Intel BpmGen2 GUI User Guide

Intel® Security Technologies
BpmGen2 GUI User Guide
Revision 0.5 Last updated March 5, 2020
Note: BpmGen2 GUI is significantly different from and not backward compatible with the original BpmGen GUI tool. This tool is provided “as is” with no express or implied warranty and thus it is the user’s responsibility to verify proper functionality.
1 Introduction
1.1 Overview
Intel© has converged Intel Trusted Execution Technology (Intel TXT) with Intel Boot Guard Technology (Intel BtG) merging redundant structures into the Boot Policy Manifest (BPM). Specifically, some of the information in the Firmware Information Table (FIT) and in the TPM PS Index are now provided in the BPM. In addition, new features have been added and thus the OEM uses the BPM to establish policies for these features. This integration is referred to herein as Converged BtG and TXT (CBnT).
In order to support Intel TXT and/or Intel BtG, the OEM is responsible for including a Key Manifest (KM) and Boot Policy Manifest (BPM) in the BIOS image. These manifests are locatable via FIT type 0x0b and 0x0c records. The KM is typically static, but the BPM must be regenerated for each BIOS update.
The BPMGen2 Toolkit consists of several tools:
The BPMGen2 tool is a Windows based application designed to generate the Boot Policy Manifest (BPM)
and can be used in a batch file to automatically update the BIOS image with the new BPM.
The BpmGen2GUI is a Windows GUI based tool that will generate the BPM Parameters file needed for
the BpmGen2 tool and can also generate the Key Manifest (KM).
For Intel CBnT, the BPM structure has been enhanced to include new structures and also the KM structure was modified to support KM public key hash algorithm agility and multiple key authorizations.
When building a new BPM, instead of having a long complicated command line, you provide a BPM Parameters file. The BPM Params file is a text file of particular format.
Intel® TXT/BTG – BpmGen2GUI Tool User Guide
Technology Solutions Enabling Intel® TXT/BtG Tools
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The BPMGen2GUI tool’s primary purpose is to build that params file and it is also capable of generating a Key Manifest.
The purpose of this document is to:
Explain how to install the tool
Explain how to use the tool
Explain your options for signing the manifests
Provide guidance on making various selections
1.2 References
Table 1 Reference Documents
Document No. /Location
[1] “Intel® TXT/BTG Server BIOS Specification”
IBL/CDI Doc# xxxxxx
[2] “Intel® TXT/BTG Server Design Guide
IBL/CDI Doc# xxxxxx
[3] Intel Boot Policy Manifest Generator version 2.1
IBL/CDI Doc# 573188
2 BpmGen2GUI Tool Fundamentals
2.1 Capabilities
Create BPM Parameter file (*.bpDef)
Create KM Parameter file (*.kmDef) and generate a Key Manifest
Calculate the cryptographic hash digest of a file
Generate signing keys
The BpmGen2GUI tool runs in a Windows environment and generates definition files (*.kmDef and *.bpDef) for creating KMs and BPMs. It will also create a KM.
To create a Key Manifest (KM) you use the tool to select options and specify input files. These selections are saved in a *.kmDef that may be loaded and edited at a later time. When you click the Generate KM button, the tool generates a binary KM file for you to insert into the BIOS image. The BpmGen2 tool is capable of updating the BIOS image with your KM. You should save the files using a filename that indicates which platform the KM is targeted (ex. GoldenEagle.kmDef and GoldenEagleKM.bin).
To create a Bpm Params file you use the GUI tool to select options and specify input files. These selections are saved in a *.bpDef file that may be loaded and edited at a later time and is used by the BpmGen2 tool. The BpmGen2 tool uses those settings to generate the BPM (and updates the BIOS image with that new BPM).
The GUI tool is also capable of hashing a file and generating signing keys.
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Technology Solutions Enabling Intel® TXT/BtG Tools
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A BPM and KM must be signed and the tools support both internal and external signing. That is, you can use the tools to sign the manifest or use your own signing service.
Note: Supported algorithms and key sizes vary by platform. Please check platform requirements
The tool supports the following hashing algorithms:
The tools supports the following signing algorithms:
RSA SSA – PKCS-1.5 (RSASSA) signatures with 2048 and 3072 bit keys using SHA256, SHA384, SHA512
RSA (SSA – PSS (RSAPSS) signatures with 2048 and 3072 bit keys using SHA256, SHA384, SHA512
ECC (ECDSA and SM2) signatures with:
o NIST P256 Curve (256-bit key) using SHA256, SHA384, & SHA512 o NIST P-384 Curve (384-bit key) using SHA384, & SHA512 o Chinese SM2 Curve (256-bit key) using SM3
2.2 Running the Tool
To run the tool, double click BpmGen2GUI.exe On first use, you will be asked to specify the working directory. For reference we will assume C:BpmGen2. The
working directory is the default location for input and output files. You can change the working directory at any time via the tool’s Option menu. When specifying files, you are able to browse to other directories, but the tool starts looking in the working directory.
2.3 Platform Specific Information
Here is a list of settings that vary by platform. You will need to check your specific platform’s specification to
determine what is supported.
Allowed values
Platform Rules:
Client or Server
Firm requirement
BPM/KM Structure Version:
v1.0 or v2.1
Firm requirement
Supported KM Public Key
Hash Algorithms:
SHA256,  SM3
Supported Hash Algorithms:
SHA256, SH384, SM3, SHA1
SHA1 is only acceptable when the platform contains a TPM1.2. Even then it is recommended that you use a stronger algorithm.
