Intel DH77KC Specification

Intel® Desktop Board DH77KC
Technical Product Specification
The Intel Desktop Board DH77KC may contain design defects or errors known as errata that may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are documented in the Intel Desktop Board DH77KC Specification Update.
April 2012
Part Number: G54938-001
Revision History
Revision Revision History Date
-001 First release of the Intel® Desktop Board DH77KC Technical Product Specification
This product specification applies to only the standard Intel® Desktop Board with BIOS identifier KCH7710H.86A.
All Intel computers (PC) for installation in homes, offices, schools, computer rooms, and similar locations. The suitability of this product for other PC or embedded non-PC applications or other environments, such as medical, industrial, alarm systems, test equipment, etc. may not be supported without further evaluation by Intel.
Intel Corporation may have patents or pending patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights that relate to the presented subject matter. The furnishing of documents and other materials and information does not provide any license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any such patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights.
Intel may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice. Designers must not rely on the absence or characteristics of any features or instructions marked “reserved”
or “undefined.” Intel reserves these for future definition and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts or incompatibilities arising from future changes to them.
Intel desktop boards may contain design defects or errors known as errata, which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request.
Contact your local Intel sales office or your distributor to obtain the latest specifications before placing your product order.
Intel, 3 trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.
* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. Copyright © 2012, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
desktop boards are evaluated as Information Technology Equipment (I.T.E.) for use in personal
generation Intel Core processor family, and 2nd generation Intel Core processor family are
April 2012
Board Identification Information
Basic Desktop Board DH77KC Identification Information
AA Revision BIOS Revision Notes
G39641-xxx Notes:
1. The AA number is found on a small label on the component side of the board.
2. The H77 processor used on this AA revision consists of the following component:
Device Stepping S-Spec Numbers
Intel H77 Express Chipset C1 SLJ88
Current characterized errata, if any, are documented in a separate Specification Update. See for the latest documentation.
Intel Desktop Board DH77KC Technical Product Specification
This Technical Product Specification (TPS) specifies the board layout, components, connectors, power and environmental requirements, and the BIOS for Intel Board DH77KC.
Intended Audience
The TPS is intended to provide detailed, technical information about Intel Desktop Board DH77KC and its components to the vendors, system integrators, and other engineers and technicians who need this level of information. It is specifically not intended for general audiences.
What This Document Contains
Chapter Description
1 A description of the hardware used on Intel Desktop Board DH77KC 2 A map of the resources of the Intel Desktop Board 3 The features supported by the BIOS Setup program 4 A description of the BIOS error messages, beep codes, and POST codes 5 Regulatory compliance and battery disposal information
Typographical Conventions
This section contains information about the conventions used in this specification. Not all of these symbols and abbreviations appear in all specifications of this type.
Notes, Cautions, and Warnings
Notes call attention to important information.
Cautions are included to help you avoid damaging hardware or losing data.
Intel Desktop Board DH77KC Technical Product Specification
Other Common Notation
# Used after a signal name to identify an active-low signal (such as USBP0#) GB Gigabyte (1,073,741,824 bytes) GB/s Gigabytes per second Gb/s Gigabits per second KB Kilobyte (1024 bytes) Kb Kilobit (1024 bits) kb/s 1000 bits per second MB Megabyte (1,048,576 bytes) MB/s Megabytes per second Mb Megabit (1,048,576 bits) Mb/s Megabits per second TDP Thermal Design Power xxh An address or data value ending with a lowercase h indicates a hexadecimal value. x.x V Volts. Voltages are DC unless otherwise specified. * This symbol is used to indicate third-party brands and names that are the property of their
respective owners.
