Intel E7520 User Manual

Dual-Core Intel® Xeon® processor LV with Intel
E7520 Chipset and Intel®
User’s Manual
April 2007
Order Number: 311 274-009
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Intel may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice. Intel Corporation may have patents or pending patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights that relate to the
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Designers must not rely on the absence or characteristics of any features or instructions marked “reserved” or “undefined.” Intel reserves these for future definition and shall have no responsibility w h atsoever for conflicts or incompatibilities arising from future changes to them.
Intel processor numbers are not a measure of performance. Processor numbers differentiate featur es within each processor family, not across different processor families. See for details.
The Dual-Core Intel® Xeon® processor LV with Intel® E7520 Chipset and Intel® 6300ESB ICH may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are availab l e on request.
Hyper-Threading Technology requires a computer system with an Intel® Pentium® 4 processor supporting HT Technology and a HT Technology enabled chipset, BIOS and operating system. Performance will vary depending on the specific hardware and software you use. See
products/ht/Hyperthreading_more.htm for additional information.
This User’s Manual as well as the software descr ibed in it is furnished under licens e and may only be used or copied in accordance with the terms of the license. The information in this manual is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by In tel C orpor atio n. Intel Cor por atio n assum es no r esponsib ilit y o r l iabili ty f or a ny err ors or in a ccur ac ies that may appear in thi s document or any software that may be provided in association with this document.
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Contact your local Intel sales office or your distributor to obtain the latest specifications and before placing your product order. Copies of documents w hich have an order number and are referenced in this document, or other Intel literature may be obtained by calling
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Dual-Core Intel® Xeon® processor LV with Intel® E7520 C hipset and Intel® 6300ESB ICH User’s Manual April 2007 2 Order Nu mber: 311274 - 00 9
Dual-Core Intel Xeon processor LV / E7520 Chipset / 6300ESB ICH


