Intel S5500WB12V, S5500WBR, S5500WB Specification

Intel® Server Board S5500WB
February, 2012
Enterprise Platforms and Services Division
Technical Product Specification
Intel order number E53971-008
Revision History Intel® Server Board S5500WB TPS
Initial Release.
Formatting corrections.
Updated heatsink installation steps. Corrected processor fault table. Added jumper location figure.
Updated memory support. Corrected PCIe slot speed. Removed S4 support.
Corrected USB header pin-out.
Updated Power Supply communication bus requirements. Increased maximum supported memory to 128GB. Added support for 5600 series processors.
Updated12V SKU board picture (Figure 1).
Removed Rapid Boot Toolkit section. Updated NIC LEDs. Updated video resolution.
Updated typo in board feature set.
Updated typo in board feature set.
Revision History
Revision 1.9
Intel order number E53971-008
Intel® Server Board S5500WB TPS Disclaimers
Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel® products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Intel's Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, and Intel disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of Intel products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright or other intellectual property right. Intel products are not intended for use in medical, life saving, or life sustaining applications. Intel may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice.
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Revision 1.9 Intel order number E53971-008
Table of Contents Intel® Server Board S5500WB TPS
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Section Outline ....................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Server Board Use Disclaimer ................................................................................. 1
2. Server Board Overview ...................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Intel® Server Board S5500WB Server Board .......................................................... 4
2.2 Server Board Connector and Component Layout ................................................... 6
2.2.1 Board Rear Connector Placement .......................................................................... 8
2.2.2 Server Board Mechanical Drawings ....................................................................... 8
3. Functional Architecture ................................................................................................... 13
3.1 High Level Product Features ................................................................................ 13
3.2 Functional Block Diagram .................................................................................... 14
3.3 Processor Subsystem .......................................................................................... 15
3.3.1 Processor Support ............................................................................................... 15
3.3.2 Processor Population Rules ................................................................................. 15
3.3.3 Installing or Replacing the Processor ................................................................... 17
3.3.4 Intel® QuickPath Interconnect (Intel® QPI) ............................................................ 20
3.4 Intel® QuickPath Memory Controller ..................................................................... 21
3.4.1 Supported Memory ............................................................................................... 21
3.4.2 Memory Subsystem Nomenclature....................................................................... 21
3.4.3 ECC Support ........................................................................................................ 22
3.4.4 Memory Reservation for Memory-mapped Functions ........................................... 22
3.4.5 High-Memory Reclaim .......................................................................................... 22
3.4.6 Memory Population Rules .................................................................................... 23
3.4.7 Installing and Removing Memory ......................................................................... 23
3.4.8 Channel-Independent Mode ................................................................................. 25
3.4.9 Memory RAS ........................................................................................................ 25
3.4.10 Memory Error LED ............................................................................................... 26
3.5 Intel® 5500 Chipset IOH ........................................................................................ 26
3.5.1 IOH24D PCI Express* .......................................................................................... 26
3.6 Management Engine ............................................................................................ 27
3.7 Intel® 82801Jx I/O Controller Hub (ICH10R) ......................................................... 28
3.7.1 Serial ATA Support .............................................................................................. 28
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Intel® Server Board S5500WB TPS Table of Contents
3.7.2 USB 2.0 Support .................................................................................................. 29
3.8 Network Interface Controller (NIC) ....................................................................... 30
3.8.1 MAC Address Definition ....................................................................................... 31
3.8.2 LAN Connector Ordering ...................................................................................... 31
3.9 Integrated Baseboard Management Controller ..................................................... 31
3.9.1 Integrated BMC Embedded LAN Channel ............................................................ 33
3.9.2 RMM3 Advanced Management Board: ................................................................. 34
3.10 Serial Ports .......................................................................................................... 34
3.11 Wake-up Control .................................................................................................. 34
3.12 Integrated Video Support ..................................................................................... 34
3.12.1 Video Modes ........................................................................................................ 35
