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Copyright © Intel Corporation, 2000
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User’s Manual

BX400ii I nterposer Board
1.0 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Key Terms.............................................................................................................5
1.2 Related Documents...............................................................................................5
1.3 Pentium
Low Power Pentium II Processor Module .............................................................6
1.4 BX400ii Interposer Board Features.......................................................................6
1.5 BX400ii Interposer Board Dim ens ions ..................................................................8
2.0 Getting Started...................................................................................................................9
2.1 Unpacking Instructions..........................................................................................9
2.1.1 ImportantStatic Electricity Precautions.................................................... 9
2.2 Installation.............................................................................................................9
2.2.1 BX 400ii.....................................................................................................9
2.2.2 Emulator/Logic Analyzer ........................................................................10
3.0 Hardware Reference........................................................................................................ 11
3.1 Connector Definitions..........................................................................................11
3.2 Jumper Settings..................................................................................................11
3.2.1 Voltage Regulator Settings.....................................................................11
3.3 Test Points .......................................................................................................... 12
® II Processor Mobile Module: Mobile Module Connector 2 or
1 Top V iew of BX400ii Interposer Board Assembly..................................................7
2 BX400ii Keepout Space Requirements.................................................................8
3 BX400ii Connector C learance...............................................................................8
4 BX400ii Interposer Board Stack Mounting ..........................................................10
5 BX400ii Board Layout Drawing ...........................................................................13
1 Related Documents............................................................................................... 5
2 Vendor Reference.................................................................................................5
3 Voltage Regulator Jumper Settings.....................................................................11
4 Power Measurement Header Desc riptions..........................................................12
User’s Manual 3

1.0 Introduction
This doc ument introduces the BX400ii Interposer Board and provides installation instructions.
The BX400ii Interposer Board with the Intel
functionality of the Intel
Pentium®II Processor Mobile Module to provide a bus interconnect for
emulation and logic analysis tools. This board is used for Intel Pentium II Processor Mobile
Module system designs.
Note: Due t o additional signal loading and trace lengths, the BX400ii Interposer Board may not function
in all system designs.
1.1 Key Terms
LPM refers to the Intel®Low Power Pentium®II Processor module. This m odule is identical to
the Intel Pentium II Processor Mobile Module Connector (MMC-2). A complete description of this
module is located in the Intel
2(MMC-2)datasheet (http://developer.intel.com/design/mobile/datashts).
82443BX refers to the Intel82443BX Host Bridge Controller.
1.2 Related Documents
Table 1. Related Documents
Pentium®II Processor Mobile Module: Mobile Module Connector2 (MMC-2) datasheet 243668
Pentium®II Processor at 233 MHz, 266 MHz and 300 MHz datasheet 243669
Mobile Pentium
440BX AGPset: 82443BX Host Bridge/Controller datasheet 290633
II Processor Specification Update 243887
Mobile Pentium®II Processor emulates the
Pentium®II Processor Mobile Module: Mobile Module Connector
Document Order #
Table 2. Vendor Reference
American Arium
Applied MicrosystemsCorporation
Hewlet Packard
Microtek International
Ironwood Electronics (for adapters only)
† Intel does not endorse or recommend third-party vendors.
Vendor Name Contact Information
(714) 731-1661
(800) 426 3925
(800) 452-4844
(800) 886-7333
(800) TEK-WIDE
(800) 404-0204
BX400ii Interposer Board User’s Manual 5