Inficon IRwin S, IRwin SX, IRwin SXT, IRwin SXG, 580-000 Original Operating Instructions

Original operating instructions
Portable Methane Leak Detector
580-000, 580-010, 580-015, 580-020, 580-030, 580-712
From software version:
Bonner Strasse 498
50968 Cologne, Germany
INFICON Table of Contents
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Table of Contents
1 About these instructions ...................................................................................................................................6
1.1 Target groups ...........................................................................................................................................6
1.2 Warnings...................................................................................................................................................6
2 Safety ...............................................................................................................................................................7
2.1 Intended use .............................................................................................................................................7
2.2 Special conditions for safe use .................................................................................................................8
2.2.1 Intrinsic Safety (Ex protection) ......................................................................................................8
2.2.2 Certified Gas Measurement ..........................................................................................................8
2.3 Owner/supervisor responsibilities .............................................................................................................9
2.4 Duties of the operator .............................................................................................................................10
2.5 Safe operation ........................................................................................................................................10
3 Scope of delivery ............................................................................................................................................11
4 Description......................................................................................................................................................12
4.1 Function ..................................................................................................................................................12
4.2 Design of the leak detector .....................................................................................................................13
4.3 Probes ....................................................................................................................................................14
4.4 Display ....................................................................................................................................................16
4.5 Technical data ........................................................................................................................................19
4.5.1 EX certification (intrinsic safety).................................................................................................. 21
4.5.2 Sensors....................................................................................................................................... 21
4.6 Factory settings ......................................................................................................................................26
4.7 Concentration of calibration and test gases............................................................................................28
5 Getting started ................................................................................................................................................29
5.1 Charging the battery ...............................................................................................................................29
5.2 Assembling the probe system.................................................................................................................32
5.3 Transfer data to computer ......................................................................................................................34
5.3.1 Install software for data transfer.................................................................................................. 34
5.3.2 Pairing the leak detector with computer via Bluetooth interface .................................................34
5.3.3 Transfer log files from leak detector to computer........................................................................ 35
5.3.4 Real-time streaming from leak detector to computer ..................................................................35
6 Operation........................................................................................................................................................37
6.1 Switch ON...............................................................................................................................................37
6.2 Initial setup..............................................................................................................................................38
6.2.1 Adjust the local time.................................................................................................................... 38
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iv IRwin-Operating-instructions-mina66en1-12-(1802)
6.2.2 Setting the language ...................................................................................................................38
6.2.3 Change permission level............................................................................................................. 38
6.2.4 Screensaver timeout ...................................................................................................................39
6.2.5 Configure data logging................................................................................................................ 39
6.2.6 Enable dead band suppression (IRwin SXnn only)..................................................................... 40
6.2.7 Setting the Function Test interval ............................................................................................... 40
6.2.8 Calibration................................................................................................................................... 40 Standard calibration procedures ........................................................................................42 Setting of calibration gas concentrations ...........................................................................43
6.2.9 Adjust calibration reminder ......................................................................................................... 44
6.3 Operating modes ....................................................................................................................................45
6.3.1 Select operating mode ................................................................................................................45
6.3.2 Operating mode “Above Ground”................................................................................................ 45
6.3.3 Operating mode “Bar Hole”......................................................................................................... 47 Automatic “Bar Hole” testing ..............................................................................................48 Setting parameters for “Auto Bar Hole”..............................................................................49
6.3.4 Operating mode "GC Ethane Analysis" ...................................................................................... 50
6.3.5 Operating mode “Confined Space” .............................................................................................52
6.3.6 Operating mode "House" ............................................................................................................54
6.3.7 Operating mode "Gas Purity” ...................................................................................................... 55
6.3.8 Operating mode "Ex" .................................................................................................................. 57
6.3.9 Operating mode "Ex Tox” ........................................................................................................... 60 Change gas type for %LEL measurement .........................................................................62
6.3.10 IR Ethane Analysis and compensation .......................................................................................63 Entering ethane concentration manually............................................................................63 Setting reminder for IR Ethane Analysis ............................................................................64 Performing IR Ethane Analysis after automatic reminder ..................................................64 Starting IR Ethane Analysis manually................................................................................65 Viewing IR Ethane Analysis info ........................................................................................66
