All information in this Owner's Manual is current at the time of publication.However,Hyundai reserves the right to make changes at any time so thatour policy of continual product improvement may be carried out.
This manual applies to all Hyundai models and includes descriptions andexplanations of optional as well as standard equipment.As a result,youmay find material in this manual that does not apply to your specific vehi-cle.
Your Hyundai should not be modified in any way.Such modifications may adversely affect the per-formance, safety or durability of your Hyundai and may, in addition, violate conditions of the limitedwarranties covering the vehicle.Certain modifications may also be in violation of regulations estab-lished by the U.S.Department of Transportation and other federal or state agencies.
Your vehicle is equipped with electronic fuel injection and other electronic components.It is possiblefor an improperly installed/adjusted two-way radio or cellular telephone to adversely affect electronicsystems.For this reason, we recommend that you carefully follow the radio manufacturer's instruc-tions or consult your Hyundai dealer for precautionary measures or special instructions if you chooseto install one of these devices.
This manual includes information titled as WARNING, CAUTION and NOTICE.These titles indicate the following:
This indicates that a condition may result in harm,serious injury or death to you or otherpersons if the warning is not heeded.Follow the advice provided with the warning.
This indicates that a condition may result in damage to your vehicle or its equipment if thecaution is not heeded.Follow the advice provided with the caution.
This indicates that interesting orhelpful information is being provided.
Thank you for choosing Hyundai.We are pleased to welcome you to the growing number of discriminating people who driveHyundais.The advanced engineering and high-quality construction of each Hyundai we build is something of which we're veryproud.
Your Owner's Manual will introduce you to the features and operation of your new Hyundai.It is suggested that you read it care-fully because the information it contains can contribute greatly to the satisfaction you receive from your new car.
The manufacturer also recommends that all service and maintenance on your car be performed by an authorized Hyundai deal-er.Hyundai dealers are prepared to provide high-quality service, maintenance and any other assistance that may be required.
Note:Because future owners will also need the information included in this manual, if you sell this Hyundai, please leave the man-
ual in the vehicle for their use.Thank you.
Severe engine and transaxle damage may result from the use of poor quality fuels and lubricants that do not meet Hyundaispecifications.You must always use high quality fuels and lubricants that meet the specifications listed on Page 8-4 in theVehicle Specifications section of the Owner's Manual.
Copyright 2010 Hyundai Motor America.All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrievalsystem or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Hyundai Motor America.
Guide to Hyundai Genuine Parts
1.What are Hyundai Genuine Parts?
Hyundai Genuine Parts are the sameparts used by Hyundai MotorCompany to manufacture vehicles.They are designed and tested for theoptimum safety, performance, and reli-ability to our customers.
2.Why should you use genuine parts?
Hyundai Genuine Parts are engi-neered and built to meet rigid manu-facturing requirements.Using imita-tion, counterfeit or used salvage partsis not covered under the Hyundai NewVehicle Limited Warranty or any otherHyundai warranty.
In addition, any damage to or failure ofHyundai Genuine Parts caused by theinstallation or failure of an imitation,counterfeit or used salvage part is notcovered by any Hyundai Warranty.
3.How can you tell if you are purchas-ing Hyundai Genuine Parts?
Look for the Hyundai Genuine PartsLogo on the package (see below).
Hyundai Genuine Parts exported toare packaged with labels written onlyin English.
Hyundai Genuine Parts are only soldthrough authorized HyundaiDealerships.
How to use this manual / 1-2Fuel requirements / 1-3Vehicle handling instructions / 1-5Vehicle break-in process / 1-5Vehicle data collection and event data
recorders / 1-6
Indicator symbols on the instrument cluster / 1-7
We want to help you get the greatestpossible driving pleasure from your vehi-cle.Your Owner’s Manual can assist youin many ways.We strongly recommendthat you read the entire manual.In orderto minimize the chance of death or injury,you must read the WARNING and CAU-TION sections in the manual.
Illustrations complement the words in thismanual to best explain how to enjoy yourvehicle.By reading your manual, you willlearn about features, important safetyinformation, and driving tips under vari-ous road conditions.
The general layout of the manual is pro-vided in the Table of Contents.A goodplace to start is the index;it has an alpha-betical listing of all information in yourmanual.
Sections:This manual has eight sectionsplus an index.Each section begins with abrief list of contents so you can tell at aglance if that section has the informationyou want.
