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2 Getting Started for Admins ............................................................................................................................. 8
2.2 Supported operating systems, browsers, and languages.................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Get to know the device ........................................................................................................................................................................ 9
2.7 Log on as admin for the first time................................................................................................................................................ 12
2.8 Run the setup wizard ......................................................................................................................................................................... 13
3 Access Content and Lessons (Student Guide) .......................................................................................... 15
3.1 Connect to the Intel® Education Content Access Point ..................................................................................................... 15
3.2 Lesson and content ............................................................................................................................................................................ 15
3.3 Open lessons and content files .................................................................................................................................................... 16
3.4 Search for content and lessons .................................................................................................................................................... 17
4 Content and Lesson Management (Teacher Guide) ................................................................................. 18
4.1 Log on as a teacher ............................................................................................................................................................................. 18
4.2 Upload and manage content in the library .............................................................................................................................. 19
4.2.1 Create and manage categories ................................................................................................................................... 19
4.2.3 Open content ...................................................................................................................................................................... 23
4.2.4 Feature and unfeature content .................................................................................................................................. 23
4.2.5 Hide and show content and library from students ........................................................................................... 24
4.2.7 Edit details of content .................................................................................................................................................... 26
4.3 Create and manage lessons............................................................................................................................................................ 26
4.3.1 Create a lesson name ...................................................................................................................................................... 26
4.3.2 Add content to a lesson ................................................................................................................................................. 27
4.3.3 Show contents within a lesson ................................................................................................................................... 28
4.3.4 Remove content from a lesson .................................................................................................................................. 28
4.3.5 Edit a lesson name ........................................................................................................................................................... 29
4.3.6 Feature and unfeature a lesson ................................................................................................................................. 30
4.3.7 Delete a lesson ................................................................................................................................................................... 30
4.4 Search for content and lessons .................................................................................................................................................... 31
4.5.1 Disable and enable Internet ........................................................................................................................................ 32
4.5.3 Change the wireless name (SSID) of the device ................................................................................................. 32
5.1 Log on as admin ................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
5.3 Status information .............................................................................................................................................................................. 34
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January 2015 User Manual
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5.4 General settings ................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
5.5 Date and time ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 35
5.6.1 Wireless access point ..................................................................................................................................................... 36
5.6.2 Access control list............................................................................................................................................................. 36
5.7 LAN settings ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 38
5.7.1 IP address ............................................................................................................................................................................. 38
5.7.2 DHCP Server ........................................................................................................................................................................ 38
5.8 WAN settings ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 39
5.8.1 Ethernet-based WAN ...................................................................................................................................................... 39
5.8.2 Cellular-based WAN ........................................................................................................................................................ 39
5.11.3 Backup and restore the configuration settings .................................................................................................. 44
5.11.4 Reboot the device............................................................................................................................................................. 45
5.11.5 Reset to factory defaults ............................................................................................................................................... 45
6 Troubleshooting and Support ...................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 12: Student - Open lesson and content ............................................................................................................................. 16
Figure 13: Student - Search for lessons and content ................................................................................................................. 17
Figure 14: Teacher - Wirelessly connect to Intel® Education Content Access Point .................................................... 18
Figure 21: Teacher – USB import ......................................................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 22: Teacher - Select items to import from USB .............................................................................................................. 22
Figure 25: Teacher - Hide library from students ........................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 38: Admin - General settings ................................................................................................................................................... 34
Figure 39: Admin - Date and time settings ...................................................................................................................................... 35
Figure 40: Admin - Wireless settings and access control list .................................................................................................. 37
Figure 41: Admin - LAN settings ........................................................................................................................................................... 38
Figure 42: Admin - WAN settings ......................................................................................................................................................... 40
Table 1: System LED status ................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Table 2: 3G/4G/LTE LED status ........................................................................................................................................................ 10
Table 3: WAN Ethernet LED status .................................................................................................................................................. 10
Table 4: Power button ........................................................................................................................................................................... 10
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January 2015 User Manual
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Revision History
Initial release.
January 2015
Intel® Education Content Access Point
User Manual January 2015
6 Document Number: 331819-001EN
1 Overview
The Intel® Education Content Access Point is a wireless access point with an optional digital content distribution
system, which provides an easy-to-use interface and storage unit that can be loaded with educational materials
that students can access without requiring access to the Internet.