1.0 About This Ma nual .....................................................................................................7
1.1 Content Overview.......................... ......................................................................7
1.2 Text Conventions ................................................................................... .............7
1.3 Technical Support................................................................................................9
1.3.1 Electronic Support Systems .......................................................................9
1.3.2 Online Documents....................................................................................9
1.3.3 Additional Technical Support......................................................................9
1.4 Product Literature .............................................................................................10
1.5 Related Documents ...........................................................................................10
2.0 Getting Started ........................................................................................................11
2.1 Overview .........................................................................................................11
2.2 Evaluation Board Features..................................................................................12
2.3 Included Hardware ............................................................................................12
2.4 Software Key Features.......................................................................................12
2.4.1 AMIBIOS* for the Development Kit...........................................................13
2.5 Before You Begin...............................................................................................13
2.6 Setting up the Evaluation Board .......................................................................... 13
2.6.1 Safety ..................................................................................................14
2.6.2 Package Contents................................................................................... 14
2.6.3 Installed Hardware.................................................................................15
2.6.4 Installing the Heatsinks for CPU(s) and MCH ..............................................15
2.6.5 CPU Heatsink I nstallation ........................................................................16
2.6.6 MCH Heatsink Installation........................................................................20
2.6.7 Installing Memory ..................................................................................22
2.6.8 Installing Storage Devices....................................................................... 22
2.6.9 Connect the Video Card and Monitor.........................................................23
2.6.10 Connect the Keyboard and Mouse.............................................................24
2.6.11 Connect the Power Supply.......................................................................24
2.6.12 Power up the System......................................................... .....................24
2.7 Configuring the BIOS.........................................................................................24
3.0 Theory of Operati on.................................................................................................25
3.1 Block Diagram ..................................................................................................25
3.2 Thermal Management ........................................................................................25
3.3 System Features ...............................................................................................26
3.3.1 Dual-Core Intel
3.3.2 Intel
E7520 MCH and Intel® 6300ESB ICH Chipset ...................................27
3.3.3 Memory Subsystem................................................................................28
3.3.4 Supported DIMM Module Types ................................................................28
3.3.5 Memory Population Rules and Configurations .............................................28
3.3.6 Intel
82802AC Firmware Hub (FWH).......................................................29
3.3.7 Boot ROM..............................................................................................29
3.3.8 In-Target Probe (ITP) .............................................................................29
3.3.9 Power Diagram......................................................................................30
3.3.10 Clock Generation....................................................................................31
3.3.11 Platform Resets......................................................................................32
3.3.12 SMBus..................................................................................................33
3.3.13 Platform IRQ Routing..............................................................................34
3.3.14 VRD VID Headers...................................................................................35
3.4 Battery Requirements........................................................................................36
4.0 Platform Management .............................................................................................37
Xeon® processor LV.......................................................27
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Dual-Core Intel Xeon processor LV / E7520 Chipset / 6300ESB ICH
4.1 Power Button....................................................................................................37
4.2 Sleep States Supported......................................................................................37
4.2.1 S0 State................................................................................................37
4.2.2 S1 State................................................................................................37
4.2.3 S2 State................................................................................................37
4.2.4 S3 State................................................................................................37
4.2.5 S4 State................................................................................................38
4.2.6 S5 State................................................................................................38
4.2.7 Wake-Up Events.....................................................................................38
4.2.8 Wake from S1 Sleep State .......................................................................38
4.2.9 Wake from S3 State................................................................................38
4.2.10 Wake from S5 State................................................................................39
4.3 PCI PM Support.................................................................................................39
4.4 Platform Management ........................................................................................39
4.4.1 Processor Thermal Management ...............................................................39
4.5 System Fan Operation........................................................................................39
5.0 Driver and OS Support .............................................................................................40
6.0 Hardware Reference ................................................................................................41
6.1 Chipset Components ..........................................................................................42
6.2 Expansion Slots and Sockets...............................................................................42
6.2.1 PCI Express* Connector...........................................................................42
6.2.2 32-Bit PCI Connector...............................................................................44
6.2.3 PCI-X Connector.....................................................................................45
6.2.4 Processor Sockets...................................................................................48
6.2.5 Firmware Hub (FWH) BIOS Socket............................................................48
6.2.6 Battery..................................................................................................48
6.3 On-Board Connectors.........................................................................................48
6.3.1 SATA Connector .....................................................................................49
6.3.2 IDE Connector........................................................................................49
6.3.3 Floppy Drive Connector ...........................................................................50
6.3.4 Front Panel Connector.............................................................................50
6.4 Jumpers...........................................................................................................51
6.5 SMBUS Headers................................................................................................. 53
6.6 Back Panel Connectors .......................................................................................53
6.6.1 PS/2-Style Mouse and Keyboard Connectors...............................................53
6.6.2 Parallel Port...........................................................................................53
6.6.3 Serial Ports............................................................................................54
6.6.4 Dual Stacked USB Connectors ..................................................................54
6.6.5 Video Port..............................................................................................55
7.0 Board Setup Checklist..............................................................................................56
8.0 Debug Proce d ure .....................................................................................................57
8.1 Level 1 Debug (Port80/BIOS) ..............................................................................57
8.2 Level 2 Debug (Power Sequence).........................................................................57
8.3 Level 3 Debug (Voltage References).....................................................................58


1 Board before Installing Additional Hardware.................................................................14
2 Location for the CPU and MCH for Heatsink Installation..................................................16
3 CPU Heatsink Top and Bottom View ............................................................................17
4 Processor in Socket and Package Secured....................................................................17
5 Clean Top of Processor Die ........................................................................................18
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Dual-Core Intel Xeon processor LV / E7520 Chipset / 6300ESB ICH
6 Back Plate i n Place...................................................................................................19
7 Heatsink Mounted on CPU ......................................................................................... 19
8 Screw Tightening Order ............................................................................................20
9 MCH Heatsink Top View ............................................................................................20
10 Clean Top of MCH Die...............................................................................................21
11 Hook Heatsink Clip to First Anchor................... ........................................................... 21
12 Hook Heatsink Clip to Second Anchor.......................................................................... 22
13 Block Diagram of Layout...........................................................................................25
14 DDR2-400 Memory—DIMM Ordering...........................................................................29
15 ITP location.............................................................................................................30
16 Power Distribution Block Diagram...............................................................................31
17 Clock Block Diagram.................................................................................................32
18 Platform Reset Diagram......................................................... ...................................33
19 SMBus Block Diagram...............................................................................................34
20 IRQ Routing Diagram................................................................................................35
21 Evaluation Board......................................................................................................41
22 Jumper Locations.....................................................................................................52
23 Back Panel Connectors..............................................................................................53


