IBM DS4700 User Manual

IBM Sys tem Storage DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem
Installation, U ser’s and M ain t enance Guide
IBM Sys tem Storage DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem
Installation, U ser’s and M ain t enance Guide
Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information in the “Safety” on page xv and “Notices” on page 215 sections.
Sixth Edition (November 2011)
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.


Figures ............................ix
Safety ............................xv
About this document ......................xxi
Who should read this document ..................xxi
How this document is organized ..................xxi
DS4000 Storage Subsystem installation tasks - General overview ......xxii
Getting information, help, and service ................xxvi
Before you call .......................xxvi
Using the documentation....................xxvi
Finding DS4000 readme files ..................xxvii
Web sites .........................xxvii
Software service and support..................xxviii
Hardware service and support .................xxviii
Fire suppression systems ...................xxix
How to send your comments ..................xxix
Chapter 1. Introduction ......................1
Overview ...........................1
Models ...........................2
Operating system support ....................3
Fibre channel defined ......................3
SATA defined .........................3
Inventory checklist ........................3
Product updates and support notifications ...............5
Best practices guidelines......................5
Storage subsystem components ...................6
Enhanced Disk Drive Modules (E-DDMs) ...............7
Controllers ..........................8
Connectors, switch, and enclosure ID ...............8
Setting up IP addresses for DS4000 storage controllers ........11
AC power supply and fan units ..................12
DC power supply and fan units ..................14
Battery units .........................17
SFP modules ........................19
Telco bezel .........................19
Software and hardware compatibility and upgrades ...........20
Software and firmware support code upgrades ............21
Determining firmware levels ...................21
Specifications .........................22
Area requirements ......................22
Dimensions ........................22
Weight ..........................23
Shipping dimensions .....................23
Environmental requirements and specifications ............24
Temperature and humidity ...................24
Airflow and heat dissipation ..................25
Shock and vibration requirements ................26
Acoustic noise .......................26
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2010 iii
Electrical requirements .....................26
Power and site wiring requirements for models with ac power supply and
fan units ........................27
Power and site wiring requirements for models with dc power supply and
fan units ........................28
Heat output, airflow, and cooling .................28
Chapter 2. Installing the storage subsystem .............31
Installation overview .......................31
Handling static-sensitive devices ..................33
Preparing for installation .....................34
Tools and hardware required ...................35
Preparing the site .......................35
Preparing the rack cabinet....................36
Installing the support rails .....................36
Installing the DS4700 Express ...................40
Removing the CRUs ......................40
Removing a controller ....................41
Removing an ac power supply and fan unit ............42
Removing a dc power supply and fan unit .............43
Removing an E-DDM ....................45
Installing the DS4700 Express into a rack on the support rails ......46
Replacing the components ...................48
Replacing a controller ....................48
Replacing an ac power supply and fan unit ............49
Replacing a dc power supply and fan unit .............50
Replacing an E-DDM ....................52
Installing a Telco bezel ....................53
Chapter 3. Cabling the storage subsystem..............55
Enclosure ID settings ......................55
Fibre-channel loop and ID settings..................56
Working with SFPs and fiber-optic cables ...............56
Handling fibre-optic cables ...................57
Installing SFP modules .....................58
Removing SFP modules ....................60
Using LC-LC fibre-channel cables .................61
Connecting an LC-LC cable to an SFP module ...........62
Removing an LC-LC fibre-channel cable .............64
Using LC-SC fibre-channel cable adapters ..............64
Connecting an LC-SC cable adapter to a device ..........65
Removing an LC-LC cable from an LC-SC cable adapter .......66
Connecting storage expansion enclosures to the DS4700 Express ......68
Redundant drive channel pair ..................68
Overview of steps to connect storage expansion enclosures to a storage
DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem drive cabling topologies ......70
One DS4700 Express and one storage expansion enclosure ......72
One DS4700 Express and two storage expansion enclosures......72
One DS4700 Express and three storage expansion enclosures .....74
One DS4700 Express and four storage expansion enclosures .....74
One DS4700 Express and up to six storage expansion enclosures ....74
One DS4700 Express and two or more storage expansion enclosures in a
mixed configuration ....................76
DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem and supported storage expansion
enclosure drive cabling schemes ................77
iv IBM System Storage DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem: Installation, User’s and Maintenance Guide
DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem drive cabling rules and
recommendations .....................78
One DS4700 Express and one EXP100 storage expansion enclosure. . . 80 One DS4700 Express and two EXP100 storage expansion enclosures 81 One DS4700 Express and three or more EXP100 storage expansion
One DS4700 Express and one EXP710 storage expansion enclosure. . . 85 One DS4700 Express and two EXP710 storage expansion enclosures 85 One DS4700 Express and three or more EXP710 storage expansion
One DS4700 Express and one EXP810 storage expansion enclosure. . . 89 One DS4700 Express and two EXP810 storage expansion enclosures 89 One DS4700 Express and three or more EXP810 storage expansion
One DS4700 Express and two or more storage expansion enclosures in a
mixed configuration ....................94
Storage expansion enclosure settings ...............97
Fibre channel loop and ID settings................97
DS4000 storage expansion enclosure ID settings ..........97
Intermixing storage expansion enclosures in the same drive loop ......99
Connecting secondary interface cables ...............100
Configuring the storage subsystem .................101
Storage subsystem management methods .............101
Host-agent (in-band) management method ............102
Direct (out-of-band) management method ............102
Connecting hosts to the DS4700 Express .............104
Fibre channel connections ...................107
Fibre channel host loop configurations ...............107
Redundant host and drive loops ................108
Installing the storage subsystem configuration .............110
Cabling the ac power supply for ac models ..............111
Cabling the dc power supply for dc models ..............111
Single-level redundant dc cabling.................112
Dual-level redundant dc cabling .................113
Chapter 4. Operating the storage subsystem ............117
Performing the DS4000 Health Check process .............117
Web pages .........................118
Hardware responsibilities ....................118
Powering on the storage subsystem.................119
Turning on the storage subsystem ................119
Installing the DS4000 Storage Manager client .............121
Monitoring status through software .................122
Finding controller, storage expansion enclosure, and drive information 123
Firmware updates ......................124
Troubleshooting the storage subsystem ..............124
Checking the LEDs .......................125
AC power supply and fan unit LEDs ...............126
DC power supply and fan unit LEDs ...............126
Front LEDs .........................127
Battery unit LEDs ......................128
Controller LEDs .......................129
Seven-segment numeric display LEDs ...............132
Powering off the storage subsystem.................133
Turning off the storage subsystem ................134
Performing an emergency shutdown ...............136
Contents v
Restoring power after an unexpected shutdown ...........137
Recovering from an overheated power supply and fan unit ........138
Cache memory and cache battery .................140
Cache memory .......................141
Subsystem cache battery ...................142
Chapter 5. Replacing components ................145
Handling static-sensitive devices ..................145
Service Action Allowed Status LED .................145
Replacing a controller ......................146
Removing and replacing a bezel ..................150
Replacing a filter and filter retainer .................151
Working with hot-swap E-DDMs ..................151
Installing hot-swap E-DDMs...................153
Replacing hot-swap E-DDMs ..................155
Replacing multiple E-DDMs ...................156
Replacing all E-DDMs at the same time .............157
Replacing the E-DDMs one at a time ..............159
Verifying the Link Rate setting ..................161
Replacing an ac power supply and fan unit ..............164
Replacing a dc power supply and fan unit ..............169
Replacing a battery unit .....................175
Replacing an SFP module ....................177
Replacing a midplane ......................178
Chapter 6. Hardware maintenance ................183
General checkout .......................183
Solving problems .......................183
Parts listing..........................188
Appendix A. Records .....................191
Identification numbers ......................191
Storage subsystem and controller information record ..........192
Sample information record ...................193
Installed device records .....................194
Appendix B. Rack mounting template ...............195
Appendix C. Power cords ....................199
Appendix D. Additional DS4000 documentation ...........203
DS4000 Storage Manager Version 10 library .............203
DS4800 Storage Subsystem library .................204
DS4700 Storage Subsystem library .................205
DS4500 Storage Subsystem library .................206
DS4400 Storage Subsystem library .................207
DS4300 Storage Subsystem library .................208
DS4200 Express Storage Subsystem library .............209
DS4100 Storage Subsystem library .................210
DS4000 Storage Expansion Enclosure documents ...........211
Other DS4000 and DS4000-related documents ............212
Appendix E. Accessibility ....................213
Notices ...........................215
vi IBM System Storage DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem: Installation, User’s and Maintenance Guide
Important notes ........................216
Particulate contamination.....................217
Documentation format ......................217
Electronic emission notices ....................218
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) statement ........218
Industry Canada Class A emission compliance statement ........218
Avis de conformité à la réglementation d'Industrie Canada .......218
Australia and New Zealand Class A statement ............218
European Union EMC Directive conformance statement ........218
Taiwanese Class A warning statement ...............219
Germany Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive ...........219
Deutschland: Einhaltung des Gesetzes über die elektromagnetische
Verträglichkeit von Geräten .................220
Zulassungsbescheinigung laut dem Deutschen Gesetz über die
elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit von Geräten (EMVG) (bzw. der EMC
EG Richtlinie 2004/108/EG) für Geräte der Klasse A ........220
People's Republic of China Class A warning statement.........220
Japan Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI) Class A Statement 220 Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA)
Statement (less than or equal to 20 A per phase) ..........220
Korean Communications Commission (KCC) Class A Statement .....220
Glossary ..........................221
Index ............................231
Contents vii
viii IBM System Storage DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem: Installation, User’s and Maintenance Guide


