Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
Microsoft, Encarta, MSN, and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
SoftAP™ is the registered trademark of PCTel.
Other trademarks and trade names may be used in this document to refer to either the entities
claiming the marks and names or their products.
Figure 2: Accessing Systems Information............................................................................................................ 10
Figure 3: Verification of Service Pack ................................................................................................................11
Figure 7: Connecting to Wireless......................................................................................................................15
Figure 34: AP Mode Tools menu....................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 35: AP Mode Tools menu....................................................................................................................... 43
Figure 36: Switch to Station Mode.................................................................................................................... 43
Figure 37: Station Mode switch successful .........................................................................................................44
Figure 38: SoftAP™ in Station Mode................................................................................................................ 44
Figure 53: Options; MAC Filtering tab ..............................................................................................................57
Figure 54: MAC Filtering Enabled ....................................................................................................................58
Figure 55: MAC Address input.........................................................................................................................58
Figure 57: Status of Wireless AP....................................................................................................................... 60
Figure 58: Status of Devices............................................................................................................................. 61
Figure 59: Status of Stations............................................................................................................................. 61
Figure 60: Wireless SoftAP™ Help menu.......................................................................................................... 62
Figure 61: Software Access Point icon...............................................................................................................63
Figure 84: Status of Wireless AP....................................................................................................................... 78
Figure 85: Status of Devices...................................................................................................
Figure 86: Wireless SoftAP™ Help menu.......................................................................................................... 80
Your HP PC includes a Wireless LAN 802.11b/g Device. This device allows you to establish a
wireless network using your HP PC as a Wireless Access Point or as a Wireless Client (Station
Mode) if you already have a wireless network running.
Today, millions of people are installing 802.11 Access Points (Gateways) for wireless networking.
Your HP PC is communicating wirelessly via an embedded Wireless LAN 802.11b/g Device. The
Wireless Software Access Point (SoftAP™ ) available on your HP PC is capable of turning your HP
PC into a wireless Access Point (Gateway) enabling other wireless LAN products to connect to the
internet through your HP PC securely with high-speed access.
The main purpose of the SoftAP™ , once activated, is to provide two modes of accessing the
internet: Station Mode (Client Mode) or Access Point Mode (AP Mode).
It is required that you already have internet access established through an ISP prior to using the
SoftAP™ . For further information, please consult your ISP.
If you have already established a wireless network with access to the internet and you would like
to wirelessly connect this HP PC to your wireless network, use Station Mode.
If your HP PC is connected to the internet and you would like instructions on how to configure for
other machines to share the internet connection through this HP PC please refer to Chapter 7,
Activating Access Point Mode for information on initiating AP Mode.
1.1 Inventory Checklist
Included with your HP PC should be the following items for your Wireless LAN 802.11b/g
CD-ROM (Contains full User’s Manual)
Antenna (Screws to the connector on the back of your HP PC. See Chapter 2)
Printed Quick Install Guide
Wireless LAN 802.11b/g Device
1.2 Supported Security
In order to secure your network from passive or active intrusion four key features are enabled on
the Software Access Point:
WPA personal security
WEP encryption
MAC filtering
Please see Chapter 4 for information on security settings for your Wireless LAN 802.11b/g
Device or refer to the chapters on
Windows XP Wireless Zero Configuration
or Station Mode for detailed information regarding the set up of either WEP or WPA security and
the use of MAC Filtering.
, Access Point Mode
Wireless LAN 802.11b/g Device
2 Antenna Attachment
This chapter contains instructions for antenna installation.
It is assumed that there is an existing wireless LAN network with an internet connection that has
been set up on your computer prior to using the Software Access Point. Please consult your ISP for
further information.
If you have already attached the antenna to your HP PC, please skip to Chapter 3.
1. Screw the antenna connector (A) to the antenna jack (B) located on the back of the HP PC.
Figure 1: Antenna Attachment
2. Place the HP PC on a table or place the antenna in an elevated and open area to achieve the
best wireless performance.
Wireless LAN 802.11b/g Device
3 Verifying your Service Pack
Your system is running the Microsoft XP Operating System with either Service Pack 1(SP1) or
Service Pack 2 (SP2).
Due to differences in appearance between SP1 and SP2 it is important to check which you are
running prior to using this User’s Manual.
In order to verify the level of Microsoft XP being used proceed with the steps shown below.
Figure 2: Accessing Systems Information
1. Select Start in the lower left of your display.
The Start menu will appear.
