Intel S9200WK Series Setup And Service Manual

Intel® Server Products and Solutions
Intel® Server System S9200WK Product Family
Setup and Service Guide
Initial system setup instructions and procedures for the installation and replacement of system components and available Intel accessories
Rev 1.0
July 2019
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Intel® Server System S9200WK Product Family Setup and Service Guide
Document Revision History
July 2019
Initial release.
Intel® Server System S9200WK Product Family Setup and Service Guide
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Intel® Server System S9200WK Product Family Setup and Service Guide
Heed safety instructions: Before working with your server product, whether you are using this guide or any other resource as a reference, pay close attention to the safety instructions. You must adhere to the assembly instructions in this guide to ensure and maintain compliance with existing product certifications and approvals. Use only the described, regulated components specified in this guide. Use of other products/components will void the UL listing and other regulatory approvals of the product and will most likely result in noncompliance with product regulations in the region(s) in which the product is sold.
System power on/off: The power buttons located on the front panel of each compute module DO NOT turn off the server chassis AC power. To remove power from the server chassis, you must unplug the AC power cord from the wall outlet. Make sure the AC power cord is unplugged before you open the server chassis.
To service a compute module it is not necessary to power down the entire system. Power off only the compute module requiring servicing before attempting to remove it from the server chassis.
Hazardous conditions, devices and cables: Hazardous electrical conditions may be present on power, telephone, and communication cables. Turn off the compute module and disconnect all telecommunications systems, networks, and modems attached to it before removing it from the server chassis. Otherwise, personal injury or equipment damage can result.
Installing or removing jumpers: A jumper is a small plastic encased conductor that slips over two jumper pins. Some jumpers have a small tab on top that you can grip with your fingertips or with a pair of fine needle nosed pliers. If your jumpers do not have such a tab, take care when using needle nosed pliers to remove or install a jumper; grip the narrow sides of the jumper with the pliers, never the wide sides. Gripping the wide sides can damage the contacts inside the jumper, causing intermittent problems with the function controlled by that jumper. Take care to grip with, but not squeeze, the pliers or other tool you use to remove a jumper, or you may bend or break the pins on the board.
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)
Electrostatic discharge can cause damage to your computer or the components within it. ESD can occur without the user feeling a shock while working inside the system chassis or while improperly handling electronic devices like processors, memory or other storage devices, and add-in cards.
Intel recommends the following steps be taken when performing any procedures described within this document or while performing service to any computer system.
Where available, all system integration and/or service should be performed at a properly equipped ESD
Wear ESD protective gear like a grounded antistatic wrist strap, sole grounders, and/or conductive
Wear an anti-static smock or gown to cover any clothing that may generate an electrostatic charge.
Remove all jewelry.
Disconnect all power cables and cords before opening the Sever Chassis
Power down the Compute Module and remove it from the Server Chassis, remove power feed from the
Server Board before performing any integration or service
Touch any unpainted metal surface of the chassis before performing any integration or service.
Intel® Server System S9200WK Product Family Setup and Service Guide
Hold all circuit boards and other electronic components by their edges only.
After removing electronic devices from the system or from their protective packaging, place them
component side up on to a grounded anti-static surface or conductive foam pad. Do not place electronic devices on to the outside of any protective packaging.
Caution: Slide/rail mounted equipment is not to be used as a shelf or a work space.
Intel warranties that this product will perform to its published specifications. However, all computer systems are inherently subject to unpredictable system behavior under various environmental and other conditions.
This product is not intended to be the sole source for any critical data and the user must maintain a verified backup. Failure to do so or to comply with other user notices in the product user guide and specification documents may result in loss of or access to data.
Liquid cooling safety guidelines:
Make sure there are no leaks and/or damaged parts before operating the liquid cooling system.
Do not to energize system or compute module if liquid cooling system is compromised.
Do not attempt to perform any service before removing power to the liquid compute module, turn off
and disconnect power before disconnecting the liquid cooling quick disconnects tube connectors.
To reduce the risk of damage to the cooling system, use care when installing or removing the liquid
compute modules.
Avoid excessive force when connecting and disconnecting quick disconnect couplings.