6.3.11 Set limits and alarm levels ..........................................................................................................66
6.3.12 Set the brightness of the display................................................................................................. 67
6.3.13 Performing function tests ............................................................................................................67
6.4 Measuring ...............................................................................................................................................68
6.5 Perform self test......................................................................................................................................69
6.6 Viewing Status menu ..............................................................................................................................69
6.7 Logging data to file .................................................................................................................................69
6.8 Viewing logfile list ...................................................................................................................................69
6.9 Information..............................................................................................................................................70
6.9.1 Retrieve information and statistics ..............................................................................................70
6.9.2 Viewing the Service Screen ........................................................................................................70
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6.10 Activating Auto-Rotate Screen................................................................................................................70
6.11 Resetting to factory settings ...................................................................................................................71
6.12 Switching OFF ........................................................................................................................................71
6.13 Warnings and error messages................................................................................................................71
7 Maintenance ...................................................................................................................................................76
7.1 Maintenance plan ...................................................................................................................................76
7.2 Spare parts list........................................................................................................................................76
7.3 Maintenance of the leak detector............................................................................................................77
7.3.1 Seasonal shut-down ................................................................................................................... 77
7.3.2 Change the cigarette filter in the sample inlet............................................................................. 77
7.4 General check of the probe system ........................................................................................................77
7.5 Maintenance of the hand probe ..............................................................................................................79
7.5.1 Replace cigarette filter in the hand probe ...................................................................................79
7.6 Change the inline filter of the carpet probe.............................................................................................79
7.7 Maintenance of the bell probe ................................................................................................................79
7.7.1 Change the filter discs in the bell ................................................................................................79
7.7.2 Change the paper filter in the bell ...............................................................................................81
8 Decommissioning the leak detector................................................................................................................82
8.1 Sending in the leak detector ...................................................................................................................82
8.2 Disposing of the equipment ....................................................................................................................84
9 Certificates......................................................................................................................................................85
9.1 TÜV, Certificate for lower explosive limit (LEL) ......................................................................................86
9.2 Certificate for oxygen and toxic gases....................................................................................................90
9.3 Certificate for software for Ex/ExTox ......................................................................................................92
9.4 ATEX certificate for explosion protection (IRwin SXnn)..........................................................................93
9.5 CSA (US/Canada) certificate for explosion protection (IRwin SXnn)......................................................94
9.6 IECEx certificate for explosion protection (IRwin SXnn).........................................................................95
9.7 NEPSI (China) certificate for explosion protection..................................................................................98
9.8 CE Declaration of Conformity ...............................................................................................................104
1 | About these instructions INFICON
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1 About these instructions
This document applies to the software version stated on the title page.
Product names may occur in the document, which are added for identification pur­poses only and belong to the respective owner of the rights.
1.1 Target groups
These Operating Instructions are written for trained and experienced gas pipeline sur­vey operators.
1.2 Warnings
Imminent hazard resulting in death or serious injuries
Hazardous situation potentially resulting in death or serious injuries
Hazardous situation potentially resulting in minor injuries
Risk for damage to property or the environment
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2 Safety
2.1 Intended use
The IRwin Methane Leak Detector is intended for professional use in residential and commercial areas. The operation of the equipment requires sufficient knowledge and experience in gas pipeline inspection. The different IRwin versions are equipped for the measurement of different gases, see Technical data [}19] as well as for the ap­plications listed below:
• IRwin S
Above ground, Bar hole
• IRwin SX (EX certified) Above ground, Bar hole, Confined Space, House, Gas Purity, Ex
• IRwin SXT (EX certified) Above ground, Bar hole, Confined Space, House, Gas Purity, Ex, Ex Tox
• IRwin SXG (EX certified) Above ground, Bar hole, Confined Space, House, Gas Purity, Ex, GC Ethane Analysis
• IRwin SXGT (EX certified) Above ground, Bar hole, Confined Space, House, Gas Purity, Ex, Ex Tox, GC Eth­ane Analysis
The IRwin SX, IRwin SXG, IRwin SXT and IRwin SXGT are intrinsically safe and can be used in areas with potentially explosive atmospheres according to the EX rating and EX application it is certified for (see EX certification (intrinsic safety) [}21]).
These models are jointly referred to as
IRwin SXnn
in the following.
The IRwin S is not EX certified.
Pay attention to the safety instructions Safe operation [}10].
• You must assemble, operate and maintain the equipment only in compliance with these operating instructions.
• Use only within the allowed ambient conditions Technical data. Operating or stor­ing the equipment outside the given range can result in erroneous readings and possible malfunction.
• Use the leak detector exclusively for the detection of the specified gases.
Improper use
• Do not suck liquids into the leak detector.
• Do not suck dirt or sand into the leak detector.
• Do not use the IRwin S in areas with potentially explosive atmospheres.
See also
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2 Safe operation [}10]
2.2 Special conditions for safe use
2.2.1 Intrinsic Safety (Ex protection)
IRwin is certified intrinsically safe to prevent ignition of flammable atmospheres.
IRwin holds an ATEX certificate for EU and corresponding certificates for several other regions as shown by the attached certificates, see Certificates [}85]).
For details of rating, see EX certification (intrinsic safety) [}21].
The "X" after the respective type certificate number relates to the following special conditions for safe use:
The only device allowed to be connected to the charging socket on any of the models
• IRwin SX
• IRwin SXT
• IRwin SXG
• IRwin SXGT
is the Ex Certified IRwin Charging adapter (PN 580-604).
The charger or car adapter is subsequently connected to the inlet of the Ex Certified IRwin Charging Adapter.
This means that the charger for IRwin S must, under no circumstances, be connected directly to the charging socket on any of IRwin models SX, SXT, SXG, and SXGT. See also Charging the battery [}29].