3.12.2 Dual Video ........................................................................................................... 35
3.12.3 Front Panel Video ................................................................................................ 35
3.13 I/O Slots ............................................................................................................... 36
3.13.1 X16 Riser Slot Definition ...................................................................................... 36
3.13.2 PE WIDTH Strapping ........................................................................................... 36
3.13.3 Slot 1 PCI Express* x8 Connector ........................................................................ 36
3.13.4 I/O Module Connector .......................................................................................... 37
4. Intel® I/O Expansion Modules .......................................................................................... 38
5. Platform Management Features ...................................................................................... 40
5.1 BIOS Feature Overview ....................................................................................... 40
5.1.1 EFI Support .......................................................................................................... 40
5.1.2 BIOS Recovery .................................................................................................... 40
5.2 BMC Feature Overview ........................................................................................ 40
5.2.1 Server Engines Pilot II Controller ......................................................................... 40
5.2.2 BMC Firmware ..................................................................................................... 41
5.2.3 BMC Basic Features ............................................................................................ 41
5.2.4 BMC Advanced Features ..................................................................................... 42
5.3 Management Engine (ME) ................................................................................... 42
5.3.1 Overview .............................................................................................................. 42
5.3.2 BMC - Management Engine Interaction ................................................................ 43
5.4 Data Center Manageability Interface .................................................................... 43
5.5 Other Platform Management ................................................................................ 43
5.5.1 Wake On LAN (WOL) .......................................................................................... 43
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5.5.2 PCI Express* Power management ....................................................................... 43
5.5.3 PMBus* ................................................................................................................ 43
5.6 I2C\SMBUS Architecture Block ............................................................................ 44
5.6.1 I2C\SMBUS Device Addresse .............................................................................. 44
6. Configuration Jumpers .................................................................................................... 46
6.1.1 Force IBMC Update (J1B5) .................................................................................. 47
6.1.2 Password Clear (J1C2) ........................................................................................ 48
6.1.3 BIOS Recovery Mode (J1C3) ............................................................................... 49
6.1.4 Reset BIOS Configuration (J1B4) ........................................................................ 50
6.1.5 Video Master (J6A3) ............................................................................................ 50
6.1.6 ME Firmware Force Update (J7A2) ...................................................................... 51
6.1.7 Serial Interface (J6A2) ......................................................................................... 51
7. Connector/Header Locations and Pin-out ...................................................................... 52
7.1 Power Connectors ................................................................................................ 52
7.2 System Management Headers ............................................................................. 54
7.2.1 Intel® Remote Management Module 3 (Intel® RMM3) Connector .......................... 54
7.2.2 BMC Power Cycle Header (12V Only) .................................................................. 54
7.2.3 Hard Drive Activity (Input) LED Header ................................................................ 55
7.2.4 IPMB Header........................................................................................................ 55
7.2.5 SGPIO Header ..................................................................................................... 55
7.3 SSI Control Panel Connector ............................................................................... 55
7.3.1 Power Button ....................................................................................................... 56
7.3.2 Reset Button ........................................................................................................ 56
7.3.3 NMI Button ................................................................ ........................................... 56
7.3.4 Chassis Identify Button ........................................................................................ 56
7.3.5 Power LED ........................................................................................................... 57
7.3.6 System Status LED .............................................................................................. 57
7.3.7 Chassis ID LED .................................................................................................... 59
7.4 I/O Connectors ..................................................................................................... 59
7.4.1 PCI Express* Connectors ..................................................................................... 59
7.4.2 VGA Connectors .................................................................................................. 61
7.4.3 NIC Connectors.................................................................................................... 62