1. DS4700 Express hot-swap drive bays .......................7
2. Back view; connectors, switch, ports, enclosure ID on model 70 .............10
3. Back view; connectors, switch, ports, enclosure ID on model 72 .............10
4. Power supply and fan unit components for DS4700 Express model 70 ...........13
5. Power supply and fan unit components for DS4700 Express model 72 ...........13
6. Power supply and fan unit and airflow .......................14
7. DC power supply and fan unit ..........................15
8. DC power supply and fan unit for DS4700 Express model 70 ..............15
9. DC power supply and fan unit for DS4700 Express model 72 ..............16
10. Battery unit .................................18
11. SFP module and fiber optic cable.........................19
12. Bezel ...................................20
13. Filter and filter retainer .............................20
14. DS4700 Express dimensions ..........................23
15. DS4700 Express airflow ............................25
16. Example of cold aisle/hot aisle rack configuration ...................29
17. Example of DS4700 Express serial number, machine type, and model number location .....32
18. Front rack mounting template ..........................37
19. Rear rack mounting template ..........................38
20. Installing the support rails ...........................40
21. Removing and replacing a controller........................42
22. Removing a power supply and fan unit.......................43
23. Removing a dc power supply and fan unit .....................45
24. Removing a E-DDM CRU ...........................46
25. Installing the DS4700 Express ..........................47
26. Securing the DS4700 Express to the rack cabinet...................48
27. Removing and replacing a controller........................49
28. Replacing a power supply and fan unit .......................50
29. Replacing a dc power supply and fan unit .....................52
30. Replacing an E-DDM .............................53
31. Installing a Telco bezel.............................54
32. Storage subsystem seven-segment enclosure ID on models 70 and 72 ...........56
33. Recommended bending and looping specifications for fibre-optic cables ..........58
34. SFP module and protective cap .........................60
35. Installing an SFP module into the host port .....................60
36. Unlocking the SFP module latch - plastic variety ...................61
37. Unlocking the SFP module latch - wire variety ....................61
38. LC-LC fibre-channel cable ...........................62
39. Removing fiber-optic cable protective caps .....................63
40. Inserting an LC-LC fibre-channel cable into an SFP module ...............63
41. LC-LC fibre-channel cable lever and latches .....................64
42. Removing the LC-LC fibre-channel cable ......................64
43. LC-SC fibre-channel cable adapter ........................65
44. Removing the LC-SC cable adapter protective caps ..................66
45. Connecting an LC-LC cable into the LC-SC cable adapter ...............66
46. LC-LC fibre-channel cable lever and latches .....................67
47. Removing the LC-LC fibre-channel cable from an LC-SC fibre-channel cable adapter .....67
48. Example of a redundant drive channel pair .....................69
49. DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem (Model 70) ports and controllers ...........71
50. DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem (Model 72) ports and controllers ...........71
51. One DS4700 Express and one storage expansion enclosure — Recommended cabling .....72
52. One DS4700 Express and two storage expansion enclosure — Not recommended cabling 73
53. One DS4700 Express and two storage expansion enclosure — Recommended cabling .....73
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2010 ix
54. One DS4700 Express and three storage expansion enclosure — Recommended cabling ....74
55. One DS4700 Express and four storage expansion enclosure — Recommended cabling.....74
56. One DS4700 Express and up to six storage expansion enclosure — Recommended cabling 75
57. One DS4700 Express and up to six storage expansion enclosure — Not recommended ....76
58. One DS4700 Express and two or more storage expansion enclosures in a mixed environment —
Recommended cabling ............................77
59. DS4700 Express drive ports connected to EXP810 ESM ports labeled 1B ..........79
60. DS4700 Express drive ports connected to 14-drive storage expansion enclosure ESM In and Out
ports ...................................80
61. One DS4700 Express and one EXP100 storage expansion enclosure — Recommended cabling 81
62. One DS4700 Express and two EXP100 storage expansion enclosures behind a pair of DS4700
drive ports .................................81
63. One DS4700 Express and three EXP100 storage expansion enclosures behind a pair of DS4700
drive ports .................................82
64. One DS4700 Express and four EXP100 storage expansion enclosures behind a pair of DS4700
drive ports .................................83
65. One DS4700 Express and a maximum of six EXP100 storage expansion enclosures behind a pair
of DS4700 drive ports .............................84
66. One DS4700 Express and one EXP710 storage expansion enclosure — Recommended cabling 85
67. One DS4700 Express and two EXP710 storage expansion enclosures behind a pair of DS4700
drive ports .................................85
68. One DS4700 Express and three EXP710 storage expansion enclosures behind a pair of DS4700
drive ports .................................86
69. One DS4700 Express and four EXP710 storage expansion enclosures behind a pair of DS4700
drive ports .................................87
70. One DS4700 Express and a maximum of six EXP710 storage expansion enclosures behind a pair
of DS4700 drive ports .............................88
71. One DS4700 Express and one EXP810 storage expansion enclosure — Recommended cabling 89
72. One DS4700 Express and two EXP810 storage expansion enclosures behind a pair of DS4700
drive ports .................................90
73. One DS4700 Express and three EXP810 storage expansion enclosures behind a pair of DS4700
drive ports .................................91
74. One DS4700 Express and four EXP810 storage expansion enclosures behind a pair of DS4700
drive ports .................................92
75. One DS4700 Express and a maximum of six EXP810 storage expansion enclosures behind a pair
of DS4700 drive ports .............................93
76. Acceptable EXP710, EXP810 and EXP100 intermix configuration in a DS4700 Express Storage
Subsystem environment ............................95
77. Unacceptable EXP710, EXP810 and EXP100 intermix configuration in a DS4700 Express Storage
Subsystem environment ............................96
78. Cabling variations when intermixing EXP100, EXP710, and EXP810 storage expansion
enclosures behind a DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem ...............97
79. Ethernet and serial port locations on DS4700 Express model 70 .............100
80. Ethernet and serial port locations on DS4700 Express model 72 .............101
81. Host-agent (in-band) managed storage subsystems .................102
82. Direct (out-of-band) managed storage subsystems ..................104
83. Location of host cables on RAID controllers on model 70 of the DS4700 Express ......105
84. Location of host cables on RAID controllers on model 72 of the DS4700 Express ......105
85. Cabling diagram for two redundant host connections .................106
86. Cabling diagram for four redundant host connections .................107
87. Examples of redundant host direct attached fibre channel configurations ..........108
88. Example of a single SAN fabric configuration ....................109
89. Example of a dual SAN fabric configuration ....................109
90. Example of two storage subsystems in a dual SAN environment .............110
91. Example of a two-cluster configuration ......................110
92. DC power supply and fan unit cabling scheme - single-level redundancy ..........113
x IBM System Storage DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem: Installation, User’s and Maintenance Guide
93. DC power supply and fan unit cabling scheme - dual-level redundancy ..........114
94. DC power supply connector - PIN positions ....................114
95. DC wiring from DS4700 Express to disconnect device and dc power source ........115
96. Power supply and fan unit LEDs.........................126
97. DC power supply and fan unit LEDs .......................127
98. Front LEDs and controls ...........................128
99. Battery unit LEDs ..............................129
100. Rear controller LEDs, controls, and connectors - Model 70 ...............130
101. Rear controller LEDs, controls, and connectors - Model 72 ...............130
102. Numeric display LEDs ............................132
103. Cache Active LEDs .............................141
104. Battery unit LEDs ..............................143
105. Unlocking the SFP module latch - plastic variety ...................147
106. Unlocking the SFP module latch - wire variety ...................148
107. Removing a controller from the DS4700 Express ..................148
108. Installing a controller .............................149
109. Removing and replacing a bezel.........................150
110. Hot-swap E-DDM LEDs ............................154
111. E-DDM CRU handle .............................154
112. Link rate LEDs ...............................163
113. Link rate switch ...............................163
114. Replacing a power supply and fan unit ......................168
115. Replacing a dc power supply and fan unit .....................174
116. Removing and replacing a battery unit from the controller chassis ............176
117. Replacing an SFP module ...........................178
118. Front cage frame screw locations ........................180
119. Screws holding the top and bottom sides of the chassis to the cage frame .........181
120. DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem parts list ...................189
121. Front rack mounting template ..........................196
122. Rear rack mounting template ..........................197
Figures xi
xii IBM System Storage DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem: Installation, User’s and Maintenance Guide


