Intel® Pentium® III Processor in the
FC-PGA2 Package
Thermal Design Guidelines
June 2001
Order Number: 249660-001
Intel® Pentium® III Processor in the FC-PGA2 Package Thermal Design Guidelines
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Table 7-1. List of Items for Thermocouple Attach....................................................................27
Equation 1. Case to Ambient Thermal Resistance...................................................................23
Equation 2. Case to Ambient Thermal Resistance...................................................................24
4 249660-001
Revision History
Rev. Description Date
-001 • Initial Release June 2001
Pentium® III Processor in the FC-PGA2 Package Thermal Design Guidelines
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Intel® Pentium® III Processor in the FC-PGA2 Package Thermal Design Guidelines
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Pentium® III Processor in the FC-PGA2 Package Thermal Design Guidelines
1. Introduction
In a system environment, the processor's temperature is a function of both the system and component
thermal characteristics. The system level thermal constraints consist of the local-ambient temperature at
the processor and the airflow over the processor, as well as the physical constraints at and above the
processor. The processor’s temperature depends on the component power dissipation, size and material
(effective thermal conductivity) of the integrated heat spreader, and the presence of a thermal cooling
All of these parameters are aggravated by the continued push of technology to increase performance
levels (higher operating speeds, GHz) and packaging size and density (more transistors). As operating
frequencies increase and packaging size decreases, the power density increases and the thermal cooling
solution space and airflow become more constrained. The result is an increased importance on system
design to ensure that thermal design requirements are met for each component in the system.
1.1. Document Scope
This document discusses thermal management techniques for Intel® Pentium® III processors in the FCPGA2 package with an integrated heat spreader, which is primarily intended for the desktop and server
segments. The physical dimensions and power numbers used in this document are for reference only.
Please refer to the respective datasheets for the product dimensions, thermal power dissipation, and
maximum case temperature. In case of conflict, the specifications in the processor datasheets supercede
any data in this document.
1.2. References
Document Title Order Number
Pentium® III Processor for the PGA370 Socket Datasheet 245264
Intel® Pentium® III Processor with 512Kb L2 Cache Datasheet 249657
370-Pin Socket (PGA370) Desi gn Gui del i nes 244410
AP-905 Pentium® III Processor Thermal Design Guidelines 245087
FC-PGA2 Package Thermal / Mechanic al S ol ution Functional Specific ations Contact your Intel Field
Performance ATX Desktop S ystem Thermal Design Suggestions v 1.0
ATX Thermal Design Suggestions v1.0
Performance MicroATX Desktop System Thermal Design Suggesti ons v1.0
MicroATX Thermal Design Suggestions v1.0
FlexATX Thermal Design Suggestions v1.0
Evaluation Board for Microprocessor System Temperature Monitor or EVAL-
Analog Devices EVAL-ADM1021 kit datasheet
Maxim Integrated Products M AX1617EV Kit datasheet
Sales Representative
249660-001 7
Intel® Pentium® III Processor in the FC-PGA2 Package Thermal Design Guidelines
1.3. Definition of Terms
• TLA - the measured ambient temperature locally surrounding the processor. The ambient
temperature should be measured just “upstream” of a passive heatsink, or at the fan inlet for an
active heatsink. (See Section 7.3: Local-ambient Temperature Measurement Guidelines)
• T
defined by the system designer (OEM).
• T
• T
system in maximum external temperature conditions and measuring the ambient temperature locally
surrounding the processor. Under these conditions, T
• T
• T
• TIM - Thermal Interface Material. The thermally conductive compound between the heatsink and
the processor case. This material fills the air gaps and voids, and enhances the spreading of the heat
from the case to the heatsink.
- the thermal resistance of the thermal interface material. Also referred to as θCS (case to sink
• θ
thermal resistance).
- the target worst-case ambient temperature at a given external system location as
- the measured ambient temperature at the OEM defined external system location.
- the target worst-case local-ambient temperature. It is determined by placing the
- the maximum allowed case temperature of the processor, as specified in the processor
- the measured case temperature of the processor.
= T
- the thermal resistance between the processor’s case and the ambient air. This is defined and
• θ
controlled by the system thermal solution.
• P
• PGA370 Socket - a through-hole mount Zero Insertion Force (ZIF) socket designed to accept the
- the maximum processor power, as specified in the processor’s datasheet.
Pentium® III processor in the FC-PGA2 package.
• FC-PGA2 package - the Flip Chip Pin Grid Array processor package with an integrated heat
spreader (IHS).
• ACPI - Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (See
• Bypass - the area between a passive heatsink or air pass-through and any object that can ac t to form
a duct. For this example it can be expressed as a dimension away from the outside dimension of the
fins to the nearest surface.
• TDP - Thermal Design Power. The processor thermal power specification in the processor
datasheet. OEMs must design their processor thermal solutions to meet the TDP as listed in the
respective datasheets. (Also known as Thermal Design Point.)
• Intel
Pentium® III processor in the FC-PGA2 package - any Pentium® III processor with CPUID
06Bxh, as well as t he higher frequencies of Intel
the Pentium
III Processor for the PGA370 Socket Datasheet for further details).
Pentium® III processors with CPUID 068xh (see
8 249660-001
Pentium® III Processor in the FC-PGA2 Package Thermal Design Guidelines
2. Importance of Thermal Management
The objective of thermal management is to ensure that the temperature of all components in a system is
maintained within functional limits. The functional temperature limit is the range within which the
electrical circuits can be expected to meet their specified performance requirements. Operation outside
the functional limit can degrade system performance, cause logic errors or cause component and/or
system damage. Temperatures exceeding the maximum operating limits may result in irreversible
changes in the operating characteristics of the component.
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Intel® Pentium® III Processor in the FC-PGA2 Package Thermal Design Guidelines
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