7.4.4 SATA Connectors ................................................................................................ 64
7.4.5 Intel® I/O Expansion Module Connector ............................................................... 64
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7.4.6 Serial Port Connectors ......................................................................................... 66
7.4.7 USB Connectors .................................................................................................. 66
7.5 Fan Headers ........................................................................................................ 67
8. Intel® Light-Guided Diagnostics ...................................................................................... 68
8.1 5-V Standby LED ................................................................................................. 68
8.2 Fan Fault LEDs .................................................................................................... 69
8.3 System Status LED .............................................................................................. 69
8.4 DIMM Fault LEDs ................................................................................................. 73
8.5 POST Code Diagnostic LEDs .............................................................................. 74
8.6 Front Panel Support ............................................................................................. 75
9. Design and Environmental Specifications ..................................................................... 76
9.1 Fan Speed Control Thermal Management ........................................................... 76
9.2 Thermal Sensors .................................................................................................. 78
9.2.1 Processor PECI Temperature Sensor .................................................................. 78
9.2.2 Memory Temperature Sensor .............................................................................. 79
9.2.3 Board Temperature Sensor .................................................................................. 79
9.2.4 Thermals Sensor Placement ................................................................................ 79
9.3 Heatsinks ............................................................................................................. 80
9.3.1 Unified Retention System Support ....................................................................... 81
9.4 Errors ................................................................................................................... 82
9.4.1 PROCHOT# ......................................................................................................... 82
9.4.2 THERMTRIP# ...................................................................................................... 82
9.4.3 CATERR# ............................................................................................................ 82
10. Power Subsystem............................................................................................................. 83
10.1 Server Board Power Distribution .......................................................................... 83
10.2 Power Supply Compatibility .................................................................................. 83
10.3 Power Sequencing and Reset Distribution ........................................................... 84
11. Regulatory and Certification Information ....................................................................... 85
11.1 Product Regulation Requirements ........................................................................ 85
11.1.1 Product Safety Compliance .................................................................................. 85
11.1.2 Product EMC Compliance – Class A Compliance ................................................ 85
11.1.3 Certifications / Registrations / Declarations .......................................................... 85
11.2 Product Regulatory Compliance Markings ........................................................... 86
11.3 Electromagnetic Compatibility Notices ................................................................. 86
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11.3.1 FCC Verification Statement (USA) ....................................................................... 86
11.3.2 ICES-003 (Canada) .............................................................................................. 87
11.3.3 Europe (CE Declaration of Conformity) ................................................................ 88
11.3.4 BSMI (Taiwan) ..................................................................................................... 88
11.3.5 KCC (Korea) ........................................................................................................ 88
Appendix A: POST Code LED Decoder ................................................................................. 89
Appendix B: Video POST Code Errors .................................................................................. 96
Glossary ................................................................................................................................ 100
Reference Documents .......................................................................................................... 103
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Intel® Server Board S5500WB TPS List of Figures
List of Figures
Figure 1. Intel® Server Board S5500WB 12V .............................................................................. 4
Figure 2. Intel Server Board S5500WB SSI ................................................................................ 5
Figure 3. Intel® Server Board S5500WB Components (both SKUs are shown) ........................... 6
Figure 4. Rear Panel Connector Placement: ............................................................................... 8
Figure 5. Baseboard and Mounting holes .................................................................................... 9
Figure 6. Connector Locations .................................................................................................. 10
Figure 7. Primary Side Height Restrictions ................................................................................ 11
Figure 8. Secondary Side Height Restrictions ........................................................................... 12
