Getting to know your phone
Thank you for cho osing the HUAWEI smart phone.
Firs t, let's take a l ook at a fe w basics.
Press a nd hold t he power bu tton to po wer on yo ur phone. Af ter
your p hone is po wered up, you can use the powe r button to turn
the sc reen off and on.
Preparing your phone
To insert a SIM card, t he battery and a micr oSD card please
perfor m the few s teps shown in the fo llowing figure s.
Your phone is shippe d with the battery pa rtial ly charge d. It is
recomm ended th at you ful ly charge the batte ry before u sing it
for the first t ime.
Dual-Card Management
Your mobil e phone s upports acce ss to both WC DMA an d GSM
networ ks. Follow t he onscre en instruct ions or the quic k start
guide to install SIM cards.
On the home scr een, touch > .
SIM management
to act ivate the SIM cards.
Locking and unlocking the
When you are not using you r phone, p ress the po wer butto n to
turn off the scree n.
After being idl e for a spe cified period of t ime, your phone locks
its scree n automat ical ly.
Foll ow the ons creen inst ructio ns and dra g t o unlock t he
screen or open an applicat ion.
Managing contacts
On the home scr een, touch > to open
Touch the tab page to group y our conta cts for easie r
manag ement.
Making a call
On the home scr een, touch > to open t he diale r.
You can d ial a phone number directly.
You can al so touch a phone num ber in plac es like m essages,
email and webpag es to make a call.
To answer an incomi ng call, drag to .
Sending messages
On the home scr een, touch > to open
Addi ng a photo or audi o clip to a text mes sage turns it into a
mult imed ia messag e.
You can al so save att achments f rom mult imed ia messa ges.
Taking a photo or video
On the home scr een, touch > to open
Touch t o take a ph oto. Frame t he scene and touch
to rec ord a video.