Intel® Server Board SE7520AF2
Intel® Server Chassis SC5300
Intel® Server Platform SC5300AF2
Spares / Parts List & Configuration Guide
A reference guide to assist customers in ordering the necessary components to configure the
Intel Server Board SE7520AF2 and Intel Server Chassis SC5300 Knock-Down-Kit products
Rev 1.11
January, 2006

Change History:
8/12/04- initial public release- removed “Int el Confidenti al” banner, rem oved code n ames, adde d BRP chassis
9/22/04- rev 1.1 added integrated SKU inf ormation and n ew board MM numbe rs.
10/1/04- rev 1.2 – corrected IMM single pack MM numbers.
11/19/04-rev 1.3- added IMM Professional Edition to SC5300AF2 Integ rated SKU descripti on, corrected MM # on
11/22/04-rev 1.4- added Fab 6 board MM#s to boards, added SC5300 (Ba se, BRP or LX) accessory bracket f or
hard drive or floppy drive installation in a standard 5. 25 peripheral b ay.
3/11/05-rev 1.5- Updated current board MM#s to reflect current availability and updated boxed processor
frequencies and product codes.
4/20/05- rev 1.6- Added Intel® RAID Controller S RCS28X
5/12/05- rev 1.7- Corrected SC5300AF2 descripti on to include I ntel ® Management Module- Professio nal Edition
9/12/05- rev 1.8- Updated MM#s for support of new processors, updated new processor codes.
10/11/05- rev 1.9- Further clarification on MM#’s due to PCN #104880 -04. Updated supp orted pro cessor
information. Added new six drive SAS backplane accessory & spare.
01/06/06- rev 1.10- Added clarification that 6 drive SAS backplane accessory & spare will replace 6 drive SATA
accessory and spare.
2/3/06- rev 1.11- Removed all references to AXX6SATADB & AXX6SATABRD in accordance with 1/6/06 P DA
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*Other brands and names may be claim ed as the prope rty of others. Int el, Pentium, Itanium , and Xeon are tradem arks or
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Copyright © Intel Corporation 2004.
Production Configurations................................................................................3
Overview...................................................................................................... 3
Production Boards and KDK (Building Blocks) Ordering Process............3
SC5300AF2 Integrated SKU Description...................................................5
Production Boards and KDK Descriptions.................................................6
Production Order Code Details........................................................................8
Production Integrated SKUs ....................................................................... 8

Production Boards.......................................................................................8
Production Chassis...................................................................................... 8
Production Board Spares & Accessories...................................................9
Production Chassis Accessories ..............................................................10
Production Chassis Spares (Field Replaceable Units)............................11
Existing Production Spares & Accessories ...................................................12
Intel RAID Options..........................................................................................12
Production Configurations
The Intel Server Board SE7520AF2 and Intel Server Chassis SC5 300 are offered eit her as building bloc ks or as a preintegrated system SKU- the Intel Server Platform SC5300AF2. See following secti ons for more information on each opti on.
Production Boards and KDK (Building Blocks) Ordering Process
An overview for configuring the Intel® Server Board SE7520AF2 in th e Intel Server Cha ssis SC5300 and fo r ordering key
Step 1 – Order the Server Board
Step 2 – Choose a supported Intel Server Chassis
- Includes 1 H ot Swap (HS) PSU, HS C ooling, fixed 6-drive bay
- Supports one 4-drive bay
Step 3 – Add Optional Hard Drive Bays
- Boxed board
- Without Hot Plug PCI
and one 6-drive bay
- Includes PSU and Cooling, fixed 6-drive bay
- Supports one 4-drive bay
- Includes one HS PSU, fixed 6-drive bay
- Supports one 4-drive bay
OR one 6-drive bay
and one 6-drive bay
- 4 drive hot-swap SCSI
backplane kit
- 6 drive hot-swap SCSI
backplane kit
- 6 drive hot-swap SAS
backp lane kit
4 drive tool-less fixed
(cabled) drive kit

Step 5: Configure optional integrated Intel® RAID Controller