1Product Description
1.1Overview........................................................................................ 11
1.1.1 Feature Summary ................................................................ 11
1.1.2 Board Layout ....................................................................... 13
1.1.3 Block Diagram ..................................................................... 15
1.3Processor ....................................................................................... 16
1.4System Memory .............................................................................. 19
1.6Real-Time Clock Subsystem
1.7Legacy I/O Contro
1.8Audio Subsystem ............................................................................ 28
1.9LAN Subsystem ............................................................................... 30
1.10Hardware Management Subsystem
1.11Power Management ......................................................................... 34
line Support ................................................................................ 16
1.3.1 Graphics Subsystem
............................................................. 17
1.4.1 Memory Configurations ......................................................... 20
H77 Express Chipset ............................................................... 22
1.5.1 Direct Media Interface (DMI) .................................................. 22
1.5.2 Display Interfaces ................................................................ 22
1.5.3 USB ................................................................................... 25
1.5.4 SATA Interfaces ................................................................... 25
.............................................................. 27
ller ....................................................................... 27
1.7.1 Consumer Infrared (C
IR) ....................................................... 27
1.8.1 Audio Subsystem Software .................................................... 28
1.8.2 Audio Subsystem Components ............................................... 29
1.9.1 Intel
82579V Gigabit Ethernet Controller ................................ 30
1.9.2 LAN Subsystem Software ...................................................... 31
1.9.3 RJ-45 LAN Connector with
Integrated LEDs .............................. 31
.................................................... 32
1.10.1Hardware Monitoring
............................................................ 32
1.10.2Fan Monitoring ..................................................................... 32
1.10.4Thermal Monitoring
1.11.2Hardware Support
Intrusion and Detection ............................................. 32
.............................................................. 33
................................................................................... 34
................................................................ 36
2Technical Reference
2.1Memory Resources .......................................................................... 41
2.1.1 Addressa
2.1.2 Memory M
2.2.1 Back Panel Connectors
2.2.2 Component-side Connectors and Headers ................................ 45
2.3Jumper Block .................................................................................. 58
s and Headers ................................................................... 43
ble Memory ............................................................. 41
ap ........................................................................ 43
.......................................................... 44
Intel Desktop Board DH77KC Technical Product Specification
2.4Mechanical Considerations ................................................................ 60
2.4.1 Form Factor ......................................................................... 60
l Considerations ................................................................... 61
2.5.1 Power Supply Considerations ................................................. 61
2.5.2 Fan Header Current
Capability ................................................ 62
2.5.3 Add-in Board Considerations .................................................. 62
2.6Thermal Considerations .................................................................... 62
2.7Reliability ....................................................................................... 65
2.8Environmental ................................................................................ 65
3Overview of BIOS Features
3.1Introduction ................................................................................... 67
3.3Resource Configuration .................................................................... 68
3.3.1 PCI Ex
3.4System Ma
3.5Legacy USB Support ........................................................................ 69
3.6BIOS Updates ................................................................................. 70
3.6.1 Language Support ................................................................ 70
3.6.2 Custom Splash Screen
3.8 Boot Op
3.8.1 Optical Drive Boot ................................................................ 72
3.8.2 Network Boot
3.8.3 Booting Without Attached Devices .......................................... 72
3.8.4 Changing the Default Boot
3.9Adjusting Boot Sp
3.9.1 Peripheral Selection and Configuration .................................... 73
3.9.2 BIOS Boot Optimizations ....................................................... 73
3.10BIOS Security Features .................................................................... 74
3.11BIOS Performance Features
lash Memory Organization ....................................................... 68
press Autoconfiguration ................................................ 68
nagement BIOS (SMBIOS) ................................................. 69
.......................................................... 71
ecovery ................................................................................ 71
tions ................................................................................... 72
....................................................................... 72
Device During POST ........................ 72
eed ....................................................................... 73
.............................................................. 75
4Error Messages and Beep Codes
4.1Speaker ......................................................................................... 77
4.2BIOS Beep Codes
4.3Front-panel Power LED Blink Codes
4.4BIOS Error Messages ....................................................................... 78
4.5Port 80h Power On Self Test (POST) Codes
5Regulatory Compliance and Battery Disposal Information
5.1Regulatory Compliance ..................................................................... 85
5.1.1 Safety Standards ................................................................. 85
5.1.2 European Union D
5.1.3 Product Ecology Statements .................................................. 87
5.1.4 China RoHS ......................................................................... 90
5.1.5 EMC Regulations .................................................................. 91
