Infinity POWERONE User Manual

For the Palm Computing® Platform
powerOne™ 1 Infinity Softworks
Table of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS..........................................................1
GETTING STARTED ..............................................................3
THE POWERONECALCULATOR .............................................3
THE DISPLAY...........................................................................3
THE PALM DEVICE................................................................... 4
SETTING THE DEFAULT CALCULATOR.......................................5
NUMBER RANGES ....................................................................5
PERFORMING ARITHMETIC...............................................6
ENTERING NUMBERS (0-9; ./,; +/–; ; CE/C)........................... 6
Two-Variable Math............................................................. 8
One-Variable Math............................................................. 9
PARENTHESES........................................................................ 10
MEMORY............................................................................... 11
Memory Arithmetic...........................................................11
INPUT SCREEN....................................................................... 12
MENUS.................................................................................. 13
USING THE WORKSHEETS................................................ 14
ACCESSING THE WORKSHEETS...............................................14
WORKSHEET STRUCTURE....................................................... 14
ENTERING DATA.................................................................... 15
Table of Contents
powerOne™ 2 Infinity Softworks
Input Screen ..................................................................... 15
SALES TAX............................................................................17
CALENDAR............................................................................ 18
MARKUP................................................................................ 19
PERCENT CHANGE ............................................................. 21
CALCULATION LOG...........................................................25
APPENDIX.............................................................................. 26
GRAFFITI®............................................................................ 26
ERROR CASES........................................................................ 27
Mathematical Errors......................................................... 27
Calendar .......................................................................... 27
Markup............................................................................. 27
Sales Tax.......................................................................... 28
Tip.................................................................................... 28
Percent Change................................................................28
CONTACTING INFINITY SOFTWORKS ....................................... 28
LEGAL AND DISCLAIMERS...................................................... 29
Table of Contents
powerOne™ 3 Infinity Softworks
Getting Started
This section helps you get started using your powerOne™ calculator.
The powerOne™ calculator
Welcome to the powerOne calculator. The powerOne calculator is an easy-to-use calculator that gives you access to both basic mathematics as well as more advanced functions. This edition includes computations for sales tax, percent change, markup, margin, tip calculation, and calendar date computations. In addition, it includes a calculation log to review past mathematical functions. To access the worksheets, select either the “Business” or “General” button, and the worksheet to use. The powerOne calculator also includes more advanced math functions available by selecting the “Math” button.
The Display
The powerOne calculator has three functional areas: the main calculator, the worksheets, and the input screen. The main and input screens serve as calculators with arithmetic in the standard mathematical format (3 + 4 = 7). The worksheets perform computations, working with the input screen to enter variables and perform arithmetic.
powerOne™ 4 Infinity Softworks
Applications Calculator
Power button
The Palm Device
This manual references certain objects of the Palm® device itself:
or Home button
Menu button
(green button)
Scroll buttons
In addition, this manual will refer to scroll arrows, scroll buttons, and scroll bars. Scroll arrows appear in the lower, right-hand corner of the screen or in the pop-up list. Scroll bars appear next to the data to be scrolled. And scroll buttons are shown in the graphic above.
powerOne™ 5 Infinity Softworks
Setting the Default Calculator
The first time powerOne is run, you have the option to set it as the default calculator. By choosing “yes”, tapping the Calculator button to the top, right-hand corner of the Graffiti input area will launch powerOne. To set something else to be the default calculator, tap the Applications (Home) button and choose Prefs. From the pull-down list in the upper, right-hand corner, select Buttons. Next to the icon that looks like a calculator, select the correct application from the pop-up list.
Number Ranges
The powerOne calculator allows for entry of numbers up to 10 digits. Numbers larger than this will display in scientific notation (i.e., 1.234e13).
powerOne™ 6 Infinity Softworks
Performing Arithmetic
The main powerOne calculator serves as a standard calculator, which functions in standard (algebraic) input mode. Entries made in the main calculator tie to the input screen, and vice-a-versa. Functions are available either on the screen or via the “math” button. Selecting “Business” or “General” button displays the list of available worksheets. Other buttons function as standard calculator buttons. In addition, there are menus. Reach the menu by tapping the menu button to the lower, left of the Graffiti® input area.
Entering Numbers (0-9; ./,; +/–; ←; CE/C)
To enter a number, tap the corresponding keypad button (0-9, decimal point, or sign).
Performing Arithmetic
powerOne™ 7 Infinity Softworks
To enter -356.96, for instance, do the following:
Key Display Comments
C/CE 0 Tap twice to clear the display 3 3 5 35 6 356 . or , 356. Depends on the number format 9 356.9 6 356.96 +/– -356.96 The decimal point can either be displayed as a period or as a comma. This depends on the number format mode used. See your Palm device owner’s manual for more details.
The following are number entry functions:
Operation Example Comments
Number 0-9 Number pad items Decimal point . or , Depends on the number format Sign +/–
The Backspace () button allows for editing of numbers as they are entered. Tapping this button removes the last number entered (i.e., 54.32 becomes 54.3).
Tapping the Clear Entry/Clear (CE/C) button once clears only the currently entered number. Tapping it a second time clears the entire computation.
Performing Arithmetic
powerOne™ 8 Infinity Softworks
Mathematics (One- and Two-Variable Functions)
The powerOne calculator can be used only in standard input mode. Standard input mode math is performed by alternating chains of values and operations.
Math functions are either one or two variable. Two-variable math, such as add, subtract, multiply and divide, take two variables to compute. One-variable functions, such as square root and reciprocal (1/x), need only one variable to calculate.
Two-Variable Math
To perform a computation using standard input mode, enter alternating values and functions. For example, if we wanted to perform 27 + 3 x 8.5:
Key Display Comments
C/CE 0 Tap twice to clear the display 27 27 + 27. 3 3 x 30.
8.5 8.5 = 255.
Performing Arithmetic
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