2. Right click on My Computer to access a menu of options for your computer.
3. Select Properties
The system properties dialog box will appear as shown.
Wireless LAN 802.11b/g Device
Figure 3: Verification of Service Pack
Under the General tab check System information. The Service Pack will be listed as shown above.
Service Pack 1
If your system lists “Service Pack 1” then begin with Chapter 6, Service Pack 1:
Windows XP Wireless Zero Configuration.
Service Pack 2
If your system lists “Service Pack 2” then begin with Chapter 5, Service Pack 2:
Windows XP Wireless Zero Configuration.
Wireless LAN 802.11b/g Device
4 Security Settings
Security can be set up using WEP (Wired Equivalency Protocol) or WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access).
It is important to set up matching security types between 802.11 devices. Be certain to check the
type of security on your other wireless 802.11b/g device(s ) in order to decide which type of
security needs to be set up on your HP PC.
WEP security was the original security standard provided for wireless 802.11 devices. WPA
security is a more recent standard of security available, yet all 802.11b/g devices are not yet
compatible with the WPA standard.
After deciding which type of security you need to use with your Wireless LAN 802.11b/g Device
refer to the Chapters about individual Modes for information on establishing either WEP or WPA
WPA security can either be “WPA Personal TKIP” or “WPA Personal AES”. There is no
noticeable difference between these types of WPA nor is there a difference when
establishing either in the SoftAP™ . It is only necessary to ensure WPA TKIP and AES
compliance with the other 802.11b/g devices you are connecting if you wish to set up
WPA security. If your other 802.11b/g devices do not list either TKIP or AES they are most
likely compliant with both.
Windows XP Wireless Zero Configuration
To verify your Service Pack see Chapter 3.
o Service Pack 1: Windows XP Wireless Zero Configuration.
For information on establishing either WEP or WPA security see Chapter 6, section
o Service Pack 2: Windows XP Wireless Zero Configuration.
For information on establishing security see Chapter 5.
Access Point Mode (AP Mode):
For information on establishing either WEP or WPA security see Chapter 8, section 8.3.
: In order to use Access Point Mode (AP Mode) you must first activate your HP PC to
AP Mode (See Chapter 7).
Station Mode:
For information on establishing either WEP or WPA security see Chapter 3, to verify your
Service Pack.
For information on using Station Mode after converting to AP Mode see Chapter 9.
Wireless LAN 802.11b/g Device
5 Service Pack 2: Windows XP Wireless Zero
This chapter contains information on configuring your HP PC for Station Mode (as a client) if you
do not wish to convert to Access Point Mode (AP Mode). The pictures and instructions refer to
those using Windows XP Service Pack 2. If you are using Windows XP Service Pack 1 please
refer to Chapter 6 for instructions.
It is necessary to complete the steps in Chapter 2, Antenna Attachment and Chapter 3, Verifying
your Service Pack, prior to using Windows XP
It is assumed that there is an existing wireless network with connection to the internet. If
not, please consult your ISP for further information on establishing an internet connection.
If you have already established a wireless network with access to the internet and you would like
to wirelessly connect this HP PC to your wireless network, use Station Mode. Due to Windows
Zero Configuration
running the SoftAP™ in Station or Client Mode. To continue using your HP PC in Station Mode
you will need only to set-up the security (See Chapter 6 for Windows
Chapter 5 for Windows
If your HP PC is connected to the internet and you would like instructions on how to configure for
other machines to share the internet connection through this HP PC please refer to Chapter 7,
Activating Access Point Mode, for information on AP Mode.
(Windows XP Wireless Network Configuration) your HP PC is currently
XP Service Pack 2).
Wireless Network Configuration.
XP Service Pack 1 or
5.1Launching Microsoft Windows XP Wireless Network Configuration
To launch Windows XP Wireless Network Configuration:
1. In the Systems Tray find the Wireless Networking icon.
Figure 4: Wireless Network Icon
2. Select View Available Wireless Networks and the Wireless Network Connection dialog
box will appear.
Wireless LAN 802.11b/g Device
Note: There may be multiple
Network icons in the system
tray. Choose the one for
Wireless Network Connection
as sho
5.2 Setting the Network Key Automatically
The PC will begin functioning in Station Mode (as a Client) with your Wireless LAN Network as
soon as the Network Key is set-up.
If you do not have an existing wireless network you will need to set up your Gateway prior to using
your PC in Station Mode.
If you are attempting to set your PC up to function as an Access Point please see Chapter 7.