Keep liquid cooling tubing clear of pinch points when sliding server nodes.
Intel® Server System S9200WK Product Family Setup and Service Guide
Important Safety Certification Standards and Transition Support Information
The IEC 60950-1 2nd Edition safety standard (Information Technology Equipment) is going through a replacement phase due to the new IEC 62368-1 3rd Edition safety standard (Audio/Video, Information, and Communication Technology Equipment).
Intel® server systems identified in this document are certified to:
The new IEC 62368-1 3rd Edition standard for countries that have adopted this new standard.
The outgoing IEC 60950-1 2nd Edition standard for countries that have not yet adopted the new
During the global adoption/certification transition phase between the outgoing and new standards, safety requirement differences between the standards may temporarily dictate restricted usage of Intel® server system products as follows:
In countries that have adopted the new IEC 62368-1 3rd Edition standard, no location restrictions
apply beyond the standard intended application use requirements.
In countries that have not yet adopted the new IEC 62368-1 3rd Edition standard, restricted access
locations are required. Access in these locations is permitted only by technically trained and qualified personnel who are aware of potential safety hazards.
Note: This requirement applies only to Intel® server system products released in 2019 or later. Legacy Intel® server system products (released in 2018 or earlier) provide safeguards that require no additional access restrictions.
Explanation of temporary restricted access location measures
The new IEC 62368-1 3rd Edition standard does not consider 240 VA an energy hazard. The outgoing IEC 60950-1 2nd Edition standard does consider 240 VA an energy hazard, therefore Intel® server system products released in 2019 or later certified to this standard require restricted access locations. Legacy Intel® server system products (released in 2018 or earlier) were designed with additional safeguards to meet IEC 60950-1 2nd Edition standard 240 VA requirements, so no location restrictions apply beyond the standard intended application use requirements. After the IEC 60950-1 standard is phased out globally and Intel server system products are certified to the new IEC 62368-1 standard, the temporarily restricted access locations will no longer be required.
Intel® Server System S9200WK Product Family Setup and Service Guide
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 15
1.1 The Intel® Server System S9200WK Product Family .................................................................................. 15
1.2 About This Document ........................................................................................................................................... 15
1.3 System Overview and Feature Identification ................................................................................................. 15
2. System Setup............................................................................................................................................................. 18
2.1 Requirements for liquid cooled systems ........................................................................................................ 18
2.2 Installing the System Into a Rack ....................................................................................................................... 19
2.2.1 Installing the Fixed Rail Kit ................................................................................................................................... 19
2.2.2 Installing the Chassis Into a Rack ...................................................................................................................... 20
2.3 Connecting the System to a Liquid Coolant Supply .................................................................................... 21
2.4 Updating System Firmware ................................................................................................................................. 21
3. Optional Accessory Kit Integration and Service ................................................................................................ 22
3.1 Intel® Virtual RAID on CPU (Intel® VROC) Upgrade Key – IPC VROCSTANMOD ................................. 23
3.1.1 Installing the Intel® Virtual RAID on CPU (Intel® VROC) Upgrade Key ................................................... 23
3.1.2 Removing the Intel® Virtual RAID on CPU (Intel® VROC) Upgrade Key ................................................. 23
3.2 Intel® Remote Management Module 4 Lite (Intel® RMM4 Lite) Key – iPC AXXRMM4LITE2 ............ 24
3.2.1 Installing the Intel® Remote Management Module 4 Lite (Intel® RMM4 Lite) Key ............................. 24
3.2.2 Removing the Intel® Remote Management Module 4 Lite (Intel® RMM4 Lite) Key ............................ 24
3.3 PCIe* Add-In Card ................................................................................................................................................... 25
3.3.1 Installing a PCIe* Add-In Card ............................................................................................................................ 25
3.3.2 Removing a PCIe* Add-In Card ........................................................................................................................... 25
3.4 Ethernet Management Port Module (EMP Module) – iPC AXXFCEMP................................................... 26
3.4.1 Installing the EMP Module ................................................................................................................................... 26
3.4.2 Removing the EMP Module ................................................................................................................................. 27
4. System Service .......................................................................................................................................................... 28
4.1 System Component Identification .................................................................................................................... 29
4.2 Compute Module Replacement ......................................................................................................................... 33
4.2.1 Compute Module Removal .................................................................................................................................. 33
4.2.2 Compute Module Installation ............................................................................................................................. 34
4.3 Riser Assembly Replacement .............................................................................................................................. 35
4.3.1 Riser Assembly Removal ...................................................................................................................................... 35
4.3.2 Riser Assembly Installation ................................................................................................................................. 36
4.4 Drive Carrier Extraction, Assembly, and Installation ................................................................................... 36
4.4.1 Drive Carrier Extraction ......................................................................................................................................... 37
4.4.2 Drive Carrier Assembly .......................................................................................................................................... 37
4.4.3 Drive Carrier Installation ....................................................................................................................................... 39
