The 600-W power supply has an efficiency of 68% at maximum load and over the specified AC voltage. AC Line Dropout / Holdup
An AC line dropout occurs when the AC input drops to zero VAC at any phase of the AC line for any length of time. During an AC dropout of one cycle or less, the power supply meets dynamic voltage regulation requirements over the rated load. An AC line dropout of 1 cycle or less (20 ms min) shall not cause any tripping of control signals or protection circuits. If the AC dropout lasts longer than one cycle, the power supply should recover and meet all turn-on requirements. The power supply meets the AC dropout requirement over rated AC voltages, frequencies, and output loading conditions. Any dropout of the AC line does not cause damage to the power supply. AC Line Fuse
The power supply has one line fused in the single line fuse on the line (hot) wire of the AC input. The input fuse is a slow blow type. AC inrush current does not cause the AC line fuse to blow under any conditions. Not all protection circuits shall cause the AC fuse to blow unless a component in the power supply has failed. This includes DC output load short conditions.
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