Intel 8S651M-RZ, 8S651M-RZ-C User Manual

8S651M-RZ / 8S651M-RZ-C
Intel Pentium® 4 Processor Motherboard
User's Manual
Rev. 1001
Copy ri ght
Tra demar ks
Third-party brands and names are the property of their respective owners.
Not ice
Please do not remove any labels on motherboard, this may void the warranty of this motherboard.
Due to rapid change in technology, some of the specifications might be out of date before publication of this booklet.
The author assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions that may appear in this docum ent nor does the author make a
com mitment to update the information contained herein.
Feb. 20, 2004
Mother Board
Feb. 20 ,2004
Preparing Your Computer
Computer motherboards and expansion cards contain very delicate Integrated Circuit (IC) chips. To protect them against damage from static electricity, you should follow some precautions whenever you work on your computer.
1. Unplug your computer when working on the inside.
2. Use a grounded wrist strap before handling computer components. If you do not have one, touch both of your hands to a safely grounded object or to a metal object, such as the power supply case.
3. Hold components by the edges and try not touch the IC chips, leads or connectors, or other components.
4. Place components on a grounded antistatic pad or on the bag that came with the components
whenever the components are separated from the system.
5. Ensure that the ATX power supply is switched off before you plug in or remove the ATX power connector on the motherboard.
Installing the motherboard to the chassis
If the motherboard has mounting holes, but they don't line up with the holes on the base and there are no slots to attach the spacers, do not become alarmed you can still attach the spacers to the mounting holes. Just cut the bottom portion of the spacers (the spacer may be a little hard to cut off, so
be careful of your hands). In this way you can still attach the motherboard to the base without worrying about short circuits. Sometimes you may need to use the plastic springs to isolate the screw from the motherboard PCB surface, because the circuit wire may be near by the hole. Be careful, don't let the screw contact any printed circuit write or parts on the PCB that are near the fixing hole, otherwise it may damage the board or cause board malfunctioning.
Table of Content
Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................................................5
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup .............................................................................................. 21
Features Summary..............................................................................................................................5
8S651M-RZ Series Motherboard Layout ............................................................................................7
Block Diagram ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Hardware Installation Process ............................................................................................................ 9
Step 1: Install the Central Processing Unit (CPU).............................................................................9
Step 1-1: CPU Installation .........................................................................................................10
Step 1-2: CPU Cooling Fan Installation .................................................................................... 10
Step 2: Install memory modules ....................................................................................................... 11
Step 3: Install expansion cards ......................................................................................................... 12
Step 4: Install I/O Peripherals Cables .............................................................................................. 12
Step 4-1: I/O Back Panel Introduction ....................................................................................... 12
Step 4-2: Connectors Introduction .............................................................................................. 13
The Main Menu (For example: BIOS Ver. : E4) ............................................................................. 21
Standard CMOS Features ................................................................................................................ 23
Advanced BIOS Features ................................................................................................................25
Integrated Peripherals .......................................................................................................................26
Power Management Setup ................................................................................................................28
PnP/PCI Configurations .................................................................................................................... 30
PCI Health Status .............................................................................................................................31
Frequency/Voltage Control ................................................................................................................ 32
Top Performance ................................................................................................................................33
Load Fail-Safe Defaults ...................................................................................................................... 33
Load Optimized Defaults .................................................................................................................... 34
Set Supervisor/User Password ....................................................................................................... 34
Save & Exit Setup ............................................................................................................................35
Exit Without Saving ...........................................................................................................................35
Chapter 3 Driver Installation ...................................................................................... 36
8S651M-RZ Series M otherboard
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Chapter 1 Introduction
Features Summary
CP U Socket 478 for Intel® M icro FC-PGA 2 Pentium® 4 proc essor
Support Intel® Pentium® 4 (Northwood, 0.13 m) processor — Intel Pentium®4 400 /533 M Hz FSB — 2nd cache depen ds on C PU
Chip set North Br idge:Si S 651
South Bridge :SiS 962L M uTIOL Me dia I/O
Me mo ry 2 184- pin DDR so ckets
Supports DDR200/DDR2 66/DDR333Supports up to 2 un-buffer Double-sided DIMM DDR200/266
Suppo rts up to 2GB (M ax)Suppo rts only 2 .5V DDR DIM M
Slots 1 Un ivers al AGP s lot ( 2X/4 X) de vice support
3 PCI slot sup ports 33M Hz & PCI 2.2 compliant
On-Board IDE 2 IDE bus m aster (UDMA33/ATA66/ATA100/ATA133) IDE
ports for u p to 4 ATAPI devic es
Supports PIO m ode3,4 (UDM A 33/ATA66/ATA100/ATA133)
On-Bo ard F loppy Floppy port supports 2 FDD with 360K, 720K,1.2M, 1.44M and 2.88M bytes
On-Board P eripherals 1 Par allel p ort sup ports Norm al/EPP/ECP mode
1 Seri al port (CO MA), 1 V GA port,COM B on board6 x USB 2. 0/1. 1 (2 x R ear, 4 xFr ont by c able )1 Front Audio Connector1 IrDA connector for IRPS/2 Keyboa rd interface and PS/ 2 Mous e interface
On-Boar d VGA Build in S iS651 C hipset
On-B oard L AN * Build in RT L8201 Chips et On-Board Sound Realtek ALC655 CODEC
Line Out / 2 front speaker Line In / 2 rea r spea ker( by s /w s witch)M ic In / c enter & subwo ofer( by s /w switch)SPDIF Ou t /SPD IF InCD_In / Game Port
BIOS Lice nsed Award BIOS
Supports Q-Flash
I/O Control W83697HF
“*” F or 8 S65 1M -RZ only.