1. Where to find DS4000 installation and configuration procedures .............xxii
2. Description of Figure 2 on page 10 ........................10
3. Description of Figure 3 on page 10 ........................10
4. Description of Figure 4 on page 13 ........................13
5. Description of Figure 5 on page 13 ........................13
6. DC power supply and fan unit description for DS4700 Express model 70 ..........15
7. DC power supply and fan unit description for DS4700 Express model 72 ..........16
8. Description of Figure 10 on page 18........................18
9. Filter and filter retainer description ........................20
10. DS4700 Express weights ............................23
11. DS4700 Express component weights .......................23
12. DS4700 Express shipping carton dimensions ....................23
13. Temperature and humidity requirements for storage subsystem when in storage or in transit 24
14. Temperature and humidity requirements for storage subsystem in a typical Information Technology
(IT) or office environment............................24
15. Temperature and humidity requirements for storage subsystem in a Telco/NEBS-3 compliant
environment ................................24
16. DS4700 Express altitude ranges .........................25
17. DS4700 Express power and heat dissipation ....................26
18. Random vibration power spectral density ......................26
19. DS4700 Express sound levels ..........................26
20. DS4700 Express ac power requirements ......................27
21. DS4700 Express dc power requirements ......................27
22. Description of Figure 32 on page 56........................56
23. DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem (Model 70) host ports and drive channels........71
24. DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem (Model 72) host ports and drive channels........71
25. DS4700 Express drive ports connected to EXP810 ESM ports labeled 1B ..........79
26. DS4700 Express drive ports connected to 14-drive storage expansion enclosure ESM In and Out
ports ...................................80
27. Description of Figure 76 ............................95
28. Description of Figure 77 ............................96
29. Description of Figure 78 ............................97
30. Recommended enclosure ID settings scheme when connecting a DS4700 to EXP710s or
31. Possible combinations of 14-drive and 16-drive storage expansion enclosures per redundant
drive/channel loop pair in a DS4700 Express configuration ...............99
32. DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem (Model 72) location of host ports on controllers .....101
33. DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem (Model 72) location of host ports on controllers .....101
34. Description of Figure 61............................102
35. Description of Figure 62............................104
36. DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem (Model 70) location of host ports on controllers .....105
37. DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem (Model 72) location of host ports on controllers .....105
38. DC power supply connector - PIN descriptions ...................114
39. DC power source wiring descriptions .......................115
40. Power supply and fan unit LEDs.........................126
41. DC power supply and fan unit LEDs .......................127
42. Front LEDs and controls ...........................128
43. Battery unit LEDs ..............................129
44. Rear controller LEDs, controls, and connectors ...................130
45. Host and drive channel LED definitions ......................132
46. Numeric display diagnostic codes ........................133
47. Description of Figure 103 on page 141 ......................141
48. Battery unit LEDs ..............................143
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2010 xiii
49. Drive LED activity ..............................152
50. Data transfer rates for drive modules .......................162
51. Symptom-to-FRU index ............................184
52. Parts listing (DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem)..................189
53. Storage subsystem and controller information record .................192
54. Sample information record ...........................193
55. Hard disk drive record ............................194
56. IBM power cords ..............................199
57. DS4000 Storage Manager Version 10 titles by user tasks ...............203
58. DS4800 Storage Subsystem document titles by user tasks ...............204
59. DS4700 Storage Subsystem document titles by user tasks ...............205
60. DS4500 Storage Subsystem document titles by user tasks ...............206
61. DS4400 Storage Subsystem document titles by user tasks ...............207
62. DS4300 Storage Subsystem document titles by user tasks ...............208
63. DS4200 Express Storage Subsystem document titles by user tasks ...........209
64. DS4100 Storage Subsystem document titles by user tasks ...............210
65. DS4000 Storage Expansion Enclosure document titles by user tasks ...........211
66. DS4000 and DS4000–related document titles by user tasks ..............212
67. DS4000 Storage Manager alternate keyboard operations ...............213
68. Limits for particulates and gases ........................217
xiv IBM System Storage DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem: Installation, User’s and Maintenance Guide