Figure 9. Intel® Server Board S5500WB Functional Block Diagram .......................................... 14
Figure 10. Lifting the load lever of ILM cover ............................................................................ 17
Figure 11. Removing the socket cover ...................................................................................... 17
Figure 12. Installing processor .................................................................................................. 18
Figure 13. Package Installation/Remove Feature ..................................................................... 19
Figure 14. Installing/Removing Heatsink ................................................................................... 20
Figure 15. Intel® QPI Link.......................................................................................................... 20
Figure 16. Memory Channel Population .................................................................................... 23
Figure 17. Installing Memory ..................................................................................................... 24
Figure 18. Mirroring Memory Configuration ............................................................................... 26
Figure 19. Integrated BMC Hardware ....................................................................................... 33
Figure 20. S5500WB I2C\SMBUS Block Diagram .................................................................... 44
Figure 21: Jumper Blocks (J1B5, J1C2, J1C3, J1B4, J6A3, J6A2, J7A2) ................................. 46
Figure 22: 5-V Standby Status LED Location ............................................................................ 68
Figure 23. Fan Fault LED Locations .......................................................................................... 69
Figure 24. System Status LED Location ................................................................................... 70
Figure 25. DIMM Fault LEDs Locations ..................................................................................... 73
Figure 26. Rear Panel Diagnostic LEDs .................................................................................... 74
Figure 27: Thermal Zones ......................................................................................................... 76
Figure 28: Location of Fan Connectors ..................................................................................... 77
Figure 29. Fans and Sensors Block Diagram ............................................................................ 78
Figure 30: Temp Sensor Location ............................................................................................. 80
Figure 31. Unified Retention System and Unified Backplate Assembly ..................................... 81
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List of Figures Intel® Server Board S5500WB TPS
Figure 32. Power Distribution Diagram ..................................................................................... 83
Figure 33. Diagnostic LED Placement Diagram ........................................................................ 89
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Intel® Server Board S5500WB TPS List of Tables
List of Tables
Table 1. Intel® Server Board S5500WB Feature Set ................................................................... 2
Table 2. Intel® Server Board S5500WB System Interconnects ................................................... 7
Table 3. Intel® Server Board S5500WB Features ..................................................................... 13
Table 4. Mixed Processor Configurations .................................................................................. 16
Table 5. DIMM Nomenclature ................................................................................................ ... 22
Table 6. IOH24D PCI Express* Bus Segments ......................................................................... 27
Table 7. NIC 1 Status LED ........................................................................................................ 30
Table 8. RMM3 Features .......................................................................................................... 34
Table 9. Supported Video Modes .............................................................................................. 35
Table 10. Dual Video Options ................................................................ ................................... 35
Table 11. PEWIDTH Strapping Bits .......................................................................................... 36
Table 12. Intel® I/O Expansion Module Bus PEWIDTH Bits ...................................................... 37
Table 13. Intel® I/O Expansion Module Product Codes ............................................................. 38
Table 14: BMC Basic Features ................................................................................................. 41
Table 15. Advanced Features ................................................................................................... 42
Table 16. I2C/SMBus Device Address Assignment ................................................................... 44
Table 17: Server Board Jumpers (J1B5, J1C2, J1C3, J1B4, J6A3, J6A2) ................................ 47
Table 18. Force IBMC Update Jumper ...................................................................................... 47
Table 19. Password Clear Jumper ................................................................ ............................ 48
Table 20. BIOS Recovery Mode Jumper ................................................................................... 49
Table 21. Reset BIOS Jumper .................................................................................................. 50
Table 22. Video Master Jumper ................................................................................................ 50
Table 23. SSI SKU 24-pin 2x12 Connector (J9B3) .................................................................... 52
Table 24. CPU 12V Power 2x4 Connector (J5K1) ..................................................................... 52
Table 25. SSI Power Control (J9D1) ......................................................................................... 52
Table 26. 12-V only 2x4 Connector (replaces EPSD12V 2x12 connector) (J9D2) .................... 53
Table 27. 12-V Only Power Control (replaces the 1x5 power control) (J9D1) (FOXCONN
