Infinity Systems, Inc.
250 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, NY 11797 USA
(800) 553-3332
CD recorded at Buzzy’s Recording, Hollywood, CA
Special thanks to Dr.Floyd Toole for lending his voice and expertise in the making of this CD.
R. A. B. O. S.

Infinity R.A.B.O.S.is a simple-to-use,yet sophisticated,
low-frequency calibration system.It is designed to
work in conjunction with Infinity’s self-amplified
subwoofers.Each R.A.B.O.S.-equipped loudspeaker or
subwoofer contains a parametric equalizer that you
will adjust as indicated by the R.A.B.O.S.test results.
Following these instructions,you will optimize the
subwoofers’response characteristics to complement
their environment.This will dramatically improve the
sound of your system.The optimization process takes
less than 30 minutes.
The R.A.B.O.S.Kit Includes
the Following Components:
•Specialized Sound-Level Meter
•Test CD
•Measurement T emplates
•Width Selector
•Adjustment “Key”
What R.A.B.O.S.Does
The Test CD provides specially designed signals you
will use while performing measurements.The soundlevel meter provided is used to “acquire”the
information needed for adjustments.You will create a
response plot on the Measurement Template.Using
the Width Selector,you will then determine the
appropriate equalizer settings.The “Key”is used to
adjust the parametric equalizer built into each
subwoofer. After adjustment,the test sequence is
repeated to confirm your settings.
The R.A.B.O.S.Goal
It is afact of audio that what we hear at low
frequencies is determined as much or more by the
listening room than by the loudspeaker itself.
Placement of the loudspeakers and listeners and the
acoustical characteristics of the room surfaces are
all important determinants of bass quantity and
quality.In most practical situations,there is little that
can be done about this except for patient trial-anderror repositioning of the loudspeakers and listeners.
Usually,the practical constraints of a living space and
the impracticality of massive acoustical treatment
mean that equalization is the only practical solution.
Professional sound engineers routinely employ
sophisticated measurement systems and equalizers to
optimize speakers to the installation.This has never
been practical for the home audiophile.This is why
R.A.B.O.S.was created.R.A.B.O.S.enables you to
identify the dominant low-frequency response
characteristic of your room.Once you know the problem,R.A.B.O.S.provides the tools needed to optimize
the low-frequency characteristics of the speakers to
the room they are in,exactly as professional sound
engineers do it.

Performing R.A.B.O.S.Tests
These instructions assume you have already installed
your speakers according to the information provided
in the Owner’s Guide.It is also assumed that all
equipment in your entertainment system is interconnected properly and is in good operating condition.
Note:This Guide contains the general instructions for
setting up R.A.B.O.S.Please consult your loudspeakers’
Owner’s Guide for specific instructions and placement
of the controls.
Warning:Make sure that your system contains a
high-pass filter for your main speakers, and that it is
on/engaged.The R.A.B.O.S. Test CD produces tremendous amounts of low-frequency energy that will
damage some loudspeakers if no high-pass filter
is engaged.
Before beginning R.A.B.O.S.tests,please check
the following:
• Make sure all three R.A.B.O.S.controls on the
speakers or subwoofers are turned fully clockwise.
• Make sure the loudness contour (if any) on your
receiver/processor/pre-amp is turned off.
• Set the tone controls (Bass and Treble) to their
center or flat positions.
• Bypass all surround and effects features of your
receiver/processor/pre-amp or set to
Stereo Bypass
• If you are using a multichannel surround processor
or receiver,make sure all bass-management features
are properly set.All audio channels should be set to
“Small”or“High-Pass”and the subwoofer set to “On.”
You must have a CD player in the system.A CD-player
remote control is quite convenient but not essential.
For best results,it is recommended that all major
furnishings are in place and that all doors and
windows in the listening area are in their normal
positions.That is,if you normally listen to music with
all doors closed,then this is how they should be
during this procedure.
Try to minimize ambient noise while running tests.Turn
off all major appliances and any air conditioning or
furnace fans.These can create significant subsonic
noise that,although barely perceptible,may wreak
havoc on low-frequency measurements.
Critical information is highlighted with this mark:
Helpful hints are marked with this symbol:
Note:Tracks 53–62 of the
R.A.B.O.S.Test CD are test
tones that can be used for
general diagnostics of your
system.They are not used for
Contents of the R.A.B.O.S.Test CD
Track # Track Name
1 Welcome
2 Set System Test Level
3 Set
4 100Hz Test
5 95Hz Test
6 90Hz Test
7 85Hz Test
8 80Hz Test
9 77Hz Test
10 72Hz Test
11 66Hz Test
12 63Hz Test
13 56Hz Test
14 52Hz Test
15 49Hz Test
16 46Hz Test
17 43Hz Test
18 40Hz Test
19 38Hz Test
20 35Hz Test
21 30Hz Test
22 26Hz Test
23 24Hz Test
24 22Hz Test
25 21Hz Test
26 20Hz Test
27 Intro to Quick Retest
28 Quick Retest 100Hz
29 Quick Retest 95Hz
30 Quick Retest 90Hz
31 Quick Retest 85Hz
Test Level
Track # Track Name
32 Quick Retest 80Hz
33 Quick Retest 77Hz
34 Quick Retest 72Hz
35 Quick Retest 66Hz
36 Quick Retest 63Hz
37 Quick Retest 56Hz
38 Quick Retest 52Hz
39 Quick Retest 49Hz
40 Quick Retest 46Hz
41 Quick Retest 43Hz
42 Quick Retest 40Hz
43 Quick Retest 38Hz
44 Quick Retest 35Hz
45 Quick Retest 30Hz
46 Quick Retest 26Hz
47 Quick Retest 24Hz
48 Quick Retest 22Hz
49 Quick Retest 21Hz
50 Quick Retest 20Hz
51 Final System Level Adjustment
52 Final
53 Wide Band Pink Noise,Left
54 Wide Band Pink Noise,L+R
55 Wide Band Pink Noise,Right
56 Wide Band Pink Noise,L-R
57 Wide Band Pink Noise,Uncorrelated
58 1 to 4kHz Pink Noise,Left
59 1 to 4kHz Pink Noise,L+R
60 1 to 4kHz Pink Noise,Right
61 1 to 4kHz Pink Noise,L-R
62 1 to 4kHz Pink Noise,Uncorrelated
Level Adjustment