IRwin SXnn is certified as intrinsically safe at an ambient temperature of -20 - +50°C. Further temperature restrictions apply to oxygen and toxic gas measurment of IRwin SXT and SXGT. See Certified Gas Measurement.
IRwin SXnn is certified for use in Gas groups IIA, IIB and IIC and in Zones 0, 1 and 2. The external surface of the enclosure is therefore slightly conductive to prevent elec­trostatic charging and sparks. Labels added for marking purposes must not be larger than 400 mm2. If larger the instrument should not be used in gas group IIC, Zone 0 ap­plications. Natural gas applications are not affected by this regulation.
2.2.2 Certified Gas Measurement
IRwin SX, IRwin SXG, IRwin SXT, and IRwin SXGT are certified by TÜV Rheinland to EN 60079-29-1 for measuring methane (CH4), propane C3H8, butane C4H10 and natural gas concentration in units of percentage of lower flammability level. In IRwin we use the more widely known acronym LEL as synonymous with the more correct LFL.
Special conditions for safe use
Traduction française pour CANADA
Le X après le numéro de certificat ATEX concerne les conditions particulières suivantes pour une utilisation en toute sécurité:
Le seul accessoire autorisé à être connecté à la prise de charge sur l'un des modèles IRwin SX IRwin SXT IRwin SXG IRwin SXGT
est l'adaptateur de recharge Ex certifié IRwin (PN 580-604).
Le chargeur ou l'adaptateur de voiture est ensuite connecté à l'entrée de l'adaptateur de recharge.
Le chargeur pour IRwin S ne doit en aucun cas être connecté directement à la prise de charge de l'un des modèles IRwin SX, SXT, SXG ou SXGT.
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IRwin SXT and IRwin SXGT are, in addition, also certified by TÜV Rheinland to EN50104 and EN 45544 for measuring Oxygen (O2), Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S).
The certification is valid in an ambient temperature of -15 to +40 °C and subject to pe­riodic calibration, see Calibration [}40]
IRwin S, IRwin SX and IRwin SXG are operable within -20 to +50 °C. The certification is valid in an ambient temperature of -15 to +40 °C. The accuracy may not be accord­ing to specification outside this range.
IRwin SXT and IRwin SXGT are operable within -20 to +40 °C. The certification is valid in an ambient temperature of -15 to +40 °C.
2.3 Owner/supervisor responsibilities
The following notes are for organizations or any person responsible for the safe and effective use of this equipment.
Safety conscious oper­ation
• Check that the leak detector is properly calibrated and not damaged before using it.
• Make sure you operate the leak detector in accordance with this manual.
• Adhere to the following regulations:
– Intended use
– General applicable safety and accident prevention regulations
– International, national and local standards and guidelines
– Additional equipment-related provisions and regulations
• Use only original parts or parts approved by the manufacturer.
• Keep this instruction manual available on site.
Staff qualifications
• Only properly trained staff should be permitted to work with and on the equipment. The training must cover the actual equipment model used.
• Make sure that users have read and understood the operating instructions and all other applicable documents.
Non-authorized repairs forbidden
The manufacturer (INFICON) denies all responsibility for the compliance of this prod­uct with any of the type certificates for this product if any repairs or service involving opening the instrument enclosure (yellow box) has been performed by individuals or organizations not qualified therefore in writing by INFICON AB, Sweden. The manu­facturer (INFICON) denies all responsibility for the compliance of this product with any of the type certificates for this product if the equipment is used in any way not con­forming to the instructions in this User Manual. Replacement of externally accessible parts such as probes and filters is allowed with the exception of the Hand Probe and the hose between Hand Probe and IRwin detector. These two parts are certified anti­static and must not be replaced with non-original parts.
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2.4 Duties of the operator
• Read, observe, and follow the information in this manual and in the work instruc­tions provided by the owner. This concerns in particular the safety instructions and warnings.
• Always observe the complete operating instructions for all work.
• If you have any questions about operation or maintenance that are not answered in this manual, please contact Customer Service.
2.5 Safe operation
Hazards due to chemi­cal substances and ex­plosive gases
• Do not expose the leak detector to excess heat or a naked flame.
• Agressive substances such as solvents and other chemicals can damage the equipment.
• Adhere to the restrictions of use.
• Do not suck liquids into the leak detector. Proper maintenance of all filters reduces this risk.
Operation mode and Ex
The safety related modes Ex and Ex Tox has certified safety features. The detector monitors its functionality and proper function is indicated by an acoustic alive signal beeping every 20 s and by the LED being green. This requires that the leak detector is calibrated according to the instructions and intervals stated in this manual. If the signal LED is red, this indicates an alarm or an error.
Green LED and short beep every 20 s: Function OK.
Red LED: Gas alarm or instrument error.
Yellow LED: Special state Special state indicates functioning system but alarms are typically not active. This special state may occur for example during calibration or when changing a setting in the leak detector.
IRwin Methane Leak Detector was built according to the state-of-the-art and the rec­ognized safety regulations. Nevertheless, improper use may result in risk to life and limb on the part of the user or third parties, or damage to the leak detector or other property may occur.