Table 28. Peripheral Power (Only for 12-V only SKU) (J8K2) (iPN: C22293-003 MOLEX
CONNECTOR CORPORATION 43045-0627 ) ................................................................... 53
Table 29. Intel® RMM3 Connector Pin-out (J5B1) ..................................................................... 54
Table 30. BMC Power Cycle Header (J1D2) ............................................................................. 54
Table 31. IPMB Header 4-pin (J1B2) ........................................................................................ 55
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List of Tables Intel® Server Board S5500WB TPS
Table 32. SGPIO Header (J1B1) .............................................................................................. 55
Table 33. Front Panel SSI Standard 24-pin Connector Pin-out (J1E2) ...................................... 55
Table 34. Power LED Indicator States ...................................................................................... 57
Table 35. System Status LED ................................................................................................... 58
Table 36. Chassis ID LED Indicator States ............................................................................... 59
Table 37. Slot 6 Riser Connector (J4B1) ................................................................................... 59
Table 38. Slot 1 PCI Express* x8 Connector (J1B3) ................................................................. 60
Table 39. VGA External Video Connector (J6A1) ...................................................................... 61
Table 40. VGA Internal Video Connector (J1D1) ...................................................................... 62
Table 41. RJ-45 10/100/1000 NIC Connector Pin-out (J8A2, J9A1) .......................................... 63
Table 42. SATA Connectors ..................................................................................................... 64
Table 43. 50-pin Intel® I/O Expansion Module Connector Pin-out (J2B1, J3B1) ........................ 65
Table 44. External RJ-45 Serial Port A (COM1) (J7A1)............................................................. 66
Table 45. Internal 9-pin Serial B (COM2) (J1A2) ....................................................................... 66
Table 46. External USB Connector (J8A1, J9A1)) ..................................................................... 66
Table 47. Internal USB Connector (J1C1 and J9A2) ................................................................. 66
Table 48. Low-Profile Internal USB Connector (J1E3) .............................................................. 67
Table 49. SSI 4-pin Fan Connector (J2K2, J2K3, J3K1, J7K1, J8K4, J8K5) ............................. 67
Table 50. 8-pin Fan Connector (J2K1 & J8K3) (MOLEX CONNECTOR CORPORATION 53398-
0890 or 53398-0871 ) ......................................................................................................... 67
Table 51. System Status LED ................................................................................................... 71
Table 52. Standard Front Panel Functionality ................................................................ ........... 75
Table 53. Fan Connector Location & Detail ............................................................................... 77
Table 54. Fan Connector Location & Detail ............................................................................... 78
Table 55: Product Regulatory Compliance Markings ................................................................ 86
Table 56. POST Progress Code LED Example ......................................................................... 90
Table 57. Diagnostic LED POST Code Decoder ....................................................................... 91
Table 58. POST Error Messages and Handling ........................................................................ 96
Table 59: Glossary .................................................................................................................. 100
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Intel® Server Board S5500WB TPS List of Tables
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Revision 1.9 Intel order number E53971-008
Intel® Server Board S5500WB TPS Introduction
1. Introduction
The Intel® Server Board S5500WB is a dual socket server using the Intel® Xeon® Processor 5500 series and 5600 series processors, in combination with the IOH and ICH10R to provide a balanced feature set between technology leadership and cost.
1.1 Section Outline
This document is divided into the following chapters:
Section 1 – Introduction Section 2 – Server Board Overview Section 3 – Functional Architecture Section 4 – I/O Expansion Modules Section 5 – Platform Management Features Section 6 – Configuration Jumpers Section 7 – Connector and Header Location and Pin-out Section 8 – Intel® Light-Guided Diagnostics  Section 9 – Design and Environmental Specifications Section 10 – Power Subsystem Section 11 - Regulatory and Certification Information Appendix A – POST Code LED Decoder Appendix B – Video POST Code Errors Glossary Reference Documents
1.2 Server Board Use Disclaimer
Intel Corporation server boards contain a number of high-density VLSI and power delivery components that need adequate airflow to cool. Intel ensures through its own chassis development and testing that when Intel server building blocks are used together, the fully integrated system will meet the intended thermal requirements of these components. It is the responsibility of the system integrator who chooses not to use Intel developed server building blocks to consult vendor datasheets and operating parameters to determine the amount of air flow required for their specific application and environmental conditions. Intel Corporation cannot be held responsible if components fail or the server board does not operate correctly when used outside any of their published operating or non-operating limits.
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Server Board Overview Intel® Server Board S5500WB TPS
Support for one or two Intel® Xeon® Processor 5500 and 5600 series processors in FC-LGA 1366 Socket B package with up to 95 W Thermal Design Power (TDP)
Supports future processor compatibility guidelines
4.8 GT/s, 5.86 GT/s, and 6.4 GT/s Intel® QuickPath Interconnect (Intel® QPI)
Meets EVRD11.1
Support for 800/1066/1333 MT/s ECC registered (RDIMM) or unbuffered (UDIMM) DDR3 memory.
