ibm thinkpad 600x Schematics


Dual-port Nonvolatile Memory - RFID and Serial Interfaces
Two-wire Serial Interface:
– Compatible with a Standard AT24C08 Serial EEPROM – Programmable Access Protection to Limit Reads or Writes from Either Port – Lock/Unlock Function, Coil Connection Detection
RFID Interface:
Ultra Low Power Single Bit Write - 25 µA
Highly-reliable EEPROM Memory
8K bits (1K bytes), Organized as 8 Blocks of 128 Bytes Each16-byte Page Write, 10 ms Write Time10 Years Retention, 100K Write Cycle Endurance
-40°C to +85°C Operation, 2.4V to 5.5V Supply, 8-Lead JEDEC SOIC Package


The AT24RF08C functions as a dual access EEPROM, with both a wired serial port and a wireless RFID port used to access the memory. Access permissions are set from the serial interface side to isolate blocks of memory from improper access. The RFID interface can be powered solely fr om the atta ched coil permitti ng remote r eads and writes of the device when VCC is not applied.

Block Diagram

Asset Identification EEPROM

Pin Configurations

Pin Name Function
L1 L2 Coil Connection PROT GND Ground SDA Serial Data,Open Drain I/O SCL Serial Clock Input WP Write Protect Input VCC Supply: 2.4V - 5.5V
Coil Connection
Protection Input

8-Pin SOIC

L1 L2
1 2 3 4
Rev. 1072E–09/99

General Overview

The AT24RF08C is intended to be pin compatible with standard serial EEPROM devices except for pins 1, 2 and 3, which are address pins in the stand ard part. Oth er exceptions to the AT24C08 Serial EEPROM data sheet are noted in the Serial EEP ROM Ex ceptions section later in this document . Connect ion of an ex ternal c oil antenn a and optional tuning capacitor, normal ly via a two conductor wire, is all that is required to complete the RFID hardware requirements.
Throughout this document, the term “reader” is defined as the base station that communicates with the chip. Under all expected conditions, it actually serves as both a reader and writer. The term ‘tag’ is used to indicate the chip when operating as an RFID transponder with the coil attached.
All bits are sen t to or r ea d f ro m t he dev ic e, mos t si gnific an t bit first, in a manner consistent wi th the AT24C08 Serial EEPROM. The bit fields in this document are correspondingly listed with the MSB on the left and the LSB on the right.

EEPROM Organization

The EEPROM memory is bro ken up into 8 blocks of 1K bits (128 bytes) ea ch. Within each bl ock, the memory is physically orga nized into 8 pages of 128 bits (16 by tes) each. In some instances, accesses take place on a 32-bi t (4 byte) word basis. In addition to these 8K bits, there are two more 128-bit pages t hat are us ed to store th e access protection and ID information. There are a total of 8448 bits of EEPROM memory available on the AT24RF08C.
Access protection (both re ad and write) is or ganized on a block basis for blocks 1 throug h 7 and on a page and blo ck basis for block 0. Protection information for these blocks and pages is stored in one of the additional pages of EEPROM memory that is addressed separately from the main data storage array. See Access Protection on page 3 for more details.
The ID value ( see ID Configuration on page 7) is located in the ID page of the EEPROM, the second of the additional 16 byte pages.
Writes from the serial port may include from one to 16 bytes at a time, depending on the protocol followed by the bus master. Ac cesse s to the E EPROM from the RF ID por t are on either a word (32 bits) or pa ge (128 bits ) basis on ly. All page accesses must be properly aligned to the internal EEPROM page.
The EEPROM memory offers an endurance of 100,000 write cycles per byte, with 10 year data retention. Writes to the EEPROM and tamper bit take less than 10 ms to complete.
Completion time for writes initiated from the RFID port are different depending on the situation. When external power is supplied to the chip through the VCC pin, writes to the EEPROM and tamper bit take less than 11.8 ms when measured from the last modulation edge before the write to the first after the writ e. Whe n powered from t he coil pins at 125 KHz, the EEPROM write time will be 5.8 ms and the tamper write time will be 7.9 ms.
After manufactur ing, all E EPRO M b its exce pt in the devi ce revision byte (see Access Protection page 5) will be set to a value of 1 and the tamper bit will be set to 0.