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3 Scope of delivery
The following is included in the delivery of IRwin (580-712):
Article (catalog number) Quantity
Harness (580-405) 1
Charger for IRwin S, 100-240V (580-603) 1 (IRwin S only)*
Car adapter for IRwin S, 12V (580-602) 1 (IRwin S only)*
Charger cable for car (591-361) 1
Charger for IRwin SXnn models, 100-240V (580-605) 1
Certified IRwin Charging Adapter (580-604) 1
Operating instructions 1
*Only valid for IRwin S up to serial number 92000700.
The following is included in the delivery of the IRwin Kit in addition to the above:
Article (catalog number) Quantity
Rod 850mm (580-150) 1
Extension Rod 150mm (580-160) 1
Carpet (580-211) 1
Bell (580-301) 1
Carrying Case IRwin (580-450) 1
Filter-kit (580-700) 1
Bar Hole Probe (580-115) 1
Extension Connector (580-220) 1
Check that the delivery is complete.
4 | Description INFICON
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4 Description
4.1 Function
The IRwin is a portable methane leak detector for gas pipeline survey. It measures fol­lowing gases depending on the leak detector version:
• Methane
• Carbon dioxide
• Ethane
• Propane
• Butane
• Oxygen
• Hydrogen sulfide
• Carbon monoxide
There are several probes available for the leak detector:
• The carpet probe is used for surveying paved or smooth surfaces. Pull or push the carpet along the surface.
• Use the bell probe for measuring gas at specific points. Press the bell firmly down to pull gas through the surface.
• The hand probe is used for checking features on or in buildings. The hand probe also constitutes the handle for the carpet probe and bell probe.
• The Bar Hole probe is used to sample air from drilled holes. Push into hole and tighten screw to expand rubber before connecting sample line.
• The optional Hand Probe Flexible Extension can be connected to the hand probe or rod for easier access.
INFICON single-cell wide range technology (patent pending)
IRwin methane leak detector uses the unique INFICON single-cell wide range technol­ogy for detecting all concentrations from 1 ppm to 100 Vol% methane. This technology is very sensitive to the ethane content of natural gas. Therefore, large deviations can occur at higher methane concentrations if the ethane concentration is not compen­sated for. The instrument has built-in routines for ethane compensation. The actual ethane concentration can be determined using the IR Ethane Analysis function. This can be used to automatically set the compensation concentration. If preferred you can instead set the ethane content manually. The safety certified modes Ex and Ex Tox are not affected by this phenomenon. See IR Ethane Analysis and compensation [}63].
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IRwin SXG and SXGT models also have GC Ethane Analysis capability for distin­guishing between Natural gas (NG), liquid petroleum gas (LPG) and swamp gas by determining the presence of methane, ethane and propane in the sampled gas.
The GC Ethane Analysis function is not affecting the ethane compensation.
4.2 Design of the leak detector
Design of the leak detetctor
1 Display 4 Gas outlet
2 Reference inlet 5 Charging socket
3 Gas inlet
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4.3 Probes
Risk of explosion due to not approved probe parts.
The original INFICON Hand probe is the only part of the probe system that is certified for use in potentially explosive areas. Other parts of the probe system, or third party accessories are not allowed in potentially explosive areas.
► Pay proper attention to safety when using other accessories for locating and pin-
pointing gas leaks in none classified areas.
Carpet probe
When you are looking for gas leaks on paved surfaces, use the Carpet probe. Pull or push the Carpet probe along the surface.
Carpet probe
Bell probe
When searching for or measuring gas leaks at particular spots, use the Bell probe. This can be used to pull gas through most pavings. It is also suitable for emergency testing if surface is wet.
Bell probe
Hand probe
You can use the Hand probe to search for gas in building installations. The hand probe also constitutes the handle for the Carpet probe and for the Bell probe.
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Hand probe
Bar Hole Probe
The Bar Hole Probe is used to pump out and take samples from holes drilled in the as­phalt or concrete when pin-pointing a leak. Note that the Bell Probe can be used first to reduce the number of holes.
Bar Hole Probe
Hand Probe Flexible Extension
The flexible extension is practical when locating leaks in hard to reach installations. Use the Extension Connector to attach it to the long rod to reach even further.
Hand Probe Flexible Extension
4 | Description INFICON
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4.4 Display
1 1
Above ground
(10 PPM)
1 Navigation buttons 2 Navigation and on / off button
3 Battery status indicator 4 Mode icon
5 Measured value, target gas and
6 Measurement range (in % or PPM
CH4 depending on the operation mode)
7 Status indicator LED 8 Operation mode and menu bar
9 Buzzer 10 PPM threshold in Above Ground
and Confined Space modes.
Navigation buttons
Menu Upper left
Settings Upper left after pressing “Menu”
Operation Upper right
Information Lower left after pressing “Menu”
Diagnosis At lower right after pressing “Menu”
Navigation buttons
To select a menu, press the navigation button to go to desired tab or field.