The caution and danger statements that this document contains can be referenced in the multilingual IBM®Safety Information document that is provided with your IBM System Storage statement is numbered for easy reference to the corresponding statements in the translated document.
v Danger: These statements indicate situations that can be potentially lethal or
extremely hazardous to you. A danger statement is placed just before the description of a potentially lethal or extremely hazardous procedure, step, or situation.
v Caution: These statements indicate situations that can be potentially hazardous
to you. A caution statement is placed just before the description of a potentially hazardous procedure step or situation.
v Attention: These notices indicate possible damage to programs, devices, or
data. An attention notice is placed just before the instruction or situation in which damage could occur.
Before installing this product, read the following danger and caution notices.
Statement 1:
DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem. Each caution and danger
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2010 xv
Electrical current from power, telephone, and communication cables is hazardous.
To avoid a shock hazard: v Do not connect or disconnect any cables or perform installation,
maintenance, or reconfiguration of this product during an electrical storm.
v Connect all power cords to a properly wired and grounded electrical
v Connect to properly wired outlets any equipment that will be attached to
this product.
v When possible, use one hand only to connect or disconnect signal
v Never turn on any equipment when there is evidence of fire, water, or
structural damage.
v Disconnect the attached power cords, telecommunications systems,
networks, and modems before you open the device covers, unless instructed otherwise in the installation and configuration procedures.
v Connect and disconnect cables as described in the following table when
installing, moving, or opening covers on this product or attached devices.
To Connect: To Disconnect:
1. Turn everything OFF.
2. First, attach all cables to devices.
3. Attach signal cables to connectors.
4. Attach power cords to outlet.
5. Turn device ON.
1. Turn everything OFF.
2. First, remove power cords from outlet.
3. Remove signal cables from connectors.
4. Remove all cables from devices.
Statement 2:
CAUTION: When replacing the lithium battery, use only an equivalent type battery recommended by the manufacturer. If your system has a module containing a lithium battery, replace it only with the same module type made by the same manufacturer. The battery contains lithium and can explode if not properly used, handled, or disposed of.
Do not:
v Throw or immerse into water v Heat to more than 100° C (212° F) v Repair or disassemble
Dispose of the battery as required by local ordinances or regulations.
Statement 3:
xvi IBM System Storage DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem: Installation, User’s and Maintenance Guide
CAUTION: When laser products (such as CD-ROMs, DVD drives, fiber optic devices, or transmitters) are installed, note the following:
v Do not remove the covers. Removing the covers of the laser product could
result in exposure to hazardous laser radiation. There are no serviceable parts inside the device.
v Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than
those specified herein might result in hazardous radiation exposure.
Some laser products contain an embedded Class 3A or Class 3B laser diode. Note the following.
Laser radiation when open. Do not stare into the beam, do not view directly with optical instruments, and avoid direct exposure to the beam.
Class 1 Laser statement
Class 1 Laser Product Laser Klasse 1 Laser Klass 1 Luokan 1 Laserlaite Apparell Laser de Calsse 1À
IEC 825-11993 CENELEC EN 60 825
Statement 4:
18 kg (39.7 lb) 32 kg (70.5 lb) 55 kg (121.2 lb)
CAUTION: Use safe practices when lifting.
Safety xvii
Statement 5:
CAUTION: The power control button on the device and the power switch on the power supply do not turn off the electrical current supplied to the device. The device also might have more than one power cord. To remove all electrical current from the device, ensure that all power cords are disconnected from the power source.
Statement 8:
CAUTION: Never remove the cover on a power supply or any part that has the following label attached.
Hazardous voltage, current, and energy levels are present inside any component that has this label attached. There are no serviceable parts inside these components. If you suspect a problem with one of these parts, contact a service technician.
Statement 29:
xviii IBM System Storage DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem: Installation, User’s and Maintenance Guide
CAUTION: This equipment is designed to permit the connection of the earthed conductor of the dc supply circuit to the earthing conductor at the equipment.
This equipment is designed to permit the connection of the earthed conductor of the dc supply circuit to the earthing conductor at the equipment. If this connection is made, all of the following conditions must be met:
v This equipment shall be connected directly to the dc supply system
earthing electrode conductor or to a bonding jumper from an earthing terminal bar or bus to which the dc supply system earthing electrode conductor is connected.
v This equipment shall be located in the same immediate area (such as,
adjacent cabinets) as any other equipment that has a connection between the earthed conductor of the same dc supply circuit and the earthing conductor, and also the point of earthing of the dc system. The dc system shall not be earthed elsewhere.
v The dc supply source shall be located within the same premises as this
v Switching or disconnecting devices shall not be in the earthed circuit
conductor between the dc source and the point of connection of the earthing electrode conductor.
Statement 30:
CAUTION: To reduce the risk of electric shock or energy hazards:
v This equipment must be installed by trained service personnel in a
restricted-access location, as defined by the NEC and IEC 60950-1, First Edition, The Standard for Safety of Information Technology Equipment.
v Connect the equipment to a reliably grounded safety extra low voltage
(SELV) source. An SELV source is a secondary circuit that is designed so that normal and single fault conditions do not cause the voltages to exceed a safe level (60 V direct current).
v The branch circuit overcurrent protection must be rated 20 A. v Use 12 American Wire Gauge (AWG) or 2.5 mm2 copper conductor only, not
exceeding 4.5 meters in length.
v Incorporate a readily available approved and rated disconnect device in the
field wiring.
CAUTION: This unit has more than one power source. To remove all power from the unit, all dc MAINS must be disconnected.
Safety xix
Cable Warning:
WARNING: Handling the cord on this product or cords associated with accessories
sold with this product, will expose you to lead, a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer, and birth defects or other reproductive harm. Wash
hands after handling.
xx IBM System Storage DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem: Installation, User’s and Maintenance Guide