1. Find the Network Key (WEP Key or WPA Key) for your Wireless Network.
2. Select View Available Wireless Networks from the Wireless Network icon menu.
The Wireless Network Connection dialog box will appear.
Figure 5: Wireless Network Connection dialog box
3. Select the Wireless Network of your choice by clicking on its name and the entire block will
become highlighted
4. Select Connect in the lower right corner
The Wireless Network Connection dialog box will appear as shown below.
Wireless LAN 802.11b/g Device
Figure 6: Wireless Network Connection dialog box
5. Enter your Network Key (WEP Key or WPA Key) for your Wireless Network.
6. Input the Network Key a second time into the “Confirm network key” box.
If your network is using WEP encryption, then a HEX or an ASCII format is necessary
when entering your Network Key:
HEX: 10 Characters in HEX notation for 40 bit or 26 characters for 128 bit encryption.
ASCII: 5 characters for 40 bit or 13 characters for 128 bit encryption.
If your network is using WPA it is necessary to enter an 8 – 63 character alphanumeric
The Network Key will accept any of these as it supports both WEP and WPA.
7. Select Connect
The Wireless Network Connection dialog box appears as you are being connected.
Figure 7: Connecting to Wireless
After connection to the network the Wireless Network Connection dialog box will reappear
showing the connection as shown in Figure 8.
Wireless LAN 802.11b/g Device
Figure 8: Wireless Network Connection dialog box
5.3 Setting the Network Key Manually
Your HP PC is functioning in Station or Client Mode by default. After launching the application
(See Section 5.1, Launching the application) you will need to input the Network name and
Network Key. The Network name and Network Key must both be set up for your HP PC to
function with your current network in Station Mode.
Before manually setting up the Network name and Network Key on your HP PC you must identify
this information on your current wireless network:
Network name (SSID)
Security WPA-PSK Key OR Security WEP Key
The Wireless Network Connection dialog box appears when you have launched Windows XP
Wireless Zero Configuration:
Figure : Wireless Network Connection dialog box
Your Network
name will appear in
the Available wireless
networks box. Any
other listed available
wireless networks
represent the wireless
networks established
within range of your
HP PC. These will
vary and do not
rovide secured
access to the internet.
Wireless LAN 802.11b/g Device
Figure 9: Wireless Network Connection dialog box
1. Choose your Wireless Network in the Available wireless networks selection box. Your
network will become highlighted as shown in figure 9.
2. Select Change advanced settings found on the left side of the dialog box.
The Wireless Network Connection Properties dialog box appears.
3. Select the General tab in the Wireless Network Connection Properties dialog box.
4. Highlight Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) in the “This connection uses the following items:”
selection box.
5. Select Properties.
The Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box appears with the General tab displayed.
Wireless LAN 802.11b/g Device
Figure 11: Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box
6. Verify that the following choices are selected:
Obtain an IP address automatically
Obtain DNS server address automatically
Note: Obtaining an IP address automatically is recommended. If static IP address settings
are preferred, refer to your own wireless network settings.
7. Select OK.
You are returned to the Wireless Network Connection Properties dialog box.
For instructions on how to set WEP security refer to Section 5.3.1. For instructions on how to set
WPA security refer to Section 5.3.2.
Wireless LAN 802.11b/g Device
5.3.1 WEP: Setting the Network Key (Network Security)
Securing your Software Access Point enabled network is essential in a wireless network
environment. Security for the Software Access Point is maintained through the following features:
Support for WPA (WPA-Personal Security (Wi-Fi protected access) AES and TKIP)
Support for the WEP (Wired Equivalency Protocol)
Support for MAC address filtering
This section gives instruction on how to correctly set up WEP security on your HP PC. If you are
currently running a WPA enabled device, skip to Section 5.3.2, WPA: Setting the Network Key
(Network Security).
In order to set up your Network Key (WEP security feature) you will need to do the following:
1. Open the Wireless Network Connection Properties dialog box:
Right click on the Wireless Networks icon in the system tray.
Select View Available Wireless Networks from the Wireless Networks icon menu.
The Wireless Network Connection dialog box appears.
Select Change advanced settings on the left side of the dialog box.
The Wireless Network Connection Properties dialog box appears.
Select the Wireless Networks tab as shown in figure 12 below.
Wireless LAN 802.11b/g Device
Figure 12: Manually adding a Wireless Network
2. Select Add under the Preferred networks selection box.
The Wireless Network Properties dialog box appears.
