Husqvarna 125BVX, 125B User Manual

Introduction 2...................
Key to symbols 3..................
Safety instructions 4...............
Description 6.....................
Fuel handling 11....................
Starting and stopping 12............
Using the blower 13.................
Maintenance 16....................
Technical data 19...................
Maintenance, replacement, or repair of the emission control devices and system may be performed by any nonroad engine re­pair establishment or individual.
The blo wer is used for blowing away leaves and other debris on the ground. When op­erating the blower, the operator must stand with both feet firmly on the ground.
The Emissions Compliance Period referred to on the Emissions Compliance label indi­cates the number of operating hours for which the engine has been shown to meet Federal emissions requirements. Category C = 50 hours, B= 125 hours, and A = 300 hours.
Note the following before starting:
Husqvarna AB has a policy of continuous product development and therefore reserves the right to modify the design and appearance of products without prior notice. Long--term exposure to noise can result in permanent hearing impairment. Always use approved hearing protection. This operator’s manual describes in detail how to use and service the blower and how to carry out regular maintenance. It also describes which measures should be taken to achieve maximum safety while operating the blower, how the safety de­vices work and how they should be ser­viced. Note! The section of the manual that deals with safety, must be read and understood by all persons who come in contact with the blower. This operator’s manual has been written for those who need guidance when it comes to fault tracing, thorough servicing and carrying out corrective maintenance of the blower. There are warning symbols on the blower. Should any of the warning symbols on the blower become disfigured or worn, new ones should be ordered and fitted to the blower as soon as possible. Note that some of the warning symbols may be molded in certain components of the blower.
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For reference, please fill out the following information that will be needed for future servicing of your blower:
Model Number: Serial Number: Purchase Date: Purchased From:
WARNING: Under no circum-
stances may the design of the machine be modified without the permission of the manufacturer. Always use genuine accessories. Non--authorized modifications and/or accessories can result in serious personal injury or the death of the operator or others. Your warranty may not cover damage or liability caused by the use of non--authorized accesso­ries or replacement parts.
For customer assistance,call:
Contact us at our website:
English--- 2
Checks and/or main­tenance shall be carried out after having switched off the engine and discon­nected the spark plug.
Cleaning at regular intervals is required.
Approved protective goggles or visor must be worn.
Approved protective goggles or visor, ear protection, and face mask in dusty envir o n­ments must be worn.
WARNING! The blow­er can be dangerous! Careless or improper use can cause seri­ous, even fatal injury.
Read the operator’s manual carefully and make sure that you understand the contents before using the blower.
WARNING! Make sure that the inlet cover is locked in the closed position or that the vacuum tube is mount­ed on the blower. Never touch the impeller un­lesstheunitisoff,the impeller has stopped moving and the spark plug is disconnected.
Always wear approved, protective gloves.
WARNING! The blower may throw objects at high velocity that can ricoch et and hit the op­erator. This may cause serious eye damage .
The blower operator must make sure that no bystanders or animals come nearer than 50 feet (15 me­ters). Whenever several operators are working inthesameworkarea, they should maintain a safe distance of at least 50 feet (15 me­ters) from one another.
Stop switch
Instructions on how to open the inlet cover.
Other symbols/decals on the machine refer to special certification requirements for certain markets.
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Personal safety equipment
Persons who use the blower shall wear the following safety equipment:
1. Approved ear protection.
2. Approved eye protection.
3. Approved protective gloves.
4. Boots or work shoes with a non--slip sole.
5. Face mask when operating the blower in dusty environments.
Personal safety
The following instructions apply to persons operating the blower: S The operator shall have read and under-
stood the contents of this manual.
S Do not wear loose clothing, scarves or
neckchains or let long hair hang loose, since these can be drawn into rotating parts of the blower and cause injury.
S Do not operate the blower while under
the influence of alcohol, drugs or when you are tired.
S Do not allow minors to operate the
S Always have a first aid kit nearby.
Fuel safety
WARNING: The fuel used to run
the blower has the following dangerous characteristics:
1. Volatile liquid: its vapor and exhaust fumes are poisonous.
2. Direct contact can cause skin irritation.
3. It is extremely flammable.
Special safety instructions apply to the type of fuel used for the blower. These instruc­tions are specified under the Fuel handling section.