Introduction- 5 -
Hardware M onitor CPU/ System Fan Revolution detect
Additional F eatures PS/ 2 Keyb oar d po wer on by pas sword
Form Factor 24.4 cm x 21.5 cm M icro ATX siz e form factor, 4 layers PCB.
CPU/ System Fan ControlCPU O verheat Warni ngSystem Voltage Detect
PS/2 Mo use power onSTR(Su spend-To-RAM )AC R ec ove ryUSB KB/M ouse wake up from S3Supports Eas yTune 4Supports @B IOS
Please set the CPU host frequen cy i n accord ance with your p rocessor 's speci fications. We don't recom men d you to set the system b us frequency over the CPU's specification because these specific bus frequenc ies are not the standard specifications for CPU, chipset and most of the peripherals. Whether your system can run under these specific bus frequenci es pro perly will depe nd on your hardware c onfigurations, i ncluding C PU, Chipse ts, Mem ory, Cards… .etc.
8S651M-RZ Series M otherboard
- 6 -
8S651M-RZ Series Motherboard Layout
21.5 c m
RT L82 0 1
ATX_12 V
SiS 6 51
SiS 962L
24.4 cm
“ * ” For 8S651M-RZ only.
Introduction- 7 -
Block Diagram
3 P CI
AGP 2X/ 4X
VGA Port
AC97 Li nk
Pentium 4
Socket 478
SiS 651
SiS 962L
6 U SB
CPUCLK+/- (1 00/133 MHz)
System Bus
400/533 MHz
ZCLK (66M Hz)
HCLK+/- (100/133 M Hz)
66 MHz
48 MHz
IDE Channels
33 MHz
14.318 MHz
24 MHz
33 MHz
Game Port
Flop py
LPT Port
KB/M ouse
Por ts
14.318 MHz 33 MHz
“ * ” F or 8S6 51M -RZ only .
8S651M-RZ Series M otherboard
- 8 -
ZCLK (66M Hz)
CPUCLK+/- (1 00/133 MHz)
HCLK+/- (100/133 M Hz)
Hardware Installation Process
To s et up your co mp uter, you mus t co mpl ete the following steps:
Step 1- Install the Central P rocess ing Unit (CP U) Step 2- Install mem ory modules Step 3- Install e xpansi on car ds Step 4- Install I/O Pe riphera ls cabl es
Step 4
Step 1
Step 2
Step 4
Step 3
Step 1: Install the Central Processing Unit (CPU)
Before i nstalling the p rocess or, adh ere to the following warning:
1. Pleas e m ake sure the CPU type i s supp orted by the m otherboard.
2. The p rocess or will over heat without the he atsink an d/or fan, resul ting i n perm anent irreparable dam age.
3. If you do not match the CP U socke t Pin 1 and CPU cut edge well, it will caus e im proper installation. Please change the in sert orientation.
4. Apply therma l grea se between the proce ssor a nd cooling fan.
5. Never run the pro cessor without the he atsink p roperl y and firmly attached . Perm anent dam age will resul t.
6. Pleas e set the CPU hos t frequency in accorda nce with your pr ocessor 's spe cifications. We don' t recomm end you to set the system bus frequency over the CPU's specification becau se these specific bus frequenc ies are no t the standard specifica tions for CPU, chipset and mos t of the periphe rals. Wh ether your s ystem ca n ru n under these specific bus freq uencies pr operly will depe nd on your hardware configura tions, includ ing CP U, Me mo ry, Card s… etc.