1 Related Documents ..................................................................................................10
2 Additional Hardware................................................................................................. 13
3 Heatsink Information................................................................................................15
4 Supported DIMM Module Types..................................................................................28
5 Processor VRD Settings.............................................................................................36
6 Chipset Components................................................................................................. 42
7 Expansion Slots and Socket....................................................................... ................42
8 PCI Express* Connector Pinout ..................................................................................42
9 32-Bit 5 V PCI Connector Pinout................................................................................. 44
10 PCI-X Connector Pinout.............................................................................................45
11 On-Board Connector.................................................................................................48
12 SATA Connector Pinout.............................................................................................49
13 IDE Connector Pinout ...............................................................................................49
14 Floppy Drive Connector Pinout...................................................................................50
15 Front Panel Connector Pinout.....................................................................................50
16 Jumpers and Jumper Functions..................................................................................51
17 SMBUS 3.3 V STBY Pinout.........................................................................................53
18 PS/2-Style Mouse and Keyboard Pinout.......................................................................53
19 Parallel Port Connector Pinout....................................................................................54
20 Serial Port Connector Pinout......................................................................................54
21 USB Connector Pinout...............................................................................................54
22 Video Port Connector Pinout......................................................................................55
23 Level 1 Debug (Port80/BIOS) ....................................................................................57
24 Level 2 Debug (Power Sequence) ...............................................................................57
25 Level 3 Debug (Voltage Reference).............................................................................58
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Dual-Core Intel Xeon processor LV / E7520 Chipset / 6300ESB ICH
Revision History
Date Revision Description
Section 2.6.9 updated to clarify that video card is not included in the kit.
April 2007 009
March 2007 008 Updates to Chap ter 2.0, “Getting Started” to include safety warnings.
February 2007 007 Minor updates. December 2006 006 Update for Intel® Celeron® 1.83 GHz processor launch. December 2006 005 Update for Dual-Core Intel® Xeon® processor LV 2.16 GHz (dual-processor capable) launch.
October 2006 004 Update for product launch.
May 2006 003 Chapter 6: changed jumper descriptions/comments
March 2006 001 Initial public release.
Section 2.3 updated to remove the reference to the Blue stand and add the standoffs. Section 2.6.11 added safety warning. Section 3 updated with correct part number for CPU heat sink fan.
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Xeon® processor LV with Intel® E7520 C hipset and Intel® 6300ESB ICH
Dual-Core Intel Xeon processor LV / E7520 Chipset / 6300ESB ICH

1.0 About This Manual

This manual describes how to set up and use the evaluation board and other components included in your Dual-Core Intel Chipset and Intel
6300ESB ICH Development Kit.

1.1 Content Overvie w

Chapter 1.0, “Ab out Thi s Manual ” – Des cript io n of con v enti ons used in this manua l and
instructions for obtaining literature and contacting customer support.
Chapter 2.0, “Getting Started” – Complete instructions on how to configure the
evaluation board and processor assembly by setting jumpers, connecting peripherals, providing power, and configuring the BIOS.
Chapter 3.0, “Theory of Operation” – Information on the system design. Chapter 4.0, “Platform Management” – Description of jumper settings and functions,
and pinout information for each connector.
Chapter 5.0, “Driver and OS Support” – List of supported drivers and operating
Chapter 6.0, “Hardware Reference” – Re ference information on the hardw are, including
locations of evaluation board components, co nnector pinout information, and jumper settings.
Chapter 7.0, “Board Setup Checklist” – Checklist of items to ensure proper functionality
of the evaluation board.
Chapt er 8.0, “Debu g Pr oced ur e” – Debu g pro cedu re t o det erm in e base li ne fu nct iona l ity
for the Development Kit.
Xeon® processor LV with Intel® E7520