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The muffler is designed to give the lowest possible noise level and to direct the en­gine’s exhaust fumes away from the opera­tor. Mufflers fitted with catalytic converters are also designed to reduce harmful ex­haust components.
WARNING: The exhaust fumes
from the engine are hot and may contain sparks which can start a fire. Never start the machine indoors or near flammable material!
WARNING: Mufflers fitted with
catalytic converters become extreme­ly hot during use and after stopping. This also applies at idling speeds. Contact can result in burns to the skin.Beawareoftheriskoffire!
Safety equipment
WARNING: The blower must
never be used if any of the safety devices or guards are missing, damaged or not in working order.
The blower is equipped with a number of safety devices and guards for the preven­tion of accidents. These are described in the general description of the blower. The safety devices and guards also require regular inspection and maintenance. These measures and the interval at which they should be carried out are specified in the Maintenance section.
Safety while operating the blower
S Do not allow bystanders or animals to be
in the work area, i.e. 50 feet (15 meters) from the operator.
S The blower may throw objects at high
velocity that can ricochet and hit the opera­tor. This may cause serious eye damage.
S Never point the blower nozzle toward
people or animals.
S Stop the engine before fitting or disman-
tling accessories or other components.
S Never operate the blower if any of the
guards are missing.
S Never operate the blower in poorly venti-
lated spaces where exhaust fumes might otherwise be inhaled.
S Stop the engine before refueling. Move
the unit at least 10 feet (3 meters) from fueling site before attempting to start.
S The catalytic muffler is extremely hot
while the blower is running and after it has stopped. The same applies when the blower is running at idling speed. Be aware of the danger of fire, especially while operating the blower near flam­mable materials and/or where flammable fumes are present.
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S Be careful, particularly ifleft hand opera-
tion is applied. Avoid any direct body con­tact with inlet cover area. Keep jewelry, loose clothing, or clothing with loosely hanging straps, ties, tassels, etc., away from inlet cover area.
S Do not operate the blower while standing
on a ladder or a stand.
Other safety measures
S Operate the blower only at reasonable
hours, i.e. not early in the morning or late at night when people might be disturbed. Comply with times listed in local ordi­nances. Usual recommendations are 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Satur­day.
S Operate the blower at the lowest possible
throttle setting to do the job.
S Check the condition of the blower before
operation, especially the muffler, air intake and air filter.
S Use a rake or a broom to loosen ground
debris before blowing.
S Under dusty conditions, slightly spray the
work area with a hose.
S Conserve water by using blowers instead
of hoses for many lawn and garden applications, including areas such as roof gutters, screens, patios and gardens etc.
S Watch out for children, pets, open windows
or vehicles, and blow debris safely away.
S Use the full nozzle extension so the air
stream can work close to the ground.
S After using the blower, clean up and
dispose of debris in trash receptacles.
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The blower
1. Shoulder strap (125BV
2. Throttle trigger 14. Standard nozzle
) 13. Fan impeller
3. STOP switch 15. High velocity nozzle
4. Variable speed control 16. Blower tube
5. Fan housing 17. Tube clamp bolt
6. Fuel cap 18. Tube clamp nut
7. Air filter 19. Muffler
8. Choke 20. Ground wire
9. Primer bulb 21. Starter handle
10. Inlet cover 22. Starter device
11. Vacuum handle 23. Carburetor adjustment screws (125B
12. Cutters (12 5B 125BV
and 125BV
and 25. Operator’s manual
) 24. 2--stroke engine oil
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Accessories (125B
and 125BV
21. Vacuum device with collection components consisting of items 22--26 below
22. Collection bag tube
23. Collection bag
24. Vacuum tube in two sections
25. Screw
26. Shoulder strap
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Safety equipment
The following equipment on the blower is designed for protecting personnel and materials. These components should receive special attention whenever you operate, inspect and service the blower.
Stop switch
S The stop switch (A) is used to stop the
er equipment
Throttle trigger
S The speed and the output of the engine
are regulated by the throttle trigger (C).
