Hyundai H350 Owner's Manual

People’s expec tation towar d indi vidual mob ilit y requ ires more th an jus t a conv enient means of transp ort ati on. Th e old unders tanding of c ars ha s beco me outd ated. A car re pres ent s indi viduals’ li fest yles, and i t beca me an integr al par t of th eir lives. At the sa me tim e, the a utomobil e industr y has exper ienc ed seis mic change. H yundai Motor Comp any ha s grow n rapidly to b ecome one of the larg est a utomaker s, bac ked by w orld class p rodu cti on cap abili ty an d supe rior q uality. We have no w reac hed a point wh ere we need a qu alit ati ve approach to br ing big ger id eas an d rele vant s olutions to our custo mers . This is an oppo rt unit y to mov e for ward a nd we ha ve de veloped a ne w bran d slogan tha t enca psul ates our willingness to take a bi g leap. Led by ou r new sloga n and the new t hink ing un derl ying i t, we w ill become a company that k eeps c hallengin g its elf to unloc k new po ssibilit ies for p eopl e and th e planet.
Hyundai Motor Company
Copyr ight © 2015 Hyu ndai Mo tor Com pany. A ll Righ ts Res erv ed.
H350 brings a fresh wind to the Light Commercial Vehicle market.
It s state of the art ultra rigid chassis gives it the versatility to carry
Van, Chassis Cab or Bus bodywork. Hyundai quality and ability
have given it staying power and class defining comfort. Millions
of kilometers of physically punishing testing have ensured it can
handle the worst possible climate conditions.
It s el eg an t , fun c ti on al de s i g n giv e s it st r ee t pr es en ce an d cr e d ib il i t y.
Whatever the challenges, it has the power and quality to meet
them. That is great news for your business.
Hyundai’s modern family aesthetic has been applied to the exterior design of H350 to ensure it
is consistent with the sophisticated styling of Hyundai.
H350 has a hexagonal grille while stylish headlamps wrap around the front of the new vehicle
and are available with optional projector lighting and LED Daytime Running Lights. Mirrors
with integrated LED side repeaters improve visibility to other road users, and side mouldings
protect the vehicle’s flanks. Exterior and interior LED-lights further contribute to the stylish
appearance and overall energy efficiency of the vehicle.
Hexagonal radiator grille
LED DR L an d Proje c tion He a d lamps
LED si d e re pea t e r s on ou t s i d e mirrors
Rear combination lamps
H350 is also car-like in terms of its space and visibility. The cabin is designed to accommodate
the tallest occupants and delivers best-in-class head room and leg room.
Precise dashboard ergonomics ensure ease-of-use and safe operation. Convenience and
safety meet right in front of the driver. A multi-function steering wheel means audio and
multi driving information display are literally fingertip controlled.
4.2-i n c h TF T co l or LCD displa y
Multi-function steering wheel
Height and reach can be adjusted while remote controls promote confident driving.
E800 audio
- 3.8” Monochrome LCD
- CDP+MP3 / Bluetooth+Hands-free
- DAB(digital audio broadcast)
- USB, AUX, iPOD input
M300 audio
- Radio
- USB, AUX, iPOD input
•Tr ip di s t a n c e, fu e l consump t i o n ra t e, od o m e t e r
•Parkin g as s i s t a nce, IS G , LD W S
Passenger AUX
Auxiliary input jack s accommodate MP3 players and most types of personal audio enter tainment devices.
Multi function switch
H350 has switches that feel good, operate easily and simply carry on working.
Keyless entry and remote locking
The highly secure remote locking of H350. Remote key locks and unlocks the doors and de a c t i v a t e s th e ve h icle al a r m ho r n.
Cle v e r interior layout and pac k a ging creates a ‘Mo bile office’, designed to ea s e the dr i ve r’s daily task.
For maximum practicality, there are up to 25 storage compartments around the cab and three power
outlets as standard, comfortably exceeding the class norm.
With a generous 1582 mm cab width, H350 can be specified with two or three cab seats. When fitted,
the center seatback folds flat to form a work surface, featuring twin cup holders.
St o r a g e tr a y wi t h 12V power ou tlet
Gl o v e box cooli n g
Handy roof shelf
Cup Ho lder
Storage under front passenger seat
Optimized drivers seat
The driver’s seat has been totally optimized for driver’s seating preferences and working conditions.
Center seatback console
H350 has been engineered to deliver a comfortable ride, accurate
handling and responsive driving dynamics. The horizontal leaf
spring and its spring rate have been optimized for improved side
loading thus reducing lean-in during cornering and improving
overall handling. The rear leaf springs support the widest span of
any vehicle in its class. This ensures that the cargo deck remains
lo w to the grounds for ease of loading, ye t the vehic le is still able to
accommodate heavy loads without significantly affecting its ride
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