IBM S544-5750-00 User Manual

IBM Printing Systems: Printer Information
IBM Printing Systems: Printer Information
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Table of Contents

List of Figures .................................vii
List of Tables ..................................ix
Trademarks ..................................xiii
Chapter 1. Introducing IBM Printing Systems Printers ..................1
Printers Described in This Publication .........................1
Finding Additional Information About Printing ......................1
Advanced Function Common Control Unit (AFCCU) ....................1
Printer Characteristics and PSF-Supported Functions....................2
Printer Characteristics ..............................2
AFP Font Collection ..............................11
IPDS Functions ................................14
Data Streams .................................18
Attachment Modes for Supported Printers ......................18
Chapter 2. Network Printer 12 (4312) ........................25
Printable Area..................................26
Media Specifications ...............................26
Attachments ..................................27
Chapter 3. Network Printer 17 (4317) ........................29
Printable Area..................................30
Media Specifications ...............................30
Attachments ..................................31
Chapter 4. Infoprint Color 8 Printer (4308) ......................33
Printable Area..................................34
Selecting the Printing Medium ............................34
Media Size and Configuration ...........................34
Media Specifications ..............................35
Attachments ..................................35
Chapter 5. Infoprint 12 Printer (4912) ........................37
Printable Area..................................38
Media Size and Configuration ............................38
Media Specifications ...............................38
Attachments ..................................39
Chapter 6. Infoprint 20 Printer (4320) ........................41
Printable Area..................................42
Media Specifications ...............................42
Attachments ..................................43
Chapter 7. Infoprint 21 Printer (4322) ........................45
Printable Area..................................46
Media Specifications ...............................46
Attachments ..................................47
Chapter 8. Infoprint 32 and Infoprint 40 Printers (4332) .................51
Printable Area..................................53
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001 iii
Media Specifications ...............................53
Attachments ..................................54
Chapter 9. Infoprint 60 Printer (3160–002) ......................57
Printable Area..................................58
Media Specifications ...............................59
Attachments ..................................59
Chapter 10. Infoprint 70 Printer (2770) ........................61
Printable Area..................................62
Media Specifications ...............................62
Attachments ..................................63
Chapter 11. Infoprint 2000 NP1 and RP1 Printers (2710–NP1, 2710–RP1) ..........65
Printable Area..................................66
Media Size and Configuration ............................66
Media Specifications ...............................66
Attachments ..................................67
Chapter 12. Infoprint 2000–DP1 Printer (2710–DP1) ...................69
Printable Area..................................70
Media Specifications ...............................70
Attachments ..................................71
Chapter 13. Infoprint 3000–ES1 and –ED1/ED2 Printers (3300) ..............73
Printable Area..................................74
Media Specifications ...............................75
Attachments ..................................75
Chapter 14. Infoprint 4000 IS1– and –IS2 Printers (4000–IS1 and –IS2) ...........79
Printable Area..................................81
Media Specifications ...............................82
Attachments ..................................82
Chapter 15. Infoprint 4000–IR1/IR2 and –IR3/IR4 Printers (4000–IR1/IR2 and –IR3/IR4) .....85
Printable Area..................................86
Media Specifications ...............................87
Attachments ..................................87
Chapter 16. Infoprint 4000–ID1/ID2 and –ID3/ID4 Printers (4000–ID1/ID2 and –ID3/ID4) .....89
Printable Area..................................90
Media Specifications ...............................92
Attachments ..................................93
Chapter 17. Infoprint 4000–ID5/ID6 Printer (4000–ID5/ID6) ................95
Printable Area..................................96
Media Specifications ...............................98
Attachments ..................................98
Chapter 18. InfoColor 70 Printer (3170–002) .....................101
Printable Area .................................102
Media Specifications ...............................103
Attachments ..................................103
Chapter 19. Infoprint Color 100 Printer (3170–003)...................105
Printable Area .................................106
iv Printer Information
Media Specifications ...............................107
Attachments ..................................107
Chapter 20. Infoprint Color 130 Printer (3170004)...................109
Printable Area .................................110
Media Specifications ...............................111
Attachments ..................................111
Chapter 21. Infoprint Color 130 Plus Printer (3170005).................113
Printable Area .................................114
Media Specifications ...............................115
Attachments ..................................115
Chapter 22. 4230 Printer (4230) ..........................119
Printable Area .................................120
Media Specifications ...............................120
Attachments ..................................120
Fonts ....................................122
Operator-Adjustable Forms ............................122
Print-Quality Levels ...............................122
Printer Capabilities ...............................124
Chapter 23. 4232 Impact Printer (4232) .......................125
Printable Area .................................126
Media Specifications ...............................126
Attachments ..................................126
Operator-Adjustable Forms ............................127
Chapter 24. 4247 Printer (4247) ..........................129
Printable Area .................................130
Selecting the Printing Medium ...........................130
Specifying the Source of the Medium for a 4247-001 Printer ...............130
Identifying the Paper Source (Media IDs) ......................130
Selecting Paper Sources Compatible with Other Printers ................130
Media Specifications ..............................131
Attachments ..................................131
Using PSF ..................................134
Selecting AS/400 Media .............................134
Using GDDM .................................135
Using formsparameters ............................135
Operator-Adjustable Forms ............................135
Print-Quality Levels for IPDS Models .........................135
Printer Capabilities ...............................137
Chapter 25. 4400 Thermal Label Printer (4400) ....................139
Printable Area .................................140
Media Specifications ...............................140
Attachments ..................................141
Chapter 26. 6400 Line Matrix Printer (6400) .....................145
Printable Area .................................146
Media Specifications ...............................146
Attachments ..................................147
Operator-Adjustable Forms ............................148
Print-Quality Levels in IPDS Mode..........................149
Printer Capabilities ...............................150
Table of Contents v
Chapter 27. Infoprint 62 Printer (4370) .......................151
Printable Area .................................153
Media Specifications ...............................153
Attachments ..................................153
Appendix A. Migrating Your 3800 Printer Applications .................157
Compatibility among PSF-Supported Printers......................157
Page Presentation...............................157
3800 AFP Mode ................................163
3800 Compatibility Mode .............................164
Hardware RPQ for 3800 Compatibility ........................165
Performance Considerations ...........................165
RPQ Installation Considerations..........................166
PSF/MVS Line Mode Function ...........................166
How PSF/MVS Line Mode Works .........................166
Invoking PSF/MVS Line Mode Function.......................167
Considerations for Line-Merge Jobs ........................168
Printers Supported by PSF/MVS Line Mode .....................168
Implementing PSF/MVS Line Mode ........................168
3900 or 4000 Installation Considerations .......................169
Appendix B. Font Information for IPDS Printers....................171
Font Terminology, Names of Font Groups, and Font Structure ...............171
IBM Font Structure and Terminology ........................171
Tables Listing Printer-Resident Fonts .........................176
Abbreviations Used in the Tables .........................176
Fonts Resident in the AFCCU Printers .......................177
Appendix C. Related Publications .........................185
Glossary ...................................193
Glossary ...................................193
Source Identifiers ...............................193
References .................................193
Index ....................................207
vi Printer Information