1.2 Tex t Convent ion s

The following notations may be used throughout this manual: # - The pound symbol (#) appended to a signal name indicates that the signal is active
low. Variables - Variables are shown in italics. Variables must be replaced with correct
values. Instructions - Instruction mnemonics are shown in uppercase. When you are
programming, instructions are not case-sensiti ve. You may use either upper- or lowercase.
Numbers - Hexadecimal numbers are represented by a string of hexadecimal digits followed by the character “h”. A zero prefix is added to numbers that begin with A through F. For example, FF is shown as 0FFh. Decimal and binary numbers are represented by their customary notations. That is, 255 is a decimal number and 1111 1111 is a binary number. In some cases, the character “b” is added for clarity.
Signal Names - Signal names are shown in uppercase. When several signals share a common name, an individual signal is represented by the signal name followed by a number, while the group is represented by the signal name followed by a variable (n). For example, the lower chip-select signals are named CS0#, CS1#, CS2#, and so on;
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Dual-Core Intel Xeon processor LV / E7520 Chipset / 6300ESB ICH
they are collectively called CSn#. A pound symbol (#) appended to a signal name identifies an active-low signal. Port pins are represented by the port abbreviation, a period, and the pin number (e.g., P1.0).
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Xeon® processor LV with Intel® E7520 C hipset and Intel® 6300ESB ICH
Dual-Core Intel Xeon processor LV / E7520 Chipset / 6300ESB ICH
Units of Measure The following abbreviations are used to represent units of measure: A amps, amperes GB GByte, gigabytes GHz gigahertz KB KByte, kilobytes ΚΩ kilo-ohms mA milliamps, milliamperes MB MByte, megabytes MHz megahertz ms milliseconds mW milliwatts ns nanoseconds pF picofarads W watts V volts
μA microamps, microamperes μF microfarads μs microseconds μW microwatts

1.3 Technical Support

Support Services for your hardware and software are provided through the secure
Premier Support Web site at After you log on, you can obtain technical support, review “What’s New,” and download any items required to maintain the platform.

1.3.1 Electronic Support Systems

Intel’s site on the World Wide Web ( provides up-to-date technical information and product support.

1.3.2 Online Document s

Product documentation is provided online in a variety of web-friendly formats at:

1.3.3 Additional Technical Support

If you require additional technical support, please contact your field sales representative or local distributor.
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Dual-Core Intel® Xeon® processor LV with Intel® E7520 Chipset and Intel® 6300ESB ICH

1.4 Product Literature

You can order product literature from the following Intel literature centers.
U.S. and Canada 1-800-548-4725 U.S. (f rom overseas) 708-296-9333 Europe (U.K.) 44(0)1793-43 1155 Germany 44(0)1793-421333 France 44(0)1793-421777 Japan (fax only) 81(0)120-47-88-32

1.5 Related Documents

Table 1 is a partial list of the available collateral. For the full lists, contact your local
Intel representative.
Table 1. Related Documents
Document Document Number
6300ESB I/O Controll er Hub (ICH) Datasheet
Intel® E7520 Me mory Controller Hub (M CH) Datasheet
Dual-Core Intel Intel® E7520 Memory Controller Hub (MCH) Specification Intel® E7520 Memory Controller Hub (MCH) Specifications Addendum
E7520 Memory Controller Hub (MCH) Specifications Embedded
Intel Addendum
Embedded Voltage Regulator-D own (EmVRD) 11 .0
Xeon® Processor LV and ULV Datasheet
Dual-Core Intel Xeon processor LV / E7520 Chipset / 6300ESB ICH
Contact your Intel field representative for access .
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Xeon® processor LV with Intel® E7520 C hipset and Intel® 6300ESB ICH
Dual-Core Intel Xeon processor LV / E7520 Chipset / 6300ESB ICH

2.0 Getting Started

This chapter identifies the Dual-Core Intel® Xeo n® processor LV with Intel® E7520 Chipset and Intel
6300ESB ICH Development Kit’s key components , features and
specifications. It also describes how to set up the board for operation.
Note: This manual assumes you are familiar with basic concepts involved with installing and
configuring hardware for a PC or server system.