Device Access

The third device address bit in the two wire protocol that is usually matched to A EEPROM is internally connected high, so device addresses A8 through AF (hex) are used to access the memory on the chip. The general command encoding used by the serial port for EE PRO M acces s es is shown bel ow i n Device Access Examples, where B
is the page number within the block and A
address within the page. Bits denoted as “x” are ignored by the device.
The PROT pin is used as a power good signal. When this pin is low, the serial port is held in reset and all sticky bits are set to one. Wh en high, acti vity on the seria l bus is permitted.
(pin 3) on a s tand ar d AT24 C08 se ri al
is the block number,
is the byte

Device Access Examples

For Write Operations:

1 0 1 0 1 B

For Read Operations:

1 0 1 0 1 X X 1 D
2 B1
0 P2 P1 P0 A3 A2 A1 A0
7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0

Access Protection

All access pro tection bits are st ored on a s epar ate p age o f the EEPROM that is not accessed using the normal commands of an AT24C08 memory . See the “Access Protection Page s ecti on on page 5, f or m ore de tail on th is information.
The RFID Access (RF) fields in the Access Protection Page determines whether or not the corresponding block within the memory can be read or written via the RFID interface. If an illegal command is att empted, the command wi ll be aborted. The MSB, if clear, prohibits all accesses from the RFID port, and the LSB if clear prohibits writes from the RFID port. The fields are stored in the EEPROM and organized as follows:

RFID Access Fields (RF)

MSB LSB Function
0 0 No accesses permitted from RFID port 0 1 No accesses permitted from RFID port 1 0 Reads only from the RFID port 1 1 No restrictions for RFID accesses
The Protection Bits (PB) fields in the Access Protection Page determine what type of accesses will be permitted via the serial port for each of the blocks on the chip. If an illegal access is attempte d, the comma nd will be NACKed. The MSB, if clear, prohibits all accesses to the block, and the LSB if clear prohibits writes. T he fields are stored in the EEPROM and are organized as follows:

Protection Bits (PB)

MSB LSB Function
0 0 No accesses permitted in the blo ck 0 1 No accesses permitted in the blo ck 1 0 Read onl y, writes cause a NACK
The Tamper Write (TW) bits within the access protection page control whether or not a write will be permitted into the corresponding blo ck of mem or y when the Tamper Bit is set. If the Tamper Bit is a 1 and the TW bit i s a 0, then writes to that block from the RFID port are not permitted. In all other cases, writes are permitted according to the RF field value for that block. The value of this bit does not affect accesses from the serial port.
Read/write - No access constraints for data within this block
Accessed within the Access Protection P age is an individual CMOS Sticky Bit (SB) for each of the 8 blocks on the device. When the value of the sticky bit is 0, the Protection Bits (PB) for th e corr es pon ding bl oc k may not be changed via the software. These bits are all set to one when power is initially applied or when the PROT pin is low. These sticky bits may be written only to a 0 via th e serial interface using the standard serial write operations. Reading the sticky bits does not affect their state.
Because access permi ssions are set indiv idually for each of the blocks, all reads via the serial port will onl y read bytes within the block that was specified when the current address was latched into the device (with a write command). The block address bits (B with the write command are ignored on a read command.
After the read of the last byte within a block, the internal serial address wraps aroun d to point at the beginning of that block. After the write of the last byte in a page, the internal address is wrapped around to point to the beginning of that page. If more than 16 bytes are sent to the device with a write command, the data written to any overlapping bytes will be corrupt ed.
If the WP pin is high, all write operations are prohibited from the serial port, although write commands may be used to set the address for a subsequent read command.