List of Figures

1. Network Printer 12 Printer ...........................25
2. Printable Area on the Network Printer 12 ......................26
3. Network Printer 17 Printer ...........................29
4. Printable Area on the Network Printer 17 ......................30
5. Infoprint Color 8 Printer ............................33
6. Printable Area on the Infoprint Color 8 printer ....................34
7. Infoprint 12 Printer ..............................37
8. Printable Area on the Infoprint 12 .........................38
9. Infoprint 20 Printer ..............................41
10. Printable Area on the Infoprint 20 Printer ......................42
11. Infoprint 21 Printer ..............................45
12. Printable Area on the Infoprint 21 Printer ......................46
13. Infoprint 32 Printer ..............................51
14. Infoprint 40 Printer with Optional Finisher ......................52
15. Printable Area on the Infoprint 32 and Infoprint 40 Printers ...............53
16. Infoprint 60 Printer ..............................57
17. Recommended Printable Area for an 8.5 x 11 Inch Sheet on the Infoprint 60 Printer ......59
18. Infoprint 70 Printer ..............................61
19. Recommended Printable Area for an 8.5 x 11-Inch Sheet on the Infoprint 70 Printer ......62
20. Infoprint 2000–NP1 and –RP1 Printer .......................65
21. Printable Area in IPDS Mode on the Infoprint 2000 NP1 and RP1 Printers..........66
22. Infoprint 2000–DP1 Printer ...........................69
23. Printable Area in IPDS Mode on the Infoprint 2000–DP1 Printer .............70
24. Infoprint 3000–ED1/ED2 Printer .........................73
25. Printable Area on the Infoprint 3000–ES1 and –ED1/ED2 Printers .............75
26. Infoprint 4000–IS1 and –IS2 Printers .......................79
27. Printable Area for 9.5 by 11-Inch (Narrow) and a 12 by 8.5-Inch (Wide) Roll Forms on Infoprint
4000–IS1 and –IS2 printers ...........................81
28. Printable Area for 9.5 by 11-Inch (Narrow) and a 12 by 8.5-Inch (Wide) Folded Forms on Infoprint
4000–IS1 and –IS2 printers ...........................82
29. Infoprint 4000–IR1/IR2 and –IR3/IR4 Printers ....................85
30. Printable Area in IPDS Mode on the Infoprint 4000–IR1/IR2 and –IR3/IR4 Printers.......87
31. Infoprint 4000–ID1/ID2 and –ID3/ID4 Printers ....................89
32. Recommended printable areas..........................91
33. Folded Forms on the Infoprint 4000–ID1/ID2 and –ID3/ID4 Printers ............92
34. Folded Forms on the Infoprint–4000 ID1/ID2 and –ID3/ID4 Printers ............92
35. Infoprint 4000–ID5/ID6 Printer ..........................95
36. Recommended Printable Areas on the Infoprint 4000–ID5/ID6 Printer ...........97
37. Folded Forms on the Infoprint 4000–ID5/ID6 Printer ..................97
38. Folded Forms on the Infoprint 4000–ID5/ID6 Printer ..................98
39. InfoColor 70 Printer .............................101
40. Printable Area in IPDS Mode on the InfoColor 70 ..................103
41. Infoprint Color 100 Printer ...........................105
42. Printable Area on the Infoprint Color 100 Printer ...................107
43. Infoprint Color 130 printer ...........................109
44. Printable Area on the Infoprint Color 130 Printer ...................111
45. Infoprint Color 130 Plus Printer .........................113
46. Printable Area on the Infoprint Color 130 Plus Printer .................115
47. 4230 Printer ................................119
48. 4232 Impact Printer .............................125
49. 4247 Printer ................................129
50. 4400 Model 004 Thermal Label Printer with Validator Option Attached...........139
51. 6400 Printer ................................145
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001 vii
52. Infoprint 62 Printer..............................151
53. Printable Area in IPDS Mode on the Infoprint 62 ...................153
54. Media Origins and Print Directions for PSF-Supported Printers .............158
55. PSF-Supplied Form Definitions. .........................160
56. Valid-Printable-Area Error: AFCCU Continuous Forms Printer Output with Incorrect Form
Definition .................................161
57. Using PSF Form Definition F10101LA to Prevent Valid-Printable-Area Errors ........161
58. Upside-Down Printing: AFCCU Continuous Forms Printers Output with Incorrect Form Definition 162
59. Using PSF Form Definition F1C10110 to Prevent Presentation Errors ...........162
60. No Compatibility Form Definition Required .....................163
61. Font Components ..............................171
62. Composition of a Font Character Set .......................172
63. Translation of a Keyboard Character into a Printed Character ..............173
64. Part of IBM Code Page T1V10037 ........................174
viii Printer Information