You will find various WARNINGs,CAUTIONs, and NOTICEs in this manu-al.These WARNINGs were prepared toenhance your personal safety.You shouldcarefully read and follow ALL proceduresand recommendations provided in theseWARNINGS, CAUTIONS and NOTICES.
A WARNING indicates a situation inwhich harm,serious bodily injury ordeath could result if the warning isignored.
A CAUTION indicates a situation inwhich damage to your vehicle couldresult if the caution is ignored.
ANOTICE indicates interesting orhelp-ful information is being provided.
Your new vehicle is designed to use onlyunleaded fuel having a pump octanenumber ((R+M)/2) of 87 or higher.
Your new vehicle is designed to obtainmaximum performance with UNLEADEDFUEL, as well as minimize exhaust emis-sions and spark plug fouling.
Never add any fuel system cleaningagents to the fuel tank other thanwhat has been specified.(Consultan authorized HYUNDAI dealer fordetails.)
•Do not "top off" after the nozzleautomatically shuts off whenrefueling.
•Tighten the cap until it clicks,oth-erwise the Check Engine light will illuminate.
•Always check that the fuel cap isinstalled securely to prevent fuelspillage in the event of an acci-dent.
Gasoline containing alcohol andmethanol
Gasohol, a mixture of gasoline andethanol (also known as grain alcohol),and gasoline or gasohol containingmethanol (also known as wood alcohol)are being marketed along with or insteadof leaded or unleaded gasoline.
Do not use gasohol containing more than10% ethanol, and do not use gasoline orgasohol containing any methanol.Eitherof these fuels may cause drivability prob-lems and damage to the fuel system.
Discontinue using gasohol of any kind ifdrivability problems occur.
Vehicle damage or drivability problemsmay not be covered by the manufactur-er’s warranty if they result from the useof:
1.Gasohol containing more than 10%ethanol.
2.Gasoline or gasohol containingmethanol.
3.Leaded fuel or leaded gasohol.
"E85" fuel is an alternative fuel com-prised of 85 percent ethanol and 15 per-cent gasoline, and is manufacturedexclusively for use in Flexible FuelVehicles.“E85”is not compatible withyour vehicle.Use of “E85”may result inpoor engine performance and damage toyour vehicle's engine and fuel system.HYUNDAI recommends that customersdo not use fuel with an ethanol contentexceeding 10 percent.
Your New Vehicle Limited Warrantydoes not cover damage to the fuelsystem or any performance prob-lems caused by the use of “E85”fuel.
Never use gasohol which containsmethanol.Discontinue use of anygasohol product which impairs dri-vability.
Do not use methanol
Fuels containing methanol (wood alco-hol) should not be used in your vehicle.This type of fuel can reduce vehicle per-formance and damage components ofthe fuel system.
Your New Vehicle Limited Warrantymay not cover damage to the fuelsystem and any performance prob-lems that are caused by the use offuels containing methanol.
Gasolines for cleaner air
To help contribute to cleaner air,HYUNDAIrecommends you use gaso-lines treated with detergent additives,which help prevent deposit formation inthe engine.These gasolines will help theengine run cleaner and enhance per-formance of the Emission ControlSystem.
Operation in foreign countries
If you are going to drive your vehicle inanother country, be sure to:
•Observe all regulations regarding reg-
istration and insurance.
•Determine that acceptable fuel is avail-
As with other vehicles of this type, failureto operate this vehicle correctly mayresult in loss of control, an accident orvehicle rollover.
Specific design characteristics (higherground clearance, track, etc.) give thisvehicle a higher center of gravity thanother types of vehicles.It is not designedfor cornering at the same speeds as aconventional 2-wheel drive sedans orsports coupe.Avoid sharp turns or abruptmaneuvers.Again, failure to operate thisvehicle correctly may result in loss ofcontrol, an accident or vehicle rollover.
Be sure to read the “Reducing the riskof a rollover”driving guidelines,insection 5 of this manual.
No special break-in period is needed.Byfollowing a few simple precautions for thefirst 600 miles (1,000 km) you may add tothe performance, economy and life ofyour vehicle.
•Do not race the engine.
•While driving, keep your engine speed(rpm, or revolutions per minute)between 2,000 rpm and 4,000 rpm.
•Do not maintain a single speed for longperiods of time, either fast or slow.Varying engine speed is needed toproperly break-in the engine.
•Avoid hard stops, except in emergen-cies, to allow the brakes to seat prop-erly.
•Don't let the engine idle longer than 3minutes at one time.
•Don't tow a trailer during the first 1,200miles (2,000 km) of operation.