Figure 13: Wireless network properties dialog box
3. Input your Network name (SSID).
4. Uncheck the box “The key is provided for me automatically”.
5. Verify that the Network Authentication is set to Open.
Wireless LAN 802.11b/g Device
6. Verify that the Data Encryption is set to WEP.
7. Input the Network Key of your Access Point, Wireless Broadband Router or Wireless
Either a HEX or ASCII format is necessary when using the WEP interface. Your WEP
enabled device should already have either HEX or ASCII format pass-phrase
associated. Consult the information asked for in section 5.2.
HEX: 10 characters in HEX notation for 40 bit, or 26 characters for 128 bit.
ASCII: 5 characters for 40 bit, 13 characters for 128 bit.
8. Input the Network Key a second time into the “Confirm network key” box.
9. Select OK.
You are returned to the Wireless Network Connection Properties dialog box and are able to
verify your connection.
5.3.2 WPA: Setting the Network Key (Network Security)
Securing your Software Access Point enabled network is essential in a wireless network
environment. Security for the Software Access Point is maintained through the following features:
Support for WPA (WPA-Personal Security (Wi-Fi protected access) AES and TKIP)
Support for the WEP (Wired Equivalency Protocol)
Support for MAC address filtering
This section gives instruction on how to correctly set up WPA security on your HP PC. If you are
currently running a WEP enabled device, return to Section 5.3.1, WEP: Setting the Network Key
(Network Security).
In order to set up your Network Key (WPA security feature) you will need to do the following:
1. Open the Wireless Network Connection Properties dialog box:
Right click on the Wireless Networks icon in the system tray.
Select View Available Wireless Networks from the Wireless Networks icon menu.
The Wireless Network Connection dialog box appears.
Select Change advanced settings on the left side of the dialog box.
The Wireless Network Connection Properties dialog box appears.
Select the Wireless Networks tab as shown in figure 14 below.
2. Select Add under the Preferred networks selection box.
The Wireless Network Properties dialog box appears as shown in Figure 15.
Figure 15: Wireless network properties dialog box
Wireless LAN 802.11b/g Device
3. Uncheck the box “The key is provided for me automatically”.
4. Verify that the Network Authentication is set to WPA-PSK.
5. Verify that the Data Encryption is set to TKIP.
6. Input the Network Key of your Access Point, Wireless Broadband Router or Wireless
A 8 – 63 character alphanumeric key-phrase is necessary when using the WPA interface.
WPA does not require HEX or ASCII notation common with WEP keys. Your WPA
enabled device should already have a 8 – 63 character alphanumeric key-phrase.
Consult the information asked for in section 5.2 .
7. Input the Network Key a second time into the “Confirm network key” box.
8. Select OK.
You are returned to the Wireless Network Connection Properties dialog box and are able to
verify your connection.
Wireless LAN 802.11b/g Device
6 Service Pack 1: Windows XP Wireless Zero
This chapter contains information on configuring your HP PC for Station Mode (as a client) if you
do not wish to convert to Access Point Mode (AP Mode).
It is necessary to complete the steps in Chapter 2, Antenna Attachment and Chapter 3, Veryfying
your Service Pack prior to using Windows XP
It is assumed that there is an existing wireless network with connection to the internet. If
not, please consult your ISP for further information on establishing an internet connection.
If you have already established a wireless network with access to the internet and you would like
to wirelessly connect this HP PC to your wireless network, use Station Mode. Due to Windows
Zero Configuration
running the SoftAP™ in Station or Client Mode. To continue using your HP PC in Station Mode
you will need only to set-up the Network name and network security (Chapter 3).
If your HP PC is connected to the internet and you would like instructions on how to configure for
other machines to share the internet connection through this HP PC please refer to Chapter 7,
Activating Access Point Mode, for information on AP Mode.
(Windows XP Wireless Network Configuration) your HP PC is currently
Wireless Network Configuration.
6.1 Launching Microsoft Windows XP Wireless Network Configuration
To launch Windows XP Wireless Network Configuration:
1. In the Systems Tray find the Wireless Networking icon.
Note:There may be multiple
Network icons in the system
Figure 16: Wireless Network icon
2. Select View Available Wireless Networks from the Wireless Network icon menu.
The Wireless Network Connection dialog box will appear.
tray. Choose the one for
Wireless Network Connection
as sho
Wireless LAN 802.11b/g Device
6.2 Setting the Network name and Network Security
Your HP PC is functioning in Station or Client Mode by default. After launching the application
(See Section 6.1, Launching the application) you will need to input the Network name and
Network Key. The Network name and Network Key must both be set up for your HP PC to
function with your current network in Station Mode.