List of Tables

1. Workgroup Laser Printer Characteristics.......................2
2. Workgroup Laser Printer Characteristics (continued) ..................3
3. Cut Sheet Production Printer Characteristics .....................4
4. Continuous Form Production Printer Characteristics (1 of 2) ...............4
5. Production/System Printer Characteristics (2 of 2) ...................6
6. Enterprise Color Printer Characteristics .......................8
7. Industrial / Impact and Non-Impact Printer Characteristics (1 of 2) .............9
8. Industrial / Impact and Non-Impact Printer Characteristics (2 of 2).............10
9. Font Support with PSF.............................12
10. Font Technologies Supported by IPDS Printers....................12
11. Font Technologies Supported by PCL Printers ....................13
12. Font Technologies Supported by PostScript Printers ..................13
13. Supported IPDS Functions (1 of 2) ........................14
14. Supported IPDS Functions (2 of 2) ........................15
15. Bar Codes supported by IPDS Printers.......................17
16. Data Stream Transforms ............................18
17. Attachment Modes for the Infoprint Color 8 .....................19
18. Attachment Modes for the Infoprint 12 Printer ....................19
19. Attachment Modes for the Network Printer 12, Network Printer 17, Infoprint 20, Infoprint 32, and
Infoprint 40 Printers ..............................19
20. Attachment Modes for the Infoprint 21 Printer ....................19
21. Attachment Modes for the Infoprint 60 Printer ....................20
22. Attachment Modes for the Infoprint 70 Printer ....................20
23. Attachment Modes for the Infoprint 2000–NP1 and Infoprint 2000–RP1 Printers........20
24. Attachment Modes for the Infoprint 2000–DP1 Printer .................20
25. Attachment Modes for the Infoprint 2000–DP1 Printer with AFCCU Feature .........20
26. Attachment Modes for the Infoprint 3000 Printers ...................20
27. Attachment Modes for the Infoprint 4000 Printers ...................21
28. Attachment Modes for the InfoColor 70, Infoprint Color 100, and Infoprint Color 130 Printers 21
29. Attachment Modes Infoprint Color 130 Plus Printer ..................21
30. Attachment Modes for the 4230 Printer.......................21
31. Attachment Modes for the 4232 Printer.......................22
32. Attachment Modes for the 4247 Printer.......................22
33. Attachment Modes for the 4400 Thermal Printer ...................22
34. Attachment Modes for the 6400 Printer.......................22
35. Attachment Modes for the Infoprint 62 Printer ....................23
36. Network Printer 12 Characteristics ........................25
37. PC Parallel and RS-232 Serial Interface ......................27
38. Optional Token-Ring and Ethernet ........................27
39. Optional Coax Interface ............................27
40. Optional Twinax Interface............................28
41. Network Printer 17 Characteristics ........................29
42. PC Parallel and RS-232 Serial Interface ......................31
43. Optional Token-Ring and Ethernet ........................31
44. Optional Coax Interface ............................31
45. Optional Twinax Interface............................32
46. Infoprint Color 8 Printer Characteristics.......................33
47. Supported Drivers on the Infoprint Color 8 Printer...................35
48. Supported Network Operating Systems on the Infoprint Color 8 Printer ...........35
49. Infoprint 12 Characteristics ...........................37
50. Attachment and Operating System Support for the Infoprint 12 Printer ...........39
51. Infoprint 20 Printer Characteristics ........................41
52. PC Parallel Interface .............................43
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001 ix
53. Optional Token-Ring and Ethernet ........................43
54. Optional Coax Interface ............................44
55. Optional Twinax Interface............................44
56. Infoprint 21 Printer Characteristics ........................45
57. Attachment/Operating System Support for the Infoprint 21 Printer .............47
58. Optional Coax Interface for the Infoprint 21 Printer ..................48
59. Optional Twinax Interface for the Infoprint 21 Printer..................48
60. Printer Drivers for the Infoprint 21 Printer ......................49
61. Infoprint 32 and Infoprint 40 Printer Characteristics ..................52
62. PC Parallel Interface .............................54
63. Optional Token-Ring and Ethernet ........................54
64. Optional Coax Interface ............................55
65. Optional Twinax Interface............................56
66. Infoprint 60 Printer Characteristics ........................58
67. Attachments for the Infoprint 60 Printer.......................59
68. Infoprint 70 Printer Characteristics ........................61
69. Software Supported on the Infoprint 70 Printer ....................63
70. Infoprint 2000 NP1 and RP1 PrintersCharacteristics .................65
71. Infoprint 2000–DP1 Printer Characteristics .....................69
72. Infoprint 3000–ES1 and –ED1/ED2 Printer Characteristics ...............73
73. Infoprint 4000–IS1 and –IS2 Printer Characteristics ..................79
74. Infoprint 4000–IR1/IR2 and –IR3/IR4 Printer Characteristics ...............85
75. Infoprint 4000–ID1/ID2 and –ID3/ID4 Printer Characteristics ...............89
76. Infoprint 4000–ID5/ID6 Printer Characteristics ....................95
77. InfoColor 70 Printer Characteristics .......................101
78. InfoColor 100 Printer Characteristics .......................105
79. InfoColor 130 Printer Characteristics .......................109
80. InfoColor 130 Plus Printer Characteristics .....................113
81. 4230 Impact Printers .............................119
82. 4230 Printer Print-Quality Selection Values.....................122
83. 4230 Printer Symbol Sets and Corresponding Coded Fonts...............123
84. 4232 Impact Printers .............................125
85. Caption ..................................127
86. Caption ..................................127
87. 4247 Printer ................................129
88. System Support Through Parallel Attachments for the 4247 Printer ............132
89. Network Operating System Support through Parallel Attachments for the 4247 Printer .....132
90. Coax Software Support for the 4247 Printer ....................133
91. Twinax Software Support for the 4247 Printer ....................133
92. 4247 Printer Print-Quality Selection Values.....................135
93. 4247 Printer Symbol Sets and Corresponding Coded Fonts...............136
94. 4400 Thermal Label Printers ..........................139
95. Attachments for the 4400 Thermal Label Printer ...................141
96. IPDS Support for the 4400 Thermal Printer.....................141
97. IPDS Support with Infoprint Manager for the 4400 Thermal Printer ............142
98. Ethernet Support for the 4400 Thermal Printer ...................143
99. 6400 Line Matrix Printers ...........................146
100. System, Controller, and Processors Attachments for the 6400 Printer ...........147
101. ASCII Support for the 6400 Printer ........................147
102. Caption ..................................148
103. 6400 Printer Print-Quality Selection Values.....................149
104. 6400 Printer Symbol Sets and Corresponding Coded Fonts...............149
105. Infoprint 62 Printer Characteristics ........................151
106. Font Width Calculation for Uniformly Spaced Fonts..................175
107. Font Width Calculation for Mixed-Pitch Character Sets ................175
108. Font Width Calculation for Proportionally Spaced Fonts ................175
x Printer Information
109. Resource Type and Resource ID Formats .....................177
110. Arabic Expanded Core Fonts ..........................178
111. Hebrew Expanded Core Fonts .........................178
112. Latin1 Expanded Core Fonts ..........................179
113. Latin2/3/5 Expanded Core Fonts ........................179
114. Latin4 Expanded Core Fonts ..........................179
115. Symbols Expanded Core Fonts .........................180
116. Cyrillic Greek Expanded Core Fonts .......................180
117. OCR, APL, and Katakana Fonts Resident in the AFCCU Printers ............181
118. Code Pages for the Expanded Core Fonts .....................181
119. Advanced Function Presentation Publications ....................185
120. Data Stream and Object Architectures ......................185
121. IBM AFP Fonts Publications ..........................185
122. IBM AFP DBCS Fonts Publications........................186
123. IBM Infoprint Manager for AIX Publications.....................186
124. IBM Infoprint Manager for Windows NT and Windows 2000 Publications ..........186
125. IBM Infoprint Server for OS/390 V2R8- V2R10 ...................186
126. IBM Infoprint Server for OS/390 V2R8- V2R10 ...................186
127. Network Printer 12 Publications .........................186
128. Network Printer 17 Publications .........................187
129. Infoprint Color 8 Printer Publications .......................187
130. InfoPrint 12 Publications............................187
131. Infoprint 20 Printer Publications .........................187
132. Infoprint 21 Printer Publications .........................188
133. Infoprint 32 and Infoprint 40 Printer Publications ...................188
134. Infoprint 60 Printer Publications .........................188
135. Infoprint 70 Printer Publications .........................188
136. Infoprint 2000–DP1 Printer Publications ......................188
137. Infoprint 62 Publications............................189
138. Infoprint 3000 Printer Publications ........................189
139. Infoprint 4000 Printer Publications ........................189
140. Infoprint Color 100 Printer Publications ......................189
141. Infoprint Color 130 Plus Printer Publications ....................189
142. 4230 Printer Publications ...........................189
143. 4232 Printer Publications ...........................189
144. 4247 Printer Publications ...........................190
145. 4400 Printer Publications ...........................190
146. 6400 Line Matrix Printer............................190
147. Print Services Facility for OS/390 Publications ...................190
148. Print Services Facility/VM Publications ......................190
149. Print Services Facility/VSE Publications ......................190
150. Print Services Facility for AS/400 Publications....................191
151. Other AFP Products Publications ........................191
List of Tables xi
xii Printer Information