............................................................................ 77
.................................................... 77
......................................... 79
eclaration of Conformity Statement ................ 86
5.1.6 ENERGY STAR* 5.0, e-Standby, and ErP Compliance ................. 93
5.1.7 Regulatory Compliance Marks (Board Level) ............................. 94
5.2Battery Dispo
sal Information ............................................................. 95
1. Major Board Components ................................................................. 13
2. Block Diagram ................................................................................ 15
3. Memory Channel and DIMM Configuration ........................................... 21
4. Back
5. LAN Conne
6. Thermal Sensors and Fan Headers
7. Location of the
8. Detailed System Memory Address Map
9. Back Panel
Component-side Connectors and Headers ........................................... 45
Connection Diagram for Front Panel Header ........................................ 55
Connection Diagram for Front Panel USB 2.0 Headers ........................... 57
Location of the Jumper Block ............................................................ 58
14. Board
Localized High Temperature Zones ..................................................... 63
15. Intel Desktop Board DH77KC China RoHS Material Self
Declaration Table ............................................................................ 90
Panel Audio Connectors ............................................................ 29
ctor LED Locations ............................................................ 31
..................................................... 33
Standby Power LED .................................................... 40
............................................... 42
Connectors ..................................................................... 44
Dimensions ........................................................................... 60
1. Feature Summary ............................................................................ 11
2. Components Shown in Figure 1 ......................................................... 14
3. Supported Memory
4. DVI
Port Status Conditions................................................................ 23
5. HDMI Port Status
6. DisplayPort Status C
7. Audio
Formats Supported by the HDMI and DisplayPort Interfaces .......... 24
8. Audio Jack Support
9. LAN Connector LED
10. Effects
Power States and Targeted System Power .......................................... 35
Wake-up Devices and Events ............................................................ 36
System Memory Map ....................................................................... 43
Component-side Connectors and Headers Shown in Figure 10 ................ 46
Front Panel Audio Header for Intel HD Audio ....................................... 47
Front Panel Audio Header for AC ’97 Audio .......................................... 47
Front Panel USB 2.0 Headers ............................................................ 47
Front Panel USB 3.0 Connector .......................................................... 48
19. SATA
20. S/PDIF
21. Chassis
of Pressing the Power Switch .................................................. 34
Connectors ............................................................................. 48
Header ................................................................................ 48
Intrusion Header .................................................................. 49
Configurations ..................................................... 19
Conditions ............................................................. 23
onditions ............................................................ 24
.......................................................................... 28
States ................................................................ 31
Intel Desktop Board DH77KC Technical Product Specification
22. Processor, Front, and Rear Chassis (4-Pin) Fan Headers ....................... 49
23. Back Panel CIR Emitter (Output) Header ............................................. 49
Front Panel CIR Receiver (Input) Header ............................................ 49
Parallel Port Header ......................................................................... 50
PCI Express Full-/Half-Mini Card Connector ......................................... 51
Serial Port Header ........................................................................... 52
LPC Debug Header ........................................................................... 52
Processor Core Power Connector........................................................ 53
30. Main
Front Panel Header .......................................................................... 55
States for a One-Color Power LED ...................................................... 56
States for a Two-Color Power LED ...................................................... 56
Alternate Front Panel Power/Sleep LED Header .................................... 56
BIOS Setup Configuration Jumper Settings.......................................... 59
36. Recommended
Recommended Power Supply Current Values (Low Power) ..................... 61
Fan Header Current Capability ........................................................... 62
Thermal Considerations for Components ............................................. 64
Tcontrol Values for Components ........................................................ 64
41. Environ
BIOS Setup Program Menu Bar .......................................................... 68
43. BIOS
Acceptable Drives/Media Types for BIOS Recovery ............................... 71
Boot Device Menu Options ................................................................ 72
Supervisor and User Password Functions ............................................ 74
47. BIOS
48. Front-panel
BIOS Error Messages ....................................................................... 78
Port 80h POST Code Ranges ............................................................. 79
Port 80h POST Codes ....................................................................... 80
Typical Port 80h POST Sequence ....................................................... 84
53. Safet
54. EMC
55. Regulatory
Power Connector ...................................................................... 54
Power Supply Current Values (High Power) .................... 61
mental Specifications ............................................................. 65
Setup Program Function Keys ................................................... 68
Beep Codes ............................................................................ 77
Power LED Blink Codes .................................................... 78
y Standards ............................................................................. 85
Regulations ............................................................................. 91
Compliance Marks ........................................................... 94
1 Product Description
1.1 Overview
1.1.1 Feature Summary
Table 1 summarizes the major features of the board.
Table 1. Feature Summary
Form Factor Processor
ATX (12 inches by 9.60 inches [304.80 millimeters by 243.84 millimeters])
