IBM E52 User Manual

6633 - 4LE
E52 Color Monitor
User Guide
First Edition (May / 2002)
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Note : For important information, refer to the Monitor Safety and Warranty manual that comes with this monitor.
Workplace Preparation .................................................................A2
Working Practices.........................................................................A2
Monitor Driver Installation............................................................A4
Driver installation for Windows 95 or Windows 98 ......................A4
Driver installation for Windows 2000 or Windows Me .................A5
Driver installation for Windows XP...............................................A6
Control Panel Function...................................................................A7
Front Panel Controls......................................................................A7
On Screen Display (OSD) Control Adjustment........................A8
On Screen Display (OSD) Selection and Adjustment...............A9
Preset Modes (Resolution)...........................................................A16
Service Information.....................................................................A16
Table of Contents
Workplace Preparation
Positioning the Monitor
Choose a suitable place to position the monitor where it is not near fluorescent desk lighting or any equipment that produces magnetic fields that could cause interference. Ensure that the furniture or equipment can support the weight of the monitor. Allow at least 50mm (2 in.) ventilation space around the monitor.
Position the monitor so that the top of the screen is slightly below your eye level when you sit at your workstation.
- Choose a position that gives the least reflection from lights and windows, usually at a right angle to any windows.
- Position the monitor directly in front of you so that you do not have to twist your body.
- Tilt the monitor to a comfortable viewing angle.
Working Practices
Take regular breaks. Vary your posture, and stand up and stretch occasionally as prolonged use of computer workstations can be tiring.
Sit back in the chair and use the back rest.
Use a light touch on the keyboard, keeping your hands and fingers relaxed. Allow a space in front of the keyboard to rest your wrists when not typing. Consider using a wristpad.
Working with monitors, in common with any prolonged close work, can be visually demanding. Look away from the screen periodically and have your eyesight checked regularly.
Screen settings
Set the screen brightness and contrast to a comfortable level. You may have to adjust this as the lighting changes during the day. Many application programs let you select color combinations which can help you to view in comfort.
Power Cord
For safe operation, use the power cord supplied with the unit.
Do not install the monitor in a location near heat sources such as
radiators or air ducts, or in a place subject to direct sunlight, or excessive dust or mechanical vibration or shock.
Save the original shipping carton and packing materials, as they will
come in handy if you ever have to ship your monitor.
To keep the monitor looking new, periodically clean it with a soft cloth.
Stubborn stains may be removed with a cloth lightly dampened with a mild detergent solution. Never use strong solvents such as thinner, benzene, or abrasive cleaners, since these will damage the cabinet. As a safety precaution, always unplug the monitor before cleaning it.
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