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This publication is intended to help you identify differences between IBM printers and the software used to drive the printers.


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IBM Infoprint InfoColor AIX AS/400 VM/ESA RISC System/6000 RS/6000 Advanced Function Common Control Unit AFCCU Advanced Function Presentation™(AFP) Print Services Facility Print Services Facility for OS/390 Print Services Facility/VM Print Services Facility/VSE Print Services Facility/400 Print Services Facility/6000
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xiv Printer Information

Chapter 1. Introducing IBM Printing Systems Printers

IBM Printing Systems offers printing hardware and software technology. Printing Systems specializes in print solutions for the enterprise delivering customized, comprehensive solutions that go beyond the printed page. Printing Systems provides innovative, efficient, and cost-effective printing solutions that link information with output across any enterprise, large or small, worldwide.
This publication is intended to help you identify differences between IBM printers and the software used to drive the printers.

Printers Described in This Publication

This publication describes the following printers:
v Chapter 2. Network Printer 12 (4312) v Chapter 3. Network Printer 17 (4317) v Chapter 4. Infoprint Color 8 Printer (4308) v Chapter 5. Infoprint 12 Printer (4912) v Chapter 6. Infoprint 20 Printer (4320) v Chapter 7. Infoprint 21 Printer (4322) v Chapter 8. Infoprint 32 and Infoprint 40 Printers (4332) v Chapter 9. Infoprint 60 Printer (3160–002) v Chapter 10. Infoprint 70 Printer (2770) v Chapter 11. Infoprint 2000 NP1 and RP1 Printers (2710–NP1, 2710–RP1) v Chapter 12. Infoprint 2000–DP1 Printer (2710–DP1) v Chapter 13. Infoprint 3000–ES1 and –ED1/ED2 Printers (3300) v Chapter 14. Infoprint 4000 IS1– and –IS2 Printers (4000–IS1 and –IS2) v Chapter 15. Infoprint 4000–IR1/IR2 and –IR3/IR4 Printers (4000–IR1/IR2 and –IR3/IR4) v Chapter 16. Infoprint 4000–ID1/ID2 and –ID3/ID4 Printers (4000–ID1/ID2 and –ID3/ID4) v Chapter 17. Infoprint 4000–ID5/ID6 Printer (4000–ID5/ID6) v Chapter 18. InfoColor 70 Printer (3170–002) v Chapter 19. Infoprint Color 100 Printer (3170–003) v Chapter 20. Infoprint Color 130 Printer (3170–004) v Chapter 21. Infoprint Color 130 Plus Printer (3170–005) v Chapter 22. 4230 Printer (4230) v Chapter 23. 4232 Impact Printer (4232) v Chapter 24. 4247 Printer (4247) v Chapter 25. 4400 Thermal Label Printer (4400) v Chapter 26. 6400 Line Matrix Printer (6400) v Chapter 27. Infoprint 62 Printer (4370)

Finding Additional Information About Printing

For more information about IBM printers and printing software, visit the IBM Printing Systems Internet page at:

Advanced Function Common Control Unit (AFCCU)

The Advanced Function Common Control Unit (AFCCU) is the printer controller used in IPDS production printers. The heart of the AFCCU is a RISC System/6000 processor devoted to controlling printer functions and interpreting the IPDS data stream, and a set of microcode that runs on this processor. The same microcode is used across printer models, providing common IPDS functionality. However, since new functions are continually added to IPDS, newer printer models may have functions that were not shipped on older models. For details on IPDS functions available on AFCCU printers, see the IPDS Handbook for
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001 1
Printers that Use the AFCCU, G544-3895. For a summary of IPDS functions available on AFCCU and non-AFCCU printers, see Table 13 on page 14 and Table 14 on page 15. The AFCCU printers described in this publication are:
v Chapter 9. Infoprint 60 Printer (3160–002) v Chapter 12. Infoprint 2000–DP1 Printer (2710–DP1) v Chapter 27. Infoprint 62 Printer (4370) v Chapter 13. Infoprint 3000–ES1 and –ED1/ED2 Printers (3300) v Chapter 14. Infoprint 4000 IS1– and –IS2 Printers (4000–IS1 and –IS2) v Chapter 15. Infoprint 4000–IR1/IR2 and –IR3/IR4 Printers (4000–IR1/IR2 and –IR3/IR4) v Chapter 16. Infoprint 4000–ID1/ID2 and –ID3/ID4 Printers (4000–ID1/ID2 and –ID3/ID4) v Chapter 17. Infoprint 4000–ID5/ID6 Printer (4000–ID5/ID6) v Chapter 21. Infoprint Color 130 Plus Printer (3170–005)

Printer Characteristics and PSF-Supported Functions

When you prepare an application to be printed on a PSF-supported printer, you should consider certain printer characteristics. Although the printers have many capabilities and functions in common, some differences exist. This publication describes printer characteristics and functions that are important when you are:
v Preparing an application for use on only one type of printer v Deciding which printer to use for an application v Preparing an application for use on more than one type of printer
This publication describes the differences among printers that may affect using the printer with PSF. For more information about a specific printer or for information about other printer characteristics, refer to the printer publications.
The printer characteristics as shown in Table 1 through Table 7 are supported similarly by PSF programs on different operating systems. An example of a printer characteristic is the medium on which the printer prints: continuous forms or cut-sheet. The printer hardware determines the medium, and PSF uses what is provided.
In contrast, other PSF-supported functions can differ across operating systems and releases. For example, current releases of the PSF licensed programs support graphics and bar codes, whereas earlier releases do not.