This vehicle is equipped with an eventdata recorder (EDR).The main pur-pose of an EDR is to record,in certaincrash or near crash-like situations,such as an air bag deployment or hit-ting a road obstacle,data that willassist in understanding how a vehi-cle's systems performed.The EDR isdesigned to record data related tovehicle dynamics and safety systemsfor a short period of time,typically 30seconds or less.The EDR in this vehi-cle is designed to record such dataas:
• How various systems in your vehiclewere operating;
• Whether or not the driver and pas-senger safety belts werebuckled/fastened;
These data can help provide a betterunderstanding of the circumstancesin which crashes and injuries occur.NOTE:EDR data are recorded by yourvehicle only if a nontrivial crash situa-tion occurs;no data are recorded bythe EDR under normal driving condi-tions and no personal data (e.g.,name,gender,age,and crash loca-tion) are recorded.However,otherparties,such as law enforcement,could combine the EDR data with thetype of personally identifying dataroutinely acquired during a crashinvestigation.
To read data recorded by an EDR,spe-cial equipment is required,andaccess to the vehicle or the EDR isneeded.
In addition to the vehicle manufactur-er,other parties,such as law enforce-ment,that have the special equip-ment,can read the information if theyhave access to the vehicle or the EDR.
*Theactualengineroom inthevehiclemay differ from theillustration.
Seats / 3-2Seat belts / 3-17Child restraint system / 3-29Airbag - advanced supplemental restraint system / 3-37
Safety features of your vehicle
Safety features of your vehicle
Manual seat
Power seat
Front seat
(1) Forward and backward(2) Seatback angle(3) Seat cushion height (Driver’s seat)*(4) Lumbar support (Driver’s seat)*(5) Seat warmer*(6) Headrest
2nd row seat
(7) Forward and backward(8) Seatback angle(9) Walk-in seat(10) Headrest(11) Armrest
3rd row seat
(12) Seatback angle(13) Headrest
*:if equipped
Safety features of your vehicle
WARNING- Loose objects
Loose objects in the driver’s footarea could interfere with the opera-tion of the foot pedals,possiblycausing an accident.Do not placeanything under the front seats.
WARNING - Uprighting
When you return the seatback to itsupright position,hold the seatbackand return it slowly and be surethere are no other occupantsaround the seat.If the seatback isreturned without being held andcontrolled,the back of the seatcould spring forward resulting inaccidental injury to a person struckby the seatback.
WARNING- Driver respon-
sibility for passengers
Riding in a vehicle with the seat-back reclined could lead to seriousor fatal injury in an accident.If aseat is reclined during an accident,the occupant’s hips may slideunder the lap portion of the seatbelt applying great force to theunprotected abdomen.Serious orfatal internal injuries could result.The driver must advise the passen-ger to keep the seatback in anupright position whenever the vehi-cle is in motion.
WARNING- Driver’s seat
•Never attempt to adjust the seatwhile the vehicle is moving.Thiscould result in loss of control,and an accident causing death,serious injury,or property dam-age.
•Do not allow anything to interferewith the normal position of theseatback.Storing items against aseatback or in any other wayinterfering with proper locking ofa seatback could result in seriousor fatal injury in a sudden stop orcollision.
• Always drive and ride with yourseatback upright and the lap por-tion of the seat belt snug and lowacross the hips.This is the bestposition to protect you in case ofan accident.
•In order to avoid unnecessaryand perhaps severe air baginjuries,always sit as far back aspossible from the steering wheelwhile maintaining comfortablecontrol of the vehicle.We recom-mend that your chest be at least10 inches (250 mm) away fromthe steering wheel.
Safety features of your vehicle
WARNING- Rear seat-
backs (2nd and 3rd row)
•The rear seatback must besecurely latched.If not,passen-gers and objects could be thrownforward resulting in seriousinjury or death in the event of asudden stop or collision.
•Luggage and other cargo shouldbe laid flat in the cargo area.Ifobjects are large,heavy,or mustbe piled,they must be secured.Under no circumstances shouldcargo be piled higher than theseatbacks.Failure to follow thesewarnings could result in seriousinjury or death in the event of asudden stop,collision or rollover.
•No passenger should ride in thecargo area or sit or lie on foldedseatbacks while the vehicle ismoving.All passengers must beproperly seated in seats andrestrained properly while riding.
•When resetting the seatback tothe upright position,make sure itis securely latched by pushing itforward and rearward.
