Huawei B3000 User Manual

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Welcome to the Vodafone B3000 LTE CPE!
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Some features of the product and its accessories described herein rely on the software installed, capacities and settings of local network, and may not be activated or may be limited by local network operators or network service providers, thus the descriptions herein may not exactly match the product or its accessories you purchase.
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1 Getting Started............................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Welcome to the Vodafone B3000 LTE CPE ..................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Computer Configuration Requirements ........................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Logging In to the Web Management P age ....................................................................................................... 1
2 Home................................................................................................................................................ 3
2.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1.1 Viewing the Internet Status ..................................................................................................................... 3
2.1.2 Viewing the Internet Usage ..................................................................................................................... 3
2.1.3 Viewing the Wi-Fi Status ........................................................................................................................ 3
2.1.4 Viewing the LAN Usage ......................................................................................................................... 3
2.1.5 Viewing the Antenna Status .................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Product Info rmation ......................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2.1 Viewing the Product Information ............................................................................................................ 4
2.2.2 Viewing the Device List .......................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Quick Setup ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.4 Update .............................................................................................................................................................. 5
2.4.1 Updating on Local ................................................................................................................................... 5
2.4.2 Updating Online ...................................................................................................................................... 5
3 Internet ............................................................................................................................................ 7
3.1 Network Connection ........................................................................................................................................ 7
3.1.1 Selecting a Network Mode ...................................................................................................................... 7
3.1.2 Selecting a Connection Mode ................................................................................................................. 7
3.1.3 Selecting an APN Profile ........................................................................................................................ 8
3.1.4 Selecting PDP Type ................................................................................................................................. 8
3.1.5 Setting Data Roaming ............................................................................................................................. 8
3.2 APN Management ............................................................................................................................................ 9
3.3 PIN Management ............................................................................................................................................. 9
3.3.1 Viewing the Status of the U SI M Card ................................................................................................... 10
3.3.2 Enabling PIN Verification ..................................................................................................................... 10
3.3.3 Disabling PIN Verification .................................................................................................................... 10
3.3.4 Verifying the PIN .................................................................................................................................. 10
3.3.5 Changing the PIN .................................................................................................................................. 10
3.3.6 Setting Automatic Verification of the PIN ............................................................................................ 11
3.3.7 Verifying the PUK ................................................................................................................................. 11
3.4 Setting the Internet MT U ............................................................................................................................... 12
3.5 Setting the D NS .............................................................................................................................................. 12
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4 LAN ................................................................................................................................................ 13
4.1 Setting LAN Host Parameters ........................................................................................................................ 13
4.2 Configuring the DHCP Server ........................................................................................................................ 13
4.3 Bundled Address List ..................................................................................................................................... 14
5 Wi-Fi .............................................................................................................................................. 16
5.1 Wi-Fi Settings................................................................................................................................................. 16
5.1.1 Setting General Parameters ................................................................................................................... 16
5.1.2 Setting SSID Profile .............................................................................................................................. 16
5.2 Access Management ....................................................................................................................................... 18
5.2.1 Setting the Access Policy ...................................................................................................................... 18
5.2.2 Managing the Wi-Fi Access List ........................................................................................................... 18
5.3 WPS Settings .................................................................................................................................................. 19
5.4 Wi-Fi Multi-SSID Settings ............................................................................................................................. 20
5.5 Advanced Settings .......................................................................................................................................... 21
5.6 WDS ............................................................................................................................................................... 21
6 Security.......................................................................................................................................... 23
6.1 Setting Firewall Level .................................................................................................................................... 23
6.2 MAC Filtering ................................................................................................................................................ 23
6.2.1 Managing MAC Address Whitelist ....................................................................................................... 23
6.2.2 Managing MAC Address Blacklist ....................................................................................................... 24
6.3 URL Filtering ................................................................................................................................................. 24
6.3.1 Managing URL Whitelist ...................................................................................................................... 25
6.3.2 Managing URL Blacklist ...................................................................................................................... 25
6.4 IP Filtering...................................................................................................................................................... 26
6.4.1 Managing IP Address Whitelist ............................................................................................................. 26
6.4.2 Managing IP Blacklist ........................................................................................................................... 27
6.5 Setting Service Access Control ...................................................................................................................... 27
6.6 Setting ALG ................................................................................................................................................... 27
6.7 Setting Port Forwarding ................................................................................................................................. 28
6.8 Setting UPnP .................................................................................................................................................. 29
6.9 Setting DMZ................................................................................................................................................... 29
7 Services.......................................................................................................................................... 30
7.1 Setting DDNS................................................................................................................................................. 30
7.2 SMS Management .......................................................................................................................................... 30
7.2.1 Viewing SMS Messages ........................................................................................................................ 30
7.2.2 Sending SMS M essages ........................................................................................................................ 30
7.2.3 Saving SMS Messages .......................................................................................................................... 31
7.2.4 Forwarding SMS Messages .................................................................................................................. 31
7.2.5 Replying to SMS Messages .................................................................................................................. 31
7.2.6 Deleting SMS Messages ....................................................................................................................... 31
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7.3 Setting SMS ................................................................................................................................................... 32
7.4 Setting FTP Server ......................................................................................................................................... 32
7.5 Setting Samba Server ..................................................................................................................................... 32
7.6 Setting DLNA Server ..................................................................................................................................... 33
7.7 Configuring User Settings .............................................................................................................................. 33
7.8 Viewing USB Storage .................................................................................................................................... 34
8 VoIP ............................................................................................................................................... 35
8.1 V iew ing VoIP Information .............................................................................................................................. 35
8.2 Configuring a SIP Server ............................................................................................................................... 35
8.3 Configuring a SIP Account ............................................................................................................................. 36
8.4 Managing Speed Dial ..................................................................................................................................... 36
8.5 Setting Advanced SIP Parameters .................................................................................................................. 37
8.6 Setting Advanced Voice Parameters ............................................................................................................... 38
8.7 Setting Advanced Codec Parameters .............................................................................................................. 38
9 System ........................................................................................................................................... 40
9.1 Maintenance ................................................................................................................................................... 40
9.1.1 Restart ................................................................................................................................................... 40
9.1.2 Reset...................................................................................................................................................... 40
9.1.3 Downloading a Configuration File ........................................................................................................ 40
9.1.4 Uploading a Configuration File ............................................................................................................ 41
9.2 Changing the Password .................................................................................................................................. 41
9.3 Setting the Date and Time .............................................................................................................................. 41
9.4 Diagnosis ........................................................................................................................................................ 42
9.4.1 Ping ....................................................................................................................................................... 42
9.4.2 Traceroute ............................................................................................................................................. 42
9.4.3 System Check........................................................................................................................................ 43
9.4.4 Checking the Wireless Status ................................................................................................................ 43
9.5 Logs ................................................................................................................................................................ 43
9.6 System Notification ........................................................................................................................................ 44
9.7 Setting Antenna .............................................................................................................................................. 44
10 FAQs ............................................................................................................................................ 45
11 Acronyms and Abbreviations ................................................................................................. 46
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1 Getting Started