4.5 M.2 SSD Replacement ........................................................................................................................................... 39
4.5.1 M.2 Heat Sink Removal ......................................................................................................................................... 40
4.5.2 M.2 SSD Removal .................................................................................................................................................... 40
4.5.3 M.2 SSD Installation ............................................................................................................................................... 41
Intel® Server System S9200WK Product Family Setup and Service Guide
4.5.4 M.2 Heat Sink Installation .................................................................................................................................... 41
4.6 System Battery Replacement .............................................................................................................................. 42
4.7 Liquid Cooling Loop Replacement (Liquid Cooled Compute Modules Only) ..................................... 43
4.7.1 Liquid Cooling Loop Removal ............................................................................................................................. 43
4.7.2 Liquid Cooling Loop Installation ........................................................................................................................ 45
4.8 Air Duct Replacement (Air Cooled Compute Modules Only) .................................................................... 46
4.8.1 Air Duct Removal..................................................................................................................................................... 46
4.8.2 Air Duct Installation ................................................................................................................................................ 46
4.9 Processor Heat Sink Replacement (Air Cooled Compute Modules Only) ............................................ 47
4.9.1 Processor Heat Sink Removal ............................................................................................................................. 47
4.9.2 Processor Heat Sink Installation ........................................................................................................................ 48
4.10 Memory (DIMM) Replacement ............................................................................................................................ 49
4.10.1 Air Cooled Compute Module DIMM Replacement ....................................................................................... 49
4.10.2 Liquid Cooled Compute Module DIMM Replacement ................................................................................ 50
4.11 Memory Heat Spreader Thermal Pad Replacement (Liquid Cooled Compute Modules only) ...... 53
4.11.1 Thermal Pad Removal ........................................................................................................................................... 53
4.11.2 Thermal Pad Installation ...................................................................................................................................... 54
4.12 Power Supply Replacement ................................................................................................................................ 54
4.12.1 Power Supply Removal ......................................................................................................................................... 54
4.12.2 Power Supply Installation .................................................................................................................................... 55
4.13 System Fan Replacement ..................................................................................................................................... 56
4.13.1 System Fan Removal ............................................................................................................................................. 57
4.13.2 System Fan Installation ......................................................................................................................................... 57
4.14 Chassis Plumbing Assembly Replacement (Liquid Cooled Systems Only).......................................... 58
4.14.1 Chassis Plumbing Assembly Removal ............................................................................................................. 58
4.14.2 Chassis Plumbing Assembly Installation ........................................................................................................ 61
4.15 Power Distribution Board (PDB) Assembly Replacement .......................................................................... 64
4.15.1 Power Distribution Board Assembly Removal .............................................................................................. 64
4.15.2 Power Distribution Board Assembly Installation .......................................................................................... 67
4.16 Internal Chassis Rail Replacement .................................................................................................................... 70
4.16.1 Internal Chassis Rail Removal ............................................................................................................................. 70
4.16.2 Internal Chassis Rail Installation ........................................................................................................................ 71
5. System Packaging Assembly Instructions .......................................................................................................... 72
Appendix A. Getting Help .......................................................................................................................................... 77
Appendix B. General Memory Population Rules .................................................................................................. 78
Appendix C. System Status LED State Definitions ............................................................................................... 81
Appendix D. POST Code Diagnostic LED Decoder ............................................................................................... 83
Appendix E. POST Code Errors ................................................................................................................................ 90
Appendix F. Safety Instructions ............................................................................................................................. 100
Appendix G. Additional References ...................................................................................................................... 110
Appendix H. Glossary ............................................................................................................................................... 111
Intel® Server System S9200WK Product Family Setup and Service Guide
List of Figures
Figure 1. Liquid cooled system back view ................................................................................................................................ 15
Figure 2. Air cooled system back view ...................................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 3. Compute module identification – 4 node system with 1U compute modules ........................................... 16
Figure 4. Compute module identification – 2 node systems with 2U compute modules ......................................... 16