Block 0 Write Protection Bits

The AT24RF08C provides a mechanism to divi de block 0 into eight 128 -bit (16 byt e) pages tha t can be in dividual ly protected again st writes from either port. Thes e eight writ e protection (WP) bits are stored within a byte of the access protection page and are organized such that the LSB protects the first 128 bits and so on. If a bit in this byte is set to a one and the PB permitted on t he page correspon ding to the WP b it. If th e WP bit is set to a 0 or the PB then writes are not permitted in that page.
The Write Protection hierarchy for serial accesses is shown on the following page. In thi s drawing th e bits wit hin the boxes to the left of the arrows are the only thing that determine whether or not the bit in the box to the right of the arrow can be written. Read access control is not shown in this diagram. Add ress es lis ted i n th is di agram ar e for th e serial port assuming that the R/W bit in the command byte is set to 0.
field is set to 11, then writes are
is any value other than 11,
or B1) that are sen t
For example, when SB1 is a 1, the PB1 field ca n be writte n to any valu e b y t he s y ste m . W he n the PB 1 f i el d is 11, Block 1 can be written by the syste m. Note that the s tate of the SB1 bit does not affect whether or not Block 1 can be written.

Write Protection Flow

There is no individua l page Wr ite Protecti on for an y other block other than bloc k 0 within the device. Wi thin the remaining blocks on t he ch ip, acces s per missi ons a re con­trolled on a block basis ( PB or RF bits) or full chip basis (WP pin) only.

EEPROM Tamper Latch

There is an additional EEPROM tamper latch that can be set from the RFID port and reset from the serial por t of the device. Resetting this bit from the serial port takes less than 10 ms. Setting of this bit from the RFID side when powered from L1/L2, takes about 7.9 ms but requires less than 30 µA of current. See RFID Command on page 8.
Access to this ta mper bit from t he seri al int erfac e is vi a the LSB of the tamper byte of th e acce ss pr otect ion page . See Access Protection Page below. The bit can only be set to 0 via the serial port . Attempts to write it to a val ue of one are ignored.

Access Protection Page

The serial port may be used to read and write the Access Protection P age (APP) an d ID Pag e using dev ice access codes of B8 and B9 (hex) instead of the normal value of A8 through AF (hex) th at are used to access the r est of the EEPROM memory. The second byte of write commands (the word addres s) sh ould be in the range of 00 thr ough 0 f (hex) for the APP page and 10 through 1F (hex) for the ID page. This coding is shown below.
Reads and writ es to th ese tw o pages may t ake plac e on a single byte basis only. Multi-byte operations will be NACKed.
As an example, the bit encoding for a single byte read an d write command are shown below.
The AT24RF08C will acknowledge all device addresses of B8 or B9 (hex). If the most s ignificant three bits of the w ord address are not all 0 (indicating an address outside the Access Protection and ID pages), the chip will NACK the access.
Bytes 0 through 7 of the APP contain 8 identical sets of access control fie lds (PBx, RFx, TWx and SBx) for e ach of the eight blocks of mem ory on the chip, whi ch operate according to the table listed in the Access P rotection sec­tion above. When t he s tick y bit i n on e o f the se by tes i s se t, that byte can be wr itten by the system . Once a st icky bit is reset (written to zero) by the software, the byte containing it can no longer be modified by the so ftware until the next power cycle. These bytes can always be read by the sys­tem.
Byte 8 contains another PB field (PB an additional sticky bit (SB
bits controls read and write access to the la st 7 by tes
) as bit 7. The value of the
(#9-15) of the APP and all 16 bytes of the ID page according to the encoding listed in the Access Protection section above. The value of the PB
) as bits 0 and 1 and
bits can only be
changed (via writes from the serial port) when SB This byte can always be read by the system. Bits 0 through 6 of this byte are stored in EEPROM memory and do not change when the power is cycled or the PROT pin changes state.
Byte 9 contains the 8 block 0 write protection bits (WP) for each page within block 0.
Byte 10 is the tamper byte, and the LSB of this byte ca n be used to determine if the set tamper c ommand h ad been executed from the RFID port. This bit can be reset in software via the serial port by writing a 0 to it.
Byte 10 also contains the coil detection control. This feature is intended to permit the system to determine if a coil is connected to the pins. It works by driving a small current through the coil pins and determining if there is a low resistance between them. The coil resistance must be less than R
for the coi l to be p roperly dete cted. To
enable this, the Detect Enable (DE) bit should be set to a 1. After a delay of at least 200 µs, the Detect Coil (DC) bit is then read and a “1” indicates that a coil is present. Note that the RFID interface ma y not function properly when the DE bit is set to a 1, and so the software should ensure that it is always written to a 0 when the coil detection sequence has completed. The DE bit is automatically reset to a 0 upo n p o wer- up or when PROT is held low, but is not timed out internally by the device.
When the DE bit is low, the value of the DC bit will default to a high state. This doe s not indicate the presence of a coil, as the state of the DC bit is onl y valid wh en the DE bi t is high.
Bytes 11 through 14 are currently reserved and should no t be used by the system. Byte 14 may not be written by the device (via either interface) at any time.
is high.