Printer Characteristics

Table 1 through Table 7 on page 9 summarize some of the printer characteristics described in this publication.
Workgroup Laser Printers
IBM Printing Systemsworkgroup laser printers are cut-sheet printers designed to support the printing needs of small to medium-sized organizations. Table 1 and Table 2 on page 3 list the characteristics of these printers.
Table 1. Workgroup Laser Printer Characteristics
Printer Characteristics Network Printer 12
Maximum printing rate 12 ppm 17 ppm 8 ppm 12 ppm Print technology Laser Laser Laser Laser Datastreams
* Pages and ESC/P support is available only in Japan.
IPDS, SCS, DSC, DSE, PostScript, PCL, Pages*, ESC/P*
Network Printer 17
IPDS, SCS, DSC, DSE, PostScript, PCL, Pages*, ESC/P*
Infoprint Color 8
PCL, PostScript PCL, PostScript
Infoprint 12
2 Printer Information
Table 1. Workgroup Laser Printer Characteristics (continued)
Printer Characteristics Network Printer 12
Network Printer 17
Infoprint Color 8
Infoprint 12
Form type Cut Sheet Cut Sheet Cut Sheet Cut Sheet Number of input bins 2 standard
1 optional
Number of output bins 1 standard
1 optional
2 standard
1 optional
1 standard
2 optional
2 standard
1 optional
2 standard
2 standard
2 optional
1 standard
1 optional Manual forms feed yes yes yes yes Envelope printing yes yes no yes MICR printing
*IBM Business Partners may have MICR solutions for
no* no* no* no* these printers. Duplex printing
yes yes
(manual) Color no no yes no Printhead resolution
600 dpi 600 dpi 600 dpi
300 dpi 600 dpi
1,200 dpi
Maximum impressions per month (duty cycles)
35,000 65,000 25,000 20,000
Table 2. Workgroup Laser Printer Characteristics (continued)
Printer Characteristics
Infoprint 20
Infoprint 21
Infoprint 32
(4332–001) (4332–002) (4332–003)
Infoprint 40
(4332–004) (4332–005) (4332–006)
Maximum printing rate 20 ppm 21 ppm 32 ppm 40 ppm Print technology Laser Laser Laser Laser Datastreams
* Pages and ESC/P support is available only in Japan.
IPDS, SCS, DSC, DSE, PostScript, PCL, Pages*, ESC/P*
IPDS, SCS, DSC, DSE, PostScript, PCL
IPDS, SCS, DSC, DSE, PostScript, PCL, Pages*, ESC/P*
IPDS, SCS, DSC, DSE, PostScript, PCL, Pages*,
ESC/P* Form type Cut Sheet Cut Sheet Cut Sheet Cut Sheet Number of input bins 2 standard
2 optional
Number of output bins 1 standard
1 optional
2 standard
2 optional
1 standard
2 optional
3 standard
3 optional
1 standard
4 optional
3 standard
3 optional
1 standard
4 optional Manual forms feed yes yes yes yes Envelope printing yes yes yes yes MICR printing
*IBM Business Partners may have MICR solutions for these
no* no* no* no* printers. Duplex printing yes yes yes yes Color no no no no Printhead resolution 600 dpi 1200 dpi 600 dpi 600 dpi
Chapter 1. Introducing IBM Printing Systems Printers 3
Table 2. Workgroup Laser Printer Characteristics (continued) (continued)
Printer Characteristics
Maximum impressions per month (duty cycles)
Infoprint 20
75,000 100,000 150,000 150,000
Infoprint 21
Infoprint 32
(4332–001) (4332–002) (4332–003)
Infoprint 40
(4332–004) (4332–005) (4332–006)
Cutsheet Production Printers
IBM Printing Systemscut sheet production printers are heavy-duty, full-function printers with multiple connectivity options. Table 3 lists the characteristics for these printers.
Table 3. Cut Sheet Production Printer Characteristics
Printer Characteristics
Maximum printing rate 60 ppm 70 ppm 110 ppm 110 ppm Print technology Laser Laser Laser Laser Datastreams
Form type Cut Sheet Cut Sheet Cut-Sheet Cut-Sheet Number of input bins 3 standard
Number of output bins 2 standard
Manual forms feed no no no no Envelope printing no no no no MICR printing
*IBM Business Partners may have MICR solutions for these printers.
Duplex printing yes yes yes yes Color no no no no Printhead resolution 240 dpi
Maximum impressions per month (duty cycles)
Infoprint 60
1 optional
2 optional
no* no* no no
300 dpi 600 dpi
750,000 400,000 2,000,000 2,000,000
Infoprint 70
4 standard
1 optional
2 standard
1 optional
600 dpi 600 dpi 600 dpi
Infoprint 2000
(2710–NP1) (2710–RP1)
PostScript 3, PCL6, PDF
3 standard 3 standard
1 standard 1 standard
Infoprint 2000
IPDS, LCDS/Metacode, PCL6, PostScript 3, PDF
Continuous Form Production Printers
IBM Printing Systemscontinuous form production printers are high-speed, high capacity printers. Table 4 and Table 5 on page 6 lists the characteristics for these printers.
Table 4. Continuous Form Production Printer Characteristics (1 of 2)
Printer Characteristics
Print technology Laser Laser Laser Laser Datastreams IPDS IPDS IPDS IPDS
Infoprint 3000
Infoprint 3000
4 Printer Information
Infoprint 4000
Infoprint 4000
Table 4. Continuous Form Production Printer Characteristics (1 of 2) (continued)
Printer Characteristics
Infoprint 3000
Infoprint 3000
Infoprint 4000
Infoprint 4000
Form type Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Number of input bins 1 standard 1 standard 1 standard 1 standard Number of output bins 1 standard 1 standard 1 standard 1 standard Manual forms feed n/a n/a n/a n/a Envelope printing n/a n/a n/a n/a MICR printing
*With either RPQ 8B4013 or
no no yes* yes*
8B4018 installed Duplex printing no yes no no Color
*With the IBM 4005 Infoprint Hi-Lite Color printer attached
Printhead resolution 480 dpi
no no yes* yes*
600 dpi
480 dpi 600 dpi
240 dpi 300 dpi
240 dpi 300 dpi
Maximum printing rates for letter (8.5 x 11)
inches per second 15.9 15.9 32.5 46 inches per minute 954 954 1,950 2,760
Maximum printing rates for letter in pages per minute
1–up landscape (8.5 inches
112 112 229 324
long) simplex
1–up landscape (8.5 inches
n/a 224 n/a n/a
long) duplex
2–up portrait (11 inches
172 172 354 501 long) simplex
2–up portrait (11 inches
n/a 344 n/a n/a
long) duplex Maximum printing rates for A4 (210 x 297 mm)
mm per second 404 404 825 1168 mm per minute 24,231 24,231 49,530 70,104
Maximum printing rates for A4 in pages per minute
1–up landscape (210 mm
115 115 235 333
long) simplex
1–up landscape (210 mm
n/a 230 n/a n/a
long) duplex
2–up portrait (297 mm long)
162 162 333 472 simplex
2–up portrait (297 mm long)
n/a 324 n/a n/a
duplex Maximum usage in pages per month (duty cycles) Letter: 1–up landscape (8.5