8 DIMMs total across six memory channels (three channels per processor in a
2:1:1 configuration)
VRD optimized to support QR x8 DIMMs No support for QR x4 DIMMs
Intel® 5500 Chipset IOH Intel® 82801Jx I/O Controller Hub (ICH10R)
I/O Control
External connections:
DB-15 Video connectors RJ-45 serial Port A connector RJ-45 connector for 10/100/1000 LAN One 2x USB 2.0 connectors One RJ-45 over USB for 10/100/1000 LAN
Internal connections:
Two USB 2x5 pin header, supporting four USB 2.0 ports One low-profile USB 2x5 pin One DH-10 Serial Port B header One 2x8 pin VGA header with presence detection to switch from rear I/O video
Six SATA II connectors Intel® I/O Expansion Module Dual Connectors  One RMM3 connector to support optional Intel® Remote Management Module 3  SATA SW RAID 5 Activation Key Connector
One SSI-EEB compliant front panel header
Power Connections
One SSI-EEB compliant 24-pin main power connector (SSI only SKU) One SSI compliant 8-pin CPU power connector One SSI compliant 5-pin power control Connector (SSI only SKU)
12-V Only SKU
One 8-pin power connector One 6-pin Aux power connector for 3.3 V and 5 V One 7-pin power control connector
2. Server Board Overview
The Intel® Server Board S5500WB is a monolithic printed circuit board (PCB) with features designed to support the Internet Portal Data Center markets. The following table provides a high-level product feature list.
Table 1. Intel® Server Board S5500WB Feature Set
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Intel® Server Board S5500WB TPS Server Board Overview
System Fan Support
Two 8-pin fan headers for double rotor memory fans and six 4-pin fan headers supporting two processor zones and two memory zones in a redundant fashion
Add-in Adapter Support
One riser slot supporting both full-height and low-profile 1U and 2U MD2 PCI Express* x16 riser cards PCI gen2 Express* x8 w/ x16 connector.
One riser slot supporting PCI Express* x8 riser cards PCI gen2 Express* x4 w/ x8 connector.
Two Intel® I/O Expansion Module card connectors supporting double- and single­wide I/O modules.
Onboard ServerEngines* LLC Pilot II Controller
Matrox* G200 2D Video Graphics controller
Uses 8 MB of the BMC 32 MB DDR2 Memory
Hard Drive
Support for six ICH10R SATA II ports Optional support for SW RAID 5 with activation key
Two 10/100/1000 ports provided by Intel® 82576 PHYs with Intel® I/O Acceleration Technology 2 support
Server Management
Onboard ServerEngines* LLC Pilot II Controller. Integrated Baseboard Management Controller (Integrated BMC), IPMI 2.0 compliant
BMC Controller: ARM 926E-S microcontroller Super IO: Serial Port logic, legacy interfaces, LPC interface, Port80 Hardware Monitoring: Fan speed control and voltage monitoring
Video and USB compression and redirection NC-SI port, a high-speed sideband management interface Integrated Super I/O on LPC interface
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Server Board Overview Intel® Server Board S5500WB TPS
2.1 Intel
Server Board S5500WB Server Board
The Intel® Server Board S5500WB has two board SKUs, such as SSI-compliant and 12-V-only­SKU. The board layouts of the SKUs are shown.