Variable speed control
S The variable speed control (D) is de-
signed to allow setting engine speed as necessary during blower use only.
S The muffler is designed to give the low-
est possible noise level and to direct the engine’s exhaust fumes away from the operator. Mufflers fitted with catalytic converters are also designed to reduce harmful exhaust components.
S The engine exhaust fumes are hot and
can contain sparks, which may cause fire if they come in contact with dry or flammable material.
S Some blower models, especially those
sold in countries where the climate is dry, are equipped with a spark arresting screen (B). This screen must be cleaned or replaced at specific intervals. See the Maintenance section.
WARNING: The muffler is ex-
tremely hot while the engine is run­ning and after it has stopped. DO NOTTOUCHTHEMUFFLERIFITIS HOT! This can cause severe burns.
S T oavoid causing damage to the unit, DO
NOT attempt to use the variable speed control during starting or during vacuum use.
Fan housing
S The blower fan housing (E) and the fan
impeller (F) provide high performance air discharge.
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Ground wire
S The ground wire (G) reduces static
build--up during operation in dry condi­tions.
S The nozzles (L)have a bayonet mount
for connection to the blower tube. Air is channeled through the blower tube to the nozzles, where the air discharge velocity increases and the air stream discharge pattern is formed to provide best perfor­mance. The length of the blower tube can be adjusted by twisting the nozzle to the left to disengage the bayonet mount and sliding the nozzle to the appropriate position. Twist the nozzle to the right until a click is felt to resecure the nozzle.
Inlet cover
S An inlet cover (H) is located on the side
of the fan housing. Opening this cover allows access for cleaning and inspect­ing the impeller (125B 125BV
is used, it must be fitted to the opening in the inlet cover. Toopen the inlet cover, use a tool to lift the edge of the cover opposite the hinge (indicated by arrow on inlet cover).
WARNING: Never start the blower
if the inlet cover is not closed, is damaged or cannot be closed (except if the vacuum tube is fitted).
only). If the vacuum tube
S Two cutters (J) are fastened to the impel-
ler. The cutters are there to mulch leaves and other debris that have been vacuumed before they enter the collection bag.
Blower tube and nozzle NOTE:
be installed prior to initial use (see the gen­eral description of the blower on page 6). S The blower tube (K) has a pegged slot
mounting system to the unit. T o install or remove the blower tube (or collection bag tube for the 125BV clamp bolt must be removed. Align slot in the blower air outlet with the raised rib on the tube and insert tube until the holes in the tube and housing align. Re--insert the tube clamp bolt and tighten.
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and 125BV
The tube clamp bolt and nut must
), the tube
Starterdevice and starter handle
S The starter device (M) is located on the
side of the engine shrouding and en­gages the crankshaft only when the starter handle (N) is pulled.
Fuel cap
S The fuel cap (O) is located at the rear of
the engine shrouding on the fuel tank and has a seal to prevent fuel from leak­ing out.
Air filter
S The air filter (P) consists of a fiber filter
medium in a resilient frame. The air filter should be cleaned at specific intervals (see Maintenance section). Otherwise, the blower will consume too much fuel, the performance will be reduced and an oily deposit may form on the spark plug electrodes.
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S The choke (Q) is located below the air
filter cover and should be used every time the engine is cold--started.
Adjusting the carburetor NOTFORALLMODELS
S There are three adjusting screws (R) for
adjusting the carburetor:
S Low speed jet S High speed jet S Adjustment screw for idling
S Adjusting the carburetor involves adapt-
ing the engine to local operating condi­tions, e.g. climate, altitude, gasoline and type of two--stroke engine oil used. For details about carburetor adjustment, see the Maintenance section.
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Fuel mixture
CAUTION! The machine is equipped with
a two--stroke engine and must always be run using a mixture of gasoline and two-­stroke engine oil. It is important to accu­rately measure the amount of oil to be mixed to ensure that the correct mixture is obtained. When mixing small amounts of fuel, even small inaccuracies can drastical­ly affect the ratio of the mixture.
WARNING: Always ensure
there is adequate ventilation when handling fuel.
CAUTION! Always use high quality
unleaded gasoline.