inches long) Letter: 2–up portrait (11 inches
2,800,000 simplex 5,800,000 duplex 5,600,000 simplex 8,000,000 simplex
4,400,000 simplex 8,800,000 duplex 8,700,000 simplex 12,300,000 simplex
Chapter 1. Introducing IBM Printing Systems Printers 5
Table 4. Continuous Form Production Printer Characteristics (1 of 2) (continued)
Printer Characteristics
A4: 1–up landscape (210 mm long)
A4: 2–up portrait (297 mm long)
Infoprint 3000
Infoprint 3000
3,000,000 simplex 6,000,000 duplex 5,700,000 simplex 8,100,000 simplex
4,000,000 simplex 8,000,000 duplex 8,200,000 simplex 11,500,000 simplex
Infoprint 4000
Infoprint 4000
1. The 4000–IS2 printer was originally shipped with a print speed of 44 inches per second. All 4000–IS2 printers shipped after February 17, 1998 (or with upgrades 9324 or 4260 installed) have a print speed of 46 inches per second.
2. The IBM Infoprint 4005 Hi-Lite Color post-processor provides a high-speed, high quality, all-points-addressable (APA) color printing system to complement the industry-leading quality and reliability the IBM Infoprint 4000 Wide or Wide Duplex printers (240 dpi models). Visit the IBM Printing Systems Internet page at for more information about the Infoprint 4005.
3. Maximum printing rate is the maximum number of pages of the indicated size and configuration that can be printed at the constant speed of paper movement shown for each printer. Rates for pages of different sizes and configuration can be calculated by dividing the form length into the printer speed. Actual printing rate will be less if the printer cannot reach this rate due to complexity or density of the data or the ability of the system to deliver data at this rate.
4. Maximum usage is based on operating 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, at maximum printing rate with normal maintenance and operations activity. IBM does not recommend reaching this monthly maximum on consistent basis.
Table 5. Production/System Printer Characteristics (2 of 2)
Printer Characteristics Infoprint 4000
(4000 IR1/IR2)
Infoprint 4000 (4000 IR3/IR4)
Infoprint 4000 (4000 ID1/ID2)
Infoprint 4000 (4000 ID3/ID4)
Infoprint 4000 (4000 ID5/ID6)
Print technology Laser Laser Laser Laser Laser Datastreams IPDS IPDS IPDS IPDS IPDS Form type Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Number of input bins 1 standard 1 standard 1 standard 1 standard 1 standard Number of output bins 1 standard 1 standard 1 standard 1 standard 1 standard Manual forms feed n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Envelope printing n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a MICR printing
*With either RPQ 8B4013 or
no no yes* no yes*
8B4018 installed Duplex printing yes yes yes yes yes Color
*With the IBM 4005 Infoprint Hi-Lite Color printer attached
Printhead resolution 480 dpi
no no yes* yes* yes*
600 dpi
480 dpi 600 dpi
240 dpi 300 dpi
240 dpi 300 dpi
480 dpi 600 dpi
Maximum printing rates for letter (8.5 x 11 inches)
inches per second 21.3 32.5 32.5 46 46 inches per minute 1,278 1,950 1,950 2,760 2,760
Maximum printing rates for letter in pages per minute
1–up landscape (8.5 inches
150 229 229 324 324
long) simplex
6 Printer Information
Table 5. Production/System Printer Characteristics (2 of 2) (continued)
Printer Characteristics Infoprint 4000
(4000 IR1/IR2)
1–up landscape (8.5 inches
300 458 458 648 648
Infoprint 4000 (4000 IR3/IR4)
Infoprint 4000 (4000 ID1/ID2)
Infoprint 4000 (4000 ID3/ID4)
Infoprint 4000 (4000 ID5/ID6)
long) duplex
2–up portrait (11 inches long)
232 354 354 501 501
2–up portrait (11 inches long)
464 708 708 1,002 1,002
duplex Maximum printing rates for A4 (210 x 297 mm)
mm per second 541 825 825 1168 1168 mm per minute 32,461 49,530 49,530 70,104 70,104
Maximum printing rates for A4 in pages per minute
1–up landscape (210 mm long)
154 235 235 333 333
1–up landscape (210 mm long)
308 470 470 666 666
2–up portrait (297 mm long)
218 333 333 472 472
2–up portrait (297 mm long)
436 666 666 944 944
duplex Maximum usage in pages per month (duty cycles) Letter: 1–up landscape (8.5
inches long) Letter: 2–up portrait (11 inches
long) A4: 1–up landscape (210 mm
A4: 2–up portrait (297 mm long) 10,700,000
1. The IBM Infoprint 4005 Hi-Lite Color post-processor provides a high-speed, high quality, all-points-addressable (APA) color printing system to complement the industry-leading quality and reliability the IBM Infoprint 4000 Wide or Wide Duplex printers (240 dpi models). Visit the IBM Printing Systems Internet page at for more information about the Infoprint 4005.
2. Maximum printing rate is the maximum number of pages of the indicated size and configuration that can be printed at the constant speed of paper movement shown for each printer. Rates for pages of different sizes and configuration can be calculated by dividing the form length into the printer speed. Actual printing rate will be less if the printer cannot reach this rate due to complexity or density of the data or the ability of the system to deliver data at this rate.
3. Maximum usage is based on operating 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, at maximum printing rate with normal maintenance and operations activity. IBM does not recommend reaching this monthly maximum on consistent basis.
Enterprise Color Printers
IBM Printing Systemsenterprise color printers are web-fed, full-color printers. Table 6 on page 8 lists the characteristics for these printers.
Chapter 1. Introducing IBM Printing Systems Printers 7
Table 6. Enterprise Color Printer Characteristics
Printer Characteristics InfoColor 70
Print technology Electro-
Infoprint Color
Infoprint Color
Infoprint Color
130 Plus
photographic Datastreams PostScript PostScript PostScript IPDS Form type Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Number of input bins 1 standard 1 standard 1 standard 1 standard Number of output bins 1 standard 1 standard 1 standard 1 standard Manual forms feed n/a n/a n/a n/a Envelope printing n/a n/a n/a n/a MICR printing no no no no Duplex printing yes yes no no Color selection yes yes yes yes Printhead resolution 600 dpi 600 dpi 600 dpi 600 dpi Maximum printing rates for letter (8.5 x 11 inches)