2.1 Overview

The Development Kit contains a baseboard with two Dual-Core Intel Xeon processors LV, Intel connectors. Various software and documentation are also included in the kit.
In addition to the included Dual-Core Intel the following processors are also supported with this Development Kit:
• Dual-Core In tel
• Dual-Core In tel
• Celeron
• Celeron If you wish to use one of these options instead of the included processors, please
contact y our In te l s ale s re pr esen tat iv e. You will be sent new p roc es so r(s) and w ill ne ed to download the latest microcode updates and BIOS revision specific to your new processor(s). There are currently two versions of BIOS. One version supports the LV and ULV versions, while the other version supports Celeron version.
E7520 MCH, 6300ESB, and other system board components and peripheral
Xeon® processors LV 2.0 GHz processors,
Xeon® processor LV 1.66 GHz (dual-processor capable)
Xeon® processor ULV 1.66 GHz (dual-processor capable)
processor 1.66 GHz (uni-processor only)
processor 1.83 GHz (uni-processor only)
Note: The evaluation board is shipped as an open system with standoffs allowing for
maximum flexibility in changing hardware configuration and peripherals in a lab environment. Since the board is not in a protective chassis, the user is required to observe extra precautions when handling and operating the system. Some assembly is required before use.
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Dual-Core Intel Xeon processor LV / E7520 Chipset / 6300ESB ICH

2.2 Evalua ti on Bo ard Feat u re s

The evaluation board features are summarized below:
•CPU — Two Dual-Core Intel Xeon processors LV capable of 667 MHz Front Side Bus — On-board processor voltage regulators compatible with EmVRM11 Design Guide
•System I/O
• ITP-XDP debug port
• Port 80 7-segment LEDs
• Board Form Factor - 13.3” x 14” for benchtop use
E7520 MCH and Intel® 6300ESB ICH — Supports three PCI Express x8 slots — Four DDR2–400 DIMMs on two channels (8 slots total)
— From 6300ESB
1 PCI 2.2 32/33 Slot 2 PCI-X 66 MHz slots 1 IDE connector 2 Serial ATA connectors 2 Serial ports 4 USB 2.0 po rt s
— Super I/O via LPC bus from the 6300ESB
1 Flopp y po rt 1 Parallel port 1 Serial port 1 PS/2 por t

2.3 Included Hardware

The following hardware is included in the Development Kit:
• Two Dual-Core Intel Xeon processors LV capable of 667 MHz Front Side Bus
• Two CPU heatsinks (pre-installed)
•One ATX Power Supply
• Pre -inst alled jum per s
• Two 512 Mbytes DDR2-400 DIMMs
• Unformatted SATA Hard Drive
•SATA cable
• Intel Network Interface Card
• Standoffs for board
• FWH mounted and flashed with the BIOS

2.4 Software Key Features

The software in the Development Kit was chosen to facilitate development of real-time applicati ons base d on th e com pone nts use d in the ev a lu ation boar d. The so ftwa re tools included are described in this section.
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Dual-Core Intel Xeon processor LV / E7520 Chipset / 6300ESB ICH
Drivers included:
Windows Chipset INF Install Utility version Optional Intel 6300ESB ICH chipset driver updates Linux Driver Packages RedHat* Enterprise Linux 3.0 Server driver updates
Note: Software in the kit is provided free by the vendor and is only licensed for evaluation
purposes. Refer to the documentation in your Development Kit for further details on any terms
and conditions that may be applicable to the granted licenses. Customers using tools that work with other third party products must have licensed those products. Any targets created by those tools should also have appropriate licenses. Software included in the kit is subject to change.
Refer to for details on additional software from other third party vendors.

2.4.1 AMIBIOS* for the Development Kit

The evaluation board is pre-installed and licensed with a copy of AMIBIOS* from American Megatrends*.

2.5 Before You Begin

Table 2 presents the additional hardware you may need for your Development Kit.
Warning: Do not install the power supply until all other installation steps have been completed.
Table 2. Additional Hardware
VGA Card and Monitor You can use any st and ar d VGA or greater reso luti on monitor us ing a VGA card. Keyboard You can use a keyboard with a PS/2 style connector or adapter as well as USB. Mouse You can use a mouse with a PS/2 style connector or adapter as well as USB. Hard Drives You can connect up to two IDE and two SATA devices to the evaluation board. Floppy Drive
Other Devices and Adapters
You can connect a floppy drive to the connector on the evaluation board. No floppy drives or cables are included in the Development Kit.
The evaluation board behaves much like a standard PC motherboard. Many PC­compatible peripherals can be attached and configured to work with the evaluation board. For example, you may want to install a sound card or additional network adapters. You are responsible for procuring and installing any drivers required for additional devices.

