HP t5400, t5570 Using Manual

HP thin clients running Microsoft® Windows Embedded Standard 2009 (WES) and Windows® XP Embedded (XPe)
Table of Contents:
Introduction ........................................................................................................ 2
Installing SIDGen on a WES- or XPe-based HP thin client ...................................... 2
Executing Altiris SIDGen Utility ............................................................................. 4
Although the Altiris Client agent is preinstalled, a free license will no longer be included on the t574x and all new platforms going forward. To purchase a license, contact Altiris at http://www.altiris.com.
Altiris Deployment Solution uses a program called Altiris Rapideploy for image deployment. Upon image deployment, you must create a unique System ID (SID) for each WES- and XPe-based thin client to prevent security vulnerabilities. To accomplish this, a utility called SIDGen is provided with Deployment Solution that you can install on the thin client with the Aclient Deployment Solution agent.
This document outlines the steps to install SIDGen on a WES- or XPe-based thin client and handle the Microsoft Enhanced Write Filter (EWF) or File Based Write filter (FBWF) correctly. Current WES and XPe images for thin clients preinstall the SIDGen utility.
Installing SIDGen on a WES- or XPe-based HP thin client
The following steps show the correct procedure for installing Altiris SIDGen on a WES- or XPe-based thin client. Upon completing these steps, any Deployment Solution Capture or Deploy image job will automatically create a unique SID on the target unit.
1. Install Altiris Deployment Solutions 6.9 Service Pack 2.
Older versions of Altiris such as Deployment Solutions 6.1 SP1 Hotfix C, 6.5 or
6.8 have a SIDGen that works with XPe Service Pack 2 (SP2) and prior versions of XPe; however the SIDGen from 6.9 SP2 is required for XPe SP3 and WES. The SIDGen file from a Deployment Solutions 6.9 SP2 or later installation can be copied to and replace the existing SIDGen on a prior version of Deployment Solutions, if you wish to use a version of Deployment Solutions older than SP2 to manage the XPe Sp3- or WES-based thin clients. The current Deployment Solution product is available at the following Web site:
2. On a thin client with the Altiris agent installed, log on as an administrator.
3. From the run line, type regedit and press Enter.
4. Click HKEY_Local_Machine.
5. Click Software.
6. Click Altiris.
7. Right-click Client Service and choose Export.
8. Name the file sidgen and save it. Accept the default file extension, .reg.
9. Close regedit.
10. Use Notepad to open sidgen.reg created in step 8.
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