Figure 5. 1U compute module front panel feature identification ..................................................................................... 16
Figure 6. 2U compute module front panel feature identification ..................................................................................... 17
Figure 7. Front control panel features ....................................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 8. I/O breakout cable connector identification ......................................................................................................... 17
Figure 9. Securing the front of the rack rail ............................................................................................................................. 19
Figure 10. Securing the back of the rail ..................................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 11. Installing the chassis into the rack ......................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 12. Liquid cooling supply and return connections................................................................................................... 21
Figure 13. Installing the Intel® VROC Upgrade Key ............................................................................................................... 23
Figure 14. Removing the Intel® VROC Upgrade Key .............................................................................................................. 23
Figure 15. Installing the Intel® RMM4 Lite Key ........................................................................................................................ 24
Figure 16. Removing the Intel® RMM4 Lite Key ...................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 17. Installing an add-in card ............................................................................................................................................ 25
Figure 18. Removing an add-in card .......................................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 19. Removing the EMP Bay Filler Blank ....................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 20. Installing the EMP module/blank ........................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 21. Removing the EMP module/blank .......................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 22. Server chassis component identification ............................................................................................................. 29
Figure 23. 1U liquid cooled compute module component identification ...................................................................... 30
Figure 24. 2U liquid cooled compute module component identification ...................................................................... 31
Figure 25. 2U air cooled compute module component identification ............................................................................ 32
Figure 26. Removing a compute module .................................................................................................................................. 33
Figure 27. Installing a compute module ................................................................................................................................... 34
Figure 28. Removing a riser assembly ....................................................................................................................................... 35
Figure 29. Installing a riser assembly ......................................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 30. Drive carrier extraction from the chassis.............................................................................................................. 37
Figure 31. 2.5” drive carrier assembly – drive/drive blank removal ................................................................................ 37
Figure 32. 2.5” drive carrier assembly – drive installation into the carrier .................................................................... 38
Figure 33. 2.5” drive carrier assembly – alignment features .............................................................................................. 38
Figure 34. Drive carrier installation into the chassis ............................................................................................................. 39
Figure 35. Removing the M.2 heat sink ..................................................................................................................................... 40
Figure 36. Removing the M.2 SSD ............................................................................................................................................... 40
Figure 37. Installing the M.2 SSD................................................................................................................................................. 41
Figure 38. Removing the M.2 heat sink ..................................................................................................................................... 41
Figure 39. Removing the system battery .................................................................................................................................. 42
Figure 40. Installing the system battery .................................................................................................................................... 42
Intel® Server System S9200WK Product Family Setup and Service Guide
Figure 41. Removing the cross head screws ............................................................................................................................ 43
Figure 42. Removing the T-20 screws ....................................................................................................................................... 43
Figure 43. Removing the liquid cooling loop ........................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 44. Securing the cross head screws .............................................................................................................................. 45
Figure 45. Securing the T-20 screws .......................................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 46. Removing the air duct................................................................................................................................................. 46
Figure 47. Installing the air duct .................................................................................................................................................. 46
Figure 48. Removing the processor heat sink ......................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 49. Installing the processor heat sink ........................................................................................................................... 48
Figure 50. Removing the DIMM in an air cooled system ...................................................................................................... 49
Figure 51. Installing the DIMM in an air cooled system ....................................................................................................... 49
Figure 52. Locating and retrieving the memory replacement tool .................................................................................. 50
Figure 53. Removing the DIMM retention clips....................................................................................................................... 51
Figure 54. Removing the DIMM in a liquid cooled system .................................................................................................. 51
Figure 55. Installing the DIMM in a liquid cooled system .................................................................................................... 52