Networking features
Wireless access point supporting Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11 b/g/n (2.4 GHz) and IEEE 802.11 a/n/ac (5 GHz) with
WEP, WPA, and WPA2 encryption.
Supports wired Gigabit Ethernet and 3G/4G/LTE mobile WAN connectivity, with intelligent failover if one
connection type is unavailable.
Allows admin and teacher to turn Internet access on and off easily without complicated settings.
Firewall that can block attacks such as Portscan, SYN flood, and Echo Storm.
Up to 50 concurrent wireless clients running CLM solutions such as Mythware and NetSupport.
Captive portal capability automatically directs users to the primary website on the device when wireless
connection is established.
Built-in DHCP server, MAC address filtering (whitelist, blacklist) of clients, and ability to limit number of
connected clients.
Content management and distribution features
Supports most file formats (PDF, HTML, JPG, MP3, ZIP, etc.), even apps/executables.
Supports single-file or bulk-file upload of content.
Contains two content spaces:
−“Preloaded Content” which can be populated by the LOEM, reseller, MOE, content publisher, or the
factory and cannot be erased or modified by teachers or by device factory reset.
−“My Uploaded Content” which can be populated and managed (including erasure) by teachers.
Supports IMS content packaging standard.
Content can be tagged and categorized according to pedagogical structure.
Content can be organized into lessons.
Content and lessons can be featured so it’s easier for students to see what is most relevant.
Teachers can restrict (hide) access to content from students.
The device’s content management system allows students easy access to content without any complicated
Other features
Designed with simple and intuitive user interface making it easy to use, configure, and manage.
Elegant, compact, lightweight, and portable - designed to be mounted and unmounted easily so it can be
transported to and fro without a tool.
Ability to save and restore configuration settings.
Can be mass-provisioned (firmware update, configuration settings, content upload, factory reset).
Includes a USB 3.0 interface to allow faster upload of content and firmware updates.
Contains a 5-hour battery for uninterrupted use and mobile usage.
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Getting Started for Admins
2 Getting Started for Admins
2.1 Package contents
Intel® Education Content Access Point
Power supply
Mounting kit
Quick Start Guide for Admin, Teacher, and Student
2.2 Supported operating systems, browsers, and languages
Operating systems:
− Windows* 7
− Windows 8 and higher
− Android* 4.2 and higher
Internet browsers:
− Internet Explorer* 9 and higher
− Chrome* v35 and higher
− Firefox* v30 and higher
− Android native browser
− English
− Spanish (Latin American and European)
− Portuguese (Brazilian and European)
− French
− Arabic
− Turkish
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User Manual January 2015
8 Document Number: 331819-001EN
Getting Started for Admins
2.3 Get to know the device
3 2
Figure 1: Intel® Education Content Access Point – Top view
Figure 2: Intel® Education Content Access Point – Bottom and ports view
Figure 3: Intel® Education Content Access Point – Inside view
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Document Number: 331819-001EN 9
Getting Started for Admins
System LED status
3G/4G/LTE LED status
Power button
Factory reset button
Wall-mount holes
Wi-Fi MAC (WFM), Ethernet (LNM) MAC address label
Power plug
WAN Ethernet port
WAN Ethernet link LED status
WAN Ethernet activity LED status
USB 3.0 port
Hard drive
3G/4G/LTE micro-SIM slot
2.3.1 LEDs
Device state
The device is powered off
Fast pulsing then solid
The device is powered on and booting up
Slow pulsing (“breathing”)
The device has booted and is functioning normally
Slow pulsing
Blue and orange
Battery low
System error/warning
Device state
3G/4G/LTE off
3G/4G/LTE on
No signal
No activity
No link
Device state
Press and hold for 2 seconds
Turns on
Press once
Turns off
Device state
Press and hold for 5 seconds
System LED flashes and device goes through reset process
Table 1: System LED status
Table 2: 3G/4G/LTE LED status
Table 3: WAN Ethernet LED status
2.3.2 Buttons
Table 4: Power button
Table 5: Factory reset button
2.3.3 Ports
The device has three ports:
WAN Gigabit Ethernet
USB 3.0 (USB 2.0 compatible)
Micro-SIM slot (accessible by removing bottom cover)
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User Manual January 2015
10 Document Number: 331819-001EN
Getting Started for Admins
2.4 Device placement location
For best signal strength, put the Intel® Education Content Access Point:
In an open area.