S This engine is certified to operate on
unleaded gasoline.
S The lowest recommended octane rating
is 87. If you run the engine on lower oc­tane rating than 87, “knocking” can oc­cur. This leads to an increased engine temperature, which can result in a seri­ous engine breakdown.
S When working at continuous high revs a
higher octane rating is recommended.
Two - -stroke oil
S For great results and performance use
HUSQVARNA two--stroke oil, which is specially formulated for our two--stroke engines. Mixture 1:50 (2%).
S T omaximize the life of your blower, you
may choose to use a high quality syn­thetic oil formulated for two--stroke engines. Mixture 1:50 (2%).
S Never use two--stroke oil intended for
water--cooled outboard engines, sometimes referred to as outboard oil.
S Never use oil intended for four--stroke
U.S. gallon U.S. fl. oz.
121/2 2 1/2 6 1/2 5127/8
S Always mix the gasoline and oil in a
clean container intended for fuel.
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Two --stroke oil
2% (1:50)
S Mix (shake) the fuel mixture thoroughly
S Do not mix more than one month’s sup- S If the machine is not used for some time,
lways start byfilling halfthe amount o the gasoline to be used. Then add the entire amount of oil. Mix (shake) the fuel mixture. Add the remaining amount of gasoline.
before filling the machine’s fuel tank.
ply of fuel at a time. the fuel tank should be emptied and
WARNING: The catalytic con-
verter muffler gets very hot during and after use. This also applies during idling. Be aware of the fire hazard, especially when working near flammable substances and/or vapors.
WARNING: Taking the following
precautions, will lessen the risk of fire: Do not smoke or place hot objects near fuel. Always shut off the engine before refueling. Always stop the engine and let it cool for a few minutes before refueling. When refueling, open the fuel cap slowly so that any excess pressure is released gently. Tighten the fuel cap carefully after refueling. Always move the machine away from the refueling area before starting.
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Min. 10 ft.
(3 m)
S Clean the area around the fuel cap.
Contamination in the tank can cause operating problems.
S Ensure that the fuel is well mixed by shak-
ing the container before filling the tank.
Starting and stopping
WARNING: Never start the blower
if the inlet cover is not closed, is damaged or cannot be closed (except if the vacuum tube is fitted).
Cold engine
Primer bulb: Press the primer bulb 10
times until fuel begins to fill the bulb. The primer bulb need not be completely filled.
Starting: Hold the body ofthe machine on the ground using your left hand (CAUTION! Not with your foot!). Firmly grip the starter rope handle with your right hand. DO NOT squeeze throttle trigger. Slowly pull out the cord until you feel some resistance (the starter pawls grip); then quickly and powerfully pull the cord.
WARNING: Never wrap the starter
cord around your hand.
Pull starter handle until engine attempts to run, but no more than 3 pulls. Move choke to ½ position and pull the cord until the en­gine starts and runs. Allow the engine to warm up for approximately 10 seconds; then, move the choke to the OFF CHOKE (opened) position.
NOTE: If engine dies, return blue engine
choke lever to the closed position and repeat starting steps.
CAUTION! Do not pull the starter cord all the way out and do not let go of the starter handle when the cord is fully extended. This can damage the machine.
Warm engine
With a warm engine, squeeze and hold the throttle trigger. Move choke to ½ position. Pull starter rope sharply while squeezing throttle trigger until engine runs. Move the choke to the OFF CHOKE (opened) position.
To stop the engine, push and release the engine STOP switch (S).
Choke: Move the blue engine choke lever over to the FULL CHOKE (closed) position.
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To blow awaydebris on the ground
Fitting the blower tube and noz zle on the blower
WARNING: When fitting the blow-
er tube and nozzle, the engine must be switched off.
The blower tube (T) has a pegged slot mounting system to the unit. To install or remove the blower tube (or collection bag tube for 125BV bolt must be removed. Align slot in the blower air outlet with the raised rib on the tube and insert tube until the holes in the tube and housing align. Re--insert the tube clamp bolt and tighten.