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1 Getting Started

1.1 Welcome to the Vodafone B3000 LTE CPE

In this document, the LTE (Long Term Evolution) CPE (customer premises equipment) will be replaced by the CPE. Carefully read the following safety symbols to help you use your CPE safely and correctly:
Additional information Optional methods or shortcuts for an action
Potential problems or conventions that need to be specified

1.2 Computer Configuration Requirements

For optimum performance, make sure your computer meets the following requirements.
Item Requirement
CPU Memory 128 MB RAM or higher Hard disk 50 MB available space Operating system
Display resolution 1024 x 768 pixels or higher Browser
Pentium 500 MHz or higher
Microsoft: Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7
Mac: Mac OS X 10.5 or higher
Internet Explorer 7.0 or later
Firefox 3.6 or later
Opera 10 or later
Safari 5 or later
Chrome 9 or later

1.3 Logging In to the Web Management Page

Use a browser to log in to the web management page to configure and manage the CPE. The following procedure describes how to use a computer running Windows XP and Internet
Explorer 7.0 to log in to the web management page of the CPE.
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1. Connect the CPE properly.
2. Launch Internet Explorer, enter in the address bar, and press Enter.
3. Enter the user name and password, and click Log In.
You can log in to the web management page after the password is verified.
To protect your CPE from unauthorized access, change the password after your first login.
The CPE supports diagnostic function. If you encounter problems, please contact customer service for the specific using method.
Please change the default Wi-Fi password as soon as possible. To ensure your data safety, it is recommended that you turn on the firewall, and
conserve your login, Wi-Fi and FTP password carefully.
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2 Home