Figure 1. Intel® Server Board S5500WB 12V
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Intel® Server Board S5500WB TPS Server Board Overview
Figure 2. Intel Server Board S5500WB SSI
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Server Board Overview Intel® Server Board S5500WB TPS
2.2 Server Board Connector and Component Layout
Figure 3. Intel® Server Board S5500WB Components (both SKUs are shown)
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Intel® Server Board S5500WB TPS Server Board Overview
Dual Intel® I/O Expansion Module Connectors
Processor Socket 1 B
PCI Express x16 Gen2
8 Pin CPU Connector
Remote Management Module 3
Processor Socket 2
4-pin Fan Connector (CPU2)
External I/O
4-pin Fan Connector (CPU2A)
USB Connector
4-pin Fan Connector (MEM2)
8-pin Fan Connector (MEM2R)
SATA Connectors
DIMM Slot D2
24 Pin Connector (SSI only)
DIMM Slot D1
8 Pin Connector (12V only)
DIMM Slot E1
Aux Power (5-pin or 7-pin)
DIMM Slot F1
Front Panel Connector
DIMM Slot C1
HDD LED Header
DIMM Slot B1
Low-Profile USB Connector
DIMM Slot A1
Internal VGA Connector
DIMM Slot A2
BMC Power Cycle Header (12V Only)
8-pin Fan Connector (MEM1R)
USB Connector
4-pin Fan Connector (MEM1)
Slot 1 PCI Express x8 Gen2
4-pin Fan Connector (CPU1A)
SGPIO Connector
4-pin Fan Connector (CPU1)
IMPB Connector
HDD Power Connector (12V only)
Serial Port B
Table 2. Intel® Server Board S5500WB System Interconnects
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Server Board Overview Intel® Server Board S5500WB TPS
RJ-45 GbE LAN connector
Status LED
RJ-45 Serial port connector
RJ-45 GbE/Dual USB connector
DB15 Video
Dual USB connector
Diagnostic LEDs
2.2.1 Board Rear Connector Placement
The Intel® Server Board S5500WB has the following board rear connector placement:
Figure 4. Rear Panel Connector Placement:
2.2.2 Server Board Mechanical Drawings
The following figures are mechanical drawings for the Intel® Server Board S5500WB.
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Intel® Server Board S5500WB TPS Server Board Overview
Figure 5. Baseboard and Mounting holes
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Server Board Overview Intel® Server Board S5500WB TPS
Figure 6. Connector Locations
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Intel® Server Board S5500WB TPS Server Board Overview
Figure 7. Primary Side Height Restrictions
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Server Board Overview Intel® Server Board S5500WB TPS
Figure 8. Secondary Side Height Restrictions
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Intel® Server Board S5500WB TPS Functional Architecture
S5500WB 12V
Form Factor
EATX 12‖ x 13‖
EATX 12‖ x 13‖
CPU Socket
Intel® 5500 Chipset IOH Intel® 82801Jx I/O Controller Hub (ICH10R)
Intel® 5500 Chipset IOH Intel® 82801Jx I/O Controller Hub
1 PCI Express* x8 w/ x16 connector 1 PCI Express* x4 w/ x8 connector
1 PCI Express* x8 w/ x16 connector 1 PCI Express* x4 w/ x8 connector
Dual GbE, Intel® 82576 Gigabit Ethernet
Dual GbE, Intel® 82576 Gigabit Ethernet
Six SATA II ports (3Gb/s)
Six SATA II ports (3Gb/s)
One (1) 4-port SAS module on IOM connector (optional)
One (1) 4-port SAS module on IOM connector (optional)
I/O Module
Yes, single- and double-wide
Yes, single- and double-wide
LSI SW RAID 0,1,5,10
LSI SW RAID 0,1,5,10
Processor Support
95 W, optimized for 80 W
95 W, optimized for 80 W Video
Integrated in BMC
Integrated in BMC
iBMC w/ IPMI 2.0 support
iBMC w/ IPMI 2.0 support
Power Supply
12 V and 5 VS/B PMBus*
12 V, 5 V, 3.3 V, 5 VSB, PMBus*
3. Functional Architecture
The Intel® Server Board S5500WB is a purpose build, power-optimized server used in a 1U rack. Memory and processor socket placement is made to minimize the amount of fan power required to cool these components. Voltage Regulators (VRDs) are optimized for a particular range of memory and CPU power that suits the target Internet Portal Datacenter (IPDC) segment of the market. The VRDs are also designed to be highly power-efficient, balancing the needs of being small in size and also cost-effective. There are two SKUs: a 12-V only SKU and an SSI-compliant SKU.
3.1 High Level Product Features
Table 3. Intel® Server Board S5500WB Features
*Referenced Chassis: Chenbro RM13204 Chassis and Intel® Server System SR1690WB.