Figure 56. Installing the DIMM retention clips ........................................................................................................................ 52
Figure 57. Removing a DIMM thermal pad ............................................................................................................................... 53
Figure 58. Installing a DIMM thermal pad ................................................................................................................................. 54
Figure 59. Removing the power supply ..................................................................................................................................... 54
Figure 60. Installing the power supply ...................................................................................................................................... 55
Figure 61. System Fan Configuration - Liquid cooled system ........................................................................................... 56
Figure 62. System Fan Configuration - Air cooled system ................................................................................................. 56
Figure 63. Removing the system fan .......................................................................................................................................... 57
Figure 64. Installing the system fan ............................................................................................................................................ 57
Figure 65. Removing the quick connect fillers ........................................................................................................................ 58
Figure 66. Removing the quick connect screws ..................................................................................................................... 59
Figure 67. Removing quick connect covers ............................................................................................................................. 59
Figure 68. Removing the back cover .......................................................................................................................................... 59
Figure 69. Removing the chassis plumbing assembly .......................................................................................................... 60
Figure 70. Installing the chassis plumbing assembly ........................................................................................................... 61
Figure 71. Installing quick connect covers ............................................................................................................................... 62
Figure 72. Securing the quick connect couplings to the covers ....................................................................................... 62
Figure 73. Installing the quick connect fillers ......................................................................................................................... 63
Figure 74. Securing the back cover............................................................................................................................................. 63
Figure 75. Removing the back cover .......................................................................................................................................... 64
Figure 76. Disconnecting the system fan power cables....................................................................................................... 65
Figure 77. Removing the power distribution board .............................................................................................................. 66
Figure 78. Installing the power distribution board ................................................................................................................ 67
Figure 79. Connecting system fan power cables.................................................................................................................... 68
Figure 80. Securing the back cover............................................................................................................................................. 69
Figure 81. Removing the internal chassis rail .......................................................................................................................... 70
Figure 82. Installing the internal chassis rail ........................................................................................................................... 71
Intel® Server System S9200WK Product Family Setup and Service Guide
Figure 83. DIMM population for liquid cooled compute modules with 8 DIMMs of up to 32GB capacity .......... 78
Figure 84. DIMM population for liquid cooled compute modules with 8 DIMMs of 64GB capacity ..................... 79
Figure 85. DIMM population for air cooled compute modules with 8 DIMMs .............................................................. 79
Figure 86. DIMM population for liquid and air cooled compute modules with 16 DIMMs ...................................... 80
Figure 87. POST diagnostic LED identification ....................................................................................................................... 83
Intel® Server System S9200WK Product Family Setup and Service Guide
List of Tables
Table 1. System status LED state definitions .......................................................................................................................... 81
Table 2. POST progress code LED example ............................................................................................................................ 83
Table 3. MRC progress codes ....................................................................................................................................................... 85
Table 4. MRC fatal error codes ..................................................................................................................................................... 86
Table 5. POST progress codes ..................................................................................................................................................... 87
Table 6. POST Error Codes and Messages ............................................................................................................................... 90
Table 7. Product family reference collaterals ...................................................................................................................... 110
Intel® Server System S9200WK Product Family Setup and Service Guide
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Intel® Server System S9200WK Product Family Setup and Service Guide
1. Introduction
1.1 The Intel® Server System S9200WK Product Family
The Intel® Server System S9200WK is a density-optimized, rack-mounted, 2U, multi-node product family that is designed to support high-density, high-performance computing environments in both liquid and air cooled configurations. Each system within the Intel Server System S9200WK product family includes independent, pre-configured compute modules that allow for a power-on ready installation.
1.2 About This Document
This setup and service guide provides system integrators and service technicians guidance for the setup, configuration, upgrade, and future maintenance of the Intel Server System S9200WK product family.
Refer to Appendix G for the complete list of documentation available. For the latest revision of this document go to
1.3 System Overview and Feature Identification
The illustrations on the following pages provide a quick reference identifying the key features of this server product family.