High off the floor.
Away from magnetic and large metal objects.
At least 3 feet (1 meter) from client devices.
2.5 Mounting
The Intel® Education Content Access Point comes with a mounting kit. To mount it, follow this diagram (Figure 4).
Figure 4: Mounting diagram
2.6 Setup
1. Connect the Intel® Education Content Access Point to a network (WAN) with an Ethernet cable. (See Figure 5.)
TIP! For 3G/4G/LTE cellular-based WAN connection, see 5.8.2 (Cellular-based WAN).
2. Connect the power supply.
Figure 5: Connect the cables
3. Power up the device by pressing and holding the power button for two seconds. (See Figure 6.)
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Getting Started for Admins
Figure 6: Power button
2.7 Log on as admin for the first time
Wirelessly connect to the device using its default SSID. The default SSID is WRTD-303N_xxxxxx, where
“xxxxxx” is the last six digits of the Wi-Fi MAC address (WFM), which is printed on the bottom of the device.
(See Figure 2 item 6.) For example, for a device with a WFM of F835DD85457A, the wireless SSID is
WRTD-303N_85457A. (See Figure 7.)
Launch a browser and go to http://my.admin (or Enter username admin and password admin. Change the admin default password when prompted.
Figure 7: Admin - Wirelessly connect to the Intel® Education Content Access Point
Intel® Education Content Access Point
User Manual January 2015
12 Document Number: 331819-001EN
Getting Started for Admins
2.8 Run the setup wizard
Click Setup Wizard. (See Figure 8.) Follow the steps in the wizard to set up the following:
a. Connection access type
b. Date and time
c. Wireless settings
d. LAN settings
e. A teacher account
f. WAN and 3G/4G/LTE settings
Click Save to save and implement the changes.
Figure 8: Admin setup wizard
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Getting Started for Admins
2.9 Upload content
TIP! See Section 5.11.2 (Manage preloaded content database) for advanced methods of uploading content.
Uploading to the Preloaded Content database will erase existing teacher-uploaded content in the My
Uploaded Content space.
The device will reboot as part of the content upload process. This will temporarily disrupt network and
content access for users, who will see a “503 –Service Not Available” message during the process.
To upload content, do the following:
Create a package containing the content to upload:
a. Zip the content into a file called known as the package), where “xyz” can be any
combination of letters and numbers (for example,,,, etc.).
b. Do not include subfolders.
c. Do not encrypt or password-protect the zipped file.
d. Total size must not exceed 2 GB.
Upload through the Admin console:
a. Go to Device Management > Preloaded Content Database. (See Figure 9.)
b. Specify the location of the package (a local computer or a storage device connected to the USB port in
the Intel® Education Content Access Point).
TIP! If you are uploading from a USB drive connected directly to the device, put the package in the
root directory and plug in the drive. The package file will display after you refresh the admin screen.
c. Click Upload.
Figure 9: Admin - Upload content
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14 Document Number: 331819-001EN
Access Content and Lessons (Student Guide)
3 Access Content and Lessons (Student Guide)
The Intel® Education Content Access Point contains educational content and lessons created by the teacher.
“Content” is an individual file, whereas “a lesson” may consist of one or more content files.
3.1 Connect to the Intel® Education Content Access Point
Wirelessly connect to the device. (See Figure 10.) Enter password if required. Launch a browser and go to http://my.content.
Figure 10: Student - Wirelessly connect to an Intel® Education Content Access Point
3.2 Lesson and content
A lesson is a collection of one or more content files. Featured lessons and content are shown in the Home page. To
see all lessons, go to the Lessons page. To see all content, go to the Library page if it’s made accessible. (See
Figure 11.)
Figure 11: Student - Home, lessons, library page
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+ 32 hidden pages
You need points to download manuals.
1 point = 1 manual.
You can buy points or you can get point for every manual you upload.