Press check mark button , select or open a highlighted option.
Function buttons
Navigation buttons (in this case go right)
Cancel process
Start process
Start data logging
Stop data logging
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Mute the alarm
Function buttons
Symbols of the status bar
Bluetooth activated
Symbol ON = GPS connected and tracking
Symbol flashing = GPS not connected
Battery status indicator
The color of the battery status indicator shows the remaining runtime before shut­down:
White: > 1h remaining
Orange: < 1h remaining
Red flashing: < 10 min remaining
Progress bars for calibration processes etc.
White bar: Process has not yet started
Light green bar: Process running
Dark green bar: Process completed
Red bar: Process failed
Status indicators
Mode icons
Operation mode- Above ground
Operation mode- Bar hole
Operation mode- Confined Space
Operation mode- House
Operation mode- Gas Purity
Operation mode- Ex
Operation mode- Ex Tox
Operating mode- GC Ethane Analysis
Permission levels
Symbol Permission level Password
Basic none
Intermediate 1111
Advanced 1422
Permission levels
4 | Description INFICON
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Status LED
Green • Leak detector is charging normal
(power off)
• Normal operation in the modes Ex and Ex Tox.
Cyan Leak detector is charging fast.
Blue Normal operation
(in all operation modes except Ex and Ex Tox)
Red • Alarm
• Error message
Yellow The leak detector is in a state in which
functions like for example alarms could be disabled. For example, during warm up or calibration.
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4.5 Technical data
Mechanical data
580-000 580-010 580-015 580-020 580-030
Name IRwin S IRwin SX IRwin SXT IRwin SXG IRwin SXGT
Weight 1,4 kg (3 lb.) 1.6 kg (3.5 lb.) 1.6 kg (3.5 lb.) 1.6 kg (3.5 lb.) 1.6 kg (3.5 lb.)
Dimensions (lxwxh)
197 x 256 x 62 mm (6.6 x 9.7 x
2.3 in.)
197 x 256 x 62 mm (6.6 x 9.7 x
2.3 in.)
197 x 256 x 62 mm (6.6 x 9.7 x
2.3 in.)
197 x 256 x 62 mm (6.6 x 9.7 x
2.3 in.)
197 x 256 x 62 mm (6.6 x 9.7 x
2.3 in.)
Electrical data
580-000 580-010 580-015 580-020 580-030
Name IRwin S IRwin SX IRwin SXT IRwin SXG IRwin SXGT
Power input 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 A
Memory capac­ity for measured data
64 MB 64 MB 64 MB 64 MB 64 MB
Type of protec­tion
IP54 IP54 IP54 IP54 IP54
Electronic inter­faces
Bluetooth 3.0 Class 1
Bluetooth 3.0 Class 1
Bluetooth 3.0 Class 1
Bluetooth 3.0 Class 1
Bluetooth 3.0 Class 1
Battery operat­ing time
8 h as verified during certifica­tion, typical value 9 h
8 h as verified during certifica­tion, typical value 9 h
8 h as verified during certifica­tion, typical value 9 h
8 h as verified during certifica­tion, typical value 9 h
8 h as verified during certifica­tion, typical value 9 h
Battery charging time
4 h from empty to full charge (3 h for fast charg­ing). 4 hours op­eration by 1 hour fast loading
4 h from empty to full charge (3 h for fast charg­ing). 4 hours op­eration by 1 hour fast loading
4 h from empty to full charge (3 h for fast charg­ing). 4 hours op­eration by 1 hour fast loading
4 h from empty to full charge (3 h for fast charg­ing). 4 hours op­eration by 1 hour fast loading
4 h from empty to full charge (3 h for fast charg­ing). 4 hours op­eration by 1 hour fast loading
Battery Lithium-Ion Lithium-Ion Lithium-Ion Lithium-Ion Lithium-Ion
Physical data
580-000 580-010 580-015 580-020 580-030
Name IRwin S IRwin SX IRwin SXT IRwin SXG IRwin SXGT
Noise level < 70 dB (A) < 70 dB (A) < 70 dB (A) < 70 dB (A) < 70 dB (A)
4 | Description INFICON
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580-000 580-010 580-015 580-020 580-030
Detectable gases
Methane, eth­ane, propane, butane, carbon dioxide
Methane, carbon dioxide, ethane, propane, butane
Methane, carbon dioxide, ethane, propane, butane, oxygen, hydro­gen sulfide, car­bon monoxide
Methane, carbon dioxide, ethane, propane, butane
Methane, carbon dioxide, ethane, propane, butane, oxygen, hydro­gen sulfide, car­bon monoxide
Gas flow through sniffer line
Typically 60 l/h Typically 60 l/h Typically 60 l/h Typically 60 l/h Typically 60 l/h
Ambient conditions
580-000 580-010 580-015 580-020 580-030
Name IRwin S IRwin SX IRwin SXT IRwin SXG IRwin SXGT
Max. altitude above sea level
2000 m 2000 m 2000 m 2000 m 2000 m
Permissible am­bient tempera­ture (during op­eration)
-20° - +50°C (-4
- 122°F)
-20 - 50°C (-4 ­122°F)
-15 - 40°C (-5 ­104°F)
-20 - 50°C (-4 ­122°F)
-15 - 40°C (-5 ­104°F)
Storage temper­ature
-25 - +70°C (-13
- 158°F)
-25 - 70°C (-13 ­158°F)
-25 - 70°C (-13 ­158°F)
-25 - 70°C (-13 ­158°F)
-25 - 70°C (-13 ­158°F)
Pressure range 80 kPa - 120
80 kPa - 120 kPa
80 kPa - 120 kPa
80 kPa - 120 kPa
80 kPa - 120 kPa
Max. relative hu­midity
95% (non-con­densing)
95% (non-con­densing)
95% (non-con­densing)
95% (non-con­densing)
95% (non-con­densing)
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4.5.1 EX certification (intrinsic safety)
Type certificate
Type certificates, see Certificates [}85]
The products:
• IRwin SX 580-010,
• IRwin SXT 580-015,
• IRwin SXG580-020,
• IRwin SXGT580-030,
are Ex certified with rating according to the following table. The IRwin S 580-000 is not Ex certified.