inches per second 3.4 4.8 6.3 6.3 inches per minute 204 289 378 378
Maximum printing rates for letter in pages per minute
1–up landscape (8.5 inches
long) simplex
1–up landscape (8.5 inches
long) duplex
2–up portrait (11 inches long)
2–up portrait (11 inches long)
35 34 44 44
70 68 138 138
n/a 52 68 68
n/a 105 136 136
Maximum printing rates for A4 (210 x 297 mm)
mm per second 86 122.5 160 160 mm per minute 5160 7350 9,600 9,600
Maximum printing rates for A4 in pages per minute
1–up landscape (210 mm
long) simplex
1–up landscape (210 mm
long) duplex
2–up portrait (297 mm long)
2–up portrait (297 mm long)
35 34 44 44
70 68 138 138
n/a 52 n/a n/a
n/a 105 n/a n/a
Maximum usage in pages per month (duty cycles)
Letter: 1–up landscape (8.5
inches long)
Letter: 2–up portrait (11
inches long)
680,000 duplex 680,000 duplex 680,000 duplex 680,000 duplex
n/a 1,050,000 duplex 1,050,000 duplex 1,050,000 duplex
8 Printer Information
Table 6. Enterprise Color Printer Characteristics (continued)
Printer Characteristics InfoColor 70
(3170–002) (3170–02D)
A4: 1–up landscape (210 mm
A4: 2–up portrait (297 mm
1. Maximum printing rate is the maximum number of pages of the indicated size and configuration that can be printed at the constant speed of paper movement shown for each printer. Rates for pages of different sizes and configuration can be calculated by dividing the form length into the printer speed. Actual printing rate will be less if the printer cannot reach this rate due to complexity or density of the data or the ability of the system to deliver data at this rate.
2. Maximum usage is based on operating 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, at maximum printing rate with normal maintenance and operations activity. IBM does not recommend reaching this monthly maximum on consistent basis.
700,000 duplex 700,000 duplex 700,000 duplex 700,000 duplex
n/a 1,000,000 duplex 1,000,000 duplex 1,000,000 duplex
Infoprint Color
Infoprint Color
Infoprint Color
130 Plus
Industrial Impact and Non-Impact Printers
IBM Printing Systemsindustrial impact and non-impact printers are cost-effective, rugged impact and non-impact printers that print on a wide variety of media. Table 7 and Table 8 on page 10 lists the characteristics for these printers.
Table 7. Industrial / Impact and Non-Impact Printer Characteristics (1 of 2)
Printer Characteristics 4230–xx1
4230–xx2 4230–xx3
Maximum printing rate: characters per second (cps) Maximum printing rate: lines per minute (lpm) Maximum printing rate: inches per second (ips)
Print technology Impact Dot Matrix Impact Dot Matrix Impact Dot Matrix Datastreams PPDS, Epson, ASCII,
Form type Continuous
Number of input bins
Number of output bins 1 standard 1 standard 1 standard Manual forms feed
*An Automatic Sheet Feed Device is available.
Envelope printing n/a n/a n/a MICR printing no no no Duplex printing no no no Color no no no Operator-adjustable forms yes yes yes Printhead resolution (pels per inch) 144 X 144 144 X 144 144 X 144 Maximum characters per second (cps) per
month (duty cycles)
375 cps (-xx1) 480 cps (-xx1) 600 cps (-xx1)
1 standard 1 standard
yes yes yes*
16,000,000 16,000,000 20,000,000
600 cps
700 cps (A00/001)
400 (002)
3 standard
3 optional
Chapter 1. Introducing IBM Printing Systems Printers 9
Table 8. Industrial / Impact and Non-Impact Printer Characteristics (2 of 2)
Printer Characteristics
6400–050/P50 6400–010/P10
4400 Thermal
Printer 4400–004 4400–006
Infoprint 62
(4370–002) (4370–003)
Maximum printing rate: characters per second (cps) Maximum printing rate: lines per minute (lpm) Maximum printing rate: inches per second (ips)
500 lpm (050/P50)
1000 lpm (010/P10)
1500 lpm (015)
Models 004/006
8 ips at 300 dpi
10 ips at 203 dpi
Model 008
6 ips at 300 dpi
8 ips at 203 dpi Print technology Line Matrix Thermal Light Emitting Diode Datastreams PPDS, Epson, ASCII,
Form type Continuous Continuous Continuous Number of input bins 1 standard 1 standard 1 standard Number of output bins
Manual forms feed *An Automatic Sheet Feed Device is available.
1 standard 1 standard
n/a n/a n/a
1 standard
1 optional
Envelope printing n/a n/a n/a MICR printing no no no Duplex printing no no no Color no no no Operator-adjustable forms yes yes n/a Printhead resolution (pels per inch)
Maximum characters per second (cps) per month (duty cycles)
120 X 144
n/a n/a n/a
203 dpi 300 dpi
240 dpi (4370–002) 300 dpi (4370–003)
Maximum printing rates for letter (8.5 x 11)
inches per second inches per minute 528
Maximum printing rates for letter in pages per minute
1–up landscape (8.5 inches long) simplex 1–up landscape (8.5 inches long) duplex n/a 2–up portrait 11 inches long (simplex) n/a
2–up portrait 11 inches long (duplex) n/a
Maximum printing rates for A4 (210 mm x 297 mm)
mm per second mm per minute 13,411
Maximum printing rates for A4 in pages per minute
10 Printer Information
Table 8. Industrial / Impact and Non-Impact Printer Characteristics (2 of 2) (continued)
Printer Characteristics
6400–050/P50 6400–010/P10
1–up landscape (210 mm long) simplex 1–up landscape (210 mm long) duplex n/a 2–up portrait (297 mm long) simplex n/a
2–up portrait (297 mm long) duplex n/a Maximum usage in pages per month (duty cycles) Letter: 1–up landscape (8.5 inches long) Letter: 2–up portrait (11 inches long) n/a A4: 1–up landscape (210 mm long) 600,000 simplex A4: 2–up portrait (297 mm long) n/a
1. Maximum printing rate is the maximum number of pages of the indicated size and configuration that can be
printed at the constant speed of paper movement shown for each printer. Rates for pages of different sizes and configuration can be calculated by dividing the form length into the printer speed. Actual printing rate will be less if the printer cannot reach this rate due to complexity or density of the data or the ability of the system to deliver data at this rate.
2. Maximum usage is based on operating 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, at maximum printing rate with normal
maintenance and operations activity. IBM does not recommend reaching this monthly maximum on consistent basis.
4400 Thermal
Printer 4400–004 4400–006 4400–008
Infoprint 62
(4370–002) (4370–003)
600,000 simplex