generation Intel® Core processor family and 2nd generation Intel® Core
processor family processors with up to 95 W TDP in an LGA1155 socket
One PCI Express* x16 graphics interface Integrated memory controller with dual channel DDR3 memory support Integrated graphics processing (processors with IntelExternal graphics interface controller
Four 240-pin DDR3 SDRAM Dual Inline Memory Module (DIMM) sockets
Support for DDR3 1600 MHz, DDR3 1333 MHz, and DDR3 1066 MHz DIMMs
Support for 1 Gb, 2 Gb, and 4 Gb memory technology
Support for up to 32 GB of system memory with four DIMMs using 4 Gb
memory technology
Support for non-ECC memory
Support for 1.5 V (standard voltage) and 1.35 V (low voltage) JEDEC memory
Support for XMP memory
Note: DDR3 1600 MHz DIMMs are only supported by 3
processor family processors
H77 Express Chipset consisting of the Intel
Intel Controller Hub (PCH)
Integrated graphics support for processors with Intel
High Definition Multimedia Interface* (HDMI*) v1.4a DVI-I v1.0 DisplayPort* v1.1a
Support for a PCI Express* 3.0 x16 add-in graphics card Note: PCI Express 3.0 is only supported by 3
10-channel (8 + 2) Intel High Definition Audio via the Realtek* ALC892 audio
processor family processors
HD Graphics)
generation Intel Core
H77 Express Platform
HD Graphics:
generation Intel Core
Intel Desktop Board DH77KC Technical Product Specification
Table 1. Feature Summary (continued)
Peripheral Interfaces
Expansion Capabilities
Instantly Available PC Technology
LAN Support
Legacy I/O Control Nuvoton NCT6776D I/O controller for CIR, serial port, parallel port, PS/2 port,
Hardware Monitor Subsystem
Four USB 3.0 ports:
Two USB 3.0 ports are implemented with stacked back panel connectors
Two front panel USB 3.0 ports are implemented through one internal
connector (blue)
Eight USB 2.0 ports:
Four ports implemented with stacked back panel connectors (black) Four front panel ports implemented through two internal headers
Seven Serial ATA (SATA) ports:
Two SATA 6.0 Gb/s interfaces through the Intel H77 Express Chipset with
Rapid Storage Technology RAID support (blue)
Two internal SATA 3.0 Gb/s interfaces through Intel H77 Express Chipset
with Intel Rapid Storage Technology RAID support (black)
One internal SATA connector (multiplexed with an mSATA port, routed to
the PCI Express Full-/Half-Mini Card slot) (gray)
One back panel eSATA port (red)
One serial port header
One parallel port header
One PS/2*-style keyboard/mouse port
One PCI Express 3.0 x16 add-in card connector
One PCI Express 2.0 x4 bus add-in card connector from the PCH
One PCI Express 2.0 x1 bus add-in card connector from the PCH
Three Conventional PCI bus add-in card connectors from the PCH via a PCI
One PCI Express Full-/Half-Mini Card slot with support for mSATA
Note: PCI Express 3.0 is only supported by 3
processor family processors
BIOS resident in the SPI Flash device
Support for Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI), Plug and Play,
Support for PCI Express* Revision 3.0
Suspend to RAM support
Wake on PCI, PCI Express, LAN, serial, front panel, Consumer Infrared (CIR),
PS/2, and USB ports
Gigabit (10/100/1000 Mb/s) LAN subsystem using the Intel Ethernet Controller
and hardware management support
Hardware monitoring through the Nuvoton I/O controller
Voltage sense to detect out of range power supply voltages
Thermal sense to detect out of range thermal values
Three fan headers
Two fan sense inputs used to monitor fan activity
Fan speed control
generation Intel Core
82579V Gigabit
Product Description
1.1.2 Board Layout
Figure 1 shows the location of the major components on Intel Desktop Board DH77KC.
Figure 1. Major Board Components
Intel Desktop Board DH77KC Technical Product Specification
Table 2 lists the components identified in Figure 1.
Table 2. Components Shown in Figure 1
Item/callout from Figure 1 Desc
A Conventional PCI add-in card connector B Conventional PCI add-in card connector C Conventional PCI add-in card connector D Front panel USB 3.0 connector (blue) E PCI Express x4 add-in card connector F Rear chassis fan header G PCI Express Full-/Half-Mini Card slot H PCI Express x16 add-in card connector I PCI Express x1 add-in card connector J Back panel connectors K 12 V processor core voltage connector (2 x 2 pin) L LGA1155 processor socket M Processor fan header N DIMM 3 (Channel A DIMM 0) O DIMM 1 (Channel A DIMM 1) P DIMM 4 (Channel B DIMM 0) Q DIMM 2 (Channel B DIMM 1) R Front chassis fan header S Consumer IR receiver (input) header (white) T Consumer IR emitter (output) header (white) U Main power connector (2 x 12) V BIOS Setup configuration jumper block W Intel H77 Express Chipset X SATA 6.0 Gb/s connector through the PCH (blue) Y SATA 3.0 Gb/s connector through the PCH (black) Z SATA 3.0 Gb/s connector (multiplexed with an mSATA port, routed to the PCI
AA Chassis intrusion header BB Battery CC Alternate front panel power/sleep LED header DD Front panel header EE Low Pin Count (LPC) Debug header FF Front panel USB 2.0 connectors GG Piezoelectric speaker HH Parallel port header II Serial port header JJ Power fault LED KK Standby power LED LL S/PDIF out header MM Front panel audio header
Express Full-/Half-Mini Card slot) (gray)
1.1.3 Block Diagram
Figure 2 is a block diagram of the major functional areas of the board.
Product Description
Figure 2. Block Diagram
Intel Desktop Board DH77KC Technical Product Specification
1.2 Online Support
To find information about… Visit this World Wide Web site:
Intel Desktop Board DH77KC Desktop Board Support Available configurations for Intel
Desktop Board DH77KC
Supported processors Chipset information BIOS and driver updates Tested memory
Integration information
1.3 Processor
The board supports 3rd generation Intel Core processor family and 2nd generation Intel Core processor family processors.
Other processors may be supported in the future. This board supports processors with a maximum wattage of 95 W Thermal Design Power (TDP). The processors listed above are only supported when falling within the wattage requirements of Intel Desktop Board DH77KC. See the Intel web site listed below for the most up-to-date list of supported processors.
For information about… Refer to:
Supported processors
Use only the processors listed on the web site above. Use of unsupported processors can damage the board, the processor, and the power supply.
This board has specific requirements for providing power to the processor. Refer to Section 2.5.1 on page 61 for information on power supply requirements for this board.
Product Description
1.3.1 Graphics Subsystem
The board supports graphics through either the processor Intel HD Graphics or a PCI Express x16 add-in graphics card. Processor Graphics
The board supports integrated graphics through the Intel® Flexible Display Interface
If using a processor with integrated graphics, the board will support only two of the integrated graphics interfaces simultaneously: DisplayPort, DVI-I, HDMI. Also, during the Power On Self Test (POST), the board will not output to the DisplayPort if DVI-I or HDMI is used at the same time as the DisplayPort. Intel® High Definition (Intel® HD) Graphics
The Intel HD graphics controller features the following:
3D Features
FDI) for processors with Intel HD Graphics.