Figure 1. Liquid cooled system back view
Figure 2. Air cooled system back view
Intel® Server System S9200WK Product Family Setup and Service Guide
Figure 3. Compute module identification – 4 node system with 1U compute modules
Figure 4. Compute module identification – 2 node systems with 2U compute modules
Figure 5. 1U compute module front panel feature identification
Intel® Server System S9200WK Product Family Setup and Service Guide
Figure 6. 2U compute module front panel feature identification
Figure 7. Front control panel features
Figure 8. I/O breakout cable connector identification
Intel® Server System S9200WK Product Family Setup and Service Guide
2. System Setup
Each server system within the Intel® Server System S9200WK product family includes power supplies, cooling components, rack mounting accessories, and configurable compute modules that include memory, storage, and network components. Refer to the Intel® Server System S9200WK Product Family Configuration Guide for a complete list of available options.
This chapter provides service personnel the information necessary to set up the Intel Server System S9200WK product family. Illustrations identify the system features and procedures to install the system in a rack environment and prepare it for use. The system comes fully assembled containing all components necessary to be fully functional, so that once the system is physically set up in the operating environment and updated to the latest available firmware version, it is ready for use.
Before Setting Up or Servicing the Intel® Server System S9200WK
Before working with this server product, observe the safety and ESD precautions found in the beginning of this guide.
System Directional Reference
All references to left, right, front, top, and bottom assume the reader is facing the front of the chassis and front of a compute module.
2.1 Requirements for liquid cooled systems
The liquid cooled systems within the Intel® Server System S9200WK product family are designed to operate while being connected to a non-Intel coolant distribution unit that supports Staubli* SCG 06 quick connect couplings.
Server Chassis
Compute Module
Intel® Server System S9200WK Product Family Setup and Service Guide
2.2 Installing the System Into a Rack
Before following the instructions in this section, remove all compute modules from the server chassis (see Section 4.2.1). If the rail kit is already installed, proceed to Section 2.2.2.
2.2.1 Installing the Fixed Rail Kit
The Intel® Server System S9200WK product family includes a fixed rail kit that serves as a shelf for the system upon installation into the rack. When a system is installed onto the fixed rails, it can be secured to both the rail and the rack through a pair of thumbscrews on the front of the system.
Figure 9. Securing the front of the rack rail
1. Remove the chassis rail kit from the packaging. Locate the rail, either left or right, and align the rail
guides with the slots in the front of the rack (see Letter A).
2. Insert the rail guides into their respective rack slots while pressing on the clip (see Letter B).
3. Release the clip once the guides are fully inserted into the rack (see Letter C).
Intel® Server System S9200WK Product Family Setup and Service Guide
Figure 10. Securing the back of the rail
4. Extend and align the rear guides with their slots in the back of the rack (see Letter D).
5. Insert the rail guides into their respective rack slots while pressing on the clip (see Letter E).
6. Release the clip once the guides are fully inserted into the rack (see Letter F).
7. Repeat this process with the opposite rail.
2.2.2 Installing the Chassis Into a Rack
Important Safety Note: Due to the weight of a fully configured system, Intel® recommends using a
mechanical lift to aid with the installation of the system into the rack, and/or to use at least two people to install the system into the rack, or remove all installed compute modules from the system before attempting to install the system into the rack.
Figure 11. Installing the chassis into the rack
1. Insert the chassis onto the rails and slide it back to the rear of the rack (see Letter A).
2. Tighten the thumbscrews located on the chassis handles to secure the chassis to the rack (see Letter
3. If removed, install the compute modules into the chassis (see Section 4.2).
Intel® Server System S9200WK Product Family Setup and Service Guide
2.3 Connecting the System to a Liquid Coolant Supply
The liquid cooled systems within the Intel® Server System S9200WK product family include Staubli* SCG O6 quick connect couplings on the back of the chassis. When integrating a liquid cooled system into an operating environment, it must be connected to the facility’s liquid coolant supply.