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2.1 Overview

2.1.1 Viewing the Internet Status
To view the Internet connection status, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Home > Overview.
2. In the Internet Status area, view the Internet status, such as USIM card status, Network
mode, and IP address.
2.1.2 Viewing the Internet Usage
2 Home
To view the network data usage, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Home > Overview.
2. In the Internet Usage area, view the network data usage, including total traffic, uplink and
downlink traffic volumes, uplink and downlink rates, and time spent online.
2.1.3 Viewing the Wi-Fi Status
To view the Wi-Fi network connection status, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Home > Overview.
2. In the Wi-Fi Status area, view the following information.
View the Wi-Fi network connection status, including the SSID, IP Address, MAC Address, Broadcast mode, and Wireless Encryption mode.
View the statistics of the Wi-Fi network, including the total traffic, packets, erroneous packets, and discarded packets transmitted and received over the Wi-Fi network.
2.1.4 Viewing the LAN Usage
To view the local area network (LAN) connection status, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Home > Overview.
2. In the LAN Usage area, view the following information.
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View the LAN status, such as IP address, MAC address, DHCP server. View the statistics of the LAN, including the total traffic, packets, erroneous packets, and
discarded packets transmitted and received over the LAN.
2.1.5 Viewing the Antenna Status
To view the antenna status, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Home > Overview.
2. In the Antenna area, view the antenna status.

2.2 Product Information

2.2.1 Viewing the Product Information
To view the basic product information, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Home > Product Information.
2. In the Product Information area, view the basic information about the CPE.
For example, the name, serial number (SN), international mobile equipment identity (IMEI).
2.2.2 Viewing the Device List
To view the device list, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Home > Product Information.
2. In the Device List area, view the information about the devices, such as Computer Name,
MAC Address, IP Address, and Lease Time. Lease Time indicates the remaining lease duration of the dynamic DHCP server. If a static IP
address is bundled with the device, Lease Tim e and Computer Name are N/A and Unknown respectively.

2.3 Quick Setup

The setup wizard guides you to configure the most important settings of the CPE. After the configurations are complete, the CPE can access the Internet.
To configure the CPE, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Home > Quick Setup.
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2. Click Next to view and set Internet connection parameters.
3. Click Next to view and set Wi-Fi-related parameters, including Wi-Fi, Mode, Channel,
4. Click Next to view and set Wi-Fi security-related parameters, such as Security.
5. Click Next to view the settings you just configured.
6. Click Submit for the settings to take effect.

2.4 Update

SSID, and Hide SSID broadcast .
The displayed parameters vary depending on the Security setting. For example, if Security is set to WPA-PSK&WPA2-PSK, then WPA-PSK and WPA encryption are displayed and must be set.
This function enables you to upgrade the software version of the CPE to the latest version. It is recommended that you update the software because in the new version, certain bugs have been fixed and the system stability is usually improved.
2.4.1 Updating on Local
To perform a local upgrade successfully, connect the CPE to your computer through Wi-Fi or a network cable, save the upgrade file on the computer, and make sure the CPE is not connected to anything other than a power adapter and the computer.
To perform a local upgrade, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Home > Update.
2. In the Local Update area, click Browse.
In the displayed dialog box, select the target software version file.
3. Click Open.
The dialog box closes. The save path and name of the target software version file are displayed in the Update file field.
4. Click Update.
During an upgrade, do not power off the CPE or disconnect it from the computer.
5. Click OK.
The software upgrade starts. After the upgrade, the CPE automatically restarts and runs the new software version.
2.4.2 Updating Online
To perform an online upgrade successfully, make sure the CPE is connected to the Internet. To perform an online upgrade, perform the following steps:
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1. Choose Home > Update.
2. Click Check to detect the latest version.
After updates are found, the CPE retains the server address and informs you if any subsequent updates are found on the server.
Updates are found. Updates are not found.
Go to step 3. The upgrade ends.
3. Click Update to download the updates.
After downloading the updates, the CPE automatically upgrades and restarts. A message is displayed, indicating that the upgrade is complete. Then, the login dialog box is
During an upgrade, do not disconnect the power supply or operate the CPE.
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3 Internet