DirectX* 11 (2
CS4.0 only) support
OpenGL* 3.0 support Shader Model 4.0
High-Definition content at up to 1080p resolution Hardware accelerated MPEG-2, VC-1/WMV, and H.264/AVC Hi-Definition video
Blu-ray* S3D via HDMI 1.4a Dynamic Video Memory Technology (DVMT) 5.0 support Support of up to 1.7 GB Video Memory with 4 GB and above system memory
HD Graphics with Advanced Hardware Video Transcoding (Intel® Quick
Sync Video) Note: Intel Quick Sync is enabled with the appropriate software application
generation Intel Core processor family processors support
Intel Desktop Board DH77KC Technical Product Specification PCI Express x16 Graphics
3rd generation Intel Core processor family processors support PCI Express 3.0, 2.x, and 1.x and 2
generation Intel Core processor family processors support PCI
Express 2.x and 1.x:
PCI Express 3.0 with a raw bit rate of 8.0 GT/s results in an effective bandwidth of
1 GB/s each direction per lane. The maximum theoretical bandwidth of the x16 interface is 16 GB/s in each direction, simultaneously, for a total bandwidth of 32 GB/s.
PCI Express 2.x with a raw bit rate of 5.0 GT/s results in an effective bandwidth of
500 MB/s each direction per lane. The maximum theoretical bandwidth of the x16 interface is 8 GB/s in each direction, simultaneously, for a total bandwidth of 16 GB/s.
PCI Express 1.x with a raw bit rate of 2.5 GT/s results in an effective bandwidth of
250 MB/s each direction per lane. The maximum theoretical bandwidth of the x16 interface is 4 GB/s in each direction, simultaneously, for a total bandwidth of 8 GB/s.
For information about Refer to
PCI Express technology
Product Description
1.4 System Memory
The board has four DIMM sockets and supports the following memory features:
1.5 V DDR3 SDRAM DIMMs with gold plated contacts, with the option to raise the
voltage to support higher performance DDR3 SDRAM DIMMs.
1.35 V Low Voltage DDR3 DIMMs (JEDEC specification)
Two independent memory channels with interleaved mode support
Unbuffered, single-sided or double-sided DIMMs with the following restriction:
Double-sided DIMMs with x16 organization are not supported.
32 GB maximum total system memory (with 4 Gb memory technology). Refer to
Section 2.1.1 on page 41 for information on the total amount of addressable memory.
Minimum recommended total system memory: 1 GB
Serial Presence Detect
DDR3 1600 MHz, DDR3 1333 MHz, and DDR3 1066 MHz SDRAM DIMMs
Note: DDR3 1600 MHz DIMMs are only supported by 3
processor family processors
XMP version 1.3 performance profile support for memory speeds of 1600 MHz and
generation Intel Core
To be fully compliant with all applicable DDR SDRAM memory specifications, the board should be populated with DIMMs that support the Serial Presence Detect (SPD) data structure. This allows the BIOS to read the SPD data and program the chipset to accurately configure memory settings for optimum performance. If non-SPD memory is installed, the BIOS will attempt to correctly configure the memory settings, but performance and reliability may be impacted or the DIMMs may not function under the determined frequency.
Table 3 lists the supported DIMM configurations.
Table 3. Supported Memory Configurations
DIMM Capacity Configuration
1024 MB SS 1 Gbit 128 M x8/empty 8 2048 MB DS 1 Gbit 128 M x8/128 M x8 16 2048 MB SS 2 Gbit 256 M x8/empty 8 4096 MB DS 2 Gbit 256 M x8/256 M x8 16 4096 MB SS 4 Gbit 512 M x8/empty 8 8192 MB DS 4 Gbit 512 M x8/512 M x8 16
Note: “DS” refers to double-sided memory modules (containing two rows of SDRAM) and “SS” refers to
single-sided memory modules (containing one row of SDRAM).
SDRAM Density
SDRAM Organization Front-side/Back-side
Number of SDRAM Devices
Intel Desktop Board DH77KC Technical Product Specification
For information about… Refer to:
Tested Memory
1.4.1 Memory Configurations
The 3rd generation Intel Core processor family and 2nd generation Intel Core processor family processors support the following types of memory organization:
Dual channel (Interleaved) mode. This mode offers the highest throughput for
real world applications. Dual channel mode is enabled when the installed memory capacities of both DIMM channels are equal. Technology and device width can vary from one channel to the other but the installed memory capacity for each channel must be equal. If different speed DIMMs are used between channels, the slowest memory timing will be used.
Single channel (Asymmetric) mode. This mode is equivalent to single channel
bandwidth operation for real world applications. This mode is used when only a single DIMM is installed or the memory capacities are unequal. Technology and device width can vary from one channel to the other. If different speed DIMMs are used between channels, the slowest memory timing will be used.
Flex mode. This mode provides the most flexible performance characteristics.