About this document

This document provides instructions for installing and customizing the configuration of your IBM System Storage DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem. It also provides maintenance procedures and troubleshooting information.

Who should read this document

This document is intended for system operators and service technicians who have extensive knowledge of Fibre Channel and network technology.

How this document is organized

Chapter 1, “Introduction,” on page 1 describes the IBM System Storage DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem. This chapter includes an inventory checklist and an overview of the storage subsystem features, operating specifications, and components.
Chapter 2, “Installing the storage subsystem,” on page 31 contains information on how to install the DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem in a standard rack cabinet and setting the interface options.
Chapter 3, “Cabling the storage subsystem,” on page 55 contains fibre channel and power cabling information for the DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem.
Chapter 4, “Operating the storage subsystem,” on page 117 contains information on how to power on and off the DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem, recover from an overheated power supply and fan unit, troubleshoot, and interpret LEDs.
Chapter 5, “Replacing components,” on page 145 contains step-by-step instructions about how to install or remove customer replaceable units (CRUs), such as Enhanced Disk Drive Modules (E-DDMs), power supply and fan units, RAID controllers, battery units, bezels, filter and filter retainer, midplane, and SFP modules.
Chapter 6, “Hardware maintenance,” on page 183 describes problems and symptoms that are specific to the DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem. It also provides a parts list for the DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem.
Appendix A, “Records,” on page 191 provides a table that you can use to record and update important information about your DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem, including serial number and device records.
Appendix B, “Rack mounting template,” on page 195 provides the rack mounting templates for installation of the DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem. If you want to tear out the templates from the document for use during installation, use these copies of the templates.
Appendix C, “Power cords,” on page 199 lists power cord information for the DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem.
Appendix D, “Additional DS4000 documentation,” on page 203 lists additional DS4000 documents.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2010 xxi
Appendix E, “Accessibility,” on page 213 details accessibility information.