The nozzles (U) have a bayonet mount for connection to the blower tube. Air is chan­neled through the blower tube to the nozzles, where the air discharge velocity increases and the air stream discharge pat­tern is formed to provide best performance. The length of the blower tube can be ad­justed by twisting the nozzle to the left to disengage the bayonet mount and sliding the nozzle to the appropriate position. Twist the nozzle to the right until a click is felt to re--secure the nozzle.
), the tube clamp
der strap for extra comfort. The strap should be worn over the shoulder as shown.
can be used with a shoul-
Before you begin blowing, put on the re­quired safety equipment.
WARNING: When working with
the blower, wear the required per­sonal safety equipment:
1. Hearing protection.
2. Eye protection.
3. Protective gloves.
4. Face mask in dusty environments.
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WARNING: Never point the blower
nozzle at people or animals. The high--velocity air stream can contain particles that may cause serious injury, especially if the blower has previously been used for vacuuming. Be careful, particularly if left hand operation is applied. Avoid any di­rect body contact with inlet cover area. Keep jewelry, loose clothing, or clothing with loosely hanging straps, ties, tassels, etc., away from inlet cover area.
English--- 13
WARNING: Never start the blower
if the inlet cover is not closed, is damaged or cannot be closed (except if the vacuum tube is fitted).
WARNING: Do not operate the
blower while standing on a ladder or a stand.
Start the blower as described in the Starting and Stopping section. Work according to the following instructions:
1. Never blow air toward fixed objects such as walls, large rocks, automobiles and fences.
2. When working inside corners, blow from the corner and inward toward the center of the work area. Otherwise, debris can fly up in your face and cause eye injury.
3. Never point the blower nozzle at delicate plants.
Standard nozzle
The standard nozzle (V) is included with the 125B, 125B
. When greater accuracy and high air
stream concentration is desired, use the standard nozzle.
and 125BV
1. Open the collection bag. Insert the collection bag tube from inside the bag to fit in the vacuum inlet opening of the bag as shown. Ensure elastic is seated in groove. Close the zipper on the bag.
2. Remove the blower tube and install the collection bag tube. Install and tighten tube clamp bolt. Attach the carrying strap to the collection bag loops.
3. Align arrows on lower vacuum tube and upper vacuum tube. Pushlow er vacuum tube into upper vacuum tube until the lower tube is securely seated in the upper tube (about 3 inches/7 cm). Permanently as­semble the two tubes together with the supplied screw.
4. Open the cover on the side of the blower by using a screwdriver to pry up under the edge of the cover on the side opposite the hinge (indicated by arrow on inlet cover).
5. Press the vacuum tubes in the large opening at the underside of the blower and align the tabs with the slots in the tube. Turn it until the bayonet mount locks (lock symbols align).
High--velocity nozzle
The high--velocity nozzle (W) is an acces­sory of the blower (included with the 125B
When a wider air stream and greater air velocity is desired, use the high--velocity nozzle.
and 125BV
To vacuum debris from the ground (125B 125BV
Fitting the collection bag with the various vacuum tubes
The vacuuming device is an accessory (in­cluded with the 125BV
WARNING: When fitting the
tubes to the blower, the engine must be switched off.
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Before vacuuming, put on the required safety equipment.
WARNING: When working with
the blower, wear the required per­sonal safety equipment:
1. Hearing protection.
2. Eye protection.
3. Protective gloves.
4. Face mask in dusty environments.
When operating the blower, the collection bag must be supported by the shoulder strap. The strap should be worn over the shoulder as shown.
WARNING: Always check that
the collection bag is intact and the zipper is closed before starting the blower. Never use a damaged bag. There is risk of injury due to flying debris. Be careful, particularly if left hand operation is applied. Avoid any direct body contact with the ex­haust outlet area.
WARNING: Never start the blower
if the inlet cover is not closed, is damaged or cannot be closed (except if the vacuum tube is fitted).
WARNING: Do not operate the
blower while standing on a ladder or a stand.
Start the blower as described in the Starting and Stopping section. Work according to the following instructions:
1. Do not vacuum large solid objects that can damage the fan, such as wood, cans (tins) or lengths of string or ribbon.
2. Do not let the vacuum tube strike the ground.
3. The collection bag can be emptied by first stopping the unit and then opening the zip­per on the side.
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