The bottommost DRAM memory (the memory that is lowest within the system memory map) is mapped to dual channel operation; the topmost DRAM memory (the memory that is nearest to the 8 GB address space limit), if any, is mapped to single channel operation. Flex mode results in multiple zones of dual and single channel operation across the whole of DRAM memory. To use flex mode, it is necessary to populate both channels.
For information about… Refer to:
Memory Configuration Examples
Figure 3 illustrates the memory channel and DIMM configuration.
Product Description
Figure 3. Memory Channel and DIMM Configuration
The DIMM sockets are labeled in installation order from DIMM 1 to DIMM 4. For best memory performance always install memory in the blue DIMM sockets (DIMM 1 and DIMM 2) if installing only two DIMMs on your board
Intel Desktop Board DH77KC Technical Product Specification
1.5 Intel® H77 Express Chipset
Intel H77 Express Chipset with Intel Flexible Display Interconnect (Intel FDI) and Direct Media Interface (DMI) interconnect provides interfaces to the processor and the display, USB, SATA, LPC, LAN, and PCI Express interfaces. The Intel H77 Express Chipset is a centralized controller for the board’s I/O paths.
For information about Refer to
The Intel H77 chipset Resources used by the chipset Chapter 2
1.5.1 Direct Media Interface (DMI)
Direct Media Interface (DMI) is the chip-to-chip connection between the processor and PCH. This high-speed interface integrates advanced priority-based servicing allowing for concurrent traffic and true isochronous transfer capabilities.
1.5.2 Display Interfaces
Display is divided between the processor and the PCH. The processor houses the memory interface, display planes, and pipes while the PCH has transcoder and display interface or ports.
The PCH receives the display data over Intel FDI and transcodes the data as per the display technology protocol and sends the data through the display interface. Intel
Intel FDI connects the display engine in the processor with the display interfaces on the PCH. The display data from the frame buffer is processed in the display engine of the processor and sent to the PCH over the Intel FDI where it is transcoded as per the display protocol and driven to the display monitor.
Flexible Display Interconnect (Intel
FDI) High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP)
HDCP is the technology for protecting high definition content against unauthorized copy or unreceptive between a source (computer, digital set top boxes, etc.) and the sink (panels, monitor, and TVs). The PCH supports HDCP 1.4 for content protection over wired displays (HDMI, DVI, and DisplayPort).
Product Description Digital Visual Interface (DVI-I)
The DVI-I port supports both digital and analog DVI displays. The maximum supported resolution is 1920 x 1200 (WUXGA). The DVI port is compliant with the DVI 1.0 specification. DVI analog output can also be converted to VGA using a DVI­VGA converter.
Depending on the type of add-in card installed in the PCI Express x16 connector, the DVI port will behave as described in Table 4.
ble 4. DVI Port Status Conditions
PCI Express x16 Connector Status
No add-in card installed Enabled Enabled PCI Express x16 add-in card installed Enabled
1. DVI analog output can also be converted to VGA with a DVI-VGA converter.
2. May require BIOS setup menu changes.
DVI Digital (DVI-D) Port Status
(Note 2)
DVI Analog (DVI-A) Port Status
(Note 1)
(Note 2) High Definition Multimedia Interface* (HDMI*)
The HDMI port supports standard, enhanced, or high definition video, plus multi­channel digital audio on a single cable. It is compatible with all ATSC and DVB HDTV standards and supports eight full range channels at 24-bit/96 kHz audio of lossless audio formats such as Dolby* TrueHD or DTS* HD Master Audio. The maximum supported resolution is 1920 x 1200 (WUXGA). The HDMI interface supports the HDMI 1.4a specification.
The HDMI port is enabled for POST whenever a monitor is attached, regardless of the VGA and DVI-I connector status.
Depending on the type of add-in card installed in the PCI Express x16 connector, the HDMI port will behave as described in Table 5.
Table 5.
PCI Express x16 Connector Status HDMI Port Status
No add-in card installed Enabled PCI Express x16 add-in card installed Enabled
Note: May require BIOS setup menu changes.
Status Conditions
Intel Desktop Board DH77KC Technical Product Specification DisplayPort*
DisplayPort is a digital communication interface that utilizes differential signaling to achieve a high bandwidth bus interface designed to support connections between PCs and monitors, projectors, and TV displays. DisplayPort is suitable for display connections between consumer electronics devices such as high definition optical disc players, set top boxes, and TV displays. DisplayPort output can also be converted to HDMI using a DisplayPort-HDMI converter. The DisplayPort interface supports the 1.1a specification.
DisplayPort’s maximum supported display resolution is 2560 x 1600 at 60 Hz at 10bpc refresh with a 16:10 aspect ratio (WQXGA). The maximum bandwidth is 8.64 Gb/s.
Table 6. DisplayPort Status Conditions
PCI Express x16 Connector Status DisplayPort Status
No add-in card installed Enabled PCI Express x16 add-in card installed Enabled
Note: May require BIOS setup menu changes.