DS4000 Storage Subsystem installation tasks - General overview

Table 1 provides a sequential list of many installation and configuration tasks that are common to most DS4000 configurations. When you install and configure your DS4000 storage subsystem, refer to this table to find the documentation that explains how to complete each task.
Table 1. Where to find DS4000 installation and configuration procedures
Installation task Where to find information or procedures
1 Plan the installation
2 Mount the DS4000
storage subsystem in the rack
v DS4000 Storage Manager Concepts Guide
v DS4000 Storage Manager Installation and Host Support
Guide for AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, and Linux on POWER
v DS4000 Storage Manager Installation and Host Support
Guide for Windows 2000/Server 2003/2008, NetWare, VMWare ESX Server, and Linux
v DS4100 Storage Subsystem Installation, User’s, and
Maintenance Guide
v DS4200 Express Storage Subsystem Installation, User’s, and
Maintenance Guide
v DS4300 Storage Subsystem Installation, User's, and
Maintenance Guide
v DS4400 Fibre Channel Storage Server Installation and
Support Guide
v DS4500 Storage Subsystem Installation, User's, and
Maintenance Guide
v DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem Installation, User’s, and
Maintenance Guide
v IBM System Storage Quick Start Guide, Quick reference for
the DS4800
v DS4800 Storage Subsystem Installation, User’s, and
Maintenance Guide
v IBM System Storage Quick Start Guide, Quick reference for
the DS4700 and DS4200, Sections 2, 3, and 4 also for installing the EXP810 and EXP420
v DS4800 Storage Subsystem Installation, User’s, and
Maintenance Guide
v IBM System Storage Quick Start Guide, Quick reference for
the DS4800
v DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem Installation, User’s, and
Maintenance Guide
v IBM System Storage Quick Start Guide, Quick reference for
the DS4700 and DS4200, Sections 2, 3, and 4 also for installing the EXP810 and EXP420
v DS4400 and DS4500 Rack Mounting Instructions
v DS4300 Rack Mounting Instructions
v DS4200 Express Storage Subsystem Installation, User’s, and
Maintenance Guide
v DS4100 Storage Subsystem Installation, User’s and
Maintenance Guide
xxii IBM System Storage DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem: Installation, User’s and Maintenance Guide
Table 1. Where to find DS4000 installation and configuration procedures (continued)
Installation task Where to find information or procedures
3 Mount the DS4000
EXP storage expansion unit in the rack
v DS4000 EXP100 Storage Expansion Unit Installation, User’s
and Maintenance Guide
v DS4000 EXP420 Storage Expansion Enclosures Installation,
User’s, and Maintenance Guide
v DS4000 EXP700 and EXP710 Storage Expansion Enclosures
Installation, User’s, and Maintenance Guide
v DS4000 EXP810 Storage Expansion Enclosures Installation,
User’s, and Maintenance Guide
v FAStT EXP500 Installation and User’s Guide
v IBM System Storage Quick Start Guide, Quick reference for
the DS4700 and DS4200, Sections 2, 3, and 4 also for installing the EXP810 and EXP420
4 Route the storage
expansion unit fibre channel cables
v DS4100 Storage Subsystem Installation, User’s, and
Maintenance Guide
v DS4200 Express Storage Subsystem Installation, User’s, and
Maintenance Guide
v DS4300 Storage Subsystem Installation, User’s, and
Maintenance Guide
v DS4400 Fibre Channel Cabling Instructions
v DS4500 Storage Subsystem Installation, User’s, and
Maintenance Guide
v DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem Installation, User’s, and
Maintenance Guide
v IBM System Storage Quick Start Guide, Quick reference for
the DS4700 and DS4200, Sections 2, 3, and 4 also for installing the EXP810 and EXP420
v DS4800 Storage Subsystem Installation, User’s, and
Maintenance Guide
v IBM System Storage Quick Start Guide, Quick reference for
the DS4800
5 Route the host
server fibre channel cables
v DS4100 Storage Subsystem Installation, User’s, and
Maintenance Guide
v DS4200 Express Storage Subsystem Installation, User’s, and
Maintenance Guide
v DS4300 Storage Subsystem Installation, User’s, and
Maintenance Guide
v DS4400 Fibre Channel Cabling Instructions
v DS4500 Storage Subsystem Installation, User’s, and
Maintenance Guide
v DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem Installation, User’s, and
Maintenance Guide
v IBM System Storage Quick Start Guide, Quick reference for
the DS4700 and DS4200, Sections 2, 3, and 4 also for installing the EXP810 and EXP420
v DS4800 Storage Subsystem Installation, User’s, and
Maintenance Guide
v IBM System Storage Quick Start Guide, Quick reference for
the DS4800
About this document xxiii
Table 1. Where to find DS4000 installation and configuration procedures (continued)
Installation task Where to find information or procedures
6 Power up the
7 Configure DS4000
network settings
8 Zone the fabric
switch (SAN-attached only)