EX rating
EX rating Ex ia IIC T3, T
: -20°C - +50°C,
II 1G (EPL Ga)
USA: Intrinsically safe, Class I, Division 1, Groups A, B, C and D.
EX ranges of applications • Zones: 0, 1 and 2
• Gas groups: IIA, IIB and IIC
• Temperature classes: T1, T2 and T3
• USA: Zone 0, Class I, Division 1, Groups A, B, C and D.
4.5.2 Sensors
Basic sensor data
Gas (measurement range) Sensor Warm up time
CH4, C2H
Infrared (IR) < 30 s
Infrared (IR) < 30 s
O2, CO, H2S Electrochemical < 120 s
O2 sensor: 1 - 12 hours if stored with flat battery.
Sensor performance data
The calibration gases defined below are the typical gases and gas mixes used to cali­brate the different modes. For optimum performance adjust these settings to the ac­tual concentrations of the gases used. See Calibration [}40].
Above ground mode:
Measurement principle
Infrared (IR)
Measurement range
CH4, C3H8, C4H10: 1 ppm - 5 Vol%
Resolution 1 ppm (0 - 100 ppm), 10 ppm (110 - 990 ppm), 0,1 Vol% (0,1 - 5
4 | Description INFICON
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Measurement er­ror
+5/-2 ppm (<20 ppm) +/-10% (20 - 50 ppm) +/-5% (50 ppm - 2.2 Vol%) +/-20% (2.2 - 5 Vol%)
Response time t50 <3 s, t90 <5 s
Recovery time t50 <3 s, t10 <5 s
Cross sensitivity All hydrocarbons CxHy
Lifetime Guaranteed 1 years, expected > 2 years
Calibration gases
Fresh air, CH4 in air: 10 ppm, 100 ppm, 2.2 Vol%
Bar hole mode:
Measurement principle
Infrared (IR)
Measurement range
CH4, C3H8, C4H10: 0.5 - 100 Vol%
C2H6 content in CNG: 0.5 - 8 Vol%
CO2: 0.1 - 20 Vol%
Resolution CH4 & CO2: 0.1 Vol% (0.1 - 1 Vol%), 1 Vol% (>1 Vol%)
C2H6: 0.1 Vol% (Auto test) 0.5 Vol% (manual selection)
Measurement er­ror
CH4: ±3 Vol%
CO2: +/-1% (<10 Vol%), +/-20% (>10 Vol%)
Response time t50 <5 s, t90 <10 s
Recovery time t50 <5 s, t10 <10 s
Cross sensitivity All hydrocarbons CxHy
CO2: Negligible
Lifetime Guaranteed 1 years, expected > 2 years
Calibration gases
Fresh air, CH4 in air: 2.2 Vol%, 100 Vol%. CO2, 20 Vol%
GC Ethane Analysis mode:
Measurement principle
Gas Chromatography separation with semiconductor detector
Measurement range
1000 ppm gas needed in sample. This refers to total hydrocar­bon content (i.e., natural gas, swamp gas or LPG etc.).
Capability Can identify Natural Gas at 0.5% C2H6level.
Automatic interpretation of result as either of:
• NG with Ethane detected
• Swamp gas detected
• LPG detected
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• Gas type not identified (given if result is not clear)
Cycle time*: Ethane only: 2 min at 25°C, 3 min at 0°C
Ethane and Propane: 5 min at 25°C, Propane detection not pos­sible at 0°C
Purge time (be­fore new GC test):
3 min
Lifetime Separation column: Guaranteed 3 years, expected > 10 years
Semiconductor sensor: Guaranteed 1 year, expected 3 years.
* Times given are valid after 1 h operation in given ambient temperature. Times in­clude 30 s sensor purge before analysis. Three minutes column purge after analysis is not included. The column purge can be postponed.