For information about Refer to
DisplayPort technology
(Note) Integrated Audio Provided by the HDMI and DisplayPort
The HDMI and DisplayPort interfaces from the PCH support audio. Table 7 shows the specific audio technologies supported by the PCH.
Table 7. Audio Formats Supported by the HDMI and DisplayPort Interfaces
Audio Formats HDMI 1.4a DisplayPort 1.1a
AC-3 - Dolby* Digital Yes No Dolby Digital Plus Yes No DTS-HD* Yes No LPCM, 192 kHz/24 bit, 8 Channel Yes Yes
Product Description
1.5.3 USB
The PCH contains up to two Enhanced Host Controller Interface (EHCI) host controllers that support USB high-speed signaling. High-speed USB 2.0 allows data transfers up to 480 Mb/s. All ports are high-speed, full-speed, and low-speed capable.
The PCH also contains an integrated eXtensible Host Controller Interface (xHCI) host controller which supports USB 3.0 ports. This controller allows data transfers up to 5 Gb/s. The controller supports SuperSpeed (SS), high-speed (HS), full-speed (FS), and low-speed (LS) traffic on the bus.
The board supports up to eight USB 2.0 ports and four USB 3.0 ports. The Intel H77 Express Chipset provides the USB controller for the 2.0/3.0 ports. The
port arrangement is as follows:
Two USB 3.0 ports are implemented with stacked back panel connectors (blue)
Two front panel USB 3.0 ports are implemented through one internal connector
Four USB 2.0 ports are implemented with stacked back panel connectors (black)
Four USB 2.0 front panel ports are implemented through two internal headers
Computer systems that have an unshielded cable attached to a USB port may not meet FCC Class B requirements, even if no device is attached to the cable. Use a shielded cable that meets the requirements for full-speed devices.
For information about Refer to
The location of the USB connectors on the back panel Figure 9, page 44 The location of the front panel USB headers Figure 10, page 45
1.5.4 SATA Interfaces
The board provides six SATA connectors, through the PCH, which support one device each:
Two SATA 6.0 Gb/s interfaces through the Intel H77 Express Chipset with Intel
Rapid Storage Technology RAID support (blue)
Two internal Serial ATA (SATA) 3.0 Gb/s interfaces through the Intel H77 Express
Chipset with Intel Rapid Storage Technology RAID support (black)
One internal SATA connector (multiplexed with the mSATA port, routed to the PCI
Express Full-/Half-Mini Card slot) (gray) Note: Only one of the multiplexed connectors may be used at anytime; the other
will be disabled.
One back panel eSATA port (red)
The PCH provides independent SATA ports with a theoretical maximum transfer rate of
6.0 Gb/s for two ports and 3.0 Gb/s for four ports. A point-to-point interface is used for host to device connections.
Intel Desktop Board DH77KC Technical Product Specification
The PCH supports the Serial ATA Specification, Revision 3.0. The PCH also supports several optional sections of the Serial ATA II: Extensions to Serial ATA 1.0 Specification, Revision 1.0 (AHCI support is required for some elements).
The underlying SATA functionality is transparent to the operating system. The SATA controller can operate in both legacy and native modes. In legacy mode, standard IDE I/O and IRQ resources are assigned (IRQ 14 and 15). In native mode, standard PCI Conventional bus resource steering is used. Native mode is the preferred mode for configurations using the Windows* XP and Windows 7 operating systems.
Many SATA drives use new low-voltage power connectors and require adapters or power supplies equipped with low-voltage power connectors.
For more information, see:
For information about Refer to
The location of the SATA connectors Figure 10, page 45
The board supports Intel Rapid Storage Technology which provides the following RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Drives) levels via the Intel H77 Express Chipset:
RAID 0 - data striping
RAID 1 - data mirroring
RAID 0+1 (or RAID 10) - data striping and mirroring
RAID 5 - distributed parity Intel® Smart Response Technology
Intel® Smart Response Technology is a disk caching solution that can provide improved computer system performance with improved power savings. It allows configuration of a computer system with the advantage of having HDDs for maximum storage capacity with system performance at or near SSD performance levels.
For more information on Intel Smart Response Technology, go to
In order to use supported RAID and Intel Smart Response Technology features, you must first enable RAID in the BIOS. Also, during Microsoft Windows XP installation, you must press F6 to install the RAID drivers. See your Microsoft Windows XP documentation for more information about installing drivers during installation. Microsoft Windows 7 includes the necessary RAID drivers for both AHCI and RAID without the need to install separate RAID drivers using the F6 switch in the operating system installation process.
Product Description
1.6 Real-Time Clock Subsystem
A coin-cell battery (CR2032) powers the real-time clock and CMOS memory. When the computer is not plugged into a wall socket, the battery has an estimated life of three years. When the computer is plugged in, the standby current from the power supply extends the life of the battery. The clock is accurate to ± 13 minutes/year at 25 ºC with 3.3 VSB applied via the power supply 5V STBY rail.
If the battery and AC power fail, date and time values will be reset and the user will be notified during the POST.