v DS4100 Storage Subsystem Installation, User’s, and
Maintenance Guide
v DS4200 Express Storage Subsystem Installation, User’s, and
Maintenance Guide
v DS4300 Storage Subsystem Installation, User’s, and
Maintenance Guide
v DS4400 Fibre Channel Storage Server Installation and
Support Guide
v DS4500 Storage Subsystem Installation, User’s, and
Maintenance Guide
v DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem Installation, User’s, and
Maintenance Guide
v IBM System Storage Quick Start Guide, Quick reference for
the DS4700 and DS4200, Sections 2, 3, and 4 also for installing the EXP810 and EXP420
v DS4800 Storage Subsystem Installation, User’s, and
Maintenance Guide
v IBM System Storage Quick Start Guide, Quick reference for
the DS4800
v DS4100 Storage Subsystem Installation, User’s, and
Maintenance Guide
v DS4200 Express Storage Subsystem Installation, User’s, and
Maintenance Guide
v DS4300 Storage Subsystem Installation, User’s, and
Maintenance Guide
v DS4400 Fibre Channel Storage Server Installation and
Support Guide
v DS4500 Storage Subsystem Installation, User’s, and
Maintenance Guide
v DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem Installation, User’s, and
Maintenance Guide
v IBM System Storage Quick Start Guide, Quick reference for
the DS4700 and DS4200, Sections 2, 3, and 4 also for installing the EXP810 and EXP420
v DS4800 Storage Subsystem Installation, User’s, and
Maintenance Guide
v IBM System Storage Quick Start Guide, Quick reference for
the DS4800
v DS4000 Storage Manager Installation and Host Support
Guide for AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, and Linux on POWER
v DS4000 Storage Manager Installation and Host Guide for
Windows 2000/Server 2003/2008, NetWare, VMWare ESX Server, and Linux
v DS4000 Storage Manager Copy Services Guide (describes
switch zoning for the Remote Mirror Option)
v See also the documentation provided by the switch
xxiv IBM System Storage DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem: Installation, User’s and Maintenance Guide
Table 1. Where to find DS4000 installation and configuration procedures (continued)
Installation task Where to find information or procedures
9 Install DS4000
Storage Manager software on the management station
10 Install host software
(failover drivers) on host server
11 Start DS4000
Storage Manager
12 Set the DS4000
Storage Manager clock
v DS4000 Storage Manager Installation and Host Support
Guide for AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, and Linux on POWER
v DS4000 Storage Manager Installation and Host Support
Guide for Windows 2000/Server 2003/2008, NetWare, VMWare ESX Server, and Linux
v IBM System Storage Quick Start Guide, Quick reference for
the DS4700 and DS4200, Sections 2, 3, and 4 also for installing the EXP810 and EXP420
v IBM System Storage Quick Start Guide, Quick reference for
the DS4800
v DS4000 Storage Manager online help (for post-installation
13 Set the DS4000
Storage Manager host default type
14 Verify DS4000
subsystem health
v DS4100 Storage Subsystem Installation, User’s, and
Maintenance Guide
v DS4200 Express Storage Subsystem Installation, User’s, and
Maintenance Guide
v DS4300 Storage Subsystem Installation, User’s, and
Maintenance Guide
v DS4400 Fibre Channel Storage Server Installation and
Support Guide
v DS4500 Storage Subsystem Installation, User’s, and
Maintenance Guide
v DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem Installation, User’s, and
Maintenance Guide
v DS4800 Storage Subsystem Installation, User’s, and
Maintenance Guide
15 Enable DS4000
Storage Manager premium feature keys
Copy Services premium features
DS4000 Storage Manager Copy Services Guide
FC/SATA Intermix premium feature
DS4000 Fibre Channel and Serial ATA Intermix Premium Feature Installation Overview
Storage Partitioning (and general premium features information)
v DS4000 Storage Manager Concepts Guide
v DS4000 Storage Manager Installation and Host
Support Guide for AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, and Linux on POWER
v DS4000 Storage Manager Installation and Host
Support Guide for Windows 2000/Server 2003/2008, NetWare, VMWare ESX Server, and Linux
About this document xxv
Table 1. Where to find DS4000 installation and configuration procedures (continued)
Installation task Where to find information or procedures
16 Configure arrays and
logical drives
17 Configure host
18 Verify host access to
DS4000 storage
v DS4000 Storage Manager Installation and Host Support
Guide for AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, and Linux on POWER
v DS4000 Storage Manager Installation and Host Support
Guide for Windows 2000/Server 2003/2008, NetWare, VMWare ESX Server, and Linux
v IBM System Storage Quick Start Guide, Quick reference for
the DS4700 and DS4200, Sections 2, 3, and 4 also for installing the EXP810 and EXP420
v IBM System Storage Quick Start Guide, Quick reference for
the DS4800
v DS4000 Storage Manager online help

