Infinity Prelude MTS
This loudspeaker system represents a refinement of the
principles that have guided Infinity’s loudspeaker designs for
more than 30 years.Loudspeaker development is generally an
evolutionary process.New models usually perform slightly better
than the ones they replace.Over time,the subtle improvements
add up and,when the latest model is compared to a loudspeaker
that is ten or twelve years old,the disparity is unmistakable.
Every once in a while,a loudspeaker is developed that
transcends this pattern – its performance so remarkable,its
design so stunning,its technology so advanced, it can truly be
described as revolutionary.The new Infinity Prelude MTS
loudspeaker system is an elegant case in point.
As part of the Prelude MTS system,the Prelude MTS Tower
incorporates several innovative technologies that,when
implemented by exceptional engineering talent after hours upon
hours of subjective listening evaluations,result in a loudspeaker
that realistically and accurately reproduces the signal source with
minimal distortion and coloration.
Ceramic Metal Matrix Diaphragms™(C.M.M.D.)
For decades,loudspeaker engineers have known that the ideal
transducer should be stiff,yet light,and have high internal
damping.(Damping is a material’s ability to absorb energy.)
Infinity’s C.M.M.D.transducer is a significant advance in
transducer technology.Ceramic,a class of material new to
loudspeakers,offers better performance than that of other
materials.Ceramic is stiffer than metals and lighter than plastics
and typical composite materials;it also offers improved damping.
These ceramic-based transducers take us a giant step closer to
the ever-elusive “ideal transducer.”
In tweeters,C.M.M.D.technology offers stiffness and damping
superior to that of traditional metals and soft-dome materials.
In woofer and midrange applications,it offers accurate pistonic
operation over the entire frequency range of the driver,
completely eliminating coloration due to cone breakup and
dramatically reducing distortion. And when ceramic-metal-matrix
transducers are exposed to moisture,sunlight or extreme
temperatures,their performance does not deteriorate.
In addition to ceramic diaphragms,all the transducers
incorporate magnetic shielding and rigid cast-frames that,
through our FEA computer modeling and scanning-laservibrometer measurements, have been optimized to reduce
resonances.This ensures minimal distortion and incomparable
Completing the Experience
The technology and performance that make the Infinity
Prelude MTS loudspeakers ideal for music listening also make
them the perfect digital multichannel loudspeaker system.To
complete a home-theater system,Infinity has designed, to the
same precise standards as the Prelude MTS,a matching 3-way
center-channel loudspeaker. Also, additional Prelude MTS Towers
are available separately for use as full-range surround channels.
The towers can be either wall mounted or attached to matching
stands for floor placement.
We hope you enjoyed this brief introduction to the technology of
the Prelude MTS system.If you would like to further explore the
technology and design of the Prelude MTS system,please ask
your Infinity dealer for the C.M.M.D.White Paper.The White
Paper can also be downloaded from Infinity’s Web site at
Unpacking the Product
Unpack the speakers and check the contents.If you suspect
damage from transit,report it immediately to your dealer and/or
delivery service.Keep the shipping carton and packing materials
for future use.
Included Accessories ...
Screw Caps (2)
10-32 Socket
Head Srews (4)