•To avoid the possibility of burnsfrom a hot rear floor surface,donot remove the carpet in thecargo area.Emission controldevices beneath this floor gener-ate high temperatures.
After adjusting the seat,alwayscheck that it is securely locked intoplace by attempting to move theseat forward or rearward withoutusing the lock release lever.Sudden or unexpected movementof the driver's seat could cause youto lose control of the vehicle result-ing in an accident.
Front seat adjustment - manual
Forward and rearward
To move the seat forward or rearward:
1.Pull the seat slide adjustment leverunder the front edge of the seat cush-ion up and hold it.
2.Slide the seat to the position youdesire.
3.Release the lever and make sure theseat is locked in place.
Adjust the seat before driving, and makesure the seat is locked securely by tryingto move forward and rearward withoutusing the lever.If the seat moves, it is notlocked properly.
Seatback angle
To recline the seatback:
1.Lean forward slightly and lift up on theseatback recline lever located on theoutside of the seat at the rear.
2.Carefully lean back on the seat andadjust the seatback of the seat to theposition you desire.
3.Release the lever and make sure theseatback is locked in place.(The leverMUST return to its original position forthe seatback to lock.)
Seat cushion height (for driver’s seat)
To change the height of the seat cushion,push the lever that is located on the out-side of the seat cushion upwards ordownwards.
•To lower the seat cushion, push thelever down several times.
•To raise the seat cushion, pull the leverup several times.
Safety features of your vehicle
The driver's and front passenger's seatsare equipped with a headrest for theoccupant's safety and comfort.
The headrest not only provides comfortfor the driver and front passenger, butalso helps to protect the head and neckin the event of a collision.
Safety features of your vehicle
•For maximum effectiveness incase of an accident,the headrestshould be adjusted so the middleof the headrest is at the sameheight of the center of gravity ofan occupant's head.Generally,the center of gravity of most peo-ple's head is similar with theheight of the top of their eyes.Also,adjust the headrest as closeto your head as possible.For thisreason,the use of a cushion thatholds the body away from theseatback is not recommended.
•Do not operate the vehicle withthe headrests removed as severeinjury to the occupants mayoccur in the event of an accident.Headrests may provide protec-tion against neck injuries whenproperly adjusted.
•Do not adjust the headrest posi-tion of the driver's seat while thevehicle is in motion.
Forward and backward adjustment
The headrest may be adjusted forward to3 different positions by pulling the head-rest forward to the desired detent.Toadjust the headrest to it’s furthest back-wards position, pull it fully forward to thefarthest position and release it.Adjust theheadrest so that it properly supports thehead and neck.
Adjusting the height up and down
To raise the headrest, pull it up to thedesired position (1).To lower the head-rest, push and hold the release button (2)on the headrest support and lower theheadrest to the desired position (3).
To remove the headrest, raise it as far asit can go then press the release button (1)while pulling upward (2).
To reinstall the headrest, put the head-rest poles (3) into the holes while press-ing the release button (1).Then adjust itto the appropriate height.
Make sure the headrest locks inposition after adjusting it to proper-ly protects the occupants.
Active headrest (if equipped)
The active headrest is designed to moveforward and upward during a rear impact.This helps to prevent the driver's andfront passenger’s heads from movingbackward and thus helps minimize neckinjuries.
A gap between the seat and theheadrest release button mayappear when seating on the seat orwhen you push or pull the seat.Becareful not to get your finger,etc.caught in the gap.
Safety features of your vehicle
Lumbar support (for driver’s seat)
The lumbar support can be adjusted bymoving the lever on the outside of the dri-ver’s seatback.Pivoting the lever increas-es or decreases lumbar support.
Safety features of your vehicle
Seat warmer (if equipped)
The seat warmer is provided to warm thefront seats during cold weather.With theignition switch in the ON position, pusheither of the switches to warm the driver'sseat or the front passenger's seat.
During mild weather or under conditionswhere the operation of the seat warmeris not needed, keep the switches in theOFF position.
•Each time you push the button, thetemperature setting of the seat ischanged as follows :
OFF →HIGH () →LOW ()
•The seat warmer defaults to the OFFposition whenever the ignition switch isturned on.
With the seat warmerswitch in the ONposition, the heating system in the seatturns off oron automatically dependingon the seat temperature.
•When cleaning the seats,do notuse an organic solvent such aspaint thinner,benzene,alcoholand gasoline.Doing so may dam-age the surface of the heater orseats.
•To prevent overheating the seatwarmer,do not place blankets,cushions or seat covers on theseats while the seat warmer is inoperation.
