Data sheet
HPE Storage and Server Support
IT Media Shredding & Data Sanitisation Services
HPE Data Privacy Services bring your organization the necessary infrastructure support to help you protect and optimize sensitive data
across the entire IT lifecycle, while accelerating business innovation and complying with data security regulations. The need for data privacy
solutions and infrastructure support continues to rise at a very high rate due to current and future UK & EU Data Protection regulations
and the business risk mitigation associated with material management and control. When your organization is retiring systems, upgrading
storage and servers, returning leased equipment, or redeploying data storing devices, it is critical that you take steps to protect the
information they contain. Simply deleting or overwriting the files on the hard drive or other types of media, however, is not enough to make
the data permanently inaccessible.
HPE Data Sanitization Services provide the skilled resource, tools and equipment to help your organization address this important but
often overlooked security risk. Using specialized equipment, tools and software, an HPE service specialist or authorized service partner will
ensure that data can never be reconstructed or recovered from any media in your server and storage devices. These services meet all UK
Government Information Assurance standards (HMG IAS5) across all security classifications up to and including Top Secret.
Service Benefits
• Eliminates the risk of important and sensitive information on hard disk media or back up storage media from being accessed by
unauthorized parties
• A complete range of sanitization or media destruction services available to meet every type of requirement
• Onsite Shredding & Disintegration with shred sizes of 20 mm down to as low as 2 mm
• Enterprise Array or single disk erasure using CESG approved data erasure software
• Higher Level Degaussing of magnetic media
• Barcode Scanning & Serialized Auditing
• SC (Security Cleared) or DV (Developed Vetting) engineers and crews who carry out the work
• Provides fully serialized auditing, reporting & certification of the IT media destroyed or sanitized
• Service approved and certified by all UK Govt Information Assurance bodies in full compliance with HMG IAS5, including CESG, CPNI,
Dipcog & National Cyber Security Centre.
• Pre-Site surveys & Audits
• Provided for all major OEM brands of IT equipment
• Purpose built and self-contained destruction vehicles minimises business interruption

Data sheet
Service feature highlights
• Sanitization & Destruction confirmation and acceptance
• Erasure & Serialized Audit Reports & Certification
Table 1. Service features
Feature Delivery Specifications
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Sanitization Confirmation and acceptance HPE provides the Customer with an upfront document defining the device(s) & media in scope for sanitisation or
Reports and Certification Upon completion of the sanitization or media destruction procedure(s), HPE will provide the Customer with a
destruction and the method of the service to be delivered. The Customer is required to sign this document prior to
work commencement to avoid the possible elimination of valuable data.
Certificate of Onsite Destruction (CoDD), Certificate of Completion & Serialized Asset Report documenting the
equipment sanitized and the method(s) of sanitization and/or media destruction.
Service limitations
This service may be delivered by HPE storage specialists or authorized service partners on site, remotely, or a combination of the two service
delivery methods.
Activities are delivered during HPE local standard business hours unless special arrangements have been made. HPE assumes no liability for
any impact resulting from the availability or reconstruction of the information previously residing on the hard disk media or for any data that
may continue to reside on the disk media following the sanitization process.
The sanitization service can only be performed on functional equipment. Where possible Storage arrays should be powered on and
operational at time of delivery. Servers should be fully operational and capable of boot-up. The HPE provided tools and technologies are
solely for the use of HPE or authorized delivery partners in the delivery of the service. The customer assumes no rights to, and may not
independently operate, the HPE tools and technologies.
Customer responsibilities
The Customer will:
• Assign a designated person from the Customer’s sta who, on behalf of the Customer, will grant all approvals, provide information, and
otherwise be available to assist Hewlett Packard Enterprise whilst onsite in facilitating the delivery of this service
• Provide a suitable work area for delivery of the service, including access to power and any network connections required
• Be responsible for all data backup and restore operations and powering down all hardware that is to be removed for destruction or
recycling when requested by HPE
• Ensure that all site preparation, power supply compatibility requirements, network cabling, and other specified service prerequisites have
been met
• Provide all necessary passwords that might be required to access system data and hard drives to execute data removal
HPE Technology Ser vices are governed by the applicabl e HPE terms and co nditions of service p rovided or in dicated to Cus tomer at the time of purchase.