Figure 12. Liquid cooling supply and return connections
1. Locate the two quick connect couplings in the rear of the chassis as shown in Figure 12.
2. Attach the liquid supply to the quick connect coupling marked with a blue ring.
3. Attach the liquid return to the quick connect coupling marked with a red ring.
2.4 Updating System Firmware
Each compute module within the Intel® Server System S9200WK product family includes a software stack that includes a BIOS, BMC firmware, Intel® Management Engine (Intel® ME) firmware, and both FRU and SDR data. A full software stack is installed during the system manufacturing process, but may not be the latest available version. Intel highly recommends updating the full system software stack on each installed compute module to the latest available version for optimal performance and system reliability. A System Update Package (SUP) containing the latest available system software stack can be downloaded from the following Intel web site:
To ensure that the embedded platform management subsystem is configured properly, the latest FRU and SDR data for each compute module must be installed after updating the full system software stack. Updated FRU and SDR data allows the platform management subsystem to monitor the specific system sensors used to determine appropriate system cooling, optimal performance, and accurate error reporting. FRU and SDR data is loaded by using the FRUSDR utility which is included with the System Update Package (SUP).
Intel® Server System S9200WK Product Family Setup and Service Guide
3. Optional Accessory Kit Integration and Service
This chapter provides installation and removal instructions for supported optional accessory kits.
Before Beginning
Before working with the server product, observe the safety and ESD precautions found in the Warnings section at the beginning of this guide.
Ensure the compute module is powered off before removing it from the system chassis
Required Tools and Supplies
1. Anti-static wrist strap and conductive foam pad (recommended)
System Reference
All references to left, right, front, top, and bottom assume the reader is facing the front of the server chassis or compute module.
Server Chassis
Compute Module
Intel® Server System S9200WK Product Family Setup and Service Guide
3.1 Intel® Virtual RAID on CPU (Intel® VROC) Upgrade Key – IPC VROCSTANMOD
3.1.1 Installing the Intel® Virtual RAID on CPU (Intel® VROC) Upgrade Key
Figure 13. Installing the Intel® VROC Upgrade Key
1. Remove the compute module to be serviced from the server chassis and place it on to an anti-static
work surface (see Section 4.2.1)
2. Remove the right riser assembly from Riser Slot 2. (see Section 0)
3. Remove the Intel® VROC Upgrade Key from its packaging.
4. Locate the white 4-pin key connector near the right edge of the server board
5. Place the key over the connector and confirm that the orientation of the key matches that of the
6. Press the key down onto the connector.
3.1.2 Removing the Intel® Virtual RAID on CPU (Intel® VROC) Upgrade Key
Figure 14. Removing the Intel® VROC Upgrade Key
1. Remove the compute module to be serviced from the server chassis and place it on to an anti-static
work surface (see Section 4.2.1)
2. Remove the right riser assembly from Riser Slot 2. (see Section 0)
3. Using the key pull tab, carefully pull the key up until it disengages from the connector.
Intel® Server System S9200WK Product Family Setup and Service Guide
3.2 Intel® Remote Management Module 4 Lite (Intel® RMM4 Lite) Key – iPC
3.2.1 Installing the Intel® Remote Management Module 4 Lite (Intel® RMM4 Lite) Key
Figure 15. Installing the Intel® RMM4 Lite Key
1. Remove the compute module to be serviced from the server chassis and place it on to an anti-static
work surface (see Section 4.2.1)
2. Remove the right riser assembly from Riser Slot 2. (see Section 0)
3. Remove the Intel RMM4 Lite Key from its packaging.
4. Locate the Intel RMM4 Lite key connector near the right edge of the server board behind the RJ45
Management Port connector.
5. Match the orientation of the Intel RMM4 Lite key to the onboard connector.
6. Press the Intel RMM4 Lite key down into the connector until fully engaged.
3.2.2 Removing the Intel® Remote Management Module 4 Lite (Intel® RMM4 Lite) Key
Figure 16. Removing the Intel® RMM4 Lite Key
1. Remove the compute module to be serviced from the server chassis and place it on to an anti-static
work surface(see Section 4.2.1)
2. Remove the right riser assembly from Riser Slot 2. (see Section 0)
3. Carefully grasp the Intel® RMM4 Lite key and pull it up until disengaged from the connector.
Intel® Server System S9200WK Product Family Setup and Service Guide
3.3 PCIe* Add-In Card
The following procedures are identical for both 1U and 2U riser card assemblies
3.3.1 Installing a PCIe* Add-In Card
Figure 17. Installing an add-in card
1. Remove the compute module to be serviced from the server chassis and place it on to an anti-static
work surface (see Section 4.2.1)
2. Remove the selected riser assembly from the compute module (see Section 0)
3. If present, carefully remove the rear metal filler plate from the metal frame of the riser assembly (see
Letter A).