Getting information, help, and service

If you need help, service, or technical assistance or just want more information about IBM products, you will find a wide variety of sources available from IBM to assist you. This section contains information about where to go for additional information about IBM and IBM products, what to do if you experience a problem with your system, and whom to call for service, if it is necessary.

Before you call

Before you call, take these steps to try to solve the problem yourself:
v Check all cables to make sure that they are connected. v Check the power switches to make sure that the system is turned on. v Use the troubleshooting information in your system documentation, and use the
diagnostic tools that come with your system.
v Check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers at the IBM
support Web site pages that are listed in this section.
v Use an IBM discussion forum on the IBM Web site to ask questions.
You can solve many problems without outside assistance by following the troubleshooting procedures that IBM provides in the DS4000 Storage Manager online help or in the documents that are provided with your system and software. The information that comes with your system also describes the diagnostic tests that you can perform. Most subsystems, operating systems, and programs come with information that contains troubleshooting procedures and explanations of error messages and error codes. If you suspect a software problem, see the information for the operating system or program.

Using the documentation

Information about your IBM system and preinstalled software, if any, is available in the documents that come with your system. This includes printed books, online documents, readme files, and help files. See the troubleshooting information in your system documentation for instructions for using the diagnostic programs. The troubleshooting information or the diagnostic programs might tell you that you need additional or updated device drivers or other software.
xxvi IBM System Storage DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem: Installation, User’s and Maintenance Guide

Finding DS4000 readme files

1. Go to the following Web site:
2. Click the link for your Storage Subsystem (for example, DS4800).
3. When the subsystem support page opens, click the Download tab.
4. Under the Download tab, click Storage Manager, firmware, HBA, tools, support & pubs (including readmes).
5. Now, click the appropriate tab for the type of readme file that you are looking for:
v Firmware v Storage Mgr v HBA v Tools
A table displays as you click each tab.
6. In the table, click on the appropriate link in the Current version and readmes column.
7. Click the link for the readme file.

Web sites

The most up-to-date information about DS4000 storage subsystems and DS4000 Storage Manager, including documentation and the most recent software, firmware, and NVSRAM downloads, can be found at the following Web sites.
DS4000 Midrange Disk Systems
Find the latest information about IBM System Storage disk storage systems, including all of the DS4000 storage subsystems:
IBM System Storage products
Find information about all IBM System Storage products:
Support for IBM System Storage disk storage systems
Find links to support pages for all IBM System Storage disk storage systems, including DS4000 storage subsystems and expansion units:
System Storage DS4000 interoperability matrix
Find the latest information about operating system and HBA support, clustering support, storage area network (SAN) fabric support, and DS4000 Storage Manager feature support:
Storage Area Network (SAN) support
Find information about using SAN switches, including links to user guides and other documents:
DS4000 technical support
Find downloads, hints and tips, documentation, parts information, HBA and Fibre Channel support:
About this document xxvii Select your Storage Subsystem (for example, DS4800).
Premium feature activation
Activate a DS4000
premium feature by using the online tool:
IBM publications center
Find IBM publications:
Support for System p
Find the latest information supporting System p AIX®and Linux servers:
Support for System x
Find the latest information supporting System x Intel- and AMD-based servers: brandmain?brandind=5000008
Fix delivery center for AIX and Linux on POWER
Find the latest AIX and Linux on POWER information and downloads: In the Product family drop-down menu, select UNIX servers. Then select
your product and fix type from the subsequent drop-down menus.
Eserver System p and AIX information center
Find everything you need to know about using AIX with System p and POWER servers:

Software service and support

Through IBM Support Line, for a fee you can get telephone assistance with usage, configuration, and software problems. For information about which products are supported by Support Line in your country or region, go to the following Web site:
For more information about the IBM Support Line and other IBM services, go to the following Web sites:
v v

Hardware service and support

You can receive hardware service through IBM Integrated Technology Services or through your IBM reseller, if your reseller is authorized by IBM to provide warranty service. Go to the following Web site for support telephone numbers:
xxviii IBM System Storage DS4700 Express Storage Subsystem: Installation, User’s and Maintenance Guide
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