Access Protection Page Examples

For Write Operations:

1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 A

For Read Operations:

1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 D
4 A3 A2 A1 A0
7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D
Byte 15 contains dev ic e rev is ion information. It is se t at th e wafer production facility and cannot be changed in the field, so any write to this byte will be ignored. The least significant three bits are used to s how the production revision for the part. The next thr ee bit s are u se d to d enot e the option set chosen and the most significant two bits
The memory map for the access protection page is shown in the table below. In this table, an x means that the value is a dont care upon writing and that it is undefined upon reading. The RF and PB fields are all two bits wide, and the Device Revision field is 8 bits w ide . All other fields are one
bit wide. describe the basi c funct iona lity of the dev ice. Th e val ue of this byte is 01 001 001, or 49 (hex).

APP Memory Map

Address Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
xx PB xx PB xx PB xx PB xx PB xx PB xx PB
xx PB 8SBAPxxxxx PB 9 WP7 WP6 WP5 WP4 WP3 WP2 WP1 WP0
10 DE DC x x x x x Tamper 11 reserved 12 reserved 13 reserved 14 reserved 15 Device Revision
With the exception o f th e 9 st ic ky bits (SB) and the two c oil detect bits (DE and DC), all bits within the Access Protection Page are stored in EEP ROM memory. Their state does not change if power is removed or when the PROT pin is held low.
The following page of memory (acce ssed with A
= 1) contains the ID field transmitted by the device from the RFID port. Bytes within it are acce ssed via a device address byte of B8 / B9 (write / read, hex) and a byte address of 10 through 1F (hex). Rea di ng and writing to this ID page is permitted when PB
is 11. The least significan t
three bits of the firs t byte should vary to opti mize mult iple tag performance.
The MSB of the last byte of the ID page is a lock bit that
is a 0, writes to this page from the RFID part are locked out (prohibited). This bit does not affect operation from the serial side, and can be read and written to eithe r state normally from the serial port. The ID page can always be read from the RFID port.
Please note that neither the RF fields nor the TW bits protect the ID page against writes from the RFID port. Unless the ID value is locked us ing the ID loc k bit, t he us er can write to the ID page regardless of the state of any access control bits.
Other than setting the tamper bit via the RF ID commands or reading the ID field when so directed, there is no way for the RFID port to directly read or write the access protection page.
controls writes to the ID page fr om th e RFID port. If this bit