House mode:
Measurement principle
Infrared (IR)
Measurement range
CH4, C3H8, C4H10: 1 ppm - 5 Vol%
Resolution 1 ppm (0 - 100 ppm), 10 ppm (110 - 990 ppm), 0.1 Vol% (0.1 - 1
Vol%), 1 Vol% (>1 Vol%)
Measurement er­ror
+5/-2 ppm (<20 ppm) +/-10% (20 - 50 ppm) +/-5% (50 ppm - 2.2 Vol%) +/-20% (2.2 - 5 Vol%)
Response time t50 <3 s, t90 <5 s
Recovery time t50 <3 s, t10 <5 s
Cross sensitivity All hydrocarbons CxHy
Lifetime Guaranteed 1 years, expected > 2 years
Calibration gases
Fresh air, CH4 in air: 10 ppm, 100 ppm, 2.2 Vol%
Confined Space mode:
Measurement principle
Infrared (IR)
Measurement range
CH4, 1 ppm – 100 Vol% for natural gas with up to 8% C2H6 (eth­ane) content
Resolution 1 ppm (0 - 100 ppm), 10 ppm (110 - 990 ppm), 0.1 Vol% (0.1 - 1
Vol%), 1 Vol% (>1 Vol%)
Measurement er­ror
+5/-2 ppm (<20 ppm) +/-10% (20 - 50 ppm) +/-5% (50 ppm - 2.2 Vol%) +/-3 Vol% (2.2 - 100 Vol%)
Response time t50 <5 s, t90 <10 s
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Recovery time t50 <5 s, t10 <10 s
Cross sensitivity All hydrocarbons CxHy
Lifetime Guaranteed 1 years, expected > 2 years
Calibration gas Fresh air, CH4 in air: 10 ppm, 100 ppm, 2.2 Vol%, 100 Vol%
Gas Purity mode:
Measurement principle
Infrared (IR)
Measurement range
CH4: 0.5 - 100 Vol%
Resolution 0.5 Vol% (0.5 - 1 Vol%), 1 Vol% (>1 Vol%)
Measurement ±3 Vol%
Response time t50 <5 s, t90 <10 s
Recovery time t50 <5 s, t10 <10 s
Cross sensitivity All hydrocarbons CxHy
Lifetime Guaranteed 1 years, expected > 2 years
Calibration gas Fresh air, CH4 in air: 2.2 Vol%, 100 Vol%
Ex mode:
Measurement principle
Infrared (IR)
Measurement range
CH4, C3H8, C4H10: 1 - 100% LEL
Resolution 1%LEL
Measurement er­ror
Response time CH4: t50 = 3 s, t90 = 5 s
Recovery time t50 <3 s, t10 <5 s
Cross sensitivity All hydrocarbons CxHy
Lifetime Guaranteed 1 years, expected > 2 years
Calibration gas Fresh air, CH4: 2.2 Vol%
Ex Tox mode:
Measurement principle
Infrared (IR)
Measurement range
CH4, C3H8, C4H10: 1 - 100% LEL
CO2: 0.1 - 5 Vol%
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O2: 0.1 - 25 Vol%
CO: 1 - 500 ppm
H2S: 1 - 400 ppm
Resolution CH4, C3H8, C4H10: 1% LEL
CO2: 0.05 Vol%
O2: 0.1 Vol%
CO: 1 ppm
H2S: 0.1 ppm
Measurement er­ror
CH4: ±5 % LEL C3H8: +/-40% of indicated value C4H10: +/-50% of indicated value
CO2: ±0.1 Vol%
O2: ±0.3 Vol%
CO: ±3 ppm
H2S: ±0.5 ppm
Response time CH4: t50 <3 s, t90 <5 s
O2: t50 <16 s, t90 <40 s
CO: t50 < 15 s, t90 <30 s
CO2: t50 <12 s, t90 <36 s
H2S: t50 <18 s, t90 <66 s
Recovery time CH4: t50 <3 s, t10 <5 s
CO2: t50 <12 s, t10 <36 s
O2: t50 <16 s, t10 <39 s
CO: t50 <15 s, t10 <30 s
H2S: t50 < 18 s, t10 <66 s
Sensitivity drift CH4, C3H8, C4H10: <±5 %LEL in 1 month
CO2: <±5 Vol% in 1 month
O2: <±1 Vol% in 3 months
CO: <±4% in 12 months
H2S: <±2% in 12 months
Cross sensitivity CH4: All hydrocarbons CxHy.