AFP Font Collection

The AFP Font Collection provides a comprehensive set of fonts and utility programs that enable you to optimize font usage on Advanced Function Printing devices. The fonts provided by this product, or transformed using its utilities, can be installed on any IBM operating system, providing consistency across platforms and AFP printers. Resident IPDS fonts are supplied for the printers marketed by IBM Printing Systems. The single-byte raster and outline fonts shipped with the AFP Font Collection are already marked correctly for activating resident fonts and for capturing fonts.
A raster font is a sequence of dots that form the character. The number of dots per inch that a printer generates is called the print resolution, or density. A resolution of 240 pels means that a printer prints 240 pels per inch both vertically and horizontally, or 57,600 pels per square inch (240 x 240). The ability to print at a given pel density is determined by the type of printer. Because IBM fonts are provided for specific resolutions, different fonts are available for printers with different resolutions (for example, 240–pel and 300–pel printers).
Outline fonts describe their characters by mathematical formulas rather than by pels. These formulas are used by rasterizing software to create bitmap characters based on two variables: resolution and point size. This means that a single outline font can offer many print resolutions and point sizes.
The Font Collection Version 2 product numbers are: 5648-B33 (MVS, VM, and VSE) and 5648-B45 (AIX, OS/400, and OS/2). For more information, see the Printing Systems web site at:
Font Technologies
Resident fonts are installed in the printer and are always available. Their use can significantly decrease the amount of data that must be sent to the printer across communication lines. A list of which resident fonts are available on the printer can usually be obtained from the printers menu.
Chapter 1. Introducing IBM Printing Systems Printers 11
Downloaded fonts are sent from the print server and generally disappear after the job has finished printing. Downloaded fonts can also be capturedby the printer. Captured fonts automatically become new temporary resident fonts, which improves performance on future jobs that use the same fonts. The printer manages the captured font library, not the print server.
Font Support with PSF and Infoprint Manager: Outline, raster, SBCS and DBCS fonts are supported by Print Services Facility and Infoprint Manager on most operating systems as download, resident, or captured fonts. Table 9 list the font technologies supported by PSF.
Table 9. Font Support with PSF
Operating System Download Resident Captured
PSF for OS/390 yes yes yes PSF/MVS yes yes yes PSF/VSE yes yes yes PSF/VM yes
PSF/400 yes yes yes Infoprint Manager for
Windows NT and Windows
yes yes no
2000 Infoprint Manager for AIX yes yes no
1. PSF/VM does not download outline fonts.
yes no
Font Support with IPDS Printers: The following table summarizes the font technologies supported by Printing System IPDS printers.
Table 10. Font Technologies Supported by IPDS Printers
Printer Single-Byte Raster Single-Byte Outline Double-Byte Raster Double-Byte Outline
Network Printer 12 Downloaded Downloaded Network Printer 17 Downloaded Downloaded Infoprint 20 printer
Infoprint 21 printer
Infoprint 32 printer Infoprint 40 printer
Infoprint 60 printer Downloaded
Infoprint 62 printer
Infoprint 2000–DP1 printer
Infoprint 3000 printers
Downloaded Downloaded
12 Printer Information
Table 10. Font Technologies Supported by IPDS Printers (continued)
Printer Single-Byte Raster Single-Byte Outline Double-Byte Raster Double-Byte Outline
Infoprint 4000–IR1/IR2 printer Infoprint 4000–IR3/IR4 printer
Infoprint 4000–IS1 printer Infoprint 4000–IS2 printer Infoprint 4000–ID1/ID2 printer Infoprint 4000–ID3/ID4 printer Infoprint 4000–ID5/ID6 printer
Infoprint Color 130 Plus printer
4230 Printer 4247 Printer 6400 Printer
1. With the IPDS DBCS font feature.
Resident Resident Resident Resident
Downloaded (240 dpi)
Font Support with PCL Printers: The following table summarizes the font technologies supported by Printing System PCL printers.
Table 11. Font Technologies Supported by PCL Printers
Printer Internal (resident) Disk (additional) Downloadable (Soft)
Infoprint Color 8 yes no no Infoprint 12 printer yes no no Network Printer 12 yes no yes Network Printer 17 yes yes yes Infoprint 20 printer yes yes yes Infoprint 21 printer yes yes yes Infoprint 32 printer
Infoprint 40 printer Infoprint 60 printer yes yes yes Infoprint 2000–NP1/RP1
printers Infoprint 3000 printers yes yes yes
yes yes yes
yes yes yes
Font Support with PostScript Printers: The following table summarizes the font technologies supported by Printing System PostScript printers.
Table 12. Font Technologies Supported by PostScript Printers
Printer Internal Downloadable (Soft)
Infoprint Color 8 yes no Network Printer 12 yes no
Chapter 1. Introducing IBM Printing Systems Printers 13
Table 12. Font Technologies Supported by PostScript Printers (continued)
Printer Internal Downloadable (Soft)
Network Printer 17 yes yes Infoprint 20 printer yes yes Infoprint 21 printer yes yes Infoprint 32 printer yes yes Infoprint 40 printer yes yes Infoprint 2000–NP1/RP1 printers yes yes Infoprint 3000 printers yes yes
Network Printer Resource Utility
The Network Printer Resource Utility (NPRU) is an application for Workgroup printers that provides a repository (resource inventory) for fonts and overlays (macros) on a workstation with access to an IBM printer. Once a font or overlay has been added to the NPRU inventory, it can be downloaded to temporary or permanent RAM on the printer or to a Flash or Hard Drive option if available.
The font formats supported are PCL Intellifonts, TrueType, and PostScript Type1. Fonts and overlays that are downloaded are available to workstation applications when the network printer drivers are selected. NPRU is a separate program that uses the printer drivers to download.
See the Setup CD-ROM for individual Workgroup printers for information about the systems that NPRU supports.

IPDS Functions

Table 13 and Table 14 summarizes the IPDS functions supported by each printer.
Table 13. Supported IPDS Functions (1 of 2)
Network Printer
Network Printer
N_UP no no yes no N_UP Enhanced no no yes no Cut-Sheet Emulation no no no no Print Quality Selection no yes no yes Set Media Size no no no no Select Media Modification no no no no Media Source by Copy yes yes yes yes Media ID by Name no no yes no Media ID by OID no Infoprint 21 only no yes Maximum Mapped Page Overlay 254 254 32,511 254 Page Overlay Rotation no no yes no Maximum Mapped Page Segment 127 127 32,511 127 Changeable Media Origin yes yes yes yes Logical Page and Object Coloring
no no
Infoprint 20 Infoprint 21 Infoprint 32 Infoprint 40
Infoprint 60 Infoprint 70
Prints black,
color of medium,
or percentage of
14 Printer Information
+ 204 hidden pages