Serial EEPROM Exceptions

In general, the two-wire serial interfa ce on the AT 24RF08 C functions identicall y to the AT24C08. The followin g exceptions exist, as noted elsewhere within this document.
Pins 1, 2 and 3 have a different usage.
Access to various blocks may be restricted via the
access protection circuitry.
The two block address bits (B2 and B1) in the command
byte are ignored with all read commands. They are set only via the write command.
Multi-byte reads do not cross block boundaries, but
instead wrap to the beginning of the block.
Operation of the serial bus at 400 kHz is not guaranteed.
Maximum operating voltage is 5.5V, maximum operating
temperature is 85×C.
The serial port will be reset whenever the PROT pin is
If a multi byte read is in progress when an RFID write
starts, all data will be read as all 1s.
Under some circumstances, subsequent bytes within a
multi-byte read may have their data returned as all 1s to the serial port if a read is simultaneously requested from the RFID port.
If more than 16 bytes are written to the EEPROM with a
page write, overlapping bytes will have their values corrupted.
If V
is 0V, the device draws current on the SDA, SCL,
WP and PROT pins when they are brought above 0V.

RFID Port Operation

The AT24RF08C includes a powerful and flexible RFID communications port that permits moving data into or out of the device through a simpl e coil ant enna. Featur es includ e automatic serial number transmission as well as commands for explicit reads and writes to specified locations within the EEPROM. Special capability has been added to permit a tag to be individually identifie d and selected when it is within the field at the same time as the other tags.
The general strategy for implementing multiple tags within the field is as follows:
Upon power-up, the tag wait s a random period of tim e and then transmits, as a heade r, a fix ed pattern that o ccupies four bit times. The valu e of each half- bit ti me is fixed at th e pattern 01 11 11 10. (this is int erpreted as one hal f-bit tim e with no modulation, 3-bit times of modulation and another half-bit time of no modulation).
Within the follow ing li stening window , the tag m ust recei ve an acknowledge pulse from the reader. See the “Listening Window section for restrictions on this transmission.
If the tag does not see an acknowledge pulse during the specific time within the listening window, but se es an acknowledge pulse or command is sued by the reader to another tag, it goes into an infinite listening window until the other tag is complete with its transaction.
If the tag does not see an acknowle dge pulse or com mand from the reader at any time, i t will wait for a rando m lengt h of time before transmitting its four bit header again.
If it does receive this acknowledge pulse during the specific time, then it will continuously tra nsmit its complete ID (defined below) with a three bi t listenin g window b etween frames, until a command is received from the reader.
After the ID has been properly received by the reader, the tag will expect to receive a c ommand from the reader during the three bit listening window between ID frames. One possible com mand is to set the device to remain idle until the next power down or global command. Remaining tag s will then follow the same procedure until each has its
QUIET bit set.

ID Configuration

After the chip s head er field has b een ackno wledged, th e chip will transmit as its ID number, the first 12 EEPROM bytes in the ID page, starting with byte 0. This transmission will start 1664 ms after the end of the header transmission. See RFID Acknowledge Timing on page 16.
This ID transmissio n will be preceded b y a sin gle start bi t that has a logical val ue of 1, and termina ted by a single stop bit that has a logical value of ‘0’. These start and stop bits bracket each page or block of data transmitted by the device as a result of a read or write command.
After transmission of the ID frame, the device will delay transmission during a 3 bit listening window to listen for a command to be initiated before repeating the ID transmission a gain. Comman ds sen t t o selec ted t ags m ust be initiated during the t window, as per the Listening Window section on page 9.
If a write is taking place to the EEPROM from the serial port, the device will transmit to the reader a logical 0 in place of the ID value until that write completes. If a write from the serial port has started before the command is issued by the reader, then the com mand will be abo rted and the 4 bit header sent. If a serial port writ e starts after a read command has commenced, then a 0 will be transmitted to the reader d uring the tim e th at th e E EP ROM is busy with the write. In some cases , reads fr om the s erial port will also cause data to temporarily be read as 0’s.
interval within this listening
QUIET bit, causing the
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