Revision 1.9
Intel order number E53971-008
Functional Architecture Intel® Server Board S5500WB TPS
3.2 Functional Block Diagram
Figure 9. Intel® Server Board S5500WB Functional Block Diagram
14 Revision 1.9
Intel order number E53971-008
Intel® Server Board S5500WB TPS Functional Architecture
3.3 Processor Subsystem
The Intel
5500 series and the next generation Intel
following key technologies:
Integrated Memory Controller
Point-to-point link interface based on the Intel
which was formerly known as the Common System Interface (CSI).
The Intel
5500 series processor is a multi-core processor based on the 45 nm process
technology. Processor features vary by SKU and include up to two Intel capable of up to 6.4 GT/s, up to 8 MB of shared cache, and an integrated memory controller.
The Intel
5600 series processor is the next generation of multi-core processors based on the
32 nm process technology. Processor features vary by SKU and include up to 6 cores and up to 12 MB of shared cache.
3.3.1 Processor Support
The Intel® Server Board S5500WB supports the following processors:
5600 series processors support the
QuickPath Interconnect (Intel® QPI),
QPI point-to-point links
One or two Intel® 5500 series or 5600 series processor(s) in FC-LGA 1366 socket B
package with 4.8 GT/s, 5.86 GT/s, or 6.4 GT/s Intel® QPI.
Up to 95 W Thermal Design Power (TDP). Supports Low Voltage (LV) processors.
3.3.2 Processor Population Rules
For optimum performance, when two processors are installed, both must be the identical revision and have the same core voltage and Intel is installed, it must be in the socket labeled CPU1. The other socket must be empty. You must populate processors in sequential order. Therefore, you must populate processor socket 1 (CPU1) before processor socket 2 (CPU2).
When a single processor is installed, no terminator is required in the second processor socket. Mixed Processor Configurations
The following table describes mixed processor conditions and recommended actions for all Intel® server boards and systems that use the Intel® 5500 Chipset. The errors fall into one of the following two categories:
Fatal: If the system can boot, it goes directly to the error manager, regardless of
whether the Post Error Pause setup option is enabled or disabled.
QPI/core speed. When only one processor
Major: If the Post Error Pause setup option is enabled, the system goes directly to
the error manager. Otherwise, the system continues to boot and no prompt is given for the error. The error is logged to the error manager.
Revision 1.9
Intel order number E53971-008
Functional Architecture Intel® Server Board S5500WB TPS
System Action
Processor family not identical
The BIOS detects the error condition and responds as follows:
Logs the error into the system event log (SEL).  Alerts the Integrated BMC of the configuration error with an
IPMI command.
Does not disable the processor.  Displays ―0194: Processor family mismatch detected‖
message in the error manager.
Halts the system.
Processor cache not identical
The BIOS detects the error condition and responds as follows:
Logs the error into the SEL.  Alerts the Integrated BMC of the configuration error with an
IPMI command.
Does not disable the processor.  Displays ―0192: Cache size mismatch detected‖ message
in the error manager.
Halts the system.
Processor frequency (speed) not identical
The BIOS detects the error condition and responds as follows:
Adjusts all processor frequencies to the lowest common
Continues to boot the system successfully.
If the frequencies for all processors cannot be adjusted to be the same, then the BIOS:
Logs the error into the SEL.  Displays ―0197: Processor speeds mismatched‖ message
in the error manager.
Halts the system.
Processor microcode missing
The BIOS detects the error condition and responds as follows:
Logs the error into the SEL.  Does not disable the processor.  Displays ―816x: Processor 0x unable to apply microcode
update‖ message in the error manager.
The system continues to boot in a degraded state,
regardless of the setting of POST Error Pause in the Setup.
Processor Intel® QuickPath Interconnect speeds not identical
The BIOS detects the error condition and responds as follows:
Adjusts all processor interconnect frequencies to lowest
common denominator.
Logs the error into the SEL.  Alerts the Integrated BMC about the configuration error.  Does not disable the processor.  Displays ―0195: Processor 0x Intel(R) QPI speed
mismatch‖ message in the Error Manager.
If POST Error Pause is disabled in the Setup, continues to
boot in a degraded state.
If POST Error Pause is enabled in the Setup, pauses the
system, but can continue to boot if operator directs.
Table 4. Mixed Processor Configurations
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