4. Align the rear bracket of the add-in card to the rear opening of the riser assembly
5. Carefully push the add-in card down into the PCIe slot (see Letter B).
6. Ensure the add-in card is fully seated
7. Re-install the riser card assembly into the compute module (see Section 4.3)
3.3.2 Removing a PCIe* Add-In Card
Figure 18. Removing an add-in card
1U riser card assembly shown**
1U Riser assembly shown **
Intel® Server System S9200WK Product Family Setup and Service Guide
1. Remove the compute module to be serviced from the server chassis and place it on to an anti-static
work surface (see Section 4.2.1)
2. Remove the selected riser assembly from the compute module (see Section 0)
3. Carefully remove the add-in card from the PCIe slot (see Letter A).
4. Carefully install the metal filler plate over the opening on the metal frame of the riser assembly (see
Letter B).
5. Re-install the riser card assembly into the compute module (see Section 4.3)
3.4 Ethernet Management Port Module (EMP Module) – iPC AXXFCEMP
Your system may or may not come preconfigured with an Ethernet Management Port Module. This section provides instruction for the installation and removal of this accessory option. The EMP module is hot-swap capable. It can be installed or removed without powering down the system or any of its compute modules.
3.4.1 Installing the EMP Module
Figure 19. Removing the EMP Bay Filler Blank
1. If present, remove the EMP Bay Filler blank from the back of the server chassis by pulling it out from
the chassis as shown in Figure 19.
Figure 20. Installing the EMP module/blank
2. Install the EMP module, by sliding it into the open EMP bay until it locks into place (see Letter A).
Intel® Server System S9200WK Product Family Setup and Service Guide
3.4.2 Removing the EMP Module
1. Locate the EMP module on the back of the chassis.
Figure 21. Removing the EMP module/blank
2. Remove the EMP module by pushing down on the Green latch (see Letter A) and then pulling it out
from the chassis (see Letter B).
Note: To keep the system operating within its thermal limits, the EMP module bay must be populated with either an EMP module or EMP blank when any of the installed compute modules are operational.
Intel® Server System S9200WK Product Family Setup and Service Guide
4. System Service
This chapter provides instructions for removing and installing system components considered field replaceable (field-replaceable units, or FRUs). The Intel® Server System S9200WK product family features a modular design, allowing for servicing of system fans, power supply modules, compute modules and Ethernet Management Port module (EMP module) without having to power off the entire system.
System components that do require that the full system be powered off and AC power cords disconnected from the system include the following:
For air cooled configurations:
Power distribution board
For liquid cooled configurations:
Power distribution board
Chassis plumbing assembly
When service is necessary for any of the individual compute modules within the server system, it is necessary to power off the selected compute module before removing it from the server chassis.
Before Setting Up or Servicing the Intel® Server System S9200WK
Before working with this server product, observe the safety and ESD precautions found at the beginning of this guide.
System Directional Reference
All references to left, right, front, top, and bottom assume the reader is facing the front of the server chassis or the front of the compute module.
Server Chassis
Compute Module
Intel® Server System S9200WK Product Family Setup and Service Guide
4.1 System Component Identification
The following illustrations provide a quick reference to identify system components that are considered field serviceable. Refer to the Intel® Server System S9200WK product family Configuration Guide for a complete list of available spares.
Server Chassis
Chassis back cover
System fan assemblies
Power supplies
EMP module
Chassis plumbing assembly (Liquid cooled systems only)
Power distribution board
Figure 22. Server chassis component identification
Intel® Server System S9200WK Product Family Setup and Service Guide
Compute module tray with server board
Liquid cooling loop
DIMM retention clips
Riser assemblies
Figure 23. 1U liquid cooled compute module component identification
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