Supported TXT Execution Profiles:
Default, Unified,
Most servers only accept “Default”
Intel® TXT/BTG – BpmGen2GUI Tool User Guide
Technology Solutions Enabling Intel® TXT/BtG Tools
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Allowed values
Supported Backup Memory
Scrubbing Action:
Power-down memory
Most servers only support Power-down memory depletion
Signing Schemes:
RSA Key Size/HashAlg:
2048/SHA256, 3072/SHA256, 3072/SHA384
RSA Signing Schemes:
ECC (Curve/HashAlg):
ECDSA P256/SHA256, ECDSA P384/SHA384, SM2/SM3
Most platforms do not support ECDS and client platforms don’t support SM2currently
3 BpmGen2GUI Tool Screens
3.1 Menus
File menu contains the typical file commands
Options menu allows you to change the working directory
Tools menu allows you to calculate the hash of a file by selecting the file and specifying the hash
algorithm and then can save the hash to a file. You can also generate a pair of RSA or SM2 signing keys.
Help menu allows you to open the tool’s manual, display the tools log, and display tool information
3.2 Help buttons and Links
Help buttons and links: On each edit screen is a help button . Clicking it provides information about that screen and its purpose. In addition, certain labels ((blue underlined text)) are links to additional information about that control and/or that section and sometimes guidance on appropriate selections.
3.3 Platform Rules
On KM and BPM edit screens, there is a dropdown box named Platform Rules. Originally, the plan was to list the different platforms and limit selections to only values supported by that platform. This turned out to be too difficult to maintain. So now you are able to select Client, Server, or None. When you save a def file or generate a KM, the tool performs a rules check depending on the platform type you selected.
Some high end desktops and workstations use server processors and/or chipset and thus followi server rules while some entry level servers use client processors/chipsets and thus follow client rules. So select the platform
Intel® TXT/BTG – BpmGen2GUI Tool User Guide
Technology Solutions Enabling Intel® TXT/BtG Tools
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rules required by the platform for which you are creating the manifest and the tool will limit your selections based on that setting and check to make sure existing settings are appropriate for that platform. A setting of None removes all restrictions (to allow the tool to be used with future platforms).
Note: If you need to select a value not allowed by the current platform selection, then you can change Platform Rules to None. It is recommended that this not be done until all other selections have been made.
4 Main Screen
To create a new KM from scratch, click the Create Key Manifest (KM) button and it will take you to the KM edit screen.
Clicking on Edit Key Manifest (KM) Definition prompts you to select an existing *.kmDef file and then takes you to the KM edit screen to edit that file.
To create a new Bpm Params file from scratch, click the Create Boot Policy Manifest (BPM) Def button and it will take you to the first BPM edit screen.
Clicking on Edit Boot Policy Manifest (BPM) Def prompts you to select an existing *.bpDef file and then takes you to the first BPM edit screen to edit that file.
5 KM Edit Screen
The Key Manifest screen is shown in Figure 1 KM Definition Screen and the following subsections explain the various controls and selection tradeoffs.
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Technology Solutions Enabling Intel® TXT/BtG Tools
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Figure 1 KM Definition Screen
The button displays information about the screen. Also, clicking on a blue underlined label displays information about that control or group of controls.
And returns you to the main screen
5.1.1 Platform Rules:
This control establishes values, limits, and ranges for the selected platform type. For example, changing the platform type might change which hashing algorithms and signing algorithms are valid. You should select the platform rules for which the KM will be used. See section 3.3 Platform Rules.
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Technology Solutions Enabling Intel® TXT/BtG Tools
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5.1.2 Structure Version:
Currently all CBnT platforms only support version 2.0, while all previous platforms support only v1.0. Select the version that the target platform supports.
5.1.3 KM Revision (0-255):
This is an arbitrary value that allows you to identify different instances of the KM. Typically, this starts at 0 and should be incremented each time you create a new KM with the same KM ID and KM signing key. Selecting Auto-Increment will cause the tool to automatically increment this value each time you generate the KM. For platforms that support S3 power state, the combination of KM Revision and KM ID must be unique for all KMs signed with the same key.
5.1.4 KMSVN (0-15)
This is used for revocation (anti-rollback) of previous KMs. This should start at 0 and only be incremented if a KM with the previous KM SVN (for same KM ID and signing key) must no longer be allowed (i.e., revoked). Caution,
there are only 15 levels of revocation so once this counter reaches 15, you will not be able to revoke KM’s with
5.1.5 KM ID (0-15):
This value must match the KMID value programmed into the platform’s chipset (FPFs), else the KM will be considered invalid.
5.1.6 KM Public Key Hash Alg:
New for V2.1 KM. Specify the hash algorithm that was used to create the KM Public Key Hash programmed into the platform’s chipset (FPFs).
5.1.7 Keys Being Authorized:
A v1.0 KM only authorizes BPM key. For v2.1, you can specify keys for other usages. A key that is used for multiple usages only needs to be added once.
To add the BPM key, click “Add” button and enter the Filename or click Browse to select it. Specify the Hash Algorithm that you want BtG to use to authenticate the BPM’s signature. The file can be a PEM file or a Binary
file containing the key, or you may specify a binary Digest file containing the hash of the public key. If PEM file or Binary file the tool calculates the hash. In any case, you must specify the Hash Alg. Check the BPM box (and any
other appropriate box). To add other keys, repeat this process and select their use. Only one key can have the BPM box selected. Bits 4-7
are for future use to allow you to specify usages that will be defined later. Clicking the Delete button will remove the key being displayed. For older platforms (V1.0) Hash Alg must be SHA256 and only the BPM key can be specified.
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