O2: negligible
CO: <12% of applied H2S concentration, <8% of applied H2 con­centration
H2S: <1.5% of applied CO concentration, <0.3% of applied H
CO2: negligible
4 | Description INFICON
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Lifetime CH4, C3H8, C4H10: Guaranteed 1 years, expected > 2 years
CO2: Guaranteed 1 years, expected > 2 years
O2: Guaranteed 4 years, expected > 5 years
CO: Guaranteed 2 years, expected > 3 years
H2S: Guaranteed 2 years, expected > 3 years
Calibration gas Fresh air, ToxMix (CH4 2.2 Vol%, CO2 2 Vol%, CO 40 ppm, H2S
40 ppm, O2 0 Vol% in N2)
4.6 Factory settings
Parameter Factory Setting Options
Screen timeout (auto standby)
30 s Off
5, 30 s
1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30 min
1, 2
Brightness 10 1 -10
Screensaver (IRwin S only) enabled enabled or disabled
CH4 PPM Alarm 10 PPM 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50,
10% LEL
50% LEL
100% LEL
3, 5, 10
30, 40, 50
80, 90, 100
C3H8 PPM alarm 10 PPM 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50,
C3H8 AL1
C3H8 AL2
C3H8 AL3
10% LEL
50% LEL
100% LEL
3, 5, 10
30, 40, 50
80, 90, 100
C4H10 PPM alarm 10 PPM 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50,
C4H10 AL1
C4H10 AL2
C4H10 AL3
10% LEL
50% LEL
100% LEL
3, 5, 10
30, 40, 50
80, 90, 100
0.5 Vol%
1.0 Vol%
5 Vol%
1.0 Vol%
0.5 Vol%
0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5
0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0
1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0
0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0
0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5
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Parameter Factory Setting Options
30 ppm
60 ppm
500 ppm
30 ppm
30 ppm
10, 20, 30
40, 50, 60
100, 200, 300, 400, 500
10, 20, 30
10, 20, 30
10 ppm
20 ppm
100 ppm
10 ppm
10 ppm
3, 5, 7, 10
10, 15, 20
50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100
3, 5, 7, 10
3, 5, 7, 10
O2 AL1
O2 AL2
O2 AL3
10 Vol%
18 Vol%
23 Vol%
3, 5, 10, 15
16, 17, 18, 19, 20
21, 22, 23, 24, 25
Calibration reminder Off Off, 1 - 7, 14, 30 days
Function test reminder Off Off, 2, 4, 8 h.
Time UTC +2 h. -11 - +12 h.
Language English English, Deutsch, Italiano,
Nederlands, Polskie
Ethane % 0% 0 - 8% (in increments of
Log to file enabled enabled / disabled
Logging Interval (log file period)
1 s 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 30 s, 1 min
Start menu Ex, (Above ground in IRwin
Autorotations Off On, Off
Re-test C2H6 in Bar Hole Off Off, startup, always
Measuring duration (Auto bar hole)
10 s 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 s
Evacuation duration (Auto bar hole)
3min 3, 4, 5, 10, 15 min
CO2-limit at evacuation (Auto bar hole)
Off Off, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5%
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4.7 Concentration of calibration and test gases
Calibration routine Gases Default Options
Above Ground
10 ppm CH
10 ppm 8 - 15 ppm in 0.1
ppm increments
100 ppm CH
100 ppm 90 - 110 ppm in 1
ppm increments
2.2 Vol% CH
2.2 Vol% 2.0 - 2.5 Vol% in
0.1 Vol% incre­ments
Ex Tox (Tox) Mixture of:
2.2 Vol% CH
2.2 Vol% 1.4 - 2.5 Vol% in
0.1 Vol% incre­ments
2.0 Vol% CO
2.0 Vol% 0.5 - 3.0 Vol% in
0.1 Vol% incre­ments
0 Vol% O
0.0 Vol% 0.0 - 18.0 Vol% in
0.1 Vol% incre­ments
40 ppm H2S 40 ppm 4 - 50 ppm in 1 ppm
40 ppm CO 40 ppm 20 - 160 ppm in 1
ppm increments
Balance: N
Not applicable Not applicable
2.2 Vol% CH
2.2 Vol% 2.0 - 2.5 Vol% in
0.1 Vol% incre­ments
Bar Hole CO
20.0 Vol% CO
20.0 Vol% 10.0 - 20.0 Vol% in
0.1 Vol% incre­ments
Bar Hole CH
2.2 Vol% CH
2.2 Vol% 2.0 - 2.5 Vol% in
0.1 Vol% incre­ments
100 Vol% 100 Vol% 80 - 100 Vol% in 1
Vol% increments
GC Ethane analy­sis
Mixture of:
1 Vol% CH
Not applicable Not applicable
50 ppm C2H
Not applicable Not applicable
*Used only for Function Test of GC Ethane Analysis.
Balance gas is Synthetic Air if nothing else stated (Ex Tox balance is N2).
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5 Getting started
5.1 Charging the battery
Explosion hazard
The equipment for charging IRwin is not ATEX certified/ex-protected.
► Never charge IRwin (all models) in potentially explosive atmospheres.
Using the wrong charger could damage the explosion protection of IRwin SXnn models.
The only equipment allowed to be connected to the Charging socket of any of the IR­win SXnn models is the Ex Certified IRwin Charging Adapter. Connect this adapter to the leak detector first and then connect the charger or car cable to the adapter.
Fast charging reduces the lifetime of the battery.
► Do not use fast charging regularly.
► The ambient temperature during the charging process should be between 10 and
30 °C.
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