The IDT logo is a registered trademark and ORION, R4600, R4640, R4650, R4700, R5000, RV5000, and RISController are trademarks of Integrated Device Technology, Inc. MIPS is a registered
trademark of MIPS Computer Systems, Inc.
1998 Integrated Device Technology, Inc.1
June, 1998
The RC5000 serves many performance critical
embedded applications, such as high-end internetworking systems, color printers, and graphics terminals.
The RC5000 is optimized for high-performa nce appli cations, with special emphasis on s ystem bandwidth and
floating point operations, through integration of highperformance computa t io nal un its a nd a high-performance
memory hierarchy. For this class of applica tion, the result
is a relatively low-cost CPU capable of approximately 330
Dhrystone MIPS.
IDT’s objectives in offering the RC5000 include:
•Offering a high performance upgrade path to existing
embedded customers in the internetworking, office
automation and visualization markets.
•Providing a significant improvement in the floating-
point performance currently available in a moderately
priced MIPS CPU.
•Providing improvements in the memory hierarchy of
desktop systems by using large primary caches and
integrating a secondary cache controller.
•Enabling improvements in performance through the
use of the MIPS-IV ISA.
Instruction Issue Mechanism
The RC5000 recognizes two general classes of
instructions for multi-issue:
• Floating-point ALU
• All others
These instruction classes are pre-decoded by the
RC5000, as they are brough t on-chip. The pre-de coded
information is stored in the instruction cache.
Assuming that there are no pending resource
conflicts, the RC5000 can issue one instr uction per cl ass
per pipeline clock cycle. Note that this broad separation of
classes insures that there are no data dependencies to
restrict multi-issue.
However, long-latency resources in either the floatingpoint ALU (e.g. DIV or SQRT instru ctions) or instr uctions
in the integer unit (such as multiply) can restrict the issue
of instructions. Note that the R5000 does not perform outof-order or speculative execution; instead, the pipeline
slips until the required resource becomes available.
There are no alignment restrictions on dual-issue
instruction pairs. The RC5000 fetches two instructions
from the cache per cycl e. Thus, for optimal performance,
compilers should atte mpt to align branch target s to allow
dual-issue on the first target cycle, since the instruction
cache only performs aligned fetches.
Integer Pipeline
The RC5000 is a limited dual-issue machine that
utilizes a traditional 5-stage integer pipeline. This basic
integer pipeline of the RC5000 is illustrated in Figure 1.
The integer instruction execution speed is tabulated
(in number of pipeline clocks) as follows:
The RC5000’s short pipeline keeps the load and
branch latencies very low. The caches contain special
logic that allows any com bination of loads and stores to
execute in back-to-back cycles without requiring pipelin e
slips or stalls. (This p resumes, o f course, that th e operation does not miss in the cache.)
Instruction Set Architecture
The RC5000 implements the MIPS-IV 64-bit ISA,
including CP1 and CP1X functional units (and their
instruction se t).
The RC5000 contains the following computational units:
Integer ALU
. The RC5000 implements a full, single-cycle 64-bit ALU for all integer ALU functions other than
multiply and divide. Bypassing is used to support back-to-back ALU operations at the full pipeline rate, without requiring
stalls for data dependencies.
Integer Multiply/Divide Unit
. This unit is separated from the primary ALU, to allow these longer latency operations
to run in parallel with oth er operations. The pipe line stalls only if an attempt to ac cess the HI or LO r egisters is mad e
before the operation completes.
Floating-point ALU
. This unit is res ponsible for all CP1/CP1X ALU operations other t han DIV/SQRT. The unit is
pipelined to allow a single-cycle repeat rate for single-precision operations
Floating-point DIV/SQRT unit
. This unit is separated from the other floating-point ALU, so that these long latency
operations do not prevent the issue of other floating point operations.
In addition, the RC5000 implements separate logical units to implement loads, stores, and branches.
Electrical Specifications
Operating Frequency
The input clock operates in a frequency range of 33MHz to 100MHz. The pipeline frequency for the RC5000 is 2 to
8 times the input clock (up to the maximum for the speed grade of CPU).
The RC5000 utilizes special packaging techni ques, to improve the thermal propertie s of high-speed proces sors.
The RC5000 is packaged using cavity down packagin g in a 223-pin PGA package with integral th ermal slug, and a
272-pin BGA package. These packages effectively dissipate the power of the CPU, increasing device reliability.
The RC5000 utilizes an all-aluminum package with
the die attached to a normal co pper lead frame moun ted
to the aluminum casing. D ue to the hea t-s prea di ng e ffect
of the aluminum, the package allows for an efficient
thermal transfer between the die and the case. The
aluminum offers less internal r esistance from one end of
the package to the other, reducing the temperature
gradient across the package and therefore presenting a
greater area for convection and conduction to the PCB for
a given temperature. Even nominal amounts of airflow will
dramatically reduce the junction temperature of the die,
resulting in cooler operatio n.
The RC5000 is guaranteed in a case temperature
range of 0° to +85° C. The type of package, speed
(power) of the device, and airflow conditions affect the
equivalent ambient temperature co nditions that will meet
this specification.
The equivalent allowable ambient temperature, T
can be calculated using the thermal resistance from case
to ambient (
) of the given package. The following
equation relates ambient and case temperatures:
= T
- P *
where P is the maximum power consumpt ion at hot
temperature, calculated by using the maximum I
fication for the device. Typical values for
at various
airflows are shown in Table 1.
Changes to version dated January 1996:
Pin Description section:
- Corrected pin list for Clock/Control, Initialization,
and Secondary Cache interfac es.
Advance Pin-Out section:
- Changed pins AA19 and AA21 from Vcc to Vss.
Changes to version dated March 1997:
- Upgraded data sheet status from “Preliminary” to
- Added section on thermal considerations
- Added section on absolute maximum ratings
Changes to version dated June 1997:
- Revised Power Consumption and System Interface
Changes to version dated September 1997:
- Added user notation on Boot Mode Bits 20 and 33
for 200 MHz frequency
Changes to version dated June 1998:
- Added 250 MHz; changed naming conventions
Airflow (ft/min)02004006008001000
Table 1. Thermal Resistance (∅CA) at Various Airflows
The RC5000 implements advanced power
management to substantially reduce the average power
dissipation of the device. This operation is described in