2.6 Setting up the Evaluation Board

Once you have gathered the hardware described in Section 2.5, follow the steps below to set up your Development Kit. This manual assumes you are familiar with basic concepts involved with installing and configuring hardware for a PC or server system.
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Dual-Core Intel Xeon processor LV / E7520 Chipset / 6300ESB ICH
Figure 1. Board before Installing Additional Hardware

2.6.1 Safety

Ensure a safe wor k envi r on ment. Make sure you are in a static-free environment
before removing any components from their anti-static packaging. The evaluation board is susceptible to electrostatic discharge, which may cause product failure or unpredictable operation.
Caution: Connecting the wrong cable or reversing a cable may damage the evaluation board and
may damage the device being connected. Since the board is not in a protective chassis, use caution when connecting cables to this product.
Note: Review the document provided with the Development Kit titled “Important Safety and
Regul atory In formati on”. This document contains a dditi on safet y warnin gs and ca utions that must be observed when using this development kit.

2.6.2 Packag e Contents

Verify kit contents. Inspect the c ontents of y our kit, and ensure that everyt hing li sted
in Section 2.3 is included. Check for damage that may have occurred during shipment. Contact your sales representative if any items are missing or damaged.
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Dual-Core Intel Xeon processor LV / E7520 Chipset / 6300ESB ICH
Check jumper settings. Verify that the jumpers are set in their default state. Refer to
Section 6.4 for detailed descriptions of all jumpers and their default settings indicated
in bold.

2.6.3 Instal led Hardware

Verify installed hardware. Make sure the following hardware is populated on your
evaluation board:
• Two Dual-Core Intel Xeon processors LV with heatsinks
• Battery in holder
Note: The CPU sockets have a screw locking mechanism. The socket has an indication to
show if the CPU is locked in place.
Caution: The above hardware should have been correctly installed at the factory. If components
are not installed correctly, DO NOT power on the board. Correctly re-install the components before proceeding. If you suspect that any of the kit components have been damaged, contact your Intel field sales representative or local distributor for assistance.

2.6.4 Installing the Heatsinks for CPU(s) and MCH

Heatsink Installation: In order for t h e bo ar d t o o pe r at e pro p er l y, a he atsink must b e
installed o n th e pr oce ssor s and on the E7 520 M CH. DO NOT powe r on bo ar d wi t h out a CPU thermal solution. Heatsinks may already come pre-installed on both CPU(s) and MCH. Please refer to this section if you need to remove or re-install the heatsinks.
Tools Needed: Flat head screwdriver and Phillips head screwdriver Consumable Items Needed: Dispos ab le tow els and iso p ropy l alco h ol
Note: CPU heatsinks may be silver or copper in color.
Table 3. H eatsink Information
Dual-Core Intel
processor LV
E7520 MCH 1 Co o ler Master ECB-000208-0 1 Active heats ink
Quantity Per
2 Cooler Master* P/N EEP-N41CS-I1-GP
Part Number Comments
Active heatsink + back plate
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Dual-Core Intel Xeon processor LV / E7520 Chipset / 6300ESB ICH
Figure 2. Location for the CPU and MC H for He atsink Installation
Caution: Applying excess pressure may cause damage to the CPU.
Note: Do not turn power on until the CPU thermal solution has been installed.

2.6.5 CPU Heatsink Installation

This section details how to install the CPU heatsink. This section may not apply if the CPU heatsink is pre-installed on the board.
Note: If the Thermal Interface Material (TIM) is scratched, scrape it off and replace with new
material. If a replacement is needed, use a TIM with high thermal conductivity such as thermal grease or a phase change material. The gasket ensures the heatsink is sitting flat on the package.
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Dual-Core Intel Xeon processor LV / E7520 Chipset / 6300ESB ICH
Figure 3. CPU Heatsi n k To p an d Bo tto m V i ew
1. Make certain that the processor is firmly seated in the socket, and the package is secured using a flathead screwdriver. Note: This shows CPU1 populated. However for single CPU operation socket 0 should be populated.
Figure 4. Processor in Socket and Package Secured
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2. Clean the top surface of the processor die with a clean towel and isopropyl alcohol (IPA).
Figure 5. Clean Top of Processor Die
Dual-Core Intel Xeon processor LV / E7520 Chipset / 6300ESB ICH
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+ 40 hidden pages