When the voltage drops below a certain level, the BIOS Setup program settings stored in CMOS RAM (for example, the date and time) might not be accurate. Replace the battery with an equivalent one. Figure 1 on page 13 shows the location of the battery.
1.7 Legacy I/O Controller
The I/O controller provides the following features:
One serial port header
One parallel port connector with Enhanced Parallel Port (EPP) support
PS/2-style keyboard/mouse port
Consumer Infrared (CIR) headers
Serial IRQ interface compatible with serialized IRQ support for PCI systems
Intelligent power management, including a programmable wake-up event interface
Conventional PCI bus power management support
The BIOS Setup program provides configuration options for the I/O controller.
1.7.1 Consumer Infrared (CIR)
The Consumer Infrared (CIR) feature is designed to comply with Microsoft Consumer Infrared usage models.
The CIR feature is made up of two separate pieces: the receiving (receiver) header, and the output (emitter) header. The receiving header consists of a filtered translated infrared input compliant with Microsoft CIR specifications, and also a “learning” infrared input. This learning input is simply a high pass input which the computer can use to “learn” to speak the infrared communication language of other user remotes. The emitter header consists of two output ports which the PC can use to emulate “learned” infrared commands in order to control external electronic hardware.
Customers are required to buy or create their own interface modules to connect to Intel Desktop Boards for this feature to work.
Intel Desktop Board DH77KC Technical Product Specification
1.8 Audio Subsystem
The board supports Intel HD Audio via the Realtek ALC892 audio codec. The audio subsystem supports the following features:
Advanced jack sense for the back panel audio jacks that enables the audio codec to
recognize the device that is connected to an audio port.
Digital-to-Analog Converters (DAC) with 95 dB SNR (A-weighting) and Analog-to-
Digital Converters (ADC) with 90 dB SNR (A-weighting).
Ten DAC channels support 16/20/24-bit PCM format for 7.1 channel sound
playback, plus two channels of concurrent independent stereo sound output (multiple streaming) through the front panel output.
Two stereo ADCs support 16/20/24-bit PCM format, multiple stereo recording
Microphone Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC), Noise Suppression (NS), and Beam
Forming (BF) technology for voice applications.
Windows 7 Ultimate certification.
Table 8 lists the supported functions of the front panel and back panel audio jacks.
Table 8. Audio Jack Support
Audio Jack
FP Green Default FP Pink Default Rear Blue Default Rear Green Ctrl panel Default Rear Pink Default Rear Black Default Rear Orange Default
Speaker Line In
1.8.1 Audio Subsystem Software
The latest audio software and drivers are available from Intel’s World Wide Web site.
For information about Refer to
Obtaining audio software and drivers Section 1.2, page 16
Product Description
1.8.2 Audio Subsystem Components
The audio subsystem includes the following components:
Intel H77 Express Chipset
Realtek ALC892 audio codec
Front panel audio header that supports Intel HD audio and AC ’97 audio (a 2 x
5-pin header that provides mic in and line out signals for front panel audio connectors) (yellow)
S/PDIF digital audio out header (1 x 4-pin header) (yellow)
S/PDIF digital audio out connector on the back panel
5-port analog audio input/output stack on the back panel
The back panel audio connectors are configurable through the audio device drivers. The available configurable back panel audio connectors are shown in Figure 4.
Item Description
A Rear surround B Center channel and LFE (subwoofer) C S/PDIF out (optical) D Line in E Line out/front speakers F Mic in/side surround
Figure 4. Back Panel Audio Connectors
The back panel audio line out connector is designed to power headphones or amplified speakers only. Poor audio quality occurs if passive (non-amplified) speakers are connected to this output.
For information about Refer to
The locations of the front panel audio header and S/PDIF audio header Figure 10, page 45 The signal names of the front panel audio header and S/PDIF audio header Section, page 47 The back panel audio connectors Section 2.2.1, page 44
Intel Desktop Board DH77KC Technical Product Specification
1.9 LAN Subsystem
The LAN subsystem consists of the following:
Intel 82579V Gigabit Ethernet Controller (10/100/1000 Mb/s)
Intel H77 Express Chipset
RJ-45 LAN connector with integrated status LEDs
Additional features of the LAN subsystem include:
CSMA/CD protocol engine
LAN connect interface between the PCH and the LAN controller
Conventional PCI bus power management ACPI technology support LAN wake capabilities
ACPI technology support
LAN wake capabilities
LAN subsystem software
For information about Refer to
LAN software and drivers
1.9.1 Intel® 82579V Gigabit Ethernet Controller
The Intel 82579V Gigabit Ethernet Controller supports the following features:
10/100/1000 BASE-T IEEE 802.3 compliant
Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE) IEEE802.3az support (Low Power Idle [LPI] mode)
Dual interconnect between the Integrated LAN Controller and the Physical Layer
PCI Express-based interface for active state operation (S0) state SMBUS for host and management traffic (Sx low power state)
Compliant to IEEE 802.3x flow control support
802.1p and 802.1q
TCP, IP, and UDP checksum offload (for IPv4 and IPv6)
Full device driver compatibility
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