HT fu nctio nality re quir ement c ontent :
Ena bl ing the fun ctio nal ity of H yp er- Thr ea din g Techn ol ogy for your c om puter system requir es all o f the following pla tform com ponents:
- CP U: An Intel® Pen tium 4 Proce ssor with HT Techno logy
- Chi pset: An Intel® Chi pset that suppo rts H T Technolo gy
- BIOS: A BIOS that su pports HT Technol ogy an d has it enabled
- OS: An op eration s ystem that has optim izations for HT Techn ology
Step 4
- 9 - Hardware Installation Proc ess
Step 1-1: CPU Installation
Step 1-2: CPU Cooling Fan Installation
Figure 1. Pull the r od to the 9 0-degree directly.
Figure 2. Locate Pin 1 in the s ocket an d loo k for a (golde n) cu t edge on the CPU up per corn er. Insert the C PU into the soc ket. (Do not force the CPU i nto the sock et.) Then mov e the s ock et l eve r to the locke d position while ho lding pressure on the c enter of the CPU.
Figure 1. Apply the therm al tape(or grease) to provide better heat conduction between you r CP U a nd c oolin g fan.
8S651M-RZ Series M otherboard
Figure 2. Fasten the coo ling fan suppor ting-base o nto the CPU socket on the motherboard.
Figure 3. Ma ke sur e the CPU fan is plugg ed to the CPU fan co nnector, than install c omp lete.
- 10 -
Step 2: Install memory modules
Before i nstalling the m emory modules, adhere to the following warning:
1. When D IMM LED is ON , do no t install / rem ove D IMM from socke t.
2. Plea se no te that the DIMM mo dule can onl y fit i n on e d irectio n due to the o ne no tch.
Wrong orientation will cause impr oper ins tallation. Plea se chang e the i nsert orientation.
The mother boar d ha s 2 du al inl ine mem ory m odul e (DIM M) s ocke ts. Th e BIOS wil l autom atica lly detects me mo ry type and siz e. To instal l the mem ory mo dule , just p ush it ve rtical ly into the DIMM socket. The DIM M m odule can only fit in one direction due to the notch. Mem ory size c an vary between soc ke ts.
Support Unbuffered DDR DIMM Sizes type:
64 Mbit (2Mx8x4 banks) 64 Mbit (1Mx16x4 banks) 128 Mbit(4Mx8x4 banks)
128 Mbit(2Mx16x4 banks) 256 Mbit(8Mx8x4 banks) 256 Mbit(4Mx16x4 banks)
512 Mbit(16Mx8x4 banks) 512 Mbit(8Mx16x4 banks)
1. The DIMM socket has a notch, so the DIMM me mor y mo dule can o nly fit in one d irection.
2. Inse rt the D IMM m emo ry m odul e vertical ly in to the DIM M soc ket. The n pus h i t down.
3. Close the pl astic c lip at both e dges of the DIMM sockets to lo ck the DIMM m odule. Reve rse the installation steps when yo u wish to rem ove the DIMM modu le.
- 11 - Hardware Installation Proc ess
Step 3: Install expansion cards
1. Read the related expansion car d's instruction document before install the expans ion card into
2. Please mak e sure y our A GP card is AG P 4 X/8X (1.5V ).
3. Please carefully pull out the smal l white- dra wable bar at the e nd of the AGP slot when you try to
Step 4: Install I/O Peripherals Cables
Step 4-1: I/O Back Panel Introduction
the computer.
install/ Uninstall the AGP card. Ple ase align the AGP card to the onb oard AGP slot and press firm ly down on the slot .M ake sure your AGP card is locked by the sm all white- drawable bar.
AGP Card
v *
y z
u PS/2 Keyboard and PS/2 Mouse connector
This connec tor supp orts s tandard P S/2 ke yboard and PS/2 m ouse.
v LAN port*
LAN is fast Ethernet with 10/10 0M bps sp eed.
w USB port
Before yo u conne ct your device( s) into US B co nnector(s) , pleas e ma ke sure you r devic e(s) su ch as USB keyboard , mo use, scan ner, zip , speake r...etc. Have a s tandard USB i nterface. Also m ake sure y our OS suppo rts USB con troller. If your OS doe s not suppo rt USB c ontroller, please c ontact OS ven dor for possib le patch or driver upgrad e. F or m ore inform ation please contact your OS or dev ice( s) ven dors .
x Parallel port (LPT)
Devic e like printer can b e conne cted to Pa rallel port.
y Serial port (COMA)
Mo use and mode m e tc. can be conn ected to Serial port.
"*" For 8S651M-RZ only.
8S651M-RZ Series M otherboard
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+ 28 hidden pages