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3.1 Network Connection

3.1.1 Selecting a Network Mode
To select a network mode for the CPE, perform the following steps:
Insert a valid USIM card into the CPE. Power on the CPE, and then log in to the web management page as the admin user.
1. Choose Internet > Network Connection.
2. Set Network mode to one of the following values:
Value Description
3 Internet
LTE Preferred
LTE Only The CPE accesses 4G networks only. UMTS/GSM
Preferred UMTS Only The CPE accesses 3G networks only. GSM Only The CPE accesses 2G networks only.
3. Click Submit.
The CPE automatically selects its working mode, with an order of preference of 4G, 3G and 2G.
The CPE automatically selects its working mode, with an order of preference of 3G, 2G.
3.1.2 Selecting a Connection Mode
To select a network connection mode, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Internet > Network Connection.
2. Set Connection mode.
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Value Description
Always on
If the conditions permit, the CPE automatically connects to the Internet.
When roaming, accessing the network automatically may incur additional charges.
The CPE disconnects from the Internet upon startup. You can connect or disconnect the CPE to or from the Internet manually.
3. Click Submit.
3.1.3 Selecting an APN Profile
You can select an APN profile for the CPE to access the Internet. To set the APN profile, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Internet > Network Connection.
2. Select a profile from the Profile drop-down list.
3. Click Submit.
3.1.4 Selecting PDP Type
You can select a PDP (Packet Data Protocol) to set the dial-up type, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Internet > Network Connection.
2. Set PDP type to one of the following values described in the following table:
Value Description
Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) that is the foundation for current Internet technologies. Because IP resources are limited, an IP address is shared by different persons in different time periods, that is, an IP address is not allocated to only one network subscriber. Thus, the real-name system cannot be implemented over the IPv4-based networks.
IPv4-to-IPv6 transition technology that is used when IPv4 and IPv6 coexist.
3. Click Submit.
3.1.5 Setting Data Roaming
To turn roaming on or off, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Internet > Network Connection.
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2. Do as follows:
Select the Enable check box behind the Data Roaming to turn it on.
Clear the Enable check box behind the Data Roaming to turn it off.
3. Click Submit.

3.2 APN Management

To create an APN profile, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Internet >APN Management.
2. Click Add.
3. Set Profile name, APN, User Name and Password.
4. Set Authentication to None, PAP, CHAP or Auto.
5. Click Submit.
To modify an APN profile, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Internet >APN Management.
2. Choose the APN profile item to be modified, and click Edit.
3. Modify Profile name, APN, User Name or Password.
4. Set Authentication to None, PAP, CHAP or Auto.
5. Click Submit.
To delete an APN profile, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Internet >APN Management.
2. Choose the APN profile item to be deleted, and click Delete.
3. Click OK.

3.3 PIN Management

To manage the PIN, You can perform the following operations on the PIN Managem ent page:
Enable or disable the PIN verification
Verify the PIN
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Chang the PIN
Set automatic verification of the PIN
3.3.1 Viewing the Status of the USIM Card
To view the status of the USIM card, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Internet > PIN Management.
2. View the status of the USIM card in the USIM card status field.
3.3.2 Enabling PIN Verification
To enable PIN verification, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Internet > PIN Management.
2. Set Pin verification to Enable.
3. Enter the PIN (4 to 8 digits) in the Enter PIN box.
4. Click Submit.
3.3.3 Disabling PIN Verification
To disable PIN verification, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Internet > PIN Management.
2. Set Pin verification to Disable.
3. Enter the PIN (4 to 8 digits) in the Enter PIN box.
4. Click Submit.
3.3.4 Verifying the PIN
If PIN verification is enabled but the PIN is not verified, the verification is required. To verify the PIN, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Internet > PIN Management.
2. Enter the PIN (4 to 8 digits) in the PIN box.
3. Click Submit.
3.3.5 Changing the PIN
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The PIN can be changed only when PIN verification is enabled and the PIN is verified. To change the PIN, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Internet > PIN Management.
2. Set Pin verification to Enable.
3. Set Change PIN to Enable.
4. Enter the current PIN (4 to 8 digits) in the PIN box.
5. Enter a new PIN (4 to 8 digits) in the New PIN box.
6. Repeat the new PIN in the Confirm PIN box.
7. Click Submit.
3.3.6 Setting Automatic Verification of the PIN
You can enable or disable automatic verification of the PIN. If automatic verification is enabled, the CPE automatically verifies the PIN after restarting. This function can be enabled only when PIN verification is enabled and the PIN is verified.
To enable automatic verification of the PIN, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Internet > PIN Management.
2. Set Pin verification to Enable.
3. Set Remember my PIN to Enable.
4. Click Submit.
3.3.7 Verifying the PUK
If PIN verification is enabled and the PIN fails to be verified for three consecutive times, the PIN will be locked. In this case, you need to verify the PUK and change the PIN to unlock it.
To verify the PUK, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Internet > PIN Management.
2. Enter the PUK in the PUK box.
3. Enter a new PIN in the New PIN box.
4. Repeat the new PIN in the Confirm PIN box.
5. Click Submit.
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