Before setting up the Network name and Network Key on your HP PC you must identify this
information on your current wireless network:
Network name (SSID)
Security WPA-PSK Key OR Security WEP Key
The Wireless Network Connection dialog box appears when you have launched Windows XP
Wireless Zero Configuration:
Your Network
name will appear in
the Available wireless
networks box. Any
other listed available
wireless networks
represent the wireless
networks established
within range of your
HP PC. These will
vary and do not
provide secured
access to the internet.
Figure 17: Wireless Network Connection dialog box
Wireless LAN 802.11b/g Device
1. Choose your Wireless Network in the Available wireless networks selection box.
2. Select Advanced.
The Wireless Network Connection Properties dialog box appears.
3. Select the General tab in the Wireless Network Connection Properties dialog box.
4. Highlight Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) in the “This connection uses the following items:”
selection box.
5. Select Properties.
Wireless LAN 802.11b/g Device
The Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box appears with the General tab displayed.
Figure 19: Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box
6. Verify that the following choices are selected:
Obtain an IP address automatically
Obtain DNS server address automatically
Note: Obtaining an IP address automatically is recommended. If static IP address settings
are preferred, refer to your own wireless network settings.
7. Select OK.
You are returned to the Wireless Network Connection Properties dialog box.
For instructions on how to set WEP security refer to Section 6.2.1. For instructions on how to set
WPA security refer to Section 6.2.2.
Wireless LAN 802.11b/g Device
6.2.1 WEP: Setting the Network Key (Network Security)
Securing your Software Access Point enabled network is essential in a wireless network
environment. Security for the Software Access Point is maintained through the following features:
Support for WPA (WPA-Personal Security (Wi-Fi protected access) AES and TKIP)
Support for the WEP (Wired Equivalency Protocol)
Support for MAC address filtering
This section gives instruction on how to correctly set up WEP security on your HP PC. If you are
currently running a WPA enabled device, skip to Section 6.2.2, WPA: Setting the Network Key
(Network Security).
In order to set up your Network Key (WEP security feature) you will need to do the following:
1. Open the Wireless Network Connection Properties dialog box:
Right click on the Wireless Networks icon in the system tray.
Select View Available Wireless Networks from the Wireless Networks icon menu.
Verify that the wireless network you wish to set up security for is highlighted in the
2. Select Refresh to the right of the Available networks selection box.
3. Highlight the Network name (SSID) of your Access Point, Wireless Broadband Router or
Wireless Gateway in the “Available networks” selection box.
4. Select Configure
The Wireless Network Properties dialog box appears.
Figure 21: Wireless network properties dialog box
5. Verify that the Network name (SSID) is the same as the one selected in step 3 of this
6. Uncheck the box “The key is provided for me automatically”.
7. Verify that the Network Authentication is set to Open.
8. Verify that the Data Encryption is set to WEP.
9. Input the Network Key of your Access Point, Wireless Broadband Router or Wireless
Either a HEX or ASCII format is necessary when using the WEP interface. Your WEP
enabled device should already have either HEX or ASCII format pass-phrase
associated. Consult the information asked for in section 6.2.
HEX: 10 characters in HEX notation for 40 bit, or 26 characters for 128 bit.
ASCII: 5 characters for 40 bit, 13 characters for 128 bit.
10. Input the Network Key a second time into the “Confirm network key” box.
11. Select OK.
You are returned to the Wireless Network Connection Properties dialog box.
In order to verify your wireless connection see section 6.3, Verifying your Wireless Connection.
Wireless LAN 802.11b/g Device
6.2.2 WPA: Setting the Network Key (Network Security)
Securing your Software Access Point enabled network is essential in a wireless network
environment. Security for the Software Access Point is maintained through the following features:
Support for WPA (WPA-Personal Security (Wi-Fi protected access) AES and TKIP)
Support for the WEP (Wired Equivalency Protocol)
Support for MAC address filtering
This section gives instruction on how to correctly set up WPA security on your HP PC. If you are
currently running a WEP enabled device, return to Section 6.2.1, WEP: Setting the Network Key
(Network Security).
In order to set up your Network Key (WPA security feature) you will need to do the following:
1. Open the Wireless Network Connection Properties dialog box:
Right click on the Wireless Networks icon in the system tray.
Select View Available Wireless Networks from the Wireless Networks icon menu.
Verify that the wireless network you wish to set up security for is highlighted in the