•Do not place heavy or sharpobjects on seats equipped withseat warmers.Damage to the seatwarming components could occur.
WARNING- Seat warmer
Passengers should use extremecaution when using seat warmersdue to the possibility of excessheating or burns.The occupantsmust be able to feel if the seat isbecoming too warm and to turn theseat warmer off.In particular,thedriver must exercise extreme carefor the following types of passen-gers:
1.Infants,children,elderly or dis-abled persons,or hospital outpa-tients
2.Persons with sensitive skin orthose that burn easily
3.Fatigued individuals
4.Intoxicated individuals
5.Individuals taking medicationthat can cause drowsiness orsleepiness (sleeping pills,coldtablets,etc.)
Safety features of your vehicle
Seatback pocket
The seatback pocket is provided on theback of the front passenger’s and driver’sseatbacks.
WARNING- Seatback
Do not put heavy or sharp objectsin the seatback pockets.In an acci-dent they could come loose fromthe pocket and injure vehicle occu-pants.
For proper operation of the occu-pant classification system:
•Do not place any items cumula-tively weighing over 2.2 lbs (1 kg)in the passenger’s seatbackpocket or on the passenger’sseat.
•Do not hang onto the front pas-senger seatback.
Front seat adjustment - power (if equipped)
The front seat can be adjusted by usingthe control knob located on the outside ofthe seat cushion.Before driving, adjustthe seat to the proper position so as toeasily control the steering wheel, pedalsand switches on the instrument panel.
The power seat is operable with theignition OFF.
Therefore,children should never beleft unattended in the car.
•The power seat is driven by anelectric motor.Stop operatingonce the adjustment is complet-ed.Excessive operation maydamage the electrical equipment.
•When in operation,the powerseat consumes a large amount ofelectrical power.To preventunnecessary charging systemdrain,don’t adjust the power seatlonger than necessary while theengine is not running.
•Do not operate two or more powerseat control knobs at the sametime.Doing so may result inpower seat motor or electricalcomponent malfunction.
Safety features of your vehicle
Forward and rearward
Push the control knob forward or rear-ward to move the seat to the desiredposition.Release the knob once the seatreaches the desired position.
Seatback angle
Push the control knob forward or rear-ward to move the seatback to the desiredangle.Release the knob once the seatreaches the desired position.
Seat cushion height
Pull the front portion of the control knobup to raise or down to lower the front partof the seat cushion.Pull the rear portionof the control knob up to raise or down tolower the rear part of the seat cushion.Release the knob once the seat reachesthe desired position.
Safety features of your vehicle
2nd row seat
Lumbar support (for driver’s seat)
Push the control knob forward or back-ward to adjust the lumbar support to thedesired position.Release the knob oncethe lumbar support reaches the desiredposition.
Rear seat adjustment
Forward and backward (2nd row seat)
To move the seat forward or backward:
1.Pull up the seat slide adjustment leverunder the front edge of the seat cush-ion and hold it.
2.Slide the seat to the position youdesire.
3.Release the lever and make sure theseat is locked in place.
Adjust the seat before driving, and makesure the seat is locked securely by tryingto move forward and backward withoutusing the lever.If the seat moves, it is notlocked properly.
3rd row seat
Seatback angle
To recline the seatback:
1.Pull on the seatback recline leverlocated on the outside of the seat atthe rear or on the back of the rearseatback.
Safety features of your vehicle
2.2nd row seatCarefully lean back on the seat and
adjust the seatback of the seat to theposition you desire.
3rd row seat
Hold and adjust the seatback of theseat to the position you desire.
3.Release the lever and make sure the
seatback is locked in place.(The leverMUST return to its original position forthe seatback to lock.)
The rear seat(s) is equipped with head-rests in all the seating positions for theoccupant's safety and comfort.
The headrest not only provides comfortfor passengers, but also helps to protectthe head and neck in the event of a colli-sion.
•For maximum effectiveness incase of an accident,the headrestshould be adjusted so the middleof the headrest is at the sameheight as the center of gravity ofan occupant's head.Generally,the center of gravity of most peo-ple's head is similar with theheight of the top of their eyes.Also,adjust the headrest as closeto your head as possible.For thisreason,the use of a cushion thatholds the body away from theseatback is not recommended.
•Do not operate the vehicle withthe headrests removed as severeinjury to an occupant may occurin the event of an accident.Headrests may provide protec-